Olavo Bilac: the 15 melhores poems (analyzed) of the Parnassian writer
Olavo Bilac (1865—1918) was a Brazilian poet, writer, and journalist, appointed as the top national parnassian.
The author stands out as having a plural character of his works, he has dedicated himself to sonnets of love, but also composições turned for the infantile public, passing ainda hairs, political commentaries and you socialize.
1. To a poet
Longe do sterile turbilhão da rua,
Beneditino escreve! I do not conchego
Do cloister, na paciência e no sossego,
Trabalha e teima, e lime, e sofre, e sua!More than na form it is disguised or I undertake
Do effort: the living plot is built
In such a way, that a imagem fique nua
Rich but sober, like a Greek templeDo not show yourself in the factory or torture
Master. E natural, or effect like
Sem lembrar os andaimes do edifício:Because to Beleza, gêmea da Verdade
Pure art, inimiga do artifício,
É a force e a graça na simplicidade
Um two more famous sonnets by Olavo Bilac, this seems to be a message To a poet, Not what or subject transmits to your visão e os seus conselhos about the written office.
The presentation or process gives Poetic creation like a hard work, complicated, fried tied. However, make it clear that, in your opinion of him, this effort should not prove evident and not a final product.
Despite all the models that impunity poetry at the time, or eu-lirico defends that or "Suplício do mestre" must not be visible for or leitor. He accredits that the finished work must appear to be the result of a natural and harmonious process.
This is because, from his perspective, it would be beautiful in the absence of two artifacts, although they are apparently simple, just as the process that this origin has been extremely complex.
2. To velhice
Or net:
Vovo, why not fear before?
Why is he praying only.
E treme, as you doentes
When did you come back?
Why is he white or his hair?
Why do you support um bordão?
Vovo, because, like or gelo,
Is it cold to your hand?
Why are you sad or face?
Tão tremulous to your voice?
Vovo, what is your disaster?
Why didn't I laugh like we did?To Avó:
Meu net, that is my charm,
You have just been born ...
E eu, I have lived so much
Que estou farta de viver!
The years, what is happening,
Vão killing us sem do:
Only you get, falando,
Give-me glad, you just!
O teu sorriso, criança,
I fell on you martírios meus,
Like a clarão de Esperanza,
Like uma benção de Deus!
To Velhice It is a poem for children and a truly exciting audience. A composition shows duas quite different and complementary perspectives about life, passage of time and family relationships.
Na first goal of, or little subject, or net, a child that places several questões, some of them have inconveniences, because he does not understand his avó nem meet the challenges of velhice.
Já to the second goal, em jeito de resposta, is a declaration of love for a woman. She explains that she has lived a lot and passed on great food, but her forces will increase as a net birth.
Assim, a composition ensina os readers mirins a terem mais patience and understanding how you avós, já that are true sources of joy and hope for them.
3. Pray (you will) ouvir stars!
“Ora (you will) ouvir stars! Certo
Perdeste or senso! " E eu you direi, not so much,
That, for ouvi-Ias, a lot of time woke up
And I open the janelas, pale with fright ...And we talk all at night, enquanto
To the milky way, like an open pale,
Cintila. E, ao vir do sol, saludoso e em pranto,
Inda that's how I try to get my hair out.You will say agora: “Tresloucado friend!
What do you talk about eating them? What sense
Afraid what to say, when am I with you? "E eu vos direi: “Amai to understand them!
Pois só quem ama pode ter ouvido
Able to ouvir and to understand stars. "
Part of a collection of sonnets entitled Milky Way, or poem é um two most famous by Olavo Bilac and continues to be quite popular today. Turning on an eternal theme, a paixão, or poetic subject, it seems to respond to the criticism that receives daqueles que or rodeiam.
Um homem dull, he talks like stars and he misunderstood, faced like a dreamer ou tied the same um louco. Or eu-lirico explains that those who do not understand, those who criticize, simply need to shut down.
Assim, or love arises as something magical, transforming, that confer charm to banal life. How do I know, for loving, or little subject uncovered a reality of their own two apaixonados, that only knowing them seems absurd to you.
Trust to Complete analysis of the poem Ora (direis) ouvir estrelas.
4. In an afternoon outono
Outono. In front of the sea. Escancaro as janelas
On the open garden, I look at the waters, absorbed.
