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Capitães da Areia: analysis and meaning of Jorge Amado's book

Capitães da Areia It is a 1937 romance by Brazilian writer Jorge Amado. O livro portrays the life of a group of abandoned children. Elas lutam e roubam to survive in the city of Salvador, in Bahia.

The work is inserted in the second phase of modernism, when literature turns to focus on social questões.

The group of abandoned minors is called Capitães da Areia e reage ao meio em which is exposed. Due to the promotion of abandonment, the roubam e, due to repression and police torture, organized in a violent gang in the streets of Salvador.

O principle of romance: the cards

O romance comes with several letters published no Jornal da Tarde about the group of two Capitães da Areia who assorted the city of Salvador with their furtos. A linguagem of letters and a description of how they are published, not daily, shows how the abandoned minors were treated by official organs.

Or the day's work has been paid for an assault carried out by the Capitães da Areia and by the police and the Juvenile Court. He responds to the police that he waits for the order of the Judged, and the Judge responds by saying that it is up to them to raise the children to Justice and the reform year of the police action.

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Then I followed a letter from a boy from a non-reformatory boarding school, telling about the abuses that the children live within the institution. A parent sends another letter reaffirming or lousy non-reformatory treatment. Both letters received little emphasis on the publication of the journal. A letter that is followed by the director of the reformatory, who defends the accusations and invites or wages to send a reporter to visit the institution. A letter from the director receives a non-wage highlight, which publishes a matter praising or working on the non-reformatory director.

O cenário do romance: Bahia de Omolu

Omolu é or orixá gives variola and other contagious doenças. O Cenário do Romance is a Bay divided between the poor in the lower city and the rich in the upper city. Either social contrast is present in everything or free, especially two more marked epidemics of variola than varying the city.

"Omolu tin has sent a black bexiga for a Cidade Alta, for two rich people."

When the rich get vaccinated and protect themselves from the doença, the poor people are left for or lazareto, wave or abandonment and for lack of hygiene only pratically sentences of death. No romance by Jorge Amado, as public institutions for the poor are described as horror.

Or a reformatory for abandoned children or petty criminals in an unhealthy environment, where people are encouraged and subjected to various tortures. Or orphanage is described as a place where happiness does not exist and to the police as a body dedicated to the repression and torture of two poor people.

Or destiny enquanto fator social

Two more interesting aspects of the work of Jorge Amado and as the future two abandoned minors will be traced over a long time in the entanglement of romance. O meio not serve as a brief to explain how they became criminals, but to trace the future that awaits you. Isso não means that all of them are children or the same destiny. The author knows how to explore the nuances of each personagem life to create a future for each um, as it has been tried and successful, subject to waiting to happen.

O fato of each garot has its own peculiarities, which differentiates you two others, turns or free of Jorge Amado a literary work of great value and not just a social romance pamphlet. All these characteristics are linked to the social environment of children and past years.

As they live on a road from a long time ago, sem pais, sem carinho e sem carinho, they are treated as adults by narrator / writer. In this way, their escorts have a real impact on the narrative and not its destiny, in the same way that it happens as adults.

Personagens principais

Pedro Bala

He is the leader of two Captains of Areia and two more complex characters of Jorge Amado's romance. In contrast, two other people who seem to have traced destiny, Pedro Bala will build his own destiny for the long term of romance. Or that he remains in the whole narrative or character of Pedro and or his born spirit of leadership. Just and Saturday, same being ainda a criança, Bala manages to keep the group of two Capitães da Areia united and organized. His authority is the result of I respect that as children you have for him.

Or his destiny began to be ruined at the goal of the romance, when we discovered that his father was Louro, a famous trade unionist for two years who was killed as a police officer during a lifetime. Pedro Bala came to be interested in aquilo tudo. The life of an abandoned child, more organized in a group, he deu conscience of how many poor people soften how many rich people seem to take advantage of day by day. You are of violence two Capitães da Areia nothing more than what uma fight for melhores living conditions.

Pedro Bala understands as greves as something similar, porém mais ampla. Your consciousness of class increases according to the tempo and or coexistence with other people. During a group of bikers from Bondes ele sai à rua and discovered that Greve was a party for two poor people.

"A revolução chama Pedro Bala as Deus chamava Pirulito nas noites do trapiche."

Your link with the social movements becomes "official" when you are a student, a member of uma organization, try Pedro Bala and his group to make a picket and prevent you from fura-greves assumam you kindness. Ação two Capitães da Areia and a succession and Pedro Bala began to be involved each time more in the organization. No end of the escalation to organize various movements of abandoned minors in the country, leaving or group two Capitães da Areia very close to two social movements.

João Grande

É o braço direito by Pedro Bala. Not very smart, more like a huge heart and boom. He is a kind of protector and coastguard of two Capitães da Areia.

Seu sense of protection and justice is very great, always intervening to help you more fracos. Everything or his course happens next to Pedro Bala, being difficult to separate or walk two people.

