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Film O illuminated: explanation and curiosities

Or lit (The shining, not original) is a thriller based on the same name by Stephen King.

Directed by the acclaimed Stanley Kubrick, it was released in 1980 and continued with Jack Nicholson's memorable performance in the title role.

A story tells about an ex-professor and aspiring writer, Jack Torrence, who oils or undertook the huge Overlook Hotel during the winter period. Also, he takes his wife (Shelley Duvall) and little boy with spiritual powers (Danny Lloyd) to stay as a non-local for 5 months.

Like passing time or isolation, Jack, who suffers as alcoholism, becomes more and more aggressive and supernatural things happen.

Atenção, from daqui artigo with spoilers!

Explanation of Or lit

O longa-metragem é um psychological terror that carries some theories.

Or film can be seen as a metaphor for Jack's psychological problem, which I have to deal with as a alcoholism and or isolation, he does not get close to the family and even to perform or dream of being Writer.

Assim, he succumbs to a tormented mental and spiritual state, chegando à loucura.

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Why does Jack appear in a 1921 photograph on the hotel wall?

I do not discard the history, depois de quase ter assassinated a family, or the protagonist is shown in a photograph, which is hung on the wall of the hotel, as a member of a party dated 1921.

O fato and curious, pois a plot passes approximately at the time of the release of the film, not the end of the 70s.

o illuminated final photo in black and white with Jack Torrence in 1921
Jack Torrence appears in the center of the photo dated 1921

To explain that Jack, in reality, is the reincarnation of an antecedent and his soul, he had a strong relationship as a local. It is possible to perceive it also in a fala of personagem for his wife, when he says that For the first time he stayed in the hotel, he felt totally familiar, with an impression of knowing or place.

Or garçom Delbert Grady

When Jack faced an employer or manager interview, he told me that some people hesitated to oil or charge.

Isso why not passed a homem name Charles Grady was hired to perform the same service of caring for the Overlook hotel e, at the moment enlouqueceu, killing two filhas and wife as a machado and throwing his life immediately, as a spitting.

O fato not intimidated Jack Torrence, who seems to be at the same curious as run.

Assim, when the protagonist is found as the spirit of Garçom Delbert Grady and that he said he was Duas filhas, Jack is confused and asks whether or not homem was or zelador who had assassinated the men and women mulher.

or lit, dinner with garçon Grady
Jack e o garçom Delbert Grady

O garçom denies and reveals that the zelador was always Torrence, inciting-or to commit the assassinations. This is the most important evidence of Jack's spiritual relationship as a hotel.

Here we can also conclude that Charles Grady - or assassin of men and women - was also a reincarnation of Delbert Grady, or garçom.

As people who work not hotel, therefore, we will end up being wrapped in such a way with the evil energies of the place that we will contaminate future generations with their disturbances.

O quarto 237 e a mulher na banheira

Do not film, or room is surrounded by mysteries and has a dark atmosphere. Or menino Danny had supernatural powers and he knows there was something very horrible about him. Likewise, he was attracted to comfortable hair at a certain moment inland or local, leaving the area with strangulation marks, I do not fish.

Depois, Jack is also going to tie up and see a woman who is very pretty inside the room.

A woman gets up and goes to him, you two beijam, but the logo Jack tells that a girl had been transformed into a chaotic senhora with spots on skin, in a state of apodrecimento.

mulher da banheira de O illuminated
Jack does not know that he embraces a woman in a state of decomposition

Second or second from its origin to the film, this feminine figure was the spirit of a woman who had killed herself naquela banheira.

There is also an interpretation that she represents the power of magnetism that or hotel exercises on Jack and the evil character that prevails.

Quem é "or illuminated"?

When Danny goes to a hotel with his country for the first time, he meets Dick Hallorann, or cozinheiro. You talk to each other that Danny has powers and visions.

o enlightened, Danny e o cozinheiro dinner
Dick Hallorann talks to Danny and explains that he is "enlightened"

Assim, Dick, who also loves things, talks like a garoto and he explains that he is “illuminated”. Or homem also alerts so that the não enters no quarto 237.

