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Andy Warhol: discover the 11 most impressive works by the artist

Considered a two countries of pop art, Andy Warhol (1928-1987) was a controversial and innovative plastic artist who created works that will not remain in the western collective imagery.

Find out now your eleven more iconic works!

1. Marilyn monroe


A star of the Hollywood cinema Marilyn Monroe faleceu on August 5, 1962. Not the same year, weeks after his death, Warhol created that which would be his most consecrated serigraph: a homage to a diva.

With the same image of Marilyn, I received different experiments with live cores, with an original photograph, part of the publicity disclosure of the film. Niagara, launched in 1953. O work by Warhol turned into two emblems of pop art.

2. Mao Tse-Tung

Mao Tse Tung

Warhol became interested in the figure of former Chinese president Mao Tsé-Tung since 1972, when Richard Nixon, then president of the United States, made his first visit to China. Já nse same year or North American artist began to sketch caricatures of the Chinese authorities.

An image raised by the leader who became the most famous caricature of the Chinese authorities was painted in 1973. Feito from strong brushstrokes and com muita cor, Mao Tsé-Tung appears even as estivesse using maquiagem.

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O batom e a shade nos olhos excelsaem diante da photography a preto e branco as well as a fund, reinvented to pink, and a roupa, colorful to yellow fluorescent.

3. Banana


A banana amarela was used as a cape for the band's inaugural album The Velvet Underground. Andy Warhol was quite attached to music in the 1960s, he decided to associate as a group. Five years later, he even became a gang businessman.

The album that carries a banana in a cape is considered "the most prophetic rock album of all times" and one of two major historical albums second to Rolling Stone magazine. A famous banana, for its time, was highlighted from the image of the band and the album to turn a symbol of pop art images.

4. Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse

In 1981, Andy Warhol created a series that chamou de Myths and it shelters dez representações em serigraph of popular fictional characters of the western culture. Um two personagens escolhidos - and perhaps or that had tido or greater success, was or Mickey Mouse.

A curiosity about a series: all the foram works inlaid with diamond, a technique used to make as many brilhassem.

5. Coke


Fascinated by the North American icon, representative of the consumer society, Warhol did not object to the symbol of the culture of mass - to Coca Cola - and or raised to the status of a work of art. Or a native artist, a series of representações da carafe, the image was named as number 3.

Coca Cola 3 was sold to me in 1962 and ended up being sold for 57.2 million dollars. It is about a few pieces of the artist plus faces that have been sold in leilão.

6. Self-Portrait


Warhol fez a series of self-portraits ao long da vida, perhaps or more consecrated had been or has been, dated 1986, a year before his death. Nessa sequência, or artist working with five versions of the same image (a series continues with an exemplar green, a blue, a red, a yellow and a vermelho).

No set of clear physical images as marks of passing the tempo and we see an artist who is never more tired and turned up than another. The work that he chose to represent or represent himself was consecrated as one of the most iconic images of the XX century.

7. Campbell's soup cans

Campbells soup cans

The set of images planned and made by Andy Warhol in 1962 entitled Campbell's Soup Cans consists of a meeting of 32 fabrics. Each cloth was painted in homage to or labeling the 32 varieties of soups offered by the Campbell company in the North American market.

A work turned into an icon of pop culture by transporting a product considered of mass and transforming it, giving it the status of a work of art. At the moment or face set part of the permanent collection of MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) of Nova Iorque.

8. Big eletric chair

Big eletric chair

No year 1963, the State of Nova Iorque carried out its two last executions with electric wire. Nesse same year, or artist Andy Warhol you have access to a photograph shot from the camera of execution with a cadeira vazia.

Starting from what the painter fez was to create a series of images in sequence and colorful as a metaphor of death and rising or debate on the controversial death penalty.

9. Eight Elvises

Eight Elvises

Eight Elvises was a unique painting, made in 1963. Or I work on photographs of the famous Elvis Presley in a cowboy suit, I compose a painting as a small image in sequence.

The work, considered one of Warhol's premium works, was sold in 2008 for 100 thousand dollars. A sold bankrupt or record of a Warhol painting and the price paid by Eight Elvises is even higher than the price paid for a painting by the artist or the adjusted inflation value.

10. Gold Marilyn Monroe

Gold Marilyn Monroe

Apos to the tragic and premature death of the actress Marilyn Monroe, in August 1962, Wahrol fez a series in homage to that which was the icon of the North-American cinema.

O artist baseou a peça acima no portrait of Marilyn present in a publicity of the film Niagara (1953). The painting or background of ouro before serigraphing or facing the center, accreting or preto to highlight with more clarity the suas feições de him.

Or background to our face a reference to Byzantine religious icons. Year instead of observing a saint or a God, we faced an image of a woman who reached fame and Morreu jovem, in a terrible way (Monroe took an overdose of sleeping pills and never again acordou). Warhol subtly comments through his serigraphy on a little of our western culture of glorification of celebrities at the level of the divine.

11. Brightness Box

Brightness boxes

Raised in 1964 still using the silkscreen technique, Andy Wahrol presented to the public exact replicas of products sold in supermarkets. No case above or silkscreen was compensated by Madeira as or intended to reproduce Caixa de Sabão of a very frequent brand in the United States.

