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Amnésia (Memento): analysis and explanation of the film

Amnesia, Memento Not original title, it is a North American film of drama and mystery that was released in 2000. O longa-metragem that became a work cult It was directed by Christopher Nolan and based on "Memento Mori" from him, Jonathan Nolan.

A narrative depends on the diffuse lembranças of a protagonist who suffers from a type of amnesia that does not allow him to keep recent memories. Cartaz do film Amnésia.

Sinopse e trailer do film

Amnesia This is a film full of tension and questions to ask. The protagonist, Lenny, lost his wife during a violent crime and suffered an injury, unable to raise new memories.

In spite of eschecer de tudo or tempo todo, o homem tem uma missão: achar o assassino e vingar a morte da mulher. Assim, he embarks on a difficult investigation, leaving indications for himself, in the form of polaroids, tickets and até tatuagens no corpo.

The headquarters of Vingança surpasses its limitations, not so much, nem tudo what it seems, mainly so that it cannot be counted as its own lembranças.

Amnésia (Memento 2000) - Legendary Trailer
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Film analysis Amnesia (Memento)

A film that began to end hair

TO first dinner of Amnesia it is also the last: o protagonist kills um homem, that we discovered to be Teddy, and shoots a photograph of his fallen body. A passagem é shown em reverse motion, a cinematographic technique that presents the actions in an inverted order.

We see Polaroid Being revealed, Lenny shooting a photo, depois killing Teddy with a shot and finally a previous conversation or assassination. A dinner prepares us for what we will go to attend no longer-metragem and also announces a narrative onde o tempo is confused, fragmented At times it is chaotic.

A story will be told from the end for the beginning and we perceive that the protagonist matou Teddy because he has been responsible for the hair. crime that destroyed his life. When his house was invaded during the night, his wife was raped and assassinated and the victim suffered an injury that led to his ability to create new memories.

Frame: Teddy morte

A conversation between the two shows an angry and confused protagonist who accuses or another of having assassinated his mulher. Teddy alleges that he is wrong and does not know or that he is faze, because of his health condition.

At the same time, Leonard decides to move forward as a match and kills or rival, trusting not a message that he has left for himself, not the back of a photo of Teddy: "Do not credit the lies of him. Foi ele, mate-o ".

From this moment on, the narrative will tell of the path that he or she has attached to him, or the investigation process that will lead to the conclusion that that was or home that he was seeking. Leonard's amnesia installs a dull non-spectator: Could it be that ele matou a pessoa certa?

Two narratives found

To understand what really happened, we need to unite all the pieces of um puzzle Compost for dinners that are mixed at no time. TO history is told in a non-linear way, com vazios e jumps no tempo brings us closer to the state of mental confusion of the protagonist's own.

However, it is possible to perceive a logical way in which the facts are being presented. As black and white dinners arise in chronological order, or in other words, the events are shown in the sequence in which they will take place. Já as dinners a cores começam com a morte de Teddy and contam a narrativa do fim para o comço.

Frame: Leonard falando no telefone

Here we see Preto e Branco, how he is represented or past, is a period of confinement of Leonard in his hotel room. Sozinho, he seems to be a prisoner of a vicious cycle of studying this way and noting here that he cannot create the same thing, through backed banknotes and a set of tattoos that he did not face.

During this period, the fala did not telephone com um mysterious interlocutor, and chega to doubt him, tattooing "Não atenda no telefone" no braço, as an alert for himself. During these long conversations, he told the story of Sammy jankis, because I am not taxed on his hand.

Frame: tatuagem Sammy Jenkins

Before crime, he worked as an investigator for an insurance company. Foi ai that she met Sammy, a homem that sofreu an accident and lost the ability to reter new memories. At the time, or her verdict was that the case was false. To testify or husband, the wife of Jankis asked to administer him large doses of insulin e morreu na sequência.

Or in the event that he is the one who is semelhant, it is because of his decision that he was accompanied or the protagonist of the whole or film. The two temporal sequences of the longa-metragem (a cores and a preto e branco) were found at no time when Leonard find out what's on the other side of the phone. This is where he begins his pursuit, influenced by the people he is getting to know.

Scheme, rotation and repetition

Contrary to Sammy, who could not regress and found himself in a state of total apathy and indifference, Lenny seeks ways to overcome doença and continue with his life, as far as possible. Assim, I'm raising you systems to communicate with yourself and help his permanently deteriorated memory.

Frame: Leonard shooting pictures.

Ele carrega I get a machine polairod He records all photographs of all that he considers relevant to the case. In the back of the photos, she writes legends that help guide his future footsteps.

Leonard supports his headquarters in Vingança raise uma rotina, repeating the same actions daily, in relation to the provas of homicide of the woman. Every day, he needs to specify the indications and decide each move that he will make. Through dessa repetition Let him get some kind of control over his six days.

Frame: Lenny's tatuagens

Using his own body as a "battlefield" for investigation, Lenny is willing to tattoo the most important clues, to make sure that he will never cut them off.

These behaviors totally condition his life, but also here that he has drawn up a purpose: ele é um homem com uma. missão to meet.

Manipulação e vingança de Natalie

It is when Natalie emerges in the narrative that we begin to distrust more and more that Teddy could not be or truly blamed. Leonard does not burn her but keeps her photo of her not purse, as a legend that says: "She also lost someone, she will help you out of grief."

A mysterious figure trabalha num bar e reveals that you two will be wrapped up. We perceive that he was in love with her, Jimmy, it was um bandit from the region that died in strange circumstances she when she left home to do a "business". Or homem was assassinated and or his dinheiro was roubado, fazendo as the "partners" distrust Natalie and go after her.

Frame: Natalie and Leonard.