Outono... Rodopiando, as folhas amarelas
Rolam, caem. Viuvez, velhice, discomfort ...
Why, beautiful ship, ao clarão das estrelas,
You visited this uninhabited and dead sea,
It was logo, ao vir do vento, you opened ao vento the candles,
Is logo, ao vir da luz, did you abandon or port?
To água cantou. Rodeava, you beijos, you flanks
Foam, stained with white flakes ...
More chegaste com a noite, e fugiste com o sol!
E eu olho or céu desert, e vejo or sad ocean,
And I contemplate or place where you plunged,
Banhado no clarão nascente do arrebol ...
Neste poem, or subject is observing nature pela janela and seems to project in the landscape what he is feeling: he is revê nas cores in na melancholy do outono.
Either your state of mind is the result of a separation and the eu-liric is softening com saudades of a lost love, metaphorized by the image of a ship not sea. Assim, a beloved would be the "beautiful ship" and the "dead" sea that was momentarily crossed.
We can see that it was a fleeting relationship to another person who left, how she had been raised with her windy hair. Contrasting with present sadness, or little subject Remembers happiness I found loving, cheio of beijos and laughs.
5. Um beijo
Foste or beijo melhor da minha vida,
ou maybe or pior... Glory and torment,
with you in the light of the sky,
with you I was hellish peel descends!
Morreste, e o meu desejo don't forget you:
Queimas-me or sangue, enches-me or pensamento,
I eat your bitter taste,
e rolo-te na bad mouth.
Beijo extreme, meu prize and meu punishment,
batismo and extreme-unção, naquele instant
Why, happy, did I die with you?
I feel or burn, or crackle I shout at you,
beijo divine! e anseio delirious,
na perpetual saudade of a minute ...
No sonnet, or poetic subject fala de uma inesquecível paixão that seems to have been irretrievably marked or followed. The feelings that nurture for that person is strong that or it is that they change foi, at the same time, or melhor e or pior gives his life.
Or wrapping itself to be compared to a rise in Ceus years and later descend in Hell years. Confessing that to beloved morreu e deixou uma saudade infinite, or poetic subject declares that he continues to want to be like her and sofre by isso, in order to want to die too.
6. Ao heart that sofre
Ao heart that sofre, separated
Do you, I do not demand that to chore I vexed,
Not enough or simple and sacred affection
As you give misfortunes I protect myself.It is not enough for me to know that I am loved,
Nem só desejo or teu amor: desejo
Ter nos braços teu corpo delicate,
Ter na boca a doçura de teu beijo.E as just ambitions that consomem me
Don't be embarrassed: pois maior baixeza
Nothing has to do with earth hair to change;E mais eleva o coração de um homem
To be of homem always, na greater purity,
Ficar na terra and humanely love.
Also in the format of a sonnet, or a poem and a confession of a little subject that sofre, distant from a person who loves. For him, not enough or platonic love, with greatness two sentiments that unite you and nutrem um another hair. On the contrary, he affirms in need of ter or his love on the side, exchange beijos and hugs, experience paixão de perto.
Crossing emotions and thoughts, or eu-lirico concluded that his vontade is natural, just, human; by isso, I will not be ashamed of two serious desejos.
In his conception of him, it does not make sense to exchange "a terra hair ceu", ou seja, open mão das terrestrial dwellings, carnais, em nome da religious morality.
It is assumed that a mere human being, a long time to be perfect or dry with that pretentiousness, oil that part of its nature wants to live or love and there is nothing wrong with it.
7. Curse
I know for twenty years, nesta furna escura,
Deixei sleep a minha maldição,
- Hoje, velha e tired da bitterness,
Minh'alma will open as a vulcão.
And, in torrents of anger and loucura,
About a tua cabeça ferverão
Years of silence and torture,
Years of agony and solidão ...
Damn sejas Ideal hair lost!
Bad hair that fizeste sem want!
Hair love that morreu is born!
Pelas hours lived sem prazer!
Peel sadness that it has been!
Hair splendor do that eu deixei to be ...
Contrary to the poems we analyze here, this composition conveys a feeling of latent revolt perante a loving rejeição.
O poetic subject declares that he was safe for a long time more, now, he needs to express what he is feeling, like lava fucked for fora de um vulcão.
