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17 melhores poems from Brazilian literature

1. It will takeby Vinicius de Moraes

It will take
That you turned depress
That you are not despeça
Never more do meu carinho
E chore, regret it
I thought a lot
That he melhor will be sofrer together
What a happy life sozinho
It will take
That sadness convinces you
That a saudade does not compensate
And that in the absence does not give peace
E o verdadeiro amor de quem se ama
Tece a mesma antiga plot
That it did not fade
E a coisa mais divine
What is the world
I live every second
Like never again ...

The poet Vinicius de Moraes (1913-1980) came to know mainly the hairs of his mixed verses, having raised great poems from Brazilian literature. It will take É um desses examples of succession, where, through two verses, or poet manages to transmit all or affection that he keeps within him.

Year inverse of uma classic declaration of love, feita when or house is united, we read no poem or moment of departure, when or subject is left behind. A long two verses we perceive that he wishes his beloved to repent of his decision to go back and that he turn to her arms.

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O poem also wounds us - especially in the final stanza - that we must take advantage of every moment of our life as it happens or last.

It will take chegou to be musicado and virou a classical da MPB voiced by Toquinho and Marilia Medalha.

2. Matéria of poetryby Manoel de Barros

All these things whose values ​​can be
disputed do not cuspe at a distance
servem for poetry
O homem that possui um pente
e uma tree serve for poetry
10 x 20 field, sujo de mato - os que
nele gorjeiam: moving debris, cans
servem for poetry
Um chevrolé gosmento
Collection of kisses abstêmios
O bule de Braque sem boca
são bons for poetry
So the things that I do not rise to anything
têm great importance
Every ordinary thing is an element of esteem
Every money is loaned, has its place
na poetry ou na geral

Poeta das coisas miúdas that we see not every day, or from Mato Grosso Manoel de Barros (1916-2014) is known hairs verses full of delicacy.

Matéria of poetry This is an example of its singeleza. Here the little subject explains for the reader or that he is, in the end, material worthy of making poetry. To cite some examples, we can see that the poet's raw material is basically here that he has no value, or that passes away for the greater part of the people.

All this is what people do not rise to as poetic material (two more different types of objects: pente, can, car) were revealed as being, at the end, precise material to construct a poem.

Manoel de Barros teaches us that poetry is not about the things that are inside it, but on or olhar that we deposit on the coisas.

3. Six hundred and sixty e sixby Mario Quintana

A vida é uns deveres that we trouxe to do at home.
When you see, já são 6 hours: there is time ...
When you see, já é 6th-fair ...
When he sees himself, he will spend 60 years!
Agora, it's too late to be reproached ...
E se me dessem - um dia - uma outra oportunidade,
eu nem olhava or relógio
I was always in front ...
And I would go playing hair I walk to casca dourada and useless for hours.

The gaúcho Mario Quintana (1906-1994) has an unparalleled ability to build as a reader a relationship of fulfillment, the seus verses of him are like himself or poet and burned or estivessem in the middle of a conversation relaxed.

Assim e built Six hundred and sixty e six, a poem that seems like a councilor of somebody more velho than escolheu divide as a pessoa mais nova um pouco da sua life wisdom.

How is that person more velha olhasse back, for his own life, and wanted to alert you new to not committing the same mistakes as she did.

Or short poem Six hundred and sixty e six Fala about a passagem do tempo, about the speed of life and about how we should take advantage of every moment that we fear.

4. Homem comumby Ferreira Gullar

Sou um homem comum
of meat and of memory
of osso e esquecimento.
I go to pé, by bus, by taxi, by plane
the life sopra inside of me
feito a chama de um maçarico
e can
Sou as you
feito de coisas lembradas
e skecid
rostos e
mine, or sun-guard vermelho ao mid-day
in Pastos-Bons,
deceased joys flowers passarinhos
luminous evening face
just that ha nem sei

Ferreira Gullar (1930-2016) was a poet with many facets: he wrote concrete poetry, deluded poetry, love poetry.

Homem comum It is a work-first that makes us feel more connected as another. You começam verses promoting a search for identity, faking questões materiais e memories that fizeram or little subject will become what he is.

Logo depois o poeta approaches do leitor ao dizer "sou como você", waking up in us sentiment of partilha e de união, lembrando that we fear more semelhanças do that differences we think naqueles that surround us.

5. Poem recipeby Antonio Carlos Secchin

A poem that disappears
as I fare nascendo,
let him give you nothing, then subtract
senão or silêncio de being não sendo.
That nele barely ecoasse
or som do vazio mais full.
E depois that you did kill
morresse of own poison.

