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Menino de Engenho: analysis and summary of the work of José Lins do Rêgo

Menino from Engenho é um romance by José Lins do Rêgo, published in 1932. Financed by his own writer, the work was an immense succession of band and criticism.

O livro tells the history of Carlos's infância in two engenhos da Paraíba.

(be careful, this article tells me spoilers)

Summary of the work

To orfandade

Carlos is barely a little boy when his father kills his mother during a feud. He, then, is raised for the maternal avô. Or engenho is a magical place in the imagination of men, who always listens to the stories of his mother, more than ever he has seen them with his own olhos.

A chegada not engenho

Assim, or little Carlos chega ao engenho, number of admiration, medo and sadness pela morte de sua mãe. The first time I see it working, I move the rest of the day. Or chama mechanism to Carlos's attention.

I do not engenho the pass to coexist with other members of the family. Start logo, your aunt Maria becomes a second-hand species, protecting or reducing two commands and defeats from Aunt Sinhazinha, the sister of her avô who commanded the big-house.

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Carlos's life nova

Two cousins ​​of Carlos have been introduced to the engenho world. Like them, Carlos happens to take a bath, not laugh and to live in Santa Rosa. In a few weeks, I am adapting to life not engenho, ficando hair sun and skew a little sadness pela morte de sua mãe.

A rotina do engenho is the essential material of romance, and, over a long period of many chapters, it reveals the life of a manino de engenho. Or convivio as the blacks of senzala, to caça aos passarinhos and a meditation of solidão in the field, as lendas and histories of the interior.

The great events of Santa Rosa are interspersed with rotina do engenho, as well as the great chuvas and a cheia do rio that invades the fields of várzea and a visit from a cangaceiro to the seu avó de him.

O amadurecimento of Carlos

Or love and solidão de Carlos are addressed not romance. A first paixão de Carlos is a cousin most velha of the city that is going to pass the fairs not engenho, and is with Maria Clara that the item or her first beijo. Depois das férias, ela volta para a cidade deixando or rapaz.

Or marriage of her aunt Mariazinha também or abala. A saída de Maria da casa-grande é quase as if she lost her mother, one time she was the one who took it and told her. Carlos goes on to take care of the care of Aunt Sinhazinha, who, even being cruel, sentenced Garoto and began to give him love.

Carlos is raised alone, he does not engender the freedoms of the upbringing begin to become the libertinage of a pre-adolescent. His first sexual experience was 12 years old as a black woman who took care of him. Carlos happens to be a libertine who is always behind days of women not engenho.

Or intern

Carlos's departure for or internment began to be seen as a solution for his or her behavior. This hope of correction in the future will also serve as an extension to your children's freedoms. Months before Carlos left for the city, he had all the freedom from the world. Or romance ends with his departure from the engenho for or internment.

Cana cycle

José Lins do Rêgo published five romances that are called "cyclo da cana". All the time in common or panorama of the decadence of two engenhos of Cana-de-Açúcar in the Northeast. Menino from Engenho This is the first light of the cycle, which ends with Fogo Morto, last publication of the author and considered his first work.

With the emergence of power plants as a means of benefiting the sugar cane, you are beginning to lose power and importance in the northeast of the country.

In this decadent environment that Menino from Engenho Passa, num place linked to or past and to escravagista tradition. O campo da cana e a casa-grande são figures esenciais no romance.

Minha atenção inteira foi for the engenho mechanism. I will not repair anything else.

José Lins do Rêgo conviveu com Gilberto Freyre (author of Casa-grande & Senzala), and its influence and marked not romance. Depois de voltar da Europa e dos Estados Unidos, o sociologist was convinced that Brazil had a literature Own and not an emulation of European literature, I know both the subjects and the language of the works addressed on the subjects nationals.

Not only were Gilberto Freyre's literary views influenced by José Lins do Rêgo, but his sociological studies were also a source of inspiration for the writer.

Casa-grande e old senzala

Despite the fact that it has been abolished, the romance of José Lins do Rêgo has enormous marks of the escravagista regime, as there is still something like a service.

As the figures of the feitor (person responsible for supervising the work) and the eito (the place where the work is done) are constant images of the work.

Senzala do Santa Rosa will not disappear as abolition. She was still pregnant at the big-house, with black suas parindo, as boas amas de leite and os bons cabras do eito

A relation of two freed blacks with a home-grandee of submissation and gratitude, in which the narrator has a certain enchantment as the universe of two ex-slaves.

A freedom from black children, field hairs and a reason for fascination for the narrator who, despite being free, fears the obrigações de menino parente do senhor de engenho. This youthful freedom depois becomes service to us work in the field.

Regionalist prose and modernism

In São Paulo or modernist movement, headed by Mário de Andrade and Oswald de Andrade, it procures a national literature through a Brazilian language and images of modernity. In this area, not in the Northeast, another group of writers sought inspiration for a new literature on their land.

The regionalist and modernist movements have their differences in principle. The Northeast writers accredit that inspired by two Paulistas from fora and, as isso, it would not be possible to create a new national literature. As two years have passed, the movements are approaching the two main vanguard of Brazil, creating ties and characteristics in common.

Two Brazilian modernists achieve two major objectives in regionalist prose: a written Brazilian language, with more regionalism than foreignism.

O diabo daquele doutor will date me num inferno, ali, two steps from a paradise of open doors.

A greater source of the writer was his own life, a childhood spent in an engenho de açúcar. O autobiographical tom of the work is one of its main characteristics. These are the most important and well-alive men's lives of the past years. The regionalism of José Lins do Rêgo becomes universal pois, além do engenho, é a infância that stands out as a universalist fator.

Conheça also

  • Livro Vidas Secas, by Graciliano Ramos
  • Livro São Bernardo, by Graciliano Ramos
  • Rachel de Queiroz: biography and works
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