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A Onda (Die Welle): summary and explanation of the film

Onda, Die welle not original, it is a 2008 German drama and thriller film, directed by Dennis Gansel. It is about an adaptation of the homonymous book of North American Todd Strasser.

O entanglement was inspired by the real story of Professor Ron Jones, who led a social experience like his students in the middle.

Trailer e sinopse do film

A Onda (Die Welle) - Legendary Trailer (Português BR)

Onda tell um story project led by a professor I mean that I had a week to explain to you the realities and the implications of a fascist regime.

By radically altering the rules of the classroom, Rainer Wenger establishes a kind of ditatorial system not qual it detém or absolute power. The movement begins to move back and forth with increasingly violent consequences.

Attention: from this point on you will find spoilers about or film!

Film summary Onda


Rainer Wenger is a teacher of teaching who was forced to conduct a social experience for a week, like some serious students, on the subject of "autocracy". He begins discussing or conceiving with a class, explaining the origin of the word and talking about authoritarian regimes.

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Frame of the film A Onda.

Um dos seus alunos argues that it would be impossible for something like Nazism to happen again in Germany. This is also why he begins a group day, which ends up choosing a teacher to be or his absolute leader during those days.

For fazer melhor or seu trabalho, Rainer studies História e as mass handling techniques. His action comes with small gestures such as demanding to be treated by "Senhor Wenger", or that everyone gets up to fail during the classroom.


Depois to breed um nome, uma saudação, um logo and um uniform, or group começa a ganhar força and will receive new participants. Karo, in love with Marco, refuses to wear a white shirt obrigatória na Onda and ends up being expelled, or that varies tension between the house, since it is integrated into no movement.

Nowadays, a class that is carrying out a project on anarchy, led by a professor who is not a gostam, happens to be seen as "or inimigo". Conflicts quickly arose between the "anarchists" and the members of Onda, who behaved like members of opponents gangues.

Frame do film A onda

Tim, a neglected adolescent hair country that committed crimes, he or someone more dedicated and passes to dedicate his life to cause. For isso, he buys a weapon that he uses to kill serious opponents. Onda is chamando more and more people and discriminating those who do not want to belong or follow their rules.

For isso, Karo joins Mona, an aluna who abandoned or project logo does not começo, and criam resistance pamphlets to combat that oppressive system. During a time of aquatic polo game (which was taught by Rainer), the players were born with the established brigade, among the players and the plateia.

Anke, who is Rainer's wife and a school teacher, believes that he was long overdue and needs to stop immediately. You two brigam and end up separating. At the same time, Marco was also furious with Karo's answering actions and batting in love.


Rainer summons your serious students for uma last meeting no amphitheater da escola. Lá, he orders the gates to be locked and they begin to reflect on the future of Onda, believing that they are going to dominate Alemanha. Either his speech gradually becomes more populist and incendiary than Marco or interrupts, faking that they are being manipulated.

Final meeting of Onda

This is what the professor asks if he must torture or kill or "traitor", why is that what the ditators and the fascists fazem. With everyone in silence, ele confront classe with violence two serious thoughts and thoughts from him during that week.

Assuming that he was long overdue, lost, and declares that A Onda is over. Revolt, Tim aims his weapon for the group and ends up with two colleagues. Then, realizing that the movement really ended, he commits himself or commits suicide in front of everyone. Either the film ends up as a professor being imprisoned and not lifting a car from the police.

Main characters and cast

Rainer Wenger (Jürgen Vogel)

Frame do film A Onda

Rainer Wenger is a professor who listens to punk music and defies various social conventions. At the time of escort or theme for a project to develop as students, he wanted "anarchy", but was forced to work on "autocracy". Assim, he embarked on a journey that moved into his life forever.

Tim (Frederick Lau)


Tim is the most young man who dedicates himself to Onda, making movement to his main motivation to live. He, who previously lived committing small crimes, goes on to dedicate himself to the body and soul of years of discipline and responsibility.

Karo (Jennifer Ulrich)


Karo is an intelligent and determined young man who revolts against Onda. As she refuses to obey orders, she is ostracized by the group and ends up founding a resistance movement, or "Parem a Onda".

Marco (Max Riemelt)


Marco is in love with Karo and has a troubled family life. When he finds comfort in Onda, more to companheira rejea that system, or adolescent behavior is altered and becomes aggressive.

Lisa (Cristina do Rego)


Lisa is an extremely shy and insecure girl whose behavior is radically altered when she begins to join A Onda. Perceiving the problems that exist between Karo and Marco, she shows that she is interested in separating or getting married.

