Body painting: ancestrality da years leaf days
As body paintings are artistic manifestations used by human beings since the most remote times. The body constitutes a support for the expression in different civilizations, from different places on planets and in different times.
From the indigenous and African tribes to the days of leaf, this type of art is part of the process of two human beings as individuals and as part of collective life.
Indigenous body painting
![indigenous body painting](/f/540e754b03a33962c6b976b2908322fb.jpg)
TO body paint It is an expression of great importance for the majority of Brazilian indigenous tribes.
Those populations paint their bodies as a form of exercise your spirituality e sense of collective life. Generally, the paintings are ideal to be used in moments of celebrations and rituals, mourning, marriages, caça, preparations for war or cure of doenças.
There are many indigenous people and various ways of decorating or painting them, being these pigments extracted from natural elements. In order to obtain vermelho generally it is used by
urucum, já o preto e feito through maceração da polpa do jenipapo green. There are still some povos that we used or chalky to produce a branca.To apply the pigments and feita using various instruments, such as braces, wood, pieces of cotton, various pins and, mainly, mine.
Uma das tribos that stands out in body painting hair with its delicate and meticulous character, or povo Kadiwéu, present not Mato Grosso do Sul. Formerly, this art was more practiced, today, unfortunately it was losing space and it was applied in ceramics that are sold for tourists.
To know more about or subject, read: Indigenous art: types of art and characteristics
African body painting
![african body painting](/f/82b834cff2301b2950f3d4ffffde5f5a.jpg)
It is the same way as indigenous civilizations in Brazil, as well as African tribal populations, also launching paintings not corporate as an important cultural expression Generally linked to religiosity and hierarchical positions not group.
Each povo uses certain types of paint depending on the occasion and two different rituals that we perform.
You povos do Vale do Rio Omo, located not in Ethiopia, they are known as masters of body painting. These populações still manage to preserve this tradition, but they remain protected do contato com as civilizações ocidentais. Dessa form, seus costumes are still very similar to the two antecedent seus.
Normally, African povos use pigments extracted from plant seeds, vulcanic rocks, clay of various colors, among other natural elements, as inks.
No Ocidente, African art was used as a reference and inspiration, not European modernism, especially not cubism.
You can also be interested in:
- African art: history, manifestations and contemporary art
- African masks and serious meanings
Hindu body painting
![hindu body painting](/f/ebd59914b7f170185d60ce423b98fd17.jpg)
The Hindu traditions also have a costume to adorn the bodies with paintings. Especially us marriages, As women are shaved with delicate gestures.
Esses deshos são symbols of bom presságio and of a ritual of passagem. From that moment on, moça becomes part of her husband's family. Another element that symbolizes this link and the brand vermelha feita na testa da mulher.
TO henna is pigment for ornaments. This ink is feita from a plant called mehendi. Or shrub is common in the regions that are quentes and its folhas are dehydrated and wet to make ink, which lasts a few days in the field.
Tatuagem: a permanent body paint
![tatuagem body painting](/f/37fa1fb6d9dcf930167c303a88c255fc.jpg)
TO tatuagem It is a type of body painting that is present in our civilization, as is the case of maquiagem too. As people customarily mark their bodies permanently in search of differentiation from other individuals, showing authenticity. There are also tatuagens feitas like homagens to people or important moments.
Seja as for, this is a fairly common practice in our leafing days. But, as well as other forms of body painting, the not recent. The first tattoo that was reported was found in 1991, no body of a homem that lived about 5,300 BC. C. in the region of the Alps.
Provavelmente, these povos will develop the permanent paintings as an idea to fix their history, due to the nomadic life and frequent changes of premises.
As a tempo, at tatuagem I was gaining more and more space in different populations and having different purposes, such as differentiation of social groups, identification of people scravados and prisoners, ornamentation e as an element em rituais. There are old records of expressing in different parts of the world, such as Taiti, Japan, Nova Zelândia, Índia and Africa.
Also check: Pop art: characteristics, main works and artists.
Body painting
Currently, there are also artists who serve as corporations as support for paintings that surprendem and excite us.
This is the case of the artist Servia Mirjana Milosevic, a child from Kika. She produced paintings on her own in order to create impressive illusions, as you can see below.
Body art: or corpo as art material
From two 60s, emerged in the USA in Europe a type of contemporary art called body art. Or concept ofbody art, makes sense, it is not necessarily related to body painting, but if I do not use it as instrument and material for the realization of works of art.
![body art](/f/8844e3d38a19dd38d721bc1655719ad8.jpg)
Normally, nessa vertente os artists look for me impact or public, associating-you change times to performance e o happennig. Also, they are concerned about raising opposition to the art market and tracing other roles, such as women, blacks and homosexuals, for example.
I also read: Or what is Painting? Discover history and principal painting techniques