Antonio Carlos Secchin (1952) is a poet, scholar, professor, member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters and two great names in contemporary literature.

In the Recipe of a poem, we are aware of a little of its literary style. Here the poet teaches us how a poem was built. Or its own title, original, intrigue or reader, one time or thermo recites it is customary to be used in the culinary universe. In order to have a single recipe to build a poem also a kind of provocation.

Despite the title promising a type of "instruction manual" to build a poetry, we see, a long time ago two verses, that the poet fails to subjective noções e uses the space of the poem to reflect on what would be or seu ideal poem that, in the end, is revealed as being impossível.

6. Aninha e suas pedrasby Cora Coralina

Don't let yourself be destroyed ...
Adding novas pedras
and building new poems.
Recria your life, always, always.
Remove stones and roseiras plant and face doces. Recomeça.
Face of your mesquinha life
a poem.
And you will live not heart two young people
in the memory of the gerações that you have to live.
This fountain is for the use of all those who sit.
Take your part.
Go to these pages
I have not used it
years that you have been headquarters.

Cora Coralina (1889-1985) began to publish relatively late, 76 years ago, and her poetry carrega muito o tom de conselho Let him live so much and that he wishes to convey conhecimento for the youngest.

Em Aninha e suas pedras We see essa vontade de partilhar or apprentice of a life, advising or leitor, trazendo him for more perto, to divide learned existential and philosophical.

The poem encourages us to work as hard as we want and to never give up, always recommending when we need to try another time. Resilience is a very present aspect of Cora Coralina's criações and is also present in Aninha and her stones.

7. Last poemby Manuel Bandeira

Assim eu wanted or meu last poem
What a terno fosse saying the simpler and less intentional things
That burning fosse like a solution of tears
Que tivesse a beleza das flores quase sem perfume
To purity da chama em that we consume more limpid diamonds
Two suicide bombers killed each other with an explanation.

Manuel Bandeira (1886-1968) is the author of some works-prima da nossa literature, and Last poem It is one of these cases of concentrated events. In just six verses or poet fala about how he would go to his final poetic creation of him.

He reigns here um took of defiance, as he or poet escolhesse shared as the leitor or his last wish of him.

Year after end of life, after experience learned as to spend two years, or little subject get to reach daquilo awareness that really matters e decides to deliver for the reader or that it took him a lifetime to learn.

Or last verse, intense, encloses or poem in a forte form, faking about courage, tell them that they must follow a path that is unfamiliar.

8. Acalantoby Paulo Henriques Britto

Noite após noite, exhausted, side by side,
digerindo o day, além das words
e aquém do sono, we simplify ourselves,
layoffs of past projects,
voice farts and verticality,
content to be only corpos na bed;
e o mais das vezes, before do mergulho
na morte corriqueira e provória
of a sleeping, let us be satisfied
to verify, as a ponta of pride,
daily and minimal vitória:
mais uma noite a dois, and a day less.
And each world turns off its contours
no conchego of um outro morno body.

The writer, professor and translator Paulo Henriques Britto (1951) is two outstanding names in contemporary Brazilian poetry.

Acalanto, word that gives title to the escolhido poem, is a kind of song to pack or sound and is also synonymous with carinho, affection, both meanings that make sense as intimate of the poem.

You verses of Acalanto I approached a happy loving union, full of companionship e of partilha. Or casal divides or seu daily, in bed, as daily obrigações, and conchega um no outro, happy to know that you have a partner how to tell. Or poem é o reconhecimento dessa união full.

9. I do not argueby Leminski

I don't argue
as destination
or what to paint
eu assino

O curitibano Paulo Leminski (1944-1989) was a master of two short poems, having many times condensed in few words dense and deep reflections. This is the case of the poem I don't argue where, in just four verses, very flushed, or little subject is able to show his inteira availability for life.

O poet presents here a posture of oil, the oil "to sail with the sea", as he came across all the difficulties that life presents him.

10. You three badly-loved ones (1943), by João Cabral de Melo Neto

O love comeu meu nome, minha identidade,
meu portrait. O love comeu minha certidão de idade,
minha genealogy, meu straighten. Or love
Comeu meus visiting cards. O love I saw and comeu all
you parents onde eu escrevera meu nome.
O love comeu minhas roupas, meus lenços, minhas
shirts. O love comeu meters and meters of
gravatas. O love comeu according to meus ternos, or
number of meus sapatos, or size of meus
chapéus. O love comeu minha height, meu weight, to
cor de meus olhos e de meus cabelos.
O love comeu meus remedies, minhas receitas
medical, minhas diets. Comeu minhas aspirin,
minhas waves-curtas, meus raios-X. Comeu meus
testes mentais, meus exams of urina.

