Education, study and knowledge

5 commented contos with great teachings for crianças

An optimal way to bring reflections and teachings to children and through little stories.

I count many times they are full of apprentices, transmitted through examples, warnings and experiences of two people.

Also, it can be helpful to tell educational stories for the little ones as I intend to generate reflections on life and contribute so that they develop a greater critical sense and be an observer.

1. Os sons do silêncio

Um rei commanded his filho to study the temple of a great master as the objective of preparing him to be a great person.

When or prince chegou ao temple, or mestre or mandou sozinho for a forest.

He should turn a depois year, as a task to discredit all the sons of the forest.

When the prince returned to the temple, the apostle, or the master, asked him to disbelieve all the sons that he would get ouvir.

Então disse or prince:

"Mestre, I could ouvir or sing two pássaros, or barulho das folhas, or alvoroço dos beija-flores, with a breeze beating the grass, or humming das abelhas, or barulho do vento cutting the céus ..."

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E year to finish or his story, or master asked or prince to return to the forest, to hear everything or more than possible fosse.

Despite being intrigued, the prince obeys the order of the master, thinking:

"I don't understand, I have distinguished all the sons of the forest ..."

For days and nights he signed sozinho ouvindo, ouvindo, ouvindo... but he could not distinguish anything de novo além daquilo that he had said year ago.

Porém, certa manhã, he begins to distinguish vague sons, different from tudo or that he ouvira before.

The more he paid attention, the clearer the sons became.

A sensation of enchantment I took from the raptor.

He thought: "Esses must be the sons that or master wanted me to ouvisse ..."

E sem pressa, he ficou ali ouvindo e ouvindo, patiently.

He wanted to be certain that he was not walking certain.

When he returned to the temple, he asked him what else he would get.

Patiently and respectfully or prince disse:

"Master, when I pay attention, I could see or inaudível some flowers are opening, or when the sun rises and aches the terra and da grass drinking or orvalho da noite ..."

O mestre sorrindo, acenou com a cabeça em sinal de aprovação, e disse:

“Ouvir or inaudível e ter a necessary calm to become a great weight. As soon as one learns to ouvir or heart of people, their mute feelings, their meanings not confessed to their silent queixas, a person can inspire trust to or others; understand or what is wrong and meet the real needs of each um.

A morte do espírito começa when people are barely saying the words spoken by the mouth, they are Attentive, not that you are going inside, you give people to show your feelings, desires and opinions reais.

It is precise, therefore, ouvir or side inaudível das coisas, or side not measured, more than fear or its value, it is or side most important of the human being... "

Esse belo conto is present I do not free Histórias da Tradição Sufi, da editor Dervish. Here we have a metaphor that relates to nature to feelings and reflections.

Many times human beings have been outlined that they also faze part of nature and end up distancing themselves from it, not achieving appreciation in a deep and integrated way.

I did not tell, or the teacher recommends a young person to spend a time in the forest in order to listen or that they cannot be seen as ouvidos, but rather as "heart".

Na realidade, o que o mestre propõe é um meditative exercise In that the apprentice manages to connect with himself through the observation of life that pulses in the forest.

2. From bem to life

Filó, to joaninha, I agreed.

- What a nice day! Take the opportunity to visit minha tia.
- Hello, Aunt Matilde. Posso go aí hoje?
- Come on, Filó. Vou fazer um almoço bem gostoso.

Filó colocou seu yellow dress by bolinhas pretas, passou batom cor-de-rosa, calçou os sapatinhos de verniz, pegou or guarda-chuva preto e saiu pela floresta: plecht, plecht ...

She walked you, you... The logo found Loreta, borboleta.

- What a nice day!
- E pra que esse guarda-chuva preto, Filó?
- Same thing! - I thought to Joaninha. She was for casa deixar or guarda-chuva.

From volta to floresta:

- Sapatinhos de verniz? What an exaggeration! - Disse or Tatá toad. Hoje nem tem festa na floresta.
- Same thing! - I thought to Joaninha. E foi for home to barter the sapatinhos.

From volta to floresta:

- Batom cor-de-rosa? How exquisite! - disse Téo, or grilo falante.
- Same thing! - disse a joaninha. E foi for home throw or batom.
- Dress amarelo com bolinhas pretas? How ugly! Why don't you use or vermelho? - disse a aranha Filomena.

- Same thing! - thought Filó. E foi for home barter of dress.

Tired gives so much to go and turn, Filó resmungava caminho hair. O solva so quente that joaninha resolved to give up the passeio.

Checking out at home, she flirted for Aunt Matilde.

- Titia, you will visit for another day.
- Or what happened, Filó? - Ah! Aunt Matilde! Accordingly, I give in, I put myself away, bem pretty and walk away in the forest. But I don't walk ...

- Lembre-se, Filozinha... gosto de você do jeitinho que você é. Come amanhã, I'll be waiting for you with an almoço bem gostoso.

No next day, Filó remembered to be with life. She put on her yellow dress by bolinhas pretas, amarrou a fita na cabeça, passou batom cor-de-rosa, calçou seus sapatinhos de verniz, she pegou or guarda-chuva preto, saiu walking apressadinha pela floresta, plecht, plecht, plecht... e she just parou to rest not colo gostoso da aunt Matilde.

