10 works to become cordel literature
Cordel literature is an important part of a rich culture of the Brazilian Northeast.
Do not string poets contaminate history in the format of poetry, using rhymes. Many cordéis are declared and illustrated.
O nome cordel vem do fato de, na origin desse kind of literature, the vendors will hold books and leaflets in a string to sell free fairs.
1. Saudação ao Juazeiro do Norteby Patativa do Assaré

Em Saudação ao Juazeiro do Norte, Patativa do Assaré face um praise from the northeastern city This is the life of Father Cícero Romão, an important person for the region.
Also, as in other serious works, we repair how poems are a kind of music, with verses very marked by rhymes. Há quem say that Patativa não screvia, cantava, de tão marked pela musicalidade which was or was his text from him.
Long year of work Saudação ao Juazeiro do Norte, Patativa fala não only about the city of Juazeiro, but about importance of faith for as pessoas da terra.
Logo that he began to discredit the city, or poet lembra of Father Cícero.
Same sem eu ter estudo
sem ter do colégio or bafejo,
Juazeiro, I salute you
com o meu sertanejo verse
Cidade de grande sorte,
by Juazeiro do Norte
tens to denomination,
more teu not me true
it will be forever Juazeiro
of Father Cícero Romão.
Juazeiro and Padre Cícero appear, therefore, always together, not a poem, as if they did not exist once or twice. Patativa do Assaré (1909-2002) is one of the two most important authors in the cordel universe and tells us his many verses reality of sertanejo e do trabalho com a terra.
O pseudônimo Patativa is a reference to a passerby in the northeastern region that has a beautiful song in Assaré and is a tribute to the nearest town in the region.
Or rapacious, of humble origins, he saw the non-interior world of Ceará and it was a family of poor farmers. Ainda young, he received little formal education, having barely been literate.
Ainda assim, since I give in, he began to write verses while also working in no field. Second or own Patativa:
Eu sou um caboclo roceiro who, as a poet, always sing to vida do povo
You want to know more about or conheça writer or artigo Patativa do Assaré: analyzed poems.
2. A woman who owes tobacco in the presence of her husbandby Gonçalo Ferreira da Silva
A story told by Gonçalo Ferreira da Silva (1937) tem great humor Dona Juca introduces us as the main personage of history.
As a sun to heal people, use tobacco or own tobacco to solve any type of health problem: perna ferida, flu, all kinds of bodily ills.
Dona Juca was gifted
Of perfumed sovaco,
E quem ferisse uma perna
Numa is ou num buraco
Ela curava a ferida
Like your own tobacco.
Either Dona Juca's husband, or his Mororó, he is not very good at virtue da mulher because she gathered more and more people over her. A fame da curandeira is increasing day after day and reconhecimento traz novos doentes for fazerem or such miraculous treatment.
O cord turns everything in the universe of the growth of romance. Very funny, the verses ended in an unexpected way.
Gonçalo Ferreira da Silva (1937) is an important ropemaker who was born in Ceará, born in Ipu, and published his first work in 1963 (or free Um rest of reason). From then on, I began to write a book and do research on popular culture, going to visit Feira de São Cristóvão, a well-known local rope-makers in Rio de Janeiro.
3. Poetry with rapaduraby Bráulio Bessa

