Os 18 melhores poems by Augusto dos Anjos
Augusto dos Anjos (1884 - 1914) was an extremely original Brazilian poet and professor, who left a great legacy in our literature.
I do not belong to nenhuma literary school in concrete, or poetic work of the author has roots, not Parnassianism and not symbolism of the time.
Contudo, by presenting avant-garde characteristics (for example, the themes), some theorists defend that the verses can be seen as pre-modernists.
Conheça, abaixo, the most famous and inesquecíveis poems of Augusto dos Anjos, a great poet meio misunderstood, no seu tempo:
1. Psychology of a defeated
Eu, carbon and ammonia filho,
Monstro de scuridão e rutilância,
Sofro, from a epigênese da infância,
Influence plus two zodiac signs.
Deeply hypochondriac,
This environment makes me disgust ...
Sobe-me à boca uma ânsia analogous to ânsia
That escapes from the mouth of a heart.
Já or see me - this opera gives ruins -
That or sangue you can give meats
Come, e à vida em geral declares war,
Go to sprinkle meus olhos to gnaw them,
E ha-deixar-me barely hair,
Na coldness inorganic da terra!
2. Sonnet
Sing your splendid sonata,
There you are, you do not have enchanted angles
Like a twelve tilintar de prata
The vibration of a thousand broken crystals.
Blessed or riso assim that is unleashed
- Citara smooth two apaixonados,
By sounding out the old sounds,
Always singing in a trinula volata!
Ideal aurora two days meus risonhos,
When, umido of beijos em ressábios
Teu riso sponta, awakening dreams ...
Ah! Num deliquio of Ventura Louca,
Vai-se minh'alma all of us beijos,
Ri-se o my heart in your mouth!
3. Lonely
Like a ghost that takes refuge
Na solidão gives dead nature,
Behind two burial mounds, one day,
I went to shelter-me à tu porta!
Fazia cold and or cold than fazia
It was not esse that he contorts us with meat ...
Cortava assim like em carniçaria
Or aço das facas incisivas short!
But you never saw minha Desgraça!
E eu saí, how do you repel,
- Velho caixão a carregar destroços -
Lifting just na grave carcaça
Or parchment singular da pele
E o fateful chocalho dos ossos!
4.Intimate Verses
You see! No help to this great
Burial of your last chimera.
Submit to Ingratidão - this panther -
Foi tua companheira inseparável!
Get used to it, wait for you!
O Homem, who, nesta terra miserável,
Dwell between feras, sentence inevitável
Necessidade de também be fera.
Take a match. Acende teu cigar!
O beijo, my friend, it is on the eve of the scarro,
A man who stoned is the same as stoned.
Someone causes pain to your chaga,
Stoned is a vile thing that flushes you,
Escarra nessa boca que te beija!
5. Vandalism
Meu coração tem catedrais imensas,
Temples of priscas and longínquas datas,
Onde a number of love, em serenades,
Sing a virginal alleluia das crenças.Na ogiva fúlgida in nas colunatas
Vertem lustrais intense irradiations
Suspended lamps cintilações
They are amethysts and florões e as pratas.How you velhos medieval Templários
Entrei um dia nessas catedrais
In nesses clear and risonhos temples ...E erguendo os gládios and brandindo as hastas,
I do not despair two iconoclasts
Quebrei a imagem two of my own dreams!
6. Vozes da morte
Agora, sim! Let's die, reunited,
Tamarind of minha misadventure,
You, as a growth gives nerve,
Eu, how I grow two fabrics!Ah! This noite é a noite two Vanquished!
E a podridão, meu velho! That future
Ultrafatality of ossatura,
To which we will blame ourselves reduced!Não morrerão, porém, tuas sementes!
E assim, for or Future, em different
Forests, valleys, jungles, glebas, trilhos,Na multiplicity of two branches,
Hair so much that in life we love each other,
Depois da morte inda we will have filhos!
7. To Esperança
A Esperança não murcha, ela não tiring,
Also as she does not succumb to Crença,
Vão-se sonhos nasasas da Descrença,
Voltam sonhos nas asas da Esperança.
Muita unhappy people also don't think;
Not so much or the world is a complete illusion,
E não é a Esperança for sentença
This laço that the world manages us?
Mocidade, portanto, ergue o teu cry,
Serve you Crença do fanal blessed,
Salve-te a glória no future - avança!
E eu, that I live daring or discouraged,
I also hope or end my torment,
Na voice gives Morte to bradar me; rest well!
8. Love and crença
Do you know what Deus?! It's infinite and holy
Being that presides and governs other beings,
That you charms and força two powers
Gather all of em yeah, num only charm?
This eternal and sacred mystery,
This sublime adoração do crente,
Esse cloak of love twelve and merciful
What washes as dores e que enxuga or pranto ?!
Ah! You want to know his greatness about him,
Estende or teu olhar à Natureza,
Fita a dome of the Céu holy and infinite!
Deus é or temple do Bem. Na immense height,
O love is the host that blessed Crença,
love, pois, crê em Deus, e... be blessed!
9. Or morcego
Meia-noite. Ao meu quarto I recoló.
