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11 love poems by Fernando Pessoa

Fernando Pessoa e os seus principais heterônimos (Álvaro de Campos, Alberto Caeiro and Ricardo Reis) deixaram a vast quantity of published poems, some of them, of love.

O Portuguese poet criou both stale verses - verdadeiras declarações de amor - as poems that faulted about the difficulty of communicating or affected by words.

With completely different styles, each heteronym, in his own way, transmitted through two verses how it felt to be in a state of rapture.

1. All the love letters are ridiculous (heterônimo Álvaro de Campos)

All the love letters are
Não seriam love letters se não fossem
Ridiculous. I also wrote my love letters,
As so others,
Ridiculous. As love letters, love is made,
Tem to be
Ridiculous. But, finally,
Only creatures that never will believe
Love letters
What são
Quem dera me no tempo em que escrevia
Sem dar by isso
Love letters

To true, what do you do?
As minhas memories
Dessas love letters
What são

(All the words are spectral,
As the feelings esduxulos,
São naturally

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Or most famous poem related to love themes by Fernando Pessoa provavelmente é All the love letters are ridiculous. Compost with a lot of repetition, the verses are constructed in a certain way that, unexpectedly, surpreendem or read.

I know not the beginning of the poem or the little subject ridicules the love letters, diminishing, in a certain way, those who believe this type Of composition, the final year I concluded that only it was not possible to take away the love sentiment and that it is, not true, ridiculous.

The poem was initially constructed by faking the genre of love letters, placing them as a minor, shameful production, as a typical messy creation of youth. But an unexpected revival, or a poet ends up praising those who courageously decide to face either sentiment and escape or love.

Also entrust to Complete poem analysis All love letters are ridiculous.

2. O loving pastor (heterônimo Alberto Caeiro)

Agora that I feel love
Be interested in perfumes.
Never before have I been interested in the fact that a flower tivesse cheiro.
Agora sinto or perfume das flores like visse a coisa nova.
Sei bem que elas cheiravam, as I know it existed.
São coisas that is known for fora.
But now I have a breath from behind the head.
I leaf through the flowers, I know I will be my palate that will cheer.
Look at once agreed and cheiro before watching.

Os verses acima foram withdrawn from longo poem O loving pastor. Nessa brief passagem or poet tells us about a revolution that or apaixonamento caused his life and not his everyday.

Written in July 1930, the poem does not contain rhymes and it was all written as a simple language, with which we can all identify ourselves.

Alberto Caeiro remarks this stretch or past, a time in which he did not perceive, for example, that as flowers tinham cheiro. From the moment it fades, we see verses as a perspective on the mute world and as a little subject begins to face life in another way.

In summary, it is possible to affirm that the verses portray the rare moment in which we are apaixonados, when we begin to live our lives in a different way.

3. Presságio (Fernando Pessoa)

Or love, when it reveals itself,
It is not known to reveal.
He knows bem olhar for her,
But he does not know how to fail.
What did you want to say or what did you say?
He does not know or what he has to say.
Fala: it seems that mind ...
Cala: it seems to be skewed ...
Ah, more is ela guessedhasse,
It can be ouvir or olhar,
E se um olhar lhe bastasse
To know who is going to love!
But I burned very much, cove;
What do you want to say, how much do I sit?
Fica sem alma nem fala,
Fica only, internally!
More isto be able to tell-lhe
Or that I have not used to tell,
Já não terei que falar-lhe
Because he's going to fail ...

Assinado hair of his own Fernando Pessoa, or poem created in April 1928, tells about the difficulty of raising and maintaining a loving relationship.

Os verses are a kind of defiance onde or subject transparent to his anguish ao not get it connect with a loved one, showing-being pessimistic and incapable of bringing up an intimate feeling that nourishes.

O fala muito poem about the incommunicability of love, about the difficulty of partilhar as another or feeling and about or half of not feeling loved by volta.

