Os fins justificam os meios: meaning of the phrase, Machiavell, O prince
The phrase "Os fins justificam os meios" is chegou to be uttered by Italian Nicolau Maquiavel, frequently used by a citation associated with him.
Now I can be considered a representative committee of the political treaty Or prince, written as a thinker, more to the truth than the intellectual jamais redigiu such a sentence.
Meaning of the phrase "Os fins justificam os meios"
The phrase "Os fins justificam os meios" suggests that, as I intend to achieve a certain objective, it would be useful to take any attitude.
No universe of politics, many times a phrase attributed to Machiavellian and used to characterize authorities who, in order to fulfill their obligations, have agreed and questioned alliances.
It is frequent to associate this prayer with totalitarian regimes and divisions that, in order to remain power, we use unethical ferramentas and many times of human beings such as torture, blackmail, censorship and corruption.
Examples in history are not missing: Hitler (Germany), Stálin (Soviet Union), or recently Kim Jong Un (leader of North Korea). In national terms it is enough to plant some ditators such as Geisel, Medici, Figueiredo.
The supposedly Machiavellian phrase quoted can also be associated with the daily statement "ele rouba, mas faz". This second sentence suggests that it is important to carry out certain tasks, in addition to the fact that the authority in question has been dishonest to achieve such objective.
About or author gives phrase
Despite the phrase being attributed to Machiavellian, it is a consensus among scholars of the work of the Italian thinker that such a Jamaican sentence was written by the author.
Or that Machiavell face his treaty O prince and recommend that the governors use fair means, but, if necessary, façam use of unfair resources to remain unable to.
What was Nicolau Machiavel?
Italian philosopher and politician, one of the great names of Renascimento, Niccolò di Bernardo Machiavelli (in Portuguese known only as Nicolau Maquiavel), born in Florença, no on May 3, 1469
He was a diplomat and political minister, had the first studies in humanities encouraged by pai, a studious and intellectual advocate.
He lives barely fifty-two years, but has access to a panorama of the political life of his country and is currently considered a modern political country.
In 1498, 29 years old, Machiavell achieved his first public office, occupying his second chancellor. He has been on the inside two stages of being able to give Italian dinner during a violent and instable historical period. He testemunhou dinners of torture, blackmail and corruption.
O thinker investigated the power inputs, the hidden logics (and many times you condemn) that guide us rulers.
In a letter sent by Machiavell to Francesco Vettori, Florentine Ambassador in Rome, in 1513, or author confesses:
Or destiny determined that eu did not know to discuss about silk, nem about lã; tampouco about profit or loss questões. Minha missão é falar sobre o Estado. It will be necessary to submeter-me à promessa de emudecer, ou terei que falar sobre el.
Machiavell was part of the upper echelon of the government and the Medici family returned to power, when he was imprisoned, tortured and deported.
He saved or treated O prince no field, where he remains or remains two six days. He died anonymously, not on June 21, 1527.
![Statue of Machiavellian.](/f/db16a58cccee24f16456ca6f84f9d8db.jpg)
Machiavellian adjective
O nome own Italian intellectual virou adjective and leaf is relatively common we say that "So-and-so is Machiavellian".
A definition transcends political characterizations and is used to qualify subjects with scruples, traitors, experts, moved by cunning and respecting the leis morais.
Or adjective é always used in a pejorative sense.
Or prince
The main work of Machiavell was O prince, written in 1513 and published in 1532. It is about a brief treatise (with little more than one page) - a kind of manual - that proposes a separation between religious morality and political ethics.
Or text is deeply sincere, trying at times to be considered cruel:
Let us also ask to know if it is better to be loved than to be feared. In response, it would be undesirable to be loved and feared at the same time, but, as such a difficult combination, it is much safer to be feared, it was necessary to choose.
A publication caused a true rebellion in the sixteenth century society because it exposes the methods of operation of the Engenhosa machine of politics making it clear that many times you justiça was not tida em counted as a value Northerner.
A Catholic Church chegou to catalog O prince no Índex dos Livros Proibidos during the council of Trent.
It is worth retaking a little that was spent in Italy at its historical moment. Machiavellian testemunhou a fragmented and polarized State, with various centers of power backed by the land, having attended countless pontifical disputes.
Fato é que o political treatise O prince é das most important works of the science course policies, being compulsory reading for various degrees such as Direito, Relações Internacionais and Philosophy.
Find some famous passages of Machiavelli's work in the next section.
Famous phrases of O prince
Therefore, the offenses should be feitas all at once, so that, little eaten, they offend less, so that the benefits should be feitas a few years, so that they are appreciated.
He did not worry about it, but he knew how to do it badly, it was necessary.
I want to be your soldiers when you are not in war, but when it arises, I want to flee or go to war.
Deve or prince, nevertheless, to be feared so that, not to conquer or love, flee to hate, just because we can be very well coexist or be feared and or not be hated: isso will always achieve that they refrain from taking the bens e as mulheres de seus cidadãos e de seus suditos e, em lhe making it necessary to spill or bleed from someone, faça-o when there is a suitable justification and cause manifests.
To be able to understand the character of the poor, it is necessary to be a prince and, to be understood or the prince, it is necessary to be of the poor.
However, the prince must be feared so that, just as he does not love two subjects, the less he avoids his hatred.
Leia na whole
Or treated Or prince It is available for download in Portuguese, in PDF format.
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