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5 poems explained to understand Pablo Neruda

Um dos maiores nomes da Latin-American poetry of the XX century and Pablo Neruda (1905-1973).

Born in Chile, or writer has a literary production of more than 40 books, in which he addressed various topics, from political poems to love poems.

He was quite recognized in life, receiving in 1971 the Nobel Prize for Literature.

1. Ballad of despair

Eu já tenho as desolate pupils
do not see a deceptive path!

To think that o Sol, when you houver died,
sairá!!! Why shouldn't you sair?

Sou a sponge that no premeu,
e sou um vinho que no bebeu.

Ballad of despair integrates to work Or invisible river, Publicação de 1982 that brings together lyrical texts by Neruda produced in his adolescence and our first years of youth.

O poem is feito with the absence of rhymes and shows one side of the writer that, ainda jovem, awareness of your finitude e gives "insignificance" of each human being when compared to the greatness of the universe.

Perhaps you are interested in the theme of death that has become the death of the poet, and I have lost my baby, passing on to childhood as a country in Temuco, a city in Chile.

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It is also the same time, two fifteen years before, that he loved or named Pablo Neruda, as a tribute to the Czech writer Jan Neruda. Seu nome de batismo was Neftali Ricardo Reyes.

2. O Pássaro Eu

Chamo-pass me Pablo,
bird of sorrow only,
voador na scuridão clara
e confused clarity,
Minhas handles not seen,
you ouvidos rumbled me
when I pass between the trees
ou by debaixo das graves
what dismal guardian-chuva
ou like a naked sword,
stretched like a bow
ou round like a grape,
voo e voo sem to know,
ferido na noite escura,
those who are going to wait for me,
I don't want to sing,
you who wanted to see me dead,
I don't know what to do
e não virão to beat me,
to bleed-me, to twist-me
ou beijar minha roupa rota
hissing hair wind.
By isso eu volto e vou,
voo mas não voo, more singing:
go furious sou
it gives a calm storm.

Neruda tinha grande appreciation of the birds and the nature of maneira geral, or that it is evident no poem in questão, published no free Art of pássaros (1966).

To draw a self-portrait in the shape of a bird, or poet creates a mystical image, mixing human figure with animal.

Or pass him, symbol of freedom, is a metaphor found to show part of his personality. Ao say that it is "bird of a penalty only", we can understand it as a homem whose principles are not mudam.

When referring to the years that "I wanted to see myself dead", Neruda could be referring to persecution because of his political positions, pois or poet was a member of the Communist Party.

3. September 4, 1970

Let it be remembered: for fim has unity!
Viva o Chile, Aleluia e Alegria.
Viva o copper e o vinho e o nitrate.
That I live to unity and persistence!
Sim, senhor. Or Chile is a candidate.
Muito custou was a fantasy.
I tied that leaf to luta is understood.

March, march like daylight.
Or president é Salvador Allende.

All to vitória causes calafrio,
because it is won or povo has a flake
that enters not focinho do invejoso.

(Um SOBE e o outro para seu buraco
descended from time to history.)

Enquanto Allende chega à vitória
vão-se os Baltras as cheap sujas.

Pablo Neruda published his work in 1973 Incitação ao nixonicídio e louvor da revolução chilena, that addresses political issues, fazendo a homagem à revolução do povo chilean.

Or poem refers to Vitória of Salvador Allende After the 1970 elections, he had been a candidate 3 times previously.

Allende was the first president with a socialist position to be democratically elected. Three years after, suffered a hard coup d'état that started Pinochet's military rank and brought thousands of people.

Neruda was a personal friend of Allende and nesse poem squeeze all of your admiration, hope for days of melhores and contempt for those inimigos. The writer was also nominated by Allende as ambassador of Chile in Paris, in 1971.

On his deceived poetry, Neruda said once:

"I must say that my political poetry has nothing to do with apprenticeships and doutrinações. No one sent me, but he gave me instructions to save. I have lived a tragedy of meu povo.

By isso escrevo political poetry. No one is afraid of the best remedy for my country, for the continent where everything is about to be done, two persecuted, two poor, two oppressed will take or party. In other ways, um homem does not sit homem; and a poet could not feel like a poet. "

4. Self portrait

From minha part,
sou ou thought he was hard on the nose,
minimum of olhos,
scarce hair on the head,
crescent of abdomen,
packed with legs,
long alone,
I will love his complexion,
generous of loves,
impossível of calculations,
confused with words,
suit of mine,
slow to walk,
stainless steel of heart,
fond of stars, marés, tidal waves,
escaravelhos administrator,
areias walker,
clumsy of institutions,
perpetually Chilean,
friend of my friends,
mute of inimigos,
meddling among you,
badly educated at home,
shy he salutes us,
repented sem object,
horrendous administrator,
mouth navigator,
ervateiro da ink,
discreet among you cheer,
lucky us nuvarrões,
market researcher,
dark in libraries,
melancholic nas cordilheiras,
incansável us forests,
very slow responses,
or over the years ofpois,
vulgar throughout or year,
resplendent like meu caderno,
monumental of apetite,
sleeping tiger,
sossegado na joy,
inspector do céu noturno,
invisible worker,
messy, persistent,
Valente by necessity,
covarde sem sin,
sonolento by vocation,
love it with women,
active by suffering,
poet by maldição e bobo com chapéu de burro.

Self portrait é mais um poem em que o writer is placed as an object of “self-analysis”. Here, Neruda reveals his physical and emotional form, revealing paixões - like the verses “aficionado às estrelas, marés, tidal waves” and “amável com mulheres”, for example.

Also, he declares himself "courageous by necessity", or that he says a lot about his political convictions and his fears in relation to this issue that is present in his life.

Neruda was a homem that is in contact with various cultures, countries, and knows important people, thus building a personality of branches, or that is transparent, not a poem.

We can also observe no lyrical text as the poet uses newer elements of nature as a metaphor to create comparações with your way of being and atating the world.

5. Always

Before mim
I have no ciúmes.
Vem com um homem
to your coasts,
vem com cem homens between your hair,
see me with a thousand homens between teu peito and teus pés,
see me how um laughed
cheio of afogados
that you find or furious sea,
to eternal foam, or tempo!
Map all of them
for where eu I wait for you:
we will always be alone,
we will always be you and eu
sozinhos on a terra
to start life!

Uma outra vertente da poetry by Pablo Neruda is related to love theme. There are many poems of the writer who dealt with the subject.

Um, give them Always, present I do not free The verses of the Capitão, published anonymously in 1952.

Nesse short poem by Neruda, a questão do ciúmes - ou melhor, gives absence of the - é placed in a wise manner. Or personagem understands that Your beloved has a costume, That you have other loves not passed, but not intimidated or insecure, you understand that the story that is formed between them and a new chapter in their lives.

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