This is a fable of the writer and educator from Minas Gerais Nye Ribeiro. It is a didactic story that Ensina às crianças or value of self-esteem.

It is important that since they were little, they understand that to lead a satisfying life they need to oil themselves as they do not allow certain opinions to reach their life purposes.

Assim, in a playful way, the author creates a situation where joaninha is primarily influenced by hair You palpitate two colleagues and barnacle that I left to make or that I would like to be with a special person for the A.

No second moment, Joaninha is told that she must follow her plans, shapes how she feels more comfortable and thus she can enjoy her life more fully.

3. O menino e o wolf

Numa hill, above um povoado, was one day um pastorzinho. Entediado, or menino, to have fun, I started to shout to the village:

O wolf! O wolf! O wolf see me come!

Or trick it worked. He fez isso three times ainda and, each time, the inhabitants of vilarejo will run uphill, to help or less to save the ovelhas. When chegavam ao mole, or garoto fell in laughter, and the homens ficaram furious, feeling-deceived.

Unfortunately for Garoto, no day of the year or wolf really appeared, and went straight to the top of the ovelhas. Or menino, this time, you will começou aberrar:

- O wolf is here! Come on! O wolf is here!

No one attended to the chamado, some of the villagers would think that it was just a matter of more than one of the garoto's bouncers - and the wolf devoured all the ovelhas.

Or garoto learns late too much to lição that liars are not accredited, even when they are telling the truth.

A famous story of the man, the shepherd and the wolf, of Aesop, a writer of fables who lives in Grécia Antiga I don't know VI a. C. It is present I do not free Aesop's Fables, publishes Círculo do Livro.

He tells about a boy that, from so much lying, he ends up in trouble, because when he finally said it was true, he was discredited by the people.

Educatively display Necessity of honesty and loyalty. It also warns that you should not prioritize "personal fun" and disregard or collective support.

This is a short fable that traces important lessons for life.

4. Distinguishing o bom do mau

A sufferer wanted to meet a great master and this foi à padaria disguised as a beggar. She pegou um pão, começou a eat-lo: or suffeiro espancou-o e atirou-o na rua.

- Louco! -disse a disciple who chegava-Do you see what expelled or teacher that he wanted to know?

Repended, or suffered, he was attached to a street and perguntou or that he could do so that he could lose. The teacher asked him to invite his disciples to dinner.

Or I have bought you an excellent restaurant and asked for the most expensive prices.

- Assim we distinguish or homem bom do homem mau - disse or mestre for you disciples, not meio do almoço. -This sufferer is capable of spending ten money for our own banquet because he is famous, but he is incapable of giving a pão to feed a beggar with encouragement.

This little oriental story of Sufi philosophy is published on the website of the Brazilian Academy of Letters and important traces questions on solidarity, soberba and bajulação, I am willing to please you others for my own benefit.

In history, we see that the sufferer is not imported as similar to what it is doing, treating it badly and spangling. In the meantime, to discover that or homem was a great master, he apologizes and he pays a high price.

O master, precisely because of your wisdom, consider or suffer a homem mau, because of his action, he revealed that his solidarity Item "two pesos and two measures", ou seja, for the poor foi mesquinho and cruel, more for or admired mestre foi generous.

5. A roupa nova do rei

Um little guy, ao fled from a kingdom by roubo, decides to settle in a vizinho kingdom. Leaving, he pretends to be um alphaiate and gets um found as rei

Ao conversar como rei, or homem said that he invented a special outfit that can only be seen by intelligent people.

O rei was very futile and vaid, because of this he was animated and entrusted with giving him an assimilation suit.

Então was offered to or homem many riches, noble names and douraged lines, which were boxed and stored.

When the people passed by, they didn't ateliê, or little guy pretended that he was sewing, mimicking and hanging imagined fabrics.

It took months to finish his request and when he received the payment or payment of the king.

All of you who are pretended to be able to sew anything say, you might be "descobertos" in your burrice, ha, theoretically, only smart ones will get to see.

Certain day, or monarch, já irritated with so much waiting, demands to see or that já tinha been ugly. Ao will come up as vazio cabide, or rei also did not want to pass for stupid and exclaimed:

- What wonderful roupas! Or his work is impeccable!

Accompanying you do rei also praised the roupas and was decided that it would be a public parade for the sovereign to show his special costumes.

O day of the event chegou e o rei paraded for his subjects as arrogant and haughty. But uma das crianças, innocent and true, let out a cry:

- O rei esta nu! O rei is nu!

Everyone is olharam and já ão could more lie to others. We must agree with the children and confessaram that also do not enxergavam as you see.

Or rei percebeu a farce and passou muita shame, tempting to charge as mine. Foi assim que o parade to show roupa nova do rei foi um failure.

This was told by Danish Hans Christian Andersen, and was published for the first time in 1837. It tells about a tricky and expert little guy who uses a variety of others as his greatest weapon.

Through its history and possible to work with children notions such as arrogance, ostentation and feeling of superiority, além da shame and need to appear less than others.

Or laugh, imagining-be very smart, hire or become a phony to make a special suit, more than, really, did not exist. I have no courage to assume that he is not harming roupa, I am afraid of being considered stupid.

This type of situation, placed as a metaphor, can occur on various occasions, not everyday and exposes the importance of being honest and sincere with yourself and others.

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