Confessing that he keeps an ancient magic, which has lasted for two decades and batizou de "maldição", he addresses himself to a woman, an interlocutor of the poem. He chega same to chamá-la de "maldita" because or machucou, because rejeitou to sua paixão. This sauce seems to have transformed this little guy, raised to his joy, something hair qualifying for guilt and he was condemned.
8. Hino à Bandeira do Brasil
Hail, beautiful pendão gives hope,
Hail, august symbol gives peace!
Your name is present at Lembrança
A grandeur da Pátria drew us.Recebe or affection that is enclosed
Em nosso peito juvenile,
Dear symbol da terra,
Give beloved terra do Brasil!Em teu seio formoso you portray
This purest blue sky,
A vegetable is for these plants,
E o splendor do Cruzeiro do Sul.Recebe or affection that is enclosed
Em nosso peito juvenile,
Dear symbol da terra,
Give beloved terra do Brasil!Contemplating or your sacred worship,
We understand or do not see;
E or Brazil, by my beloved filhos,
Powerful and happy it must be.Recebe or affection that is enclosed
Em nosso peito juvenile,
Dear symbol da terra,
Give beloved terra do Brasil!About imensa Nação Brasileira,
Our moments of festa ou de dor,
Paira semper, sacred bandeira,
Pavilhão da Justiça e do Amor!Recebe or affection that is enclosed
Em nosso peito juvenile,
Dear symbol da terra,
Give beloved terra do Brasil!
Presented in the year 1906, or Hino à Bandeira do Brasil It was a commission from Francisco Pereira Passos, prefect of Rio de Janeiro, a Parnassian poet. Later, the lyrics were set to music by Francisco Braga and visiva introduce nova national bandeira ao povo brasiliro.
Assim, it appears to be a declaration of love to the country, conveying a positive and solar message of hope, peace and greatness. Fazendo reference to cores and years elements of the bandeira, a composition fala de um povo who loves his land and tem keep faith with his future risonho, num Brazil "powerful" and "happy".
9. Velhas Árvores
Olha these velhas trees, more belas
Do that as arvores novas, mais friends:
So much more belas quanto mais antigas,
Winners of the days of procelas ...
Or homem, a fera, and or inseto, in the shadow of them
Vivem, livres de fomes e fadigas;
E em seus galhos shelter-se as cantigas
And you love the birds tagarelas.
Não choremos, friend, a mocidade!
Envelheçamos I surrender! we envelheçamos
As arvores fortes envelhecem:
Na glory gives joy and goodness,
Giving you pleasure, we will join hands,
Shading and comforting years I suffer!
More time, or poetic subject seems to find nature and echoes his emotions, bem as a response and até an inspiration. Observing as arvores mais antigas, or eu-lirico affirms that they are as most beautiful, because they will survive passagem do tempo and also to innumerable adversities.
This seems to be a metaphor that little subject uses to face or envelhecimento e a lost youth. Conversing with a friend, or interlocutor, he transmits a positive message, on a peace and wisdom that surgem com a idade.
10. Fire-fátuo
White hair! dai-me, enfim, calm
To this torture of homemee and artist:
Desdem hair that encloses minha palma,
And ambition for more than it does not exist;This fever, that or spirit calms me down
The logo enregeles me; this conquest
Of ideas, to be born, dying of a soul,
From worlds, to raiar, dying in sight:This melancholy was remedied,
Saudade sem reason, Louca Esperanza
Burning in choros and findando in tédio;This absurd anxiety, this cum
To escape or what or meu sonho reached,
To love or not to have a life!
The title of the poem is a reference to a natural phenomenon that always causes a lot of strangeness, feeding on my beliefs and myths. Or "fátuo-fátuo" is a blue chama that lasts barely a few seconds and generates our bodies in decomposition.
Isto suggest that the poetic subject is na last stage gives his life, to velhice, something that is confirmed hairs serious white hair Checked this moment, ele ainda look for a calm that never chegou, unbelieving his state of restlessness, not only as an individual but also as a poet.
Taken by various emotions, he continues to be consumed by a lot of hair that he does not fear and does not manage to reach, revealing a kind of "eternal unsatisfied" at the end.