Spill of sangue

I know that the building was erected on top of an indigenous cemetery, information given by the manager, logo, not the beginning of the plot.

Com isso, there is a theory that part of the local curse is related to its construction in the year extermination of two original povos, brutally denounced by the North American government during the XIX.

Dessa form, a recurrent dinner that shows the hotel corridors sofrendo a banho de sangue, may be related to slaughter of indigenous civilizations. Also, how can it be related to "headquarters for assassinations" of the hotel itself.

sangue dinner us corridors of O illuminated
Iconic dinner of Or lit showing or hotel taken by rio de sangue

Quem é Tony?

From the beginning of the story, Danny appears talking with Tony, who second ele is "a boy who lives in his mouth." He credits me with being a kind of “imaginary friend”, but we can see that he does something darker because of his behavior.

Danny talking with Tony em O illuminated
Danny accessing his psychic powers to or chatting with Tony

Long of the plot, Tony apossa do garoto at various times, or that face or men enter in transe and repeat the word "redrum", ou seja, murder written back to front, with a translation from assassination to the opposite. Ou seja, Tony always knows that the Hotel Overlook shelters spirits of evil and many dogs.

I am not released from Stephen King and revealed that Tony's spirit was, in reality, a projection of Danny himself, of his future consciousness and of his powers. So much so that I am not full of garoto and Daniel Anthony Torrence, and Tony would be an abbreviation of Anthony.

Curiosities in "O illuminated"

Why is Stephen King, author of the book, not like Kubrick's film?

Stephen King escreveu or horror romance The Shinning (O illuminated) in 1977. The author has written two books previously, but that was the first succession.

Assim, Kubrick adapts to history for or cinema in 1980. Meanwhile, I do not faithfully follow King's narrative, and the writer is not satisfied as a cinematographic result.

Isso because I do not live or protagonist and rise to insanity in a more gradual way, showing no beginning as an apparently normal homem.

Never film, Jack Nicholson's atuação was intense, which was disturbing, and the logo did not come. And ainda, second or writer, to personagem Wendy, lived by Duvall, was very passively represented.

Stanley Kubrick backstage and relationship as atores

Director Stanley Kubrick was quite rigid as an ator and demanding when filming. Many dinners were taxed several times for ficarem exactly as Kubrick envisioned.

Like, for example, to dinner where Jack gives a blow to his porta. Second it consists, for 3 days of taxation and more than 60 ports necessary.

dinner do machado em O illuminated
Shelley Duvall at dinner that was regraded countless times

More atriz than was more sofreu nas gravações was Shelley Duvall. In any case, the director of the traffic was hostile and ordered that several dinners were taxed at the expense of exaustão. Tudo isso, second ele, to extract true emotion and place actress in a disturbed state.

Já o menino Danny Lloyd was awarded and credited with participating in a drama film, and not a horror film.

As gêmeas of O illuminated

As meninas that appear for Danny are emblematic characters. Despite being displayed quickly in short dinners, with images of two children dressed likewise, of many given and inviting or garoto to jump, ficou not imaginary of the public.

as gêmeas de O illuminated
Ace gêmeas inviting Danny to jump

This is how Louise and Lisa Burns will interpret this way, who will not follow a career in cinema and atuam as a current advocate and scientist.

A possible inspiration for the director of the film has been created as gemeas and has been an image of the North American photographer Diane Arbus, entitled Identical Twins, Roselle, from 1967.

as gemeas photographed by Diane Arbus
Identical Twins, Roselle, photo of Diane Arbus that could be inspired by Kubrick em Or lit

Data sheet

Qualification O illuminated (The Shinning, not original)
Year of launch 1980
Address Stanley kubrick
Roteiro Stanley kubrick
Diane johnson
Based on Literary work of mesmo nome, by Stephen King
Country of origin USA
Duration 144 minutes
Classification no IMDb 8.4 stars
Gender Psychological horror, suspense
Main cast Jack Nicholson
Shelley duvall
Danny Lloyd
Scatman crothers
Awards Prêmio Saturno de melhor ator coadjuvant for Scatman Crothers

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