Anke Wenger (Christiane Paul)


Anke is Rainer's wife who also works as a teacher, at the same school. At first, she has not missed her husband's methods, but for a few years she has realized that her behaviors are increasingly strange and megalomaniacal.

Film analysis Onda: main topics

Rainer, a different professor

From the first seconds of the film, we can see that Rainer Wenger is a professor for common. Wearing a two Ramones shirt, he directs até à escola, singing punk full lungs and having fun not walking.

Essa young and relaxed posture You will never guess as to what the ele teria has a future not too distant.

Die Welle- Rock 'N' Roll High School

At school he was developing various projects on forms of government and Wenger wanted to do a project on anarchy, which was closer to two serious interests of him. However, a more velho professor does not allow it to be effected as a subject, saying that it would be helpful to avoid problems.

Next days, or contagion As fascist ideias (and the promotion of power) it would transform everyone that was present, starting with the professor's own hair.

What is the objective of Onda?

A school created activity so that some of you can learn about other political regimes and learn to value democracy even more. Or professor começa presenting or concept of autocracy, a thermo that I saw from Grego old and meant absolute power.

Logo in the first classroom, Rainer fates like the serious students about the past blood of Nazi Germany and a class debate the perigos of extremist nationalism and two speeches of hate. Um two teenagers affirm, then, that it is impossible that Alemanha was once again dominated by fascism.

Or intuit the social experience of Rainer Wenger and show some serious students or how easy it is to be manipulated pela força and o discourse das massas and we will behave in an authoritarian way, we will perceive the ideology that governs our actions.

How is a fascist regime born?

The first steps taken by Rainer and his class are quite important to understand everything or what will happen next. In the first classroom, the students will learn that our autocracy exists um individual who gives the rules for the populationThese rules can change at any time, conferring unlimited power to keep you alive.

They are also raising uma list of fatherspoliticians and sociais What contributes to the establishment of an authoritarian government: social inequalities, unemployment, injustice, inflation, exacerbated nationalism and, above all, a fascist ideology.

Either one student could affirm that either Nazism would never be able to return to Germany, or the professor declares that it is within an hour of the interval. When he returned to class, the tables were moved from place to place.

This is the first time that Rainer suddenly alters the regrets, functioning as a turning moment. Continuing on his list, some determine that a position also requires control, surveillance and a central figure where it will focus or power.

As a quick vote it is apparently democratic, or professor is chosen to take office. From the first moment, it is possible to perceive that his behavior is altered: he misses that he hardly wanted to be treated by "Senhor Wenger" and that, from that moment on, he demands respect.

The room, which used to be cheia de barulho e de vida, becomes silent and no one can fail without permission. When called by Rainer, some of you have to stand up and respond in a disciplined and military manner. O professor affirms that "discipline and power" and expels three students who refused to obey, making his name known. authority perante or group.

Onda começa to be back

Logo from the first classroom, it will become noticeable that the reactions of two students to experience are quite different. Enquanto Karo comments with me that it was very strange and sudden, Tim, for example. He is clearly fascinated as an exercise.

Not the next day, the places of the room are altered, separating the habitual groups and causing a greater sensation of isolation in each individual. Not so, é a lição é sobre unidade.

Rainer sends some of them to march for a long time, just like an army. Explain that with the intention and to bother the class that is not floor underfoot, making a project on anarchy as a teacher of whom they do not gostavam.

Cena da briga, film A onda

Since you alunos I found an inimigo comum: "you anarchists". The incentive to free hate ends up generating several conflicts between the youngsters, whose violence will escalate during the film.

Rainer announces that he will place the best alumni alongside two superiors, because it will be beneficial to or collectively: "União é poder". Mona is the first student who shows upset with discrimination and decides to abandon her experience.

At the same time, some of other groups are interested and resolve to join as well, expanding or group size at their maximum capacity. Aí, decide to breed um nome e uma saudação, or that helps to support its popularity.

They also resolve to establish a mandatory uniform, as an aim to eliminate the differences between members, and raise their individuality as well. To declare his absolute loyalty to Onda, Tim decides to burn all his other clothes.

Karo, film A Onda

Já Karo, contrary hair, I don't want to wear a uniform and go to the classroom with a vermelha blouse. Marco, or if he is in love with her, fails that she is selfish for isso. TO rebellious attitude He placed it in the cause of the Onda authority and, because of this, he began to be ostracized by his colleagues.

In a sequence, I was expelled from the theater group and began to be ignored by everyone, I tied my hair in love. Nessa dawn, the teenagers backham stickers and paint or symbol of Onda all over the place, including no Prefeitura building, to establish dominance:

Let's go through the city that nem uma wave!

