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Blade Runner (1982): analysis and meanings of the film

Blade Runner: or android hunter (Blade runner, not original) is a scientific fiction film made in 1982 by British director Ridley Scott.

A production and inspired I do not free Os androids sonham as electric ovelhas? (1968), by Philip K. Dick drew a narrative of a dystopian world that presents a onslaught between humanity and technology, through robôs with artificial intelligence. A narrative also addresses philosophical questions about life, or time and memories.

The title of the film traz an expressão que gera dúvidas. At the end, or what does it mean "blade runner"? O thermo vem do englês e can be translated as "somebody that passes a lâmina", ou seja, it is related to the figure of a "carrasco", role lived by Harrison Ford.

On the occasion of your launch or film you have no success in cinemas. In the meantime, he became much acclaimed public hair when he passed out to be seen on VHS films, or that he had become a true classic and icon. cult do cinema.

(Atenção: from daqui or text contém spoilers!)

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Entanglement and analysis of Blade runner

Logo no comço da narrativa - Passada em Los Angeles in 2019 - é shown o gloomy and technological background, not which flying cars crossed or céu enquanto enormous towers released fire.

Im followed, we fear or close to um olho that reflects a surreal atmosphere. As isso we can perceive the contrast between the human being and the degradation caused by the exploration of the planet.

olho with reflections of lights and chamas in film blade runner
Iconic dinner of Blade runner show a dystopian city refletida in um olho

Nesse moment, we see a homem being interrogated by a policeman through a test chamado Voight-KampffAs an intuition of discovering, he is a replicant or a human. Or home to the questão é Leon (Brion James), an android who escaped from one of the colonies of work he wrote together with other three replicants.

Or psychological test to detect replicants

It is interesting to have dinner and to ask questions of an emotional nature, as the objective of testing the subject's “humanity”, also examining his memory of him. Assim, we can never see reflection on what makes us human or not. Or what defines nossa humanidade? Would this be our memories, our history or our ability to see us?

As questões are apparently simple and inúteis, for example: “Você is in a desert walking sozinho and suddenly olha to go down and see a tartaruga. You go down and turn from coasts to go down. A belly of the fica burning the sun and the balance of the legs, trying to turn, but it does not get her help. Você vai ajudá-la? ”.

Leon performs a test to detect a replicant in Blade runner
O personagem Leon has been subjected to a psychological test to detect whether he is human or android.

Second or test, humans emit reactions through each day or imagine that kind of dinner, já os robôs, no. Therefore, além do inquérito, there is a device that examines the two little subjects that are submembered in the procedure.

Knowing that he would be uncovered, Leon participated in the test, but in a moment of agility he managed to kill the police and escape from the local.

Rick Deckard is called to hunt androids

É aí que enters or protagonist of the plot, Rick Deckard (lived by Harrison Ford). Deckard is an ex-blade runner, ou seja, an ex-android hunter, who is intimate with official Gaff (Edward James Olmos) and his former chef Bryant (M. Emmet Walsh) to carry out his mission to track down and kill the replicants who are illegally fleeing to Terra. São eles: Roy Batty (Rutger Hauer), Pris (Daryl Hannah) and Zhora (Joanna Cassidy).

Harisson Ford lives Deckard em blade runner. He is in a brown coat with a bluish atmosphere
Harrison Ford no role do blade runner Rick Deckard

Outro ponto considerável é que o ato de Execute the robôs not seen as assassinated. For them, this is a way to "lodge" or "withdraw" the replicants, which have not been programmed to live for just four years from their birth.

Here we can see uma analogy to the extermination of pessoas Victims of police violence, as well as a lack of commitment and assistance that part of the population The worker is submerged when in work analogous to escravidão, being also seen as part of a system of production.

Deckard meets Rachel

After receiving missão, Deckard met with Dr. Eldon Tyrell (Joe Turkel), donor of Corporação Tyrell and breeder of bioengineering technology that produces replicants. She meets Tyrell's assistant, a young girl named Rachel (Sean Young).

A personagem Racheal in Blade Runner is on a yellow background and exhibits imprisoned hair and damaged eyes
Rachel is Dr. Tyrell's assistant and a special replicant, with memories implanted in her system

Rachael is a special android, she claims to be human because she received the implant of memories from Tyrrell's niece.

A moça é submetida ao test Voight-Kampff And, after many questions, Deckard confirms that she is not human, or that later I have revealed to her. Rachael later happens to face two androids that must be "retired."

J.F Sebastian and seus "brinquedos" replicantes

Nowadays, Roy and Leon are looking for clues that can be raised by his breeder, so that we can achieve more time of life. Então eles chegamaté a manufacturer of olhos de robôs and get information about J.F. Sebastian (William Sanderson), a geneticist from Corporação Tyrell who works to produce replicants.

Sebastian is walking in the direction of his apartment and stands with Pris, in charge of approaching him. Assim, or geneticist, invited to come to her house, where she lives with her "hops", experiments of replicants of different models.