O Pernambuco writer João Cabral de Melo Neto (1920-1999) wrote some two more beautiful verses of love, no long poem You three badly-loved ones.

Selected trechinho hair we can perceive or take the poem, which fails about how or love transformed or seu day by day. A paixão, symbolized here as a family bug, is feeding two objects that are important not everyday do subject.

Or poem, that fails two efeitos da paixão, is capable of transmitting with perfeição to sensation that we have when we are raptured by someone. Or affection dominates our own identity, the clothes, the documents, the objects of esteem, everything becomes material to be devoured by loving animal hair.

You verses of You three-badly loved ones são apaixonantes, não são? Take advantage to know também or artigo João Cabral de Melo Neto: poems analyzed and commented to be known by the author.

11. Fast and Rasteiro (1997), by Jackal

Vai ter uma festa
What are you going to dance?
I tied or sapato ask to stop.
there eu stop
shot or sapato
e dance or rest gives life.

Falar of contemporary Brazilian poetry and not to quote Jackal (1951) would be a serious falha. The Brazilian poet is one of the two most important breeders of our time and is principally invested in short poems, as a clear, helpful and accessible language or reader.

Fast and Rasteiro It is full of musicality and an unexpected ending theme, waking up a non-spectator. O poeminha, maroto, transmit in just six verses a kind of philosophy of life based not praise and joy.

Written as a dialogue, as a simple and fast language, or a poem about a kind of life pulse with com traços of humor, easily managing to create empathy as readers.

12. You ombros support me the worldby Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Chega um tempo em que no se said more: meu Deus.
Time of absolute purification.
Tempo em que no se said more: meu amor.
Because or love turned out to be useless.
E os olhos não choram.
E so mãos tecem barely or rude work.
E o coração is dry.
Em vão mulheres batem à porta, you will not open.
Ficaste sozinho, the light turned off,
but in the shadow of your eyes, you shine enormously.
This is all certainty, you don't know how to cook.
And you don't expect anything from your friends.
Little does it matter, come to velhice, what is to velhice?
Teus ombros suportam o mundo
e eleno weighs more than mão de uma criança.
As wars, as fomes, as discussed in two buildings
Provam just that life goes on
e nem all liberateram ainda.
Some, achando barbarian or show
I would rather (the delicate ones) die.
Chegou um tempo em que no adianta die.
Chegou um tempo em que a vida é uma order.
Just a life, sem mystification.

Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902-1987), considered the greatest Brazilian poet of the 20th century, wrote poems on the most diverse themes: or love, a solidão, e a war, or seu tempo historico.

You ombros support me the world, published in 1940, was written in the 30s (in the middle of the Second World War) and curiously remains until the days of browsing a timeless creation. Or fala poem about um tired state, about a vacant life: sem friends, sem loves, sem faith.

The verses remind us of the sad aspects of the world - war, social injustice, fome. Or subject portrayed not a poem, not so much, he resists, despite everything.

13. Dona doida (1991), by Adélia Prado

Uma time, when I was a girl, choveu grosso
com trovoadas e clarões, exactly like chove agora.
When you can open these janelas,
as few tremiam as the last pingos.
Minha mãe, how do you know that I will write a poem,
Inspired decidiu: chuchu novinho, angu, molho de ovos.
I went looking for you chuchus and I'm turning now,
thirty years of age. I did not find any more.
To woman who opened me to porta riu de dona tão velha,
With a children's umbrella and coxas à show.
Meus filhos will disown me in shame,
My husband was sad I tied to death,
eu fiquei doida not encalço.
Só melhoro quando chove.

Dona doida Unfortunately, it is a less known poem by Minas Gerais writer Adélia Prado (1935), despite being a Brazilian literature writer and two major works of poetry.

With mastery, Adélia Prado manages to transport us from past to or present to present to or past as her verses function as a kind of tempo machine.

A woman, an adult and married woman, depois de ouvir as a sensory stimulus or barulho da chuva la fora, face a past trip and returns to a childhood dinner lived next to me. To memory and imperative and obliges a woman not to be named to turn to her childhood memory, the not to be escorted, despite desse movement to represent because, to return, she is not understood by the people who are close to filhos and o husband.