11. To Alvorada do Amor
A great and silent horror, a deep silence
No day of Sin Amoalhava or world.
E Adão, I sell dating-is to the port of Éden, I sell
That Eva olhava or desert and hesitava tremendous,
She disse:
"Chega-te a mim! come in, don't love me,
E à minha carne delivers your meat in flower!
Preme against or meu peito or teu seio agitated,
E learn to love or Love, renewing or sin!
Abençôo or teu crime, acolho or teu desgosto,
I drink-you, from uma em uma, the tears of my face!
Go! everything repels us! to all to criação
Sacode the same horror and the same indignation ...
In the wrath of Deus twist the trees, crest
As a tufão de fogo or seio da floresta,
It opens to terra em vulcões, curls two rivers to water;
This is how you estão cheias de calefrios;
The dark roars or the sea; turva-is stinky or ceu ...
Go! What does Deus matter? Unleash, as um véu,
About your nudez a cabeleira! Go!
Burn in chamas or chão; rasguem-te a pele we ramos;
Morda-te or corpo or sun; injuriem-te os ninhos;
Feras arise to uivar of all the paths;
E, I sell you to bleed das urzes through,
Se emaranhem no chão as serpes aos teus pés ...
Does matters? o Love, botão just ajar,
Illuminate or degreed and perfume or desert!
I love you! I'm happy! because, of Eden lost,
Levo tudo, levando or teu corpo dear!
May, in love with you, all will be annihilated:
- Tudo will be reborn singing ao teu olhar,
Tudo, seas and ceus, trees and mountains,
Because perpetual Life burns in your entrances!
Roses will sprout from your mouth, you will sing!
Rivers will run you two olhos, be chorares!
E se, around your lovely body and nu,
Tudo die, what does it matter? Natureza is you,
Now that it is mulher, now that you sinned!
Ah! blessed or moment that you revealed to me
Or love as your sin, and life as your crime!
Because, free from Deus, redeemed and sublime,
Homemic, na terra, à luz dos olhos teus,
- Terra, melhor que o céu! homem, higher than Deus! "
A Alvorada do Amor is an absolutely great composition, focused on no moment in which Adão e Eva are expelled from Paradise because the mordeu or forbidden fruit, committing or original sin. On the side of fora do Éden, we find it unknown, disobedient and divine punishment.
Or poetic subject or Adão himself, falando with his beloved. Contrary to what could be expected, he is not left but scared, but in a state of extasy. Or homem is happy on the side of his woman, despite the divine fury and two elements of nature that turned against each other.
For Adão, being on the side of Eva is more important than or Paradise and consummating the paixão of both seems to be the only reward that is interesting. By isso, face or Eve's sin as "blessed", because lhe showed you the truth. Once again, Olavo Bilac face or praise the human being and two serious desires of him.
12. Portuguese Language
Last flower of Lácio, uneducated and beautiful,
It is, at a time, splendor and grave:
Ouro native, what an impure bargain
A gross mine between the cascalhos sail ...I love you assim, unfamiliar and dark,
Tuba de alto clangor, lira singela,
Que tens o trom e o silvo da procela
E o roll da saudade e da tenderness!Amo o teu viço agreste e o teu aroma
Of virgin jungles and long ocean!
I love you, or rude and painful language,Em who gives ouvi maternal voice: "meu filho!"
E em que Camões chorou, I don't exile bitter,
O genius sem ventura and o love sem brilliance!
Um two remarkable sonnets by Olavo Bilac, this poem is written about his own Portuguese language and its history, emphasizing that the language arose from vulgar Latin.
At the same time smooth and brute, in language assume different uses and purposes, I have crossed my own Atlantic Ocean to go to Brazil.
O little subject says that the language is or the same that he ouvia gives mouth of his mãe, and also that used by Camões, not only his famous works but also in moments of despair, choosing not to exile.
13. Dualism
Não está bom, nem és mau: it's sad and human ...
You live craving, curses and prayers,
How do I know, to burn, no heart tivesses
Or tumult and or clamor of a long ocean.
Poor, do not bem as not bad, you suffer
E, rolling in my vesano vortex,
You oscillate between a belief and or disappointment,
Between hopes and desinteresses.
Capable of horrors and sublime actions,
You are not satisfied with virtues,
Nem do you regret, unhappy, two crimes:
E, no perpetual ideal that devours you,
Residem together no teu peito
A demon that roars and a deus that chora.
