Education, study and knowledge

Pinóquio: summary, analysis and films

Pinóquio é um two personagens more conhecidos of children's literature.

A history of the wooden bone that earns life, written in the nineteenth century, was created in Italy by Carlo Collodi (1826 - 1890) and translated for the world inside by making a series of adaptations.



Quem foi Gepeto?

It was once a senhor chamado Gepeto who morava in a quartinho no rés do chão. He lived sozinho in his house and as a hobby, he worked with Madeira.

One of his inventions was an articulated boneco for the fazer company that knew how to dance, fencing and somersaulting.

After finishing breeding, Gepeto suspirou e disse:

- Seu, it will not be Pinóquio - disse ele, ao termina or boneco. - Penalty that I do not have to fail! But not bad. Even so, it will be my friend!


Pinóquio earns a living

Some days later, during a night, Fada Azul was visited by the wooden boneco and the year said "Pimbinlimpimpim" the of his life.

Pinóquio, who was now capable of falaring and walking, thanked Fada Azul immensely because he was alone, Gepetto, allowed me to talk.

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Ao agree Gepeto could not prove that it was happening and at the beginning that it would be dreaming. He finally convinced himself that it was the same as real life and gratitude or destiny, promising that Pinóquio would be his filho.

To education of Pinóquio

And so Gepeto went on to treat Pinóquio: as um filho. Enroll in a school as well as possible. O travesso Pinóquio, no entanto, no gostava much to study:

you are going to send me to school and for bem or for bad you will have to study; e eu, to be bem sincere as you, I do not have a minor to study and I have more fun running backwards, borboletas and climbing the trees to help you pass us ninhos

É na school that or boneco de madeira animated interaction with crianças e barnacle that is not a human being.

The adventures of Pinóquio

Years ago, two issues created by Carlo Collodi have seen the wooden boneco grow mature and learn to conquer a series of tentações. He is many times accompanied by Grilo Falante, who is a kind of conscience that either indicates or walks with certainty that he must follow.

Grilo Falante

Ao long of his adventures, Pinóquio gets into a series of enrascadas - mind for o pai, foge da escola, se Envelop with more companhia - more ends up always being except for the Blue Fada that either protects and directs for the road. certain.

Personagens principais



Pai do Pinóquio, Geppetto was a solitary carpenter who one beautiful day resolved to build an articulated wooden boneco for the manufacturing company.

A whole homem of bom coração, or enthalhador passava seus dias sozinho attached to Pinóquio's chegada, who happens to love like a filho.



Travesso, curious, arteiro, Pinóquio loves seu pai Gepeto acima de tudo. Answering machine, or menino does not want to grow and ends up being placed in a series of flushed due to his imaturity of him.

Blue Fada

Blue fada

It is he who made or desired Gepetto and gives life to the boneco de madeira feito pelo carpinteiro. Depois de dizer Pimbinlimpimpim, Pinóquio ganha corpo e alma.

Grilo Falante

Grilo Falante

The voice gives consciousness of Pinóquio. You said here that the wood boneco should know to make mature escorts and responsáveis. O Grilo Falante represents wisdom.


We must never lie

Every time Pinóquio thinks, or his nose grows, that it mutes twice, Pinóquio mints unthinkable and just to protect himself.

This impulse to lie especially affects children between four and five years old, because of this history it fails especially to this age public. Ao ler a narrative to criança barnacle that a lie tem perna curta e, more I give up or later, to be true, it will come to tona.

We also learn with Pinóquio that it is always possible to regret it and that this regret can bring us positive rewards.

Or love between country and filhos not a questão de sangue

Gepeto loves with everything or his heart Pinóquio, or filho that he wanted so much. In addition, he does not show his own sangue do seu sangue from him, and with Pinóquio who shares or seu tempo in his life demonstrating total and absolute dedication.

Pinóquio also maintains a bond of infinite love as his breeder, despite many times he will rebel against him as any criança.