Despite the supposed sympathy and help that she offers, and I noticed that the odeia or protagonist, humiliating-or several times to know that he is not going to plant depois. For several times, Natalie deceives and manipulates Lenny, raising-or "getting rid" of Dodd, or bandit who was behind her.

Later, we realize that it was the case that you found that incriminating Teddy, a copy of two of his documents on which the car plate corresponds to the assassin. Not so, when we realize that Jimmy said that he did not know that he died, he became silent again.

Assim, come to find more evident a possibility: Natalie used Lenny to fuck do homem que matou o seu namorado. Likewise, we are led to question whether Leonard's wife was also killed.

Frame: message to Ted's photo.

Teddy emerges at various times, claiming to be a friend of the protagonist and to be tending him. Would it be the same? In fact, just before Natalie's intervention, Lenny has written on the back of the photograph of his supposed friend: "Do not accredit the lies of him."

Ace Teddy's lies

Or Teddy's true character was revealed when we discovered that It was the one that held for Leonard e escutava os seus desabafos infindáveis ​​de him. In the last link, he reveals that a police investigator found a criminal who or another is seeking.

After a brief encounter, not that he introduces himself as Teddy, he says he is either assassin and Jimmy, a bandit from the region, and indicates where he will be. No galpão abandoned, killed or presumed guilty and took a photo of his body.

Frame: Ted no car.

Teddy appears logo depois, showing or his distinctive of him and receiving satisfações, inquanto prepares to roubar or dinheiro da vítima.

It is so Leonard perceives that he was alvo de uma armação do suposto friend, who was using his doença to lift him up to commit crimes and arrecadar or dinheiro.

Confissão de Teddy

During this confrontation, Teddy reveals to the truth: ele foi o police officer responsible for the investigation do crime and tentou help Lenny, depois da justice ter falhado. Mais: Sammy Jenkins was the same coup leader and was also single. A story that the protagonist remarks so many times is é, na verdade, his.

TO Lenny's mulher survived noite do crime I did not manage to cope as a husband. Since she was diabetic, she resolved to make a test and ask him to give her several injections of insulin in a row. As the girl did not stop and obey, she ended up dying.

However, there is more relief: Leonard ja matou or verdadeiro criminoso ha muito tempo. Teddy shows uma Polaroid Give him sujo de sangue and sorrindo, depois to meet his missão.

Frame: polaroid by Lenny sorrindo

He explains that even Lenny was not satisfied, since he was not able to grow after that moment. Teddy accredits that he is raising a mystery for himselfWell, I have submitted two police documents to several pages.

Assim, or a corrupt agent tries to apologize, faking that he was feeding this jogo to see him happy and taking advantage of it to profit from it. Furious, Lenny hits Jimmy's clothes, car and bag of money, or hey, he just killed.

Fine dinners: Leonard makes a decision

As final dinners of the film are presented chave unveil this mystery, hair less partially. After a conversation with Teddy, Leonard enters his car, reflecting on everything or that he heard and had just a few minutes to decide or what he will take.

There is a brief interval of consciousness, the question is he must leave a message for himself, counting the truth. Instead of interrupting the vicious cycle in which he lived, he chooses to sacrifice Teddy, so that the story will die. Assim, é Lenny rides an armadilha and manage to deceive himself.

Frame: Ted's car plate.

You must burn the photo of Jimmy morto, so as not to leave a trace, he creates a photo of Teddy that is not trusted. Looking at the longe, write down the car plate and decide to tattoo it as do assassino do fosse.

Or another goes back to the study of tattoos and tentative interruption-the later and later. Assim, the last supper proves that in the end it was not Natalie who armed against Teddy, was or himself the protagonist.

Amnesia: explanation and theories about the film

At the end or what happened? Amnesia It is a remarkable film precisely because it does not answer with clarity to all of these questions. However, it is possible to put together the pieces and come to some conclusions.

In practice, it was Lenny who killed a woman with insulin injections, embora or asked to have a party. This is how he was chosen, what he wanted to remember and Aquilo that I prefer to do, not recording or episode of your notes, so that it will disappear.

However, to his mind he seems to hide those memories of our other place and the story is being attributed to Sammy Jenkins, a homem who alleges a similar case, much earlier.

Frame: tattoo with car plate.

Leonard also forced you to incriminate Teddy, the only person who could interrupt your eternal investigation because he knew about you. When I write the plate of the car number of paper, I reflect on isso himself, undoing aloud:

Do I pray to myself to be happy? I don't know about him, Teddy, sim.

This seems to be an explanation of two serious things about him: procure or assassinate or only purpose gives his life. Not a brief moment when I was aware that he is dead, a barnacle that will forever be a vazio.

Assim, he understands that he needs a missão impossível to support and attribute some meaning to you or that he lives and is living. The only solution seems to be to continue lying to himself:

I need to prove the world that exists for the least mind. It is necessary to prove that the minhas ações ainda têm meaning is eu não delas.

Your face is felt, right? Contudo, Amnesia It also seems ter um end in open. We need to realize that Teddy was a corrupt and manipulative homem who could have invented all that history to try to avoid death.

De facto, can we prove that some of the things really happened? A narrative of the long-metragem is dependent on a protagonist with irreversible brain damage, who loses the concept of reality.

Algumas theories of fãs accredit that you did not passou of a hallucination of Lenny. Others prove that Teddy is the fruit of his imagination of him, a kind of second personality, or style of Clube da Luta (1999).

Uma coisa é certa: Amnesia It is an inescapable film because it manages to keep us naive, so many years after its release.

Film technical data sheet


Memento (Original)
Amnesia (No brazil)

Year of production 2000

Christopher Nolan

Launching September 2000 (United States of America)
August 2001 (Brazil)
Duration 113 minutes
Classification Not recommended for children under 16 years of age
Gender Drama, suspense, mystery
Country of origin United States of America

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