De novo, or subjectito da lyrical by Olavo Bilac reflects on his humanity and imperfection: é um be cheio of defeitos and anguished. I live an eternal life, full of internal conflicts, or eu-lyrical thinks it is not its own dualism and analyzes its alterations in mood and behavior.
I frighten so much not good as not bad, the passes gives descreation to hope and vice-versa, admitting that I am capable of two melhores and two superior atos. Assim, he faces like um be divided em two, being the same tempo, um demônio and um deus.
14. Deixa or olhar do mundo
Deixa que o olhar do mundo enfim devasse
Teu great love that is teu maior segredo!
That you were lost, I know, more I give in,
Everything or what do you feel was shown?
Enough of cheating! Show me half
Aos homens, facing them face to face:
I want you all to come home, when it passes,
Inventous, apontem-me eat finger.
Olha: no posso mais! Ando tão cheio
Of this love, that minhalma be consumed
To exalt you years olhos of the universe ...
Ouço em tudo teu nome, em tudo or read:
E, tired of penetrating teu nome,
Quase or reveal no end of a verse.
Contrary to the behavior of the times, which defended that love should be discreet, this little guy reveals that he is tired of nursery rhymes. relationship in segredo. Assim, he tries to argue as a beloved, asking questions or that he would lose himself, assuming that he will provoke an injury to our other homens.
Fully dominated by a loving feeling, or eu-lyrical, he assumes that the beloved does not leave his head, as soon as he does not get to find out and reveal or not the not own poem.
15. Olha-me!
Olha-me! O teu olhar serene and brando
Come in or peito, like a long river
Of waves of ouro and light, limpid, entering
O ermo from a dark and cold forest.
Fala-me! In double groups, when
Falas, for warm summer nights,
So they rise, radiating,
Tall, similarly dark hair.
Olha-assim me! Fala-me assim! By pranto
Agora, agora of cheia tenderness,
Open sparks of fire from that pupil ...
And when I burn in her light of her, when
Em seu radiance burns me, uma sereia
Solve and sing nessa quiet voice!
Or last sonnet of love in analysis começa com um I appeal to someone who is listening: "olha-me". More down, or subject or repeat, adding ainda "fala-me".
We are waiting uma supplication of the eu-lyrical to woman beloved: He demands your attention and declares that he will hear the voice of the exercise of great power over him.
Numa mixture of sadness, rebellion and tenderness, or little subject confesses that he is sofre and is being consumed, burning in the light of the dela. By tudo isso, he chega to compare her to uma sereia That either seduced or unhappy, at the same time.
On Olavo Bilac e a poesia do Parnasálisis
Olavo Bilac was born in Rio de Janeiro, not on December 16, 1865. After starting to study Medicine with just 15 years, I met vontade do pai who was also a doctor, he ended up dropping out of college and opting for direct hair.
Nesse meio tempo, uma grande paixão pelas letters Tomou tell how young you started working as an editor Academic Gazette e enveredou pelo caminho do jornalismo.
Frequent of the boêmia carioca life, Bilac coexists with several prominent people of the artistic and political panorama of his tempo. Embora he has assumed school charges and been defender of republican and nationalist ideas, it was through the poetry that the author reached or succession and eternizou or seu nome of him.
Nicknamed "prince of two Brazilian poets", or writer also foi two founders of the Brazilian Academy of Letters.
His lyrics stand out as a national cenario mainly due to the influences of Parnassianism, a literary school that has origins in France and is characterized by hair. rigor and preciousness das composições.
In his poems, we can find various characteristics of the Parnassian schola as a metrificação fixa and a preference for the Alexandrian verse. Verifica-se também or use of elaborate vocabulary and invulgar rhymes, as well as predominance of sonnet as a form of choice.
Same as all these worries at the time of the criação, or that surpasses the lyric of Bilac são as suas Considerations on relationships, human emotions and time passage, among other topics universais.
Conheça also
- Fundamental Brazilian poets
- Great poems of Augusto dos Anjos
- Escolhidos poems by Gregório de Matos
- The best love poems from Brazilian literature
- Poems of João Cabral de Melo Neto
- The most famous poems of Brazilian literature