Pinoquio Gepeto

A history of love between country and filho also shows that we must always respect and obey you most velhos. Gepeto tenta semper route Pinóquio para o melhor caminho.

Study is accurate

At the time when Pinóquio was written to Italy, he lived with profound illiteracy in the country. I knew that directing your filhos to the school was a few ways to offer-lhes a future melhor.

Do not by chance Gepeto obriga or filho de Madeira to attend the school and accredits that to education and a way to liberate us. O conhecimento não only instructed us to make decisions as also a guarantor of a man where we can finish a series of escorts.

Pinoquio escola

Pinóquio at the beginning discorda do pai e acha a escola uma chatice. Or Grilo Falante, no entanto, no principle of ensina history or small boneco de madeira:

(Grilo) - I don't like going to school, why don't I learn anything but a trade, to be able to earn honestly or for every day?
- Do you want me to say? - Pinóquio replied (...) - Of all the people of the world, there is only one that I like.
- What would it be ...
- To eat, drink, sleep, have fun and take a day off na vagabundagem.
- For your knowledge - disse or Grilo Falante with his usual calm -, all of you who embrace this trade always end up not hospital or prison.

Ao long narrative gives a series of times or boneco de madeira and instructed by Gepeto or by other people to insist on our studies - even if at that moment Pinóquio não tenha nenhuma vontade.

O counted highlights the importance of studying to get somewhere in life and be independent.


Pinóquio - Disney version (1940)

The adaptation of Disney is a major responsibility for disseminating the Pinóquio personage to the world, much more or less long ago, having a series of alterations to the original history.

A North American production and turned for children, it lasted 88 minutes and was released in February 1940, becoming a classic.

O film recebeu dois Óscares naquele ano (de melhor trilha sonora e melhor music by When you wish upon a star).

Pinóquio 3000

A story released in 2004 is inspired by the classic Carlo Collodi and embora faça a series of significant non-rotten alterations.

Nessa futuristic version of Pinóquio or menino não é um boneco de madeira and sim a robot bred by Gepeto - a duo lives in Scamboville no year 3000.

Find or trailer for computerized animation:

Pinnochio 3000 - Official trailer

At the origin of Pinóquio

Carlo Collodi (1826 - 1890), pseudonym of Carlo Lorenzini, was a classical breeder of children's literature. Uma curiosity: or surname of the pseudonym or not the city of origin of the author.

Carlo Collodi
Portrait of Carlo Collodi (1826 - 1890)

Carlo studied in a seminary, but ended up becoming a librarian, translator, writer and journalist. Choose to write after oil or challenge to translate Charles Perrault's contos infantis into Italian.

Among a series of stories, he grew up, aged 55, The Adventures of Pinocchio The first chapter was published in 1881 in a children's magazine. A continuation of the history was published in fascicles having been very received by the public and occupied for three years of his life.

The narrative was so successful that the logo was translated for other countries. As decades passed by, I saw history winning a series of adaptations for audiovisual and theater.

Livro Pinóquio às Avessas

Written by Rubem Alves com ilustrações de Maurício de Souza, or livro Pinóquio às Avessas it is quite far from the original story. A new work seeks to criticize the traditional teaching method by instigating or reading them to think about an education by different methods.

The protagonist Felipe is placed in a traditional school face with hair seu pai. Either the objective was that either the child learns or the maximum to be succeeded not vestibularly and to achieve a well remunerated profissão.

Pinoquio as Avessas

To be sure, Felipe does not join the nova school because he has different interests (he wants to know more about you, to understand gênese dos passarinhos). Unmotivated, he ends up following the cliff or plane of the country and becomes an unhappy and empty adult.

A Rubem Alves story challenges us to think as a traditional ensino many times it oppresses or aluno and withdraws to his joy of learning.

Conheça also

  • Moral da historia dos três porquinhos
  • Histórias Infantis: 3 commented contos for crianças
  • Conto O patinho feio
  • Count João and Maria
  • Os melhores livros infantis da Brazilian literature
  • Conto Chapeuzinho Vermelho
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