Here I am more than suspicious that he is presented and that he will not be reciprocated and not affected, leaving him to show vulnerability that he is blacked out.

Find out more about this criação de Pessoa lendo o artigo Poem Presságio by Fernando Pessoa.

4. O love is a company (heterônimo Alberto Caeiro)

O love is a company.
Já não sei walking only hairs,
Because I can't walk alone.
Um visível thought face-me walk more depressa
And to see less, and the same time to spend it to go sell everything.
Even in the absence of the same thing that is with me.
I eat as much of what I don't know as to want.

It is not old, I imagine it is forte as tall trees.
But it is very old, I do not know that I feel that I am absent.
All eu sou qualquer força that abandons me.
All to reality olha for me as um girassol com a face of the no meio.

Or stretch O love is a company, retired from longo poem O loving pastor, fala on or companheirismo, on a coexistence and on a partilha de um casal apaixonado.

Here or little subject declares that he is not capable of walking sozinho, that at the presence of a loved one (ainda that she it is not properly present at any time), it has become a permanent condition that is not day.

Despite missing the poem about affections, reflections imateriais, or poet for a long time, it ends with a deeply imaginary last verse: a description of a sun with a face of no meio. A imagem represents the importance that or dullness gives for the physical traços of the face of your beloved.

5. I don't know what love you have (heteronymous Ricardo Reis)

I don't know the love you have, or the love you pretend,
Or that you give me. Dás-mo. So much is enough for me.
Já que or no sou por tempo,
Seja eu jovem by mistake.
Pouco os Deuses give us, and or little is false.
Porém, se o dao, false that seja, a gift
It is true. Oil,
I will believe you I resign myself.

Or poem começa com um tom de mistrust, like little subject wondering himself or love that receives is true or se It treats of pretense (or subject of pretense is quite present in the criações of Fernando Pessoa, not related to or love). More quickly or take the silent poem, and he confesses that he is not interested, or that it matters and receives affection.

Hairs verses we perceive that it is important for those who believe and feel, in fact, loved.

Numa outra versão do poem, or final verse "E a te crer me resigno" appears replaced by "Cerro os olhos: que mais quero?". This second version of the text is more clear about the impulse of the subject to love, declaring that his only part of him is the same to feel loved (seja or genuine or manufactured love).

6. Maybe that m vê bem not serve to feel (heterônimo Alberto Caeiro)

Maybe that m vê bem not serve to feel
I am not thankful for being a lot earlier than that.
I need ter modes for all the couses,
E each cousa tem or seu mode, e o love também.
Quem tem or way of seeing the fields pelas ervas
She does not have to blind what face to feel.
Amei, I was not loved, or that I only saw no fim,
Because no one is loved as it is born but as it happens.
She continues to be beautiful with hair and mouth like Dantes,
E eu continued as Dantes was, sozinho no field.
How is she in the state of cabeça baixa,
Penso isto, high-headed tree
E o dourado do sol dries the small tears that will never leave behind. Like the field is big and the love is small!
Olho, e esqueço, as the world buries and the trees fell apart.

I don't know how to fail because I'm going to feel.
I'm going to listen to my voice as if it were from another person,
E a minha voice fails of how it is ela that falasse.
The hair of a louro yellow of wheat in the clear sun,
E a boca when she says she says that she doesn't have any words.
Sorri, e os dentes são clean as pedras do rio.

Or stretch Maybe that m vê bem not serve to feel, that belongs to a long poem O loving pastor, he fails of a love that does not have a happy ending. In spite of the relationship I have not given certain, or partner still fails with a loved one as a kind of nostalgia.

Or love has not been reciprocated to those who believe that they are not capable of becoming a loved one from time to time, before contrary hair, add louva to her beauty, louros hair and clean teeth.

Feeling lonely, the question attached to your own identity.