Blade Runner dinner showing Sebastian along with replicant robos
A replicant Pris faces J.F Sebastian, or geneticist who breeds robôs

Here, there is an interesting reflection on the solidão, because of the question is the delay sozinho and the answer and affirmative, more elect than your footsteps of the fazem company. More once a Artificial intelligence is emotionally placed.

The apartment in which Sebastian lives is huge and effective in an abandoned and decaying property. Isso creates a contrast as a superpopular environment of the city, where people from diverse ethnic groups live and agglomerate, deviating some days from the other inquant acid chuva não stop falling.

Deckard e a caçada à Zhora

Deckard is in search of Leon and, to analyze photographs by means of a machine, he manages to get elements and people that are not portrayed at dinner. Assim, find out information about another replicant, Zhora.

Then an ex-police officer has come across Zhora and, after a persecution on the streets of the city, he ends up executing a moça with shots on the coasts. At this point Deckard enters into conflict over his role of executing robberies.

Zhora em Blade Runner runs on the road with a transparent chuva cape
Zhora sai running on the streets of Los Angeles to escape from Rick Deckard

Following a confrontation between Leon and Deckard, not which replicant is ready to execute or detect when Rachel takes a shot at her head and saves Deckard. Dessa form, or caçador fica devoting his life to moça and promises not to exterminate it.

Or romance between Deckard and Rachel

Since the beginning there has been a climate of romance between the researcher and the replicant, or it seems that Deckard thought that he could incisively agitate no sense of getting an approximation with Rachel.

Deckar and Rachel lend yourself to beijar em janela who shows birth entering pela grade
Deckard and Rachel in a controversial romantic dinner, in which the protagonist forces a girl to give him a beijo

At dinner what you do is beijam pela first time and controversial, exhibiting an abusive attitude do protagonist, that at the time was not questioned, more than at present certainly not passaria scattered.

Or found between breeder and creature

At the same time, Sebastian is with Pris and Roy in his apartment and tells that he has a syndrome that he faces quickly, so he also has a short time of life. Here we see one more time or question about a passagem do tempo em contraposição com a vida e a morte.

Sebastian takes Roy to meet Tyrell. Já é noite, the huge millionaire apartment is lit by many candles. Through a very rich setting, costumes and photography, one can see the wealth and power of the company that manufactures the robberies.

Roy and Tyrell in Blade Runner talking
Roy will find Tyrell demanding that the breeder give him more time of life

Roy questions his manufacturer and demands that he give him more time to live. More or asked the denied logo, pois, em meio to consolo's words, I say that isso would be impossível.

Therefore, or replicant, visibly frustrated, he hits the head of his breeder like mine, he gives a beijo da morte e a esmaga between your fingers. Sebastian also has not been given a chance and Roy sai sozinho do magnificent preédio.

Or I confront Deckard as the replicants

Nesse moment, Deckard goes to Sebastian's apartment and comes across various "hops". Among them is Pris, who exhibits a striking maquiagem and is imóvel, covered by a véu, at a few dinners that are most frighteningly beautiful on the film.

Pris is disguised among the jumping of Sebastian in Blade Runner
Dinner where Pris was disguised between other robberies and Deckard and surprendered as a replicant

Pris surprende Deckard and who manages to kill him, but ends up assassinated. É when Roy chega e a ve sem life.

Then the replicant of the blade runner initiates a pursuit sequence where Deckard is seen to be seen and tries to escape by local phone. Em meio a incessant chuva, or ex-policeman who fell and Roy, who could easily kill him, resolves to save his life.

As "tears na chuva" by Roy

A dinner of this attack was marked in the history of the cinema due to an exciting speech that or replicated face before dying. Segurando uma pomba branca - which symbolizes freedom and life - Roy says:

“Eu vi coisas que vocês não imaginariam. Attack ships em chamas throughout Órion. Eu vi raios-c brilharem na escuridão, next to Tannhäuser Portal. All these moments will be lost, no time, like tears na chuva. Time to die. "

blade runner dinner exibe Roy na chuva
The final monologue of Roy is a two high points of the film. Nessa dinner is na chuva little before dying

Here, we can see a mixture between the artificial and human characteristics of robô, projected to be "more human than human", second or slogan of its manufacturer. Interestingly, he really manages to develop love for his existence and for the life of two others, even saving his opponent.

A poetic image of "tears na chuva" became memorable, ainda mais vinda of an unnatural personagem.

In conclusion, Deckard is a replicant

Deckard returned to the local where Rachel was and the two of you took pictures together. But earlier, the blade runner found a paper origami in the form of a unicorn, a sign that Gaff had passed through the life of Rachel.

OR unicórnio appears as a reference to Deckard's dream as an animal. Therefore, here a dúvida se o caçador de andróides was also an android that had memories and implanted dreams.