14. Firedby Cecília Meireles

For me, and for you, and for more here
that is where other things are never,
deixo o mar bravo e o céu tranquil:
I want solidão.
Meu caminho é sem marcos nem paisagens.
E how or conheces? - I wonder.
- For não ter words, for não ter images.
Nenhum inimigo e nenhum irmão.
What do you try? - Tudo. What do you want? - Nothing.
I travel sozinha com o meu coração.
I am not lost, but out of touch.
Levo o meu rumo na minha mão.
A memory voou da minha fronte.
Voou meu amor, minha imaginação ...
Maybe it will die before the horizon.
Memória, love and rest where will I be?
I leave here meu corpo, between o sol e a terra.
(Beijo-te, corpo meu, all disappointment!
Sad banner of a war estranha ...)
I want solidão.

Published in 1972, Fired It is two more celebrated poems by Cecília Meireles (1901-1964). A year long two verses we are conhecendo or wish of the little subject that is to find solidão.

A solidão here is a process that I have looked for subject hair being over all a form, a way to be self-made. Or poem, constructed from a dialogue, simulates a conversation of a little subject like those who are strangers or their usual little behavior of wanting to be absolutely alone.

Individualist (note how the verbs are quase all na first pessoa: "deixo", "quero", "levo"), or fala poem on or pessoal procurement path e on or desire to be at peace with us.

15. Dez chamamentos ao amigo (Hilda Hilst)

It seemed to you nighttime and imperfect
Olha-me de novo. Because this night
Olhei-me a mim, as you know me olhasses.
And it was like water
Escape from your home that he or she laughed
E sliding barely, nem touching margem.
I olhei you. It's been so long
I understand that sou terra. There has been so much time
I hope
Que o teu corpo de água mais fraterno
It stays on or meu. Pastor and Nauta
Olha-me de novo. Be less haughty.
E more attentive.

There is a great woman in Brazilian literature that writes the most intense love poems that woman is, sem dúvida, Hilda Hilst (1930-2004).

Dez chamamentos ao friend and an example of this type of production. A series of mixed poems was published in 1974, and this is a collection that we withdraw from this small section to illustrate its literary style. In childhood we see the delivery of the beloved, or her desire to be forgotten, noticed, perceived by another.

She goes directly to those who have a heart and give themselves, half a year, to another, asking that they also bravely embark on a journey with a full dedication.

16. Saudadesby Casimiro de Abreu

Nas dead hours da noite
As I am twelve or meditate
When you star, scintillam
The still waves of the sea;
When to lua majestic
I emerged beautiful and formosa,
As a vaid maiden
Nas águas will look!
Nessas hours of silence,
Of sadness and love,
Eu gosto de ouvir ao longe,
Cheio de mágoa e de dor,
Or else do campanário
What a lonely fault
Com esse som mortuary
Let us be terrified.
Então - outlaw and sozinho -
Eu single years echoes da serra
Sighs dessa saudade
That no meu peito is locked up.
Esses prantos de amargores
São prantos cheios de dores:
- Saudades - two meus loves,
- Saudades - da minha terra!

Written in 1856 by Casimiro de Abreu (1839-1860), or the poem Saudades fala da missing that the poet sentences only two serious loves, but also da sua terra.
Embora or poem more known by the writer seja Meus oito anos - onde também fala de saudades, só que da infância - In Saudades we find rich verses that celebrate not only life, or past, as well as love and place of origin. Queen here uma nostalgic perspective.
Or poet of the second geração romântica escolheu to address not a poem as lembranças pessoais, or past, and or feeling of anguish that is not present, marked by frustration.

17. Regressive contagemby Ana Cristina César

(...) I accredited that it was amasse de novo
skeceria outros
hair less three or four faces than amei
Num delírio of archivistics
organize memory in alphabets
as quem conta carneiros e amansa
not so much open flank not outlined
I love you, other faces

Unhappily, Ana Cristina César (1952-1983) from Rio de Janeiro has still become a great public hair, despite her having left a precious work. Embora she had lived a short life, Ana C., as she also knew, wrote very varied verses and on more diverse topics.

O stretch above, retired from the poem mais longo Regressive contagem (published in 1998 I do not book Inéditos e dispersos) Fala sobre a love overlap, when we escort ourselves as a person to create another.

A poet desires, at first, to organize her affectionate life, as it is possible to fully control two affections and overcome those that she loves as a new relationship.

In spite of undertaking this new involvement as a clear objective of leaving or passing behind, the ends up discovering that the ghost of previous relationships remains accompanying same as or novo partner.

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