Meu Deus! E this morcego! E, agora, vede:
Na gross organic ardor gives headquarters,
Bite me to goela igneo and scalding molho.
"You will order to raise another wall ..."
- Say. Ergo-me a tremer. Date or ferrolho
E olho o teto. E vejo-o ainda, equal to um olho,
Circularly about a minha rede!
Pego de um pau. Efforts faço. Chego
To touch it. Minh'alma concentrates.
What ventre produziu tão feio childbirth ?!
A Consciência Humana é this morcego!
For more than people faça, à noite, he enters
Imperceptibly in our room!
10. Saudade
Hoje that a mágoa apunhala me o seio,
E o heart tears me atrocious, immense,
Eu a blessigo da descrença, em meio,
Because the page is alive only.À noute quando em funda soledade
Minh’alma sadly recollected,
To enlighten me to a discontented soul,
Saudade is lit up or sad.And so I shave the magic and the torment,
E à dor e ao I shave eternal frustration,
To give life to dor e ao soup,Give saudade to the blackened field
I keep lembrança that bleeds me or peito,
More than not, it feeds me to life.
11. Or Deus-Verme
Universal factor of transformism.
Filho da teleological matter,
Na superabundância ou na miséria,
Verme - é o seu nome obscuro de batismo.
Jamais undertakes or staunch exorcism
In his daily funeral occupation,
And he lives in contubérnio with bacteria,
Livre das roupas do anthropomorphism.
Almoça a podridão das drupas agras,
Janta hydropic, roi lean viscera
And two new deaths incha a mão ...
Ah! For him that flesh can fica,
And no inventory of rich material
It is worth a lot of filhos a maior porção!
12. Idealism
Falas of love, e eu ouço tudo e calo!
O love of Humanity is a lie.
É. E é por isso que na minha lira
Of love you foo few times it is phallus.
Or love! Quando virei por fim a ama-lo ?!
When, I know the love that inspires Humanity
This is the love of the sybarite and the hetaíra,
From Messalina and from Sardanapalo ?!
Pois é mister que, para o sacred love,
Or fique immaterialized world
- Alavanca deviated from its fulcrum -
E haja only amizade verdadeira
Duma caveira for outra caveira,
Do meu sepulcher para o teu sepulcher ?!
13. Voices from a tumulus
Morri! E a Terra - a mãe comum - o brilho
Destes meus olhos apagou!… Assim
Tantalum, aos real convivas, num festim,
Served as meats of your own filho!Why for this cemetery vim ?!
Because?! Before it gives life or anguished trilho
Palmilhasse, do that this that palmilho
And that amazes me, because I am not afraid!No burning of sound that or phroneme exalts
I built with pride the high pyramid,
Hoje, porém, that fell apartTo the royal pyramid of my pride,
I see that I hardly know material and enthusiasm
I am aware that I do not know anything!
14. Soliloquy of a visionary
To deflower or labyrinth
Do velho e metaphysical Mystery,
I ate meus olhos crus no cemitério,
Numa cannibalism of faminto!A digestion of funereal delicacy
Tornado sangue transformou-me or instinct
Of human impressões visuais that I feel,
Nas divine visões do íncola ethereal!Dressed in incandescent hydrogen,
I wandered a secular, improperly,
Pelas monotonias siderais ...Maybe I climbed to the highest heights,
But, it turned to the assim, like a dark soul,
It is necessary for you to inquire, upload more!
15. Stir-fry
Copper-lhe cold paleness of the face
Or path gives sadness than desolation;
Chora - o orvalho do pranto lhe perola
As faces macerated of desgosto.Quando or rosário de seu pranto rola,
Das brancas roses do seu sad face
That rolam murchas like um sol já posto
A perfume of tears is evolved.Tenta às vezes, porém, nervosa e louca
Skewer at the moment to intense magoa
Starting a sorriso à flor da boca.Mas volta logo um black discomfort,
Bela na Dor, sublime na Descrença.
Like Jesus to solve no Horto!
16. Eternal Magoa
O homem over quem caiu a prague
It gives sadness to the World, or homem that is sad
For all the secula exists
E never more or seu despite him goes off!
Não crê em nada, pois, nothing has swallowed
Consolo à Mágoa, who only assists him.
I wanted to resist, and how much more resist
More he increases and he adds to chaga.
He knows that he sofre, more or that he does not know
What is that magic infinda assim, it does not fit
Na his life of him, he is that infinite magicTranspõe a vida do seu corpo unerme;
And when this home is transformed into seeing me
That is a magician that accompanies ainda!
17. To tear
- Faça-me or obséquio de trazer reunited
Sodium chlorette, water and albumin ...
Ah! Enough isto, because this is what originates
To the tears of all of you defeated!- "To pharmacology and to medicine
Com a relativity of two senses
We unravel a thousand unknowns
Segredos dessa secreção divina "- Or pharmacist obtemperou me. –
Vem-me então à lembrança or pai Yoyô
Na physical anxiety gives ultimate efficiency ...E logo to tears em meus olhos cai.