Deckard and Rachel in close exbindo os olhos with bright pupils
Nessa cena we can see that Deckard's pupils are also slightly bright, or that it may be an indication that he also detects an android.

This is also suggested in other passages of the film, when Rachel asks whether or not she has ever submitted to the test. Voight-Kampff, or that was never answered. There is also a dinner where Deckard's pupils show a certain brilliance, a common characteristic of replicants.

Hidden meanings em Blade runner

Some elements displayed do not long appear with different meanings.

This is the case you give small sculptures ugly hair, official Gaff. The first time there is a small origami of a galinha, when Deckard receives missão, more successful. Gaff suggested how a dubbing he is being covarde as a galinha.

small origami by galinha
Or first origami that appears is from a galinha

A second sculpture is a feitous bonequinho made of a matchstick, which represents a home as an erect penis, an analogy to Deckard's sexual-love interest for Rachel.

matchstick homem em blade runner
O homem of stick that Gaff faces a reference to or Deckard's interest in Rachel

A third is or origami of a universe, which is related to the universe of dreams of the main personage.

unicorn origami em blade runner
Or origami of unicórnio é um sinal that Gaff is not local and poupou to life of Rachel

Photographs of the cores used on film are also important for tracing symbols and meanings. We can repair that two cores are very used: or blue and or yellow.

The yellow and golden dinners form also feitas to convey the sensation of wealth and power associated with Tyrell, or great idealizer and breeder of two androids. OR dourado também é uma cor normally related to the divine sphere.

yellow dinner in blade runner exibe Tyrell with roupão e velas ao fundo
Practically all the dinners at which Dr. Tyrell appears appear in yellow lighting.

Ha as blue dinners passam a noção de melancolia, freza and linked to the gloomy and catastrophic atmosphere of large cities. Also, there are cores in neon, which contribute to the technological and multi-ethnic character present in large cities.

dinner with tons of blue from blade runner that deckard eats macarrão na rua e oficiais chegam para intimá-lo
Or drank bluish and stark dinners in the chaotic, multi-ethnic city of Los Angeles

At the same time as a light is worked and another highlight factor. In many internal dinners there are feixes of light that enter you, suggesting in the absence of privacy, as we all know, guarded at all times, and there are lights, two flying police cars and two zepellins that passam com advertisements.

It is worth noting that a film that served as inspiration was not the source of illumination. Cidadão Kane.

Curiosities about Blade runner

Blade Runner was an icon of culture two years 80 and define the bases for a movement that is known as cyberpunk, which alia or technological growth with the degradation of the planet and the quality of life.

O visual do film foi inspired by produções do cinema not to go, style of suspense crime film, mixing futuristic aesthetics with retro.

Or not replicant It was used by writer Ridley Scott as a synonym for android, which is why it was said that the word was used in biology to designate cell duplication. Assim, or thermo ficou made and immediately associated with the film.

At dinner, either the character Roy faces his famous final monologue, or Rutger Hauer is free to modify his sentence. Foi gave the idea of ​​cutting several sentences and inserting what would be the apex of the speech: a phrase that refers to lost moments like tears na chuva.

A highlight of the production and also a sound trilha, created especially for the film by Greek musician Vangelis, which also brilliantly contributed to other cinematographic works such as Carruagens by Fogo (1981). To music em Blade runner It helps to create a melancholic and dystopian climate.

Outra curiosity is about as various versions which forms apresentadas do longa-metragem. The first time it was launched, the producers are not pleased, who will determine what changes will be made, as a narration of the protagonist and a "happy ending". Depois ainda foram feitas outras versões, attached that 2007 was released to the final version of the director, conhened by "Final cut".

Technical data sheet of Blade runner

Original title Blade runner
Year 1982
Address Ridley scott
Based on Os androids sonham as electric ovelhas? (1968), by Philip K. Dick
Duration 117 minutes
Sound trilha Vangelis
Country of origin USA
Gender Ação, scientific fiction

Blade Runner 2049

In 2017 it was launched Blade Runner 2049, a continuation of the film. Directed by Denis Villeneuve, or longa-metragem tells what happens its thirty years from the history that passed in 2019.

O protagonist agora é K, a replicant produced as an intuition to hunt other replicants. K is an important uncovered face that has the potential to transform society and its own life.

Assim, a missão that this android hunter receives is related to Rick Deckard and Rachael. Check out or trailer:

BLADE RUNNER 2049 - Official Trailer

Or cast of Blade Runner 2049 It is made up of:

  • Ryan Gosling - Officer K
  • Harrison Ford - Rick Deckard
  • Ana de Armas - Joi
  • Sylvia Hoeks - Luv
  • Robin Wright - Tenente Joshi
  • Jared Leto - Niander Wallace
  • Mackenzie Davis - Mariette
  • Dave Bautista - Sapper Morton
  • Carla Juri - Dra. Ana Stelline

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