Representante da nova geração do cordel, or jovem Bráulio Bessa (1985) traz em Poetry with rapadura a series of verses about or everyday além de life licenses.
Contrary to other works of the twine universe that contains a unique history with the beginning, middle and end, or book of Bráulio Bessa He drew several very different poems, but all of them written as a language from day to day and trying to transmit a teaching to or leitor.
Ah, be a rulers day
pay more attention
we are truly heroic
that constroem a nation;
ah, be fair
sem corpo mole ou preguiça
I have given real value.
eu daria um grande cry:
I have faith and credit
na força do professor.
No poem Years mestres, Bráulio faz um commendation to the professors and fala da necessidade two governors value or work that they dedicated themselves to or in fact. Muitos dos seus cordéis, assim como Years mestres, são também social criticism.
Bráulio has an important role in the dissemination of the cord for the northeast. After you have been invited to participate in the morning program of Fátima Bernardes, or poet passed over to a fixed square where he recited some two most famous serious chords. In this way, Bráulio helped popularize the cordel culture, which was less well known among Brazilians than it lived in the northeast.
É fã do poeta? Then take the opportunity to know or artigo Bráulio Bessa e seus melhores poems.
4. Story of rainha Estherby Arievaldo Viana Lima
The line of the popular poet Arievaldo tells the long journey of Esther, an important biblical personage for the Jews, who was considered to be the most beautiful woman.
Supreme Being Inbred
Holy Deus Onipotent
Send teus rays of light
Light up my mind
To transform into verses
A history like thisPhallus gives life to Esther
That the Bible is described
She was a virtuous Jew
And extremely pretty.
Ester vira rainha, e o cordel de Arievaldo, from the first days of the girl's life, told me the dilemmas that she needs to face in order to protect herself.
Or author faz uma re-writing of the story told in the bible e transforms or course of Esther num poetic text, cheio of rhymes and rich details.
Arievaldo Viana Lima (1967-2020) uses the fast and rhymed verses to tell the same thing or what happened with Esther and how she was loved at that moment in history.
Or a poet, who was also an illustrator, publicist and radio writer, born in Ceará and produced a series of cordéis helping to spread the culture of the Northeast of the country.
5. As adventures do amarelo João Cinzeiro papa onçaby Francisco Sales Areda

Or main personagem of this cordel é João de Abreu, um amarelo pançudo da Praia de Goiana. Ele sofria com a miséria next to the woman, Joana, que o batia. One day João resolves to revolt against his situation and reinvents himself as a brave and courageous home, capable of hunting down.
The story of João de Abreu is marked by faith in the Northeast, by persevere And, at the same time, it strikes forte presença da ideia do Destiny.
Every living year is born
traz seu traçado program
for o bem ou for o bad
prá be um rich or devastated
prá be valente ou mofino
ha see you ready
Francisco Sales Areda (1916-2005), who tells us this story, born in Paraíba, in Campina Grande. Além de escrever cordel was also a viola singer, leaflet seller and feira photographer (also known as lambe-lambe).
O seu first folheto of him, chamado O casamento e herança de Chica Pançuda with Bernardo Pelado, was raised in 1946. Um two serious folhetos of him- Or homem gives cow and or power gives fortune - chegou to be adapted for the theater by Ariano Suassuna in 1973.
Além de falar on o day by day do sertanejo, Francisco Sales Areda also wrote about a series of political events in string format. In the case of the folheto To the lamentável morte of President Getúlio Vargas.
6. Futebol no Infernoby José Soares

O Paraibano José Francisco Soares (1914-1981) invented no string of imaginary soccer game between perigosos personagens: o time of satan against o do cangaceiro Lampião.
Or Futebol no Inferno
it is too confusing
vai haver melhor de três
to see that I burn the championship
o time of satan
ou o quadro de Lampião
Verses we see a game of soccer that is repeated every Sunday, being assisted by 2, 3 and 4 thousand diabos na arquibancada.
Or fun string get to raise a surreal situation with balls in the field - bola de aço maciço - e, ainda also, it seems a true game of normal football, because it uses examples from us every day that we naturalize event.
No string is discussed, for example, or judging that should be selected at the beginning, or the size of the field, scaled twice and attached to the participation of the announcer. There are many elements of the real world mixed as a fantasy universe.
O first folheto de cordel by José Soares (1914-1981) was published in 1928 (e chama Descrição do Brasil by states). Or Paraibano worked as a farmer and moved to Rio de Janeiro, in 1934, where he went to work as a stone, in parallel he had always written his verses.
When he returned to his native land, six years later, he opened a leaflet bank in the São José Market where he sold his friends' friends.
7. Dez cordéis num cord onlyby Antônio Francisco