Brillo Boxes consisted of small, identical, sculptures that could be arranged in various ways in the gallery or in the museum. Ao escort as the protagonist of his work of art, a vulgar product, Warhol again provokes (or even zomba) the world of conservative art and the status conferred on the artist-breeder. Brillo Boxes is one of the most controversial and consecrated works of him.

Discover Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol was a North American plastic artist who ended up becoming a leading figure in the pop art movement. Andrew Warhol, who became known not as artistic as Andy Warhol, was born in Pittsburgh, not on August 6, 1928. O raptor was the first geração born in only North-American one time that you country, immigrants, vieram da Slovakia. Or pai, Andrei, moved to or new continent because he feared being summoned by the Austro-Hungarian army.

Warhol cursou design not famous Carnegie Institute of Technology. After training, he moved to New York where he worked as an advertiser and illustrator of consecrated vehicles such as Vogue, Harper's Bazaar and New Yorker.

In 1952, the artist created his first individual exhibition that consisted of an exhibition of fifteen designs inspired by the production of Truman Capote. Naquela epoch, Andy ainda assinava as a seu nome de batismo (Andrew Warhola).

In 1956, the artist managed to display the same designs in MOMA, in Nova Iorque, which had been assassinated as an artistic name Andy Warhol. From then on, the artist investigates the representation of iconic American objects, celebrities, fictional characters, and traditional themes such as flowers. A colorful, controversial hit, bem humorous and stripped deu um novo ar a pop art.

Além de trabalhar as a plastic artist, Wahrol também atuou as a filmmaker. Among the main films produced are:

  • Milk (1966)
  • The Andy Warhol Story (1967)
  • Bike boy (1967)
  • Tub girl (1967)
  • I ’a Man (1967)
  • Lonesome cowboys (1968)
  • Flesh (1968)
  • Blue movie (1969)
  • Trash (1969)
  • Heat (1972)
  • Blood of dracula (1974)

In 1968, in his 40s, Andy was the victim of an attack. Valerie Solanis, breeder and sole member of the Society for Cutting Up Men group in her study and shoot a series of times. Despite not being killed, Warhol joined a series of sequels of the attack.

The artist saw someone die in 1987, 58 years old, after a gallbladder surgery. Despite the surgery, I have run well, or failing artist for the next day.

Portrait of Andy Warhol.
Portrait of Andy Warhol.

A friend with Jean-Michel Basquiat

Pray to Lenda that Basquiat met him for the first time with Warhol during a new restaurant. Warhol would be as curator Henry Geldzahler. Logo Warhol and Basquiat will love each other hair. Let me say that it was about a symbiotic relationship: Basquiat achou who specified the fame of Andy, and Andy achou who specified the sangue novo de Basquiat. Fato é that Basquiat de fato gave Andy a rebellious image again.

Portrait of Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat.
Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat.

Wahrol was more velho than Basquiat and many times he treated as a filho. To the truth that you develop a very close friendship, so close that some chegaram to bet you two as a romantic couple. Despite Wahrol ter always declared himself gay, Basquiat has countless lovers (including Madonna).

As Warhol's unexpected death, Basquiat ended up in deep mourning. His fate was tragic: the young man entered the world of drugs, abused heroin, and overdose morreu, barely 27 years old. A history of Basquiat and a friend with Warhol can be conferred no autobiographical film Basquiat - Traços de uma vida:

Basquiat - Traços de Uma Vida (Complete -PT)

A banda The Velvet Underground

Versatile visual artist Andy Warhol decided to raise and sponsor the rock band The Velvet Underground during the 1960s. The idea was to constitute an experimental group, avant-garde, a reference to contemporary music. Foi assim que nasceu, em 1964, a trupe composed by Lou Reed (voice and guitar), Sterling Morrison (guitar), John Cale (bass), Doug Yule (who replaced Cale in 1968), Nico (voice), Angus MacAlise (drums) and Maureen Tucker (who replaced Angus MacAlise).

Wahrol gostou so much of the work presented by the band that he resolved, in 1965, as a business or group. The Velvet Underground was considered by music critics as some of the greatest creations of the history of rock'n roll. It is also worth noting that Wahrol fez at the top of the group's first album (with an image containing the famous yellow banana).

Capa do first album by the band Velvet Underground.
Capa do first album by the band Velvet Underground.

The Andy Warhol Museum

Or museum dedicated exclusively to the works of Andy Warhol is located in Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania (United States). O espaço - a sete andares building - concentrates the greater number of works by the plastic artist and tries to elucidate for the visitor a little of Warhol's personal history.

Either the seventh floor is dedicated to works produced in the first years, or the sixth floor is devoted to the work carried out in the 1960s, or the fifth floor. for the produções two years 1970, or on the fourth floor for the criações de 1980 enquanto os other walks exibem exhibições tempoárias or sheltered by conservation of the heritage.

Conheça also

  • As imperdíveis works of Roy Lichtenstein
  • Pop art: characteristics, main works and artists
  • As works of Jean-Michel Basquiat
  • The famous works of Romero Britto
  • Romero Britto: works and biography
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