7. Sleep on o meu seio (Fernando Pessoa)

Sleep on or meu seio,
Sonhando de sonhar ...
No teu olhar eu leio
A lubricious wandering.
I don't dream of existing
E na illusion of loving.

All is nothing, and all
Um sonho pretend to be.
O 'black space is mute.
Sleep, e, ao numb,
Saibas do coração sorrir
Sorrisos de esquecer.

Sleep on or meu seio,
Sem mágoa nem love ...

No teu olhar eu leio
Or intimate torpor
Of what conhece or nothing-be
Of life and joy and dor.

Em Sleep on o meu seio or little subject declares that he wishes to be a safe port for his beloved and offers or seu peito of her so that she may crush.

We do not know anything about the object of his desire, but through Pessoa's words about the relationship we can see Like a woman who is trying to protect her beloved, from fazê-la she will feel safe and nurtured through two serious gestures of her honey.

8. Dear little (heteronymous Ricardo Reis)

Quer pouco: terás tudo.
Want nothing: you will be free.
Or the same love that tenham
For us, dear us, oppress us.

In just four verses or heterônimo Ricardo Reis is capable of raising two more memorable problems of human relations: how to love is oppressed or another? How do you turn someone on and still feel free?

O love, sentiment that makes us feel so happy, but at the same time it can oppress us and make us feel confined. Or poem Dear little Fala precisely desse tênue balance when we are dealing with love relationships.

9. Or what do you say to me ... (Fernando Pessoa)

Or what do you say to me?
Or what has no heart
More these beautiful coisas
That will never exist ...
São as forms sem forma
What a passam sem que a dor
As it is possible to know
Ou as sonhar or love.
São how do you feel sad
Fosse arvore e, uma a uma,
Caíssem suas folhas
Enter or enter the mist.

Written not final gives life of Pessoa, Or that I did It is a deeply melancholic poem. Nele we find disillusioned and distant verses. O content of the poem touches the love question in a pessimistic way, more solitary. This creation does not refer to love as a form of declaration to a loved one (a most frequent approach to poetry), but it is false about the inability to love the poet.

Cabisbaixo, or poet fala with sadness and regret not heart, as there are beautiful things on the side of outside, more than fossem inatingíveis for him. The verses dealt with the feeling of absence, of emptiness and of solidity, of all things that have not been seen for a long time of life.

The poem is enclosed as a deeply poetic image, which alludes to or outono (as folhas das arvores caindo), announcing the difficult, icy period, which will come, or winter with its mist.

10. I love how or love loves (Fernando Pessoa)

I love how or love loves
I do not know why to love you more than to love you
That you want me to tell you more that I love you
I know that I want to tell you, do I love you?

A brief passage by Fernando Pessoa, full of repetition, part of an extensive poem that deals with love.

Nesse trecho-uma pérola na his work by him-retired from the poem First Faust We observe how the poet is capable of condensing, in just four verses, the anguish that he loves too much and the difficulty of communicating this intense feeling.

11. Quadras ao gosto popular (Fernando Pessoa)

Let me think
That you still live next to me ...
Sad to burn by itself
You need to be cheated! (...)

A life is a few years bites.
Or love and life to dream.
Olho for both sides
And I don't see myself failing.

Dei-lhe um beijo ao pé da boca
By mouth it is dodge.
Maybe I was Louca.
Or wrong foi não hit.

Os verses acima foram removed from a poem mais amplo. With a quick writing, Pessoa fails us here about a love that did not find a happy ending.

A beloved vai embora and deixa or little subject sozinho, dull and unhappy as a break. In the presence and substituted for the absence and, for the first time, those who love refuses to oil new reality. Unconformed, he still tries a reaproximation, giving a final beauty that no oil peels beloved.

Whether at first or subject it seems regretful (foi an ideia “louca”), the logo looks like that at the end of the day it was not right in the mouth.

It is you who are dull hair verses of the Portuguese poet, then we also recommend to read the artigo Fernando Pessoa: fundamental poems.

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