Os Lusíadas, by Luís de Camões: summary and complete analysis
Published in 1572, o livro The Lusiads, from Camões, é um classico da Portuguese literature. Divide in ten songs, or a long epic poem and a great praise to the Portuguese.
I summarize
Na epic of Camões or objective and to sing to the country, to the history of Portugal. The Camonian verses celebrate the “feitos da famous people” Portuguese (song I), praising “the illustrious Lusitanian peito” (song I). A voyage of maritime expansion becomes a pretext for all the past history of Portugal to be sung.
"There is a purpose of collective imortalization n’Os Lusíadas."
Helder macedo
The Lusiads It also illustrates a time and demonstrates incapacity of Europe, more specifically of Portuguese, of knowing oneself to identify-as Outro. No poem is observed um europeu impermeável a cultura do Oriente, incapable of understanding it.
Camões evidences at all times a concern in telling the truth, not his epic poem, the frisa in various passages or desire to sing you events that are truly transparent with complete transparency: "A verdade que eu conto, nua e crua, / Overcomes all to grandiose writing" (Song V)
Find the first verses of the poem, withdrawn from song I:
As weapons and Barões assinalados
What gives Ocidental praia Lusitana
By seas never sailed before
Passaram ainda além da Taprobana,
In struggled perigos and wars
More than that promised to human strength,
And among remote people they will build
New Kingdom, that so much sublimaram;
And also glorious memories
Daqueles Reis that foram dilating
To Faith, or Império, are vicious lands
From Africa and Asia they will go devastating,
E those who by courageous works
Se vão da lei da Morte releasing,
Singing backsharei everywhere,
I know how to help me or engenho and art.
As first lines of the epic poem he announced the course of the great navigations and it was rumored that the epic poem will be taken. The verses are dedicated to honoring or povo Portuguese, those who overcome perigos and wars to advance or Império e a Fé.
As well as narrating the conquest of the new kingdom, Camões já nas first linhas undertakes to tell history, being capable of size “engenho e arte”. Além to narrate to the genealogy of Portugal, das overseas conquests, or exalted poem, sobretudo, or povo português.
![Cape of Os Lusíadas, edição de 1572.](/f/16801c986a2d12a18846ae801e60ee24.jpg)
Or epic poem divided into songs. There are only 1,102 stanzas in total, each one as little verses, all heroic decassyllables.
Narrative style
A narrative começa in medias res (ou seja part of meio da ação to then turn to narrate back), no meio da viagem by Vasco da Gama. A history of Portugal is told chronologically by Vasco da Gama ao rei de Melinde. A trip to India is the metonymy of all Portuguese navigations.
A construção do poem em si é extremely bem delineated and repetitive. O hero warrior and protected by certain deuses and persecuted by others who, thanks to his Courage, courage and persistence, overcome the armadilhas and get to reach distant land, where he founds novo kingdom.
O principal inimigo two Portuguese é Bacchus, who sentenced ciume and inveja, and is responsible, directly or indirectly, for all of this.
O Velho do Restelo episode
Embora The Lusiads It is a compliment to the great navigations, there is an episode, not song IV, which appears as a counter-voice within the poem.
O velho do Restelo is the one that questions the last discordant instância from the start of the naus, representing those who ficam for after a game two homens for a large enterprise.
With a heavy voice um little lifting,
That we did not see clearly,
Cum knowing only feito experiences,
Tais words tirou do expert peito:
- «Ó glory to command, or vã cobiça
This is what we call Fame!
Or fraudulent gosto, that is atiça
What a popular aura, what an honor it is!
What a punishment size and what justiça
Fazes do not peito vão that much loves you!
What deaths, what perigos, what storms,
What nele cruelties you experience!
Or episode of Ilha dos Amores
Outra contradiction within the poem and at the presence of Ilha dos Amores. I do not song IX, a mystical place arises in the middle of a broken where the warriors are going to repouse, surrounded by lovers. In a poem that louva o império da Fé é surpreender to the presence of a stretch like this:
Oh, what a beautiful family in the forest,
And that cuddly woolly thing that soava!
What soft feelings! What an honest anger
What joyful risinhos he became!
Or that mais passam na manhã e na sesta,
That venus com prazeres inflame,
Milhor é sprimentá-lo que julgá-lo;
But more julgue-o quem não pode sprimentá -lo.
About censorship
You verses of The Lusiads foram pouquíssimo censored. Embora fizessem allusion to carnal love and a cult paid in a time when the Jesuits governed, to the work of a Dominican censor. Frei Bartolomeu Ferreira did not request great cuts and alterations as praise or Author and or award. Camões passou to receive an annual tença of fifteen thousand réis graças ao praise from your censor.
A 2nd edition was published in 1584, with some censorship.
Not so, in 1840, in Spain, there have been two translations of the entire text.
Curiosity about the composition of the work
You knew that the redação de The Lusiads durou mais de uma duzia de anos?
It is clear during the reading of the poem by Camões as the author receives a deep influence of the epic genre, especially from Iliad and Odisseia.
The western epics originally sang the great feitos, the victories of a povo conqueror, as war journeys, you great heroes in a territorial space not yet organized in the form of urban civilization.
Leia The Lusiads na whole
Or classic The Lusiads Find-it is available for free download in pdf format.
The Lusiads em audiobook
Uma outra maneira de conhecer o classical camoniano and ouvindo os seus verses, or epic poem is available in its entirety:
How about knowing um little melhor or poet Luís de Camões?
Born in 1524 or 1525, probably originally from a Galiza family, I suspect that he has frequented aristocratic centers and the boêmio circuit of Lisbon at the same time. In any case, two lawyers were out of the circle, wrapped in confusion, imprisoned, degraded.
Second Manuel Severim de Faria, Camões's first biographer, or poet, was imprisoned in Goa, in 1556, by a governor of India. Logo followed he was exiled to China. I do not sing X of The Lusiads There is a reference to or "unjust command".
Nessa occasion houve a shipwreck no ship where Camões was, pray to Lenda that the writer saved or his manuscript swimming. Camões returned to Portugal in 1569.
Em 1571, ends The Lusiads E o offers to D. Sebastian, obtaining or alvará that allows impressão (since conditional on a special license, that the work passes the appraisal of the inquisição). Em 1572, The Lusiads and printed.
Além de ter written or greatest epic poem in Portuguese language, Camões também criou famous verses of love. É de su autoria, for example, or poem Love is fire that burns, I can see.
![Portrait of Camões.](/f/9e8e9420b69bcc82b64501fc72b69bd5.jpg)
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