Ah! Vale mais lembrar-me eu de meu Pai
Do that all drugs give pharmacy!
18. O meu nirvana
Not alheamento gives dark human form,
That, thinking, I uncarcerate myself,
Foi que eu, no cry of emotion, sincere
Encontrei, afinal, o meu Nirvana!
Nessa manumissão schopenhauereana,
Wave to Life of Human Aspeto Fero
It is uprooted, eu, feito força, impero
Na magnetism of the Sovereign Idéia!
Destroyed to sensation that originates from outside
Do tato - tiny grasping antenna
These most popular tegumentary -
Joy or prazer, that you years do not carcomem,
From having bartered to minha form of homem
Pela imortalidade das Idéias!
By Augusto dos Anjos
A poetics of Augusto dos Anjos
Augusto dos Anjos published his first poem, entitled Saudade, em 1900. A composition belonging to uma initial phase gives his poetics, ainda quite influenced by symbolism that vigorava.
Embora his verses were influenced by the forms and models of the tempo, as the themes diverged more and more, subverting what was expected of poetry.
TO second stage gives his work is that in which the author begins to explore and introduce his world, through poems such as Psychology of a Vanquished. Here, poetry was approached as an attempt (skirt) to make a subject express himself, communicate as the world.
Já na sua final phase, or work of the poet is consolidated, with more maturidade, in composições as Lunar year. At this time, the feelings of solidão and nostalgia do eu-lrico are notorious.
Main themes of the poetry of Augusto dos Anjos
A poetry by Augusto dos Anjos can be quite dense and complex, leading or reading to reflect on other issues.
Full of dubious existentials, this little subject oscillates between or idealism and or materialism and or seu tomé marked by dysphoric emotions like anguish, melancholy, or helplessness and solidão. Aliás, não é by chance that a death É um two central themes gives his poetics.
Enthusiastic about the advancements of the epoch, Augusto dos Anjos served scientific thought to analyze various matters, through poetry: a society, a philosophy, to religion, to politics, etc.
Main characteristics of the poetry of Augusto dos Anjos
Recreating many of the classical forms, the poetry of Augusto dos Anjos stands out for subversive themes that do not ecoavam or symbolism of the time.
Na verdade, or author assumes a position similar to two naturalists, through extreme appreciation of science e two serious speeches.
I do not use da linguagem, or poet was also extremely innovative, combining erudite expressões com um popular vocabulary. Also by isso, this linguagem was seen as impropriety or as "antipoetic".
Reception of the public and critics
Naquele tempo, the writings of Augusto dos Anjos collide with his peers, provoking fright and strangeness private. Criticism was more divided, generally, or the author's work was not very popular.
Later, after two modernists, his poetic work was widely publicized and had several reissues, becoming well known to the public.
EU (1912)
Despite having launched poems in various journeys, Augusto dos Anjos barely published a free, EU, em 1912. Refletindo or historical context of the time, or author does not hide um tom gloomy, pessimistic and tragic.
In these compositions, he combined funeral images with happy dinners and festive celebrations, but inevitably fell into the themes of human misery and the decline of matter.
A melancholic poet who was not yet understood, Augusto dos Anjos only truly reached the succession of death. Em 1920, or friend Órris Soares resolveu fazer uma posthumous edition gives work, adding poems that were still unpublished. Assim emerged Eu e Outras Poesias, I have been reissued several times since then.
To work is available for free download in pdf format.
The life of Augusto dos Anjos
Augusto de Carvalho Rodrigues dos Anjos was born on April 22, 1884, not born Pau d'Arco, in Paraíba. He was filho de Córdula de Carvalho Rodrigues dos Anjos and Alexandre Rodrigues dos Anjos and was literate by Pai, who was trained directly.
Augusto dos Anjos frequentou or Liceu Paraibano, onde o seu amor pelas letters foi increasing, e Começou to write poetry during childhood. In 1903, he entered the Faculdade de Direito do Recife, where he completed his bacharelato and that he frequently attended in 1907.
Career and personal life
When he finished his studies, he became a professor Not the same Liceu Paraibano, not what he has been to one. He signed up in 1910, when he left or took over from the brigade as governor. At the same time, he married Ester Fialho and the two of you moved to Rio de Janeiro.
Enquanto he wrote poems in various publications, or author continues to work as a teacher, having been taught in various locations in Rio, such as Escola Normal, or Instituto de Educação e Colégio Pedro II.
Final phase gives his life
Later, he moved to Leopoldina, in Minas Gerais, where he became director of a school group. This ended up being the last destiny of the poet who Morreu with just 30 years.
Not on the 12th of November 1914, Augusto dos Anjos died, due to a prolonged flu sequence that caused him to have pneumonia. The house where he lives his last years was transformed into the Museu Espaço dos Anjos, a place of homage to the author.
Conheça also
- Intimate Verses Poem, by Augusto dos Anjos
- Fundamental Brazilian poets
- Melhores poems by Olavo Bilac
- Melhores poems by Charles Bukowski
- Melhores poems by Vinicius de Moraes
- Melhores poems by Cecília Meireles
- Symbolism: origin, literature and characteristics