A movement of resistance arises

Or a time of aquatic polo, twisted hair "Senhor Wenger", ends up turning a symbol of the power of the Wave and all the supporters of the movement come together crooked.

Karo and Mona, who have been excluded, will resolve to start working together in the crime or movement "Parem a onda", collecting evidence about violence and intimidation of two students.

Depois de serem barradas na porta, they manage to enter hairs of the building and throwing hundreds of pamphlets hair ar, claiming or ending the experience.

Pamphlets I don't play water polo, film A onda.

This species of anti-system propaganda It causes a non-local rebellion, causing a generalized confusion among some lutas, arquibancadas and within the water.

Or scandal coincides as a day in which a matter about A Onda leaves the layer of the day, causing an ever greater controversy.

Violência e transformação dos personagens

One of the two most obvious and most important points of experience is how he sees the behavior and character of two characters change. Embora Karo maintains the same position, quasi from either beginning, or not verifying himself with the other outstanding figures of the film.

Lisa, for example, who was extremely embarrassed, reveals herself to be calculating and cruel. Marco, facing a problematic family situation, finds refuge in Onda and is becoming every time more aggressive com or tempo.

In his fury of him it culminates no moment when he attacked him in love, because of two pamphlets that he back. It happened, or I was confronted with the toxic nature of his behavior and the barnacle:

This business of Onda transformed me.

No case of Rainer, to moving is sudden and notorious for all. A wife, who works at a school, assists from part of her actions and tries to bring her husband's attention several times.

After a chaotic dinner, the brigade accuses him of manipulating some of them to be adored by them. In the sequence, Anke decides to leave home and finish the marriage: "You become an idiot."

When you summon your students, pela last time, or seu I argue demagogue Começa inciting or hateful and using chave-words like political, economy, poverty and terrorism. Then, "Senhor Weigner" goes on to confront them as either the hidden side of you or what you have thought and ugly during the last week:

Would you kill him? Torture? That is so that they fazem na ditadura!

However, here that should be a girl of collective attention becomes more dramatic, exactly because of the change that happened with Tim. O Garoto, who has presented a solitary personality in a case of family neglect, foi sem dúvida or more shaved for the experience.

Rainer Wenger.

Because of the war between A Onda and the anarchists, or a young fanatic, he decides to buy a weapon from the internet, which he uses to ameaçar his opponents.

Later, when the professor declares that A Onda finished, Tim said that lost or seu purpose He ends up using that weapon to shoot his own life. Moments depois, we can see Rainer in the bank behind the car of the police and his expression of him and of pure shock, as you only estivesse becoming aware of everything that happened.

Explanation of the film Onda

In the experience of Rainer Weigner we have proved or how easy it can be to manipulate a group, showing that we can be being instrumentalized and walking "on the wrong side of History" without perceiving.

Or teacher managed to verify for the class that, meeting a certain set of conditions, nenhuma sociedade ou população is imune à fascist ideology. Rainer wanted to convey or teach that at this age it is always a risk and, therefore, we need to pay attention.

Not so, or protagonist is an essential detail: or power get corrupted Até quem less we wait. Accustomed to being treated as an exquisite professor or a subversive attack, he began to win over two students, who followed him uncritically.

And why are these young people embarking on Onda and being carried by her? In response, I will be present for a long time of everything or film, through your words from him. Logo did not come, during a festival, two students talked about his management, stating that it had no objective for one individual. For them, nothing seems to make sense and they live in a hedonistic and inconsequential way.

In order to feel included in some matter, they will not import to exclude those who do not agree. Assim like fascists, we were willing to inflict other people to feel special or superior to them.

"A Terceira Onda": or what happened?

A history of Onda foi based on real fatos embora, na verdade, the narrative had been less tragic. In 1967, or North American professor Ron Jones, who taught History in Palo Alto, in California, resolved create a social experiment to explain serious years in what ways or nazism could return to us society.

As the "A Terceira Onda" movement, Jones managed to convince students that they should fight democracy and individuality. Embora the most violent events that are represented in no sejam fictional film, at the time, or if it provoked a national scandal.

In 1981, author Todd Strasser was inspired by experience to write Onda and, not the same year, a television adaptation emerged.

Technical data sheet and film poster


Die Welle (original)
To Onda (not Brazil)

Director Dennis Gansel
Country of origin German


Classification Not recommended for children under 16 years of age
Duration 107 minutes
Lançamento March 2008

Film poster A Onda (2008)

Conheça also

  • Parasita film
  • Film O Poço
  • Film Clube da Luta
  • Film Laranja Mecânica
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