"This black is João Grande, um black boom. Quem for bom é equal to João Grande, melhor não é... "


Professor é um two more intelligent two Capitães da Areia. He was called out because he spent so many nights "spending" and we were reading books, all of them furtive. É o Professor who helped Pedro Bala to plan as ações do grupo. He also had a great talent for selflessness, generally feito com giz na calçada.

A su percepção das coisas is great. He is also turned off by Dora, a noiva do Pedro Bala. A check of the no trapiche is a defining moment for the Professor. Thanks to her hope, I was able to discover what kind of relationship she has as garots, what kind of relationship she has in each of two abandoned children.

Depois da morte de Dora, he sentenced a very large vazio not a trapiche, as it turns out to be an empty molding. Or Professor percebe that, in reality, or trapiche is a molding with numerous pictures inside, innumerable histories and experiences, that need to be portrayed. He goes to Rio de Janeiro to learn painting, at the invitation of a poet who will draw or portrait him once on a street. His works portray two poor and abandoned people.


He is a caboclo, a filho from a small farmhouse, Lampião's comadre who, losing land for a farmhouse, decides to go to Bahia to tempt justice. But a fazendeira morre not walking, leaving or seu filho sozinho na cidade. O greatest idol of Volta-Seca é Lampião e ele always pede for o Professor ler as notícias del que saem no salary.

One day, he beat and tortured the police. Seu hatred of him soldier hair increases. Marked by the authorities, the item that comes from Salvador. A solution and go to another group of minors, friends two Capitães da Areia in Aracaju.

I don't walk or tread that Volta-Seca is standing by Lampião's group. He joins the cangaceiros, his hate for the police face like he killed two soldiers who were not there. Even as a garoto, he is the two most feared of the Lampião group. Later, he ends up being imprisoned and convicted in Salvador.


He is a garoto coxo who never has love or affection, nem de mãe nem de nenhuma mulher. Their main role in the group was to infiltrate the houses of the rich to depois the Capitães da Areia assaltarem.

Sem-Pernas lives with hate and constant weight of when he went to the reformatory-or chicoteavam e riam enquanto or commandevam to run in circles.

"Many people or they hated you. He will hate everyone. "

Or I despise that society is held by the abuses that are given by the most constant stories about their people. Muito novo, Sem-Pernas is conhecia or hated and lives it.

In a wrongful assault, he is persecuted by many guards. Sem to run a lot, he is about to be captured. Sem-Pernas does not intend to turn to a reformatory and, sem muita escapatória, plays with a penhasco to die.


He is two most influenced by the visit of José Pedro, a humble father who always tries to help the Capitães da Areia, even as his actions do not sejam oil pela igreja. Both of you are considered to be called Deus, therefore I also understand the misery and life of two poor people.

A duality between a church, who is supported and works for the rich, and a Catholic Doutrina, who Prega a humble and or love to the next, and widely explored not romance by meio of these two figures. Lollipop ends up becoming frade and catechizes abandoned minors.


He is a figure of the coup, he is always bankrupt and seeks to imitate the galãs that he sees no cinema. Ainda menino he starts a prostitute as a lover and he starts dinheiro as a small coffee shop.

He plays baralho marked and faced all kinds of blow. He ends up indo for Ilheus as his lover, where he becomes conheated by various blows applied to rich farmers.


He is a malandro boy, adores violão, capoeira and the streets of Salvador. A malandragem walks together like seu bom coração de him. He meets many difficulties or his destiny to become one of the great thugs of the city of Salvador.

Jorge Amado e o social romance

From position assumed to be a member of the Brazilian Communist Party, Jorge Amado always engages in social questions. To his literature is a reflection of his political and Capitães da Areia It is a great example disso.

A questão gives lack of opportunities and social inequality as a driver of violence and addressed in everything or romance. Outras lutas sociais, as or direito à greve, also appears pontifically throughout the narrative.

"a greve é ​​a festa dos poor"

Or political issue is present not romance that chose to be banned and burned in the public praça during the Regime Novo and still leafed some critics considered or released pamphlet.

Historic context

The Jorge Amado romance was written at the end of the 1930s, a troubled time in the world, with great divisions between now and then. Not Brazil, or Estado Novo flertava as a Nazi regime, when it was born into the population with a consciência de classe.

O Estado Novo has marked hair nationalism, or anti-communism and or authoritarianism. Jorge Amado was imprisoned two times during the government of Getúlio Vargas and wrote a free account of the torture practiced by the police during that period.

It is not a Baiano, Lampião and seu side represent a social force that fights against the latifúndio and against the figure of the farmer-colonel. To admire two abandoned minors not romance of Jorge Amado hair group of Lampião é marcante. No livro or group of Lampião chega to be described as "or armed arm two poor men no sertão".

The Second World War divided the world into two parts and, at the same time, it had direct relations with the German Nazi government, or the New State aligned with the United States.

Conheça also

  • Morte e Vida Severina, by João Cabral de Melo Neto
  • Livro O Quinze, by Rachel de Queiroz
  • Livro Macunaíma, by Mário de Andrade
  • Livro A Moreninha, by Joaquim Manuel de Macedo
  • Livro Menino de Engenho by José Lins do Rêgo
  • Livro Amar, Intransitive Verb by Mário de Andrade
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