As or own title summarizes, Dez cordéis num cord only (2001), brings together ten different poems, numa same work. In common, as many children have a rhymed form and têm as a theme as questões from day to day two Northeast.
Seu Zequinha was a Galician
Do rosto da cor de brasa,
Morava longe gives people,
No Sítio Cacimba Rasa,
More, foi não foi, Seu Zequinha
He spent the day at home.
Antônio Francisco (1949) speaks as much about the problems that serious neighbors face on a daily basis as he does about more spiritual questions. He takes up no string, for example, to Importance of faith for the Northeast and fala on some Pontuais histories of the bible as to Noah's ark.
Born in Rio Grande do Norte, in Mossoró, Antonio Francisco is considered by many to be or rei do cordel. O poet occupies cadeira 15 of the Brazilian Academy of Literature of Cordel.
8. Apparition of N. Senhora das Dores e a Santa Cruz do Monte Santoby Minelvino Francisco Silva

O cordel de Minelvino Francisco Silva is an example of how this genre receives muita influence of catholic religion and as many two rope-makers pedem to benção to superior entities when they begin to write a sacred history:
Nossa Senhora das Dores
Copper-me com o vosso mantle
São João Evangelista
What a life I saved so much
Inspire my thoughts
To save no time
About Cruz do Monte Santo
No string, Minelvino comes as a request for inspiration, and goes on to tell fantastic stories, of miracles and divine power manifesting itself on earth. The storyteller seems to be fascinated at the same time and commied to narrate, because he does not feel up to the big picture.
Minelvino (1926-1999) born in Bahia, born Palmeiral, and worked as a garimpeiro. At the age of 22 he began to create verses and, in the long run, he wrote about the most varied issues: from love poems, religious, dedicated to politics or about everyday life. Or his first folheto was written in 1949 (girl A enchente by Miguel Calmon and the disaster of the trem of Água Baixa).
A curiosity: the Minelvino himself bought a manual printer and rolled out the serious brochures. Or poet deixou registered number string "The same is hidden to estória / is the same faço or clichê / is the same faço to impressão / eu mesmo vou sell / and song in public praça / for everyone to see".
9. To life of Pedro Cemby Leandro Gomes de Barros

Em To life of Pedro Cem Let's read the life story of a rich personage, told by Paraibano rope player Leandro Gomes de Barros (1865-1918).
O personagem Pedro Cem tinha knew what or money could buy - or about me Cem, aliás, is a reference to quantidade de bens que o rico tinha (cem armazéns, cem alfaiatarios, cem currais, sem alugadas, cem padarias, etc).
Pedro Cem was or more rich
What was born in Portugal
His fame in the world
Seu nome de el andava em geral
I didn’t casou-se com rainha
By não ter sangue real
Despite a lot of money, Pedro Cem never helped any master, never did he need it. Either destiny ends up turning against the member or milionário loses everything or money that they have, ficando na rua da bitterness.
Leandro Gomes de Barros has a huge success with string literature not his tempo. The author began to write pages in 1889 and traveled with his inner hair to sell the poems that he printed in typography. Leandro was a rare case of a poet who lived in his own work.
10. To the soul of a sograby João Martins de Ataíde

With a lot of humor or poet João Martins de Ataíde (1880-1959) tells the story of um velho that feared mão lida by a cigar and confesses that, in his long life, he has five sogras, all terrifying.
Veiu uma d’essas ciganas
that lê a mão da pessôa,
leu a mão d’um velho e disse:
- Vossa mercê walks atôa,
of five sogras that you have
He doesn't get a bôa.
O velho vai re-embossing the events and giving details of each sogra. He tells how more days his women infernizaram to his life of him in all the marriages that he has. In some cases, or Velho confesses that he had previous problems before marrying, but in other cases he was surprised.
Born in Paraíba, or poet João Martins de Ataíde (1880-1959) released or seu first folheto in 1908 (girl Um preto e um branco hurrying qualities). Apart from being a writer, Ataíde was an editor and launched several other cordelistas, having been a fundamental part of the diffusion of the cordel in the country.
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