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Game of Thrones: summary and analysis of the final season

game of Thrones, ou War two thrones, is a North American television series originally broadcast by HBO channel since April 2011. Based on us Chronicles of Gelo e Fogoby George R. R. Martin, a narrative tells how many seasons.

Two years ago, a series became an increasingly larger television phenomenon in the world to attend the final season. Accompanying saga hair Throne of Ferro? Come to our analysis.

Sinopse da series

In a world where war and fantasy are mixed, a series accompanies the movements of several powerful figures that compete among themselves to occupy the Throne of Ferro and govern the Seven Kingdoms.

Between battles, intrigues, alliances, marriages, assassinations and successive crises, we follow the lives and deaths of these people, assisting those who are willing to survive to survive.

Attention: from this point, or artigo contem spoilers on or end of series!

Season 8 summary


In the last season of the series it began as a winter check, when everyone needed to unite against an inimigo comum, or Night King and his army of white walkers.

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The exércitos come together, in Winterfell and Jon Snow introduces Daenerys as future rainha, telling that she opened the title of the North. Sansa e o povo do Norte do not lose her independence in Daenerys' gostam, but she needs to fight her side of her. Cersei did not fulfill his promise in Porto do Rei, preparing for war with his rival.

Sam, my letters and Jon's friend, discover his true identity, which is confirmed by Bran. Jon is not the bastard of Ned Stark plus his nephew, fruit of the union of Lyanna Stark with Rhaegar Targaryen. Assim, Jon é o next na linha de successão.


The army of the Night King cheats Winterfell and has fought a long battle against the zumbis and the dragon of gelo, where a large part two soldiers lost to life. Bran is used to attract the Night King, who chased or Corvo de Três Olhos makes secles. Arya gets surpreende-him pelas coasts and kills him.

Jon fica knowing that he is a Targaryen and reveals to Daenerys why he is dumbfounded. Rainha may keep her secrecy, aware that she will tempt the throne. Or former Stark resolves to tell the story for the "irmãs", Sansa and Arya, and the logo to the news começa behind the circle of rainha.

A walk from Porto do Rei, two dragons by Daenerys and deadly skinned by Euron Greyjoy, Cersei's new lover. During the conflict, Missandei, my friend of Mãe dos Dragões, was sequestered and ended up being beheaded. Before the invasion of the city, Tyrion frees Jaime and his path to escape with me.

To "mão da rainha" she wanted to avoid the destruction of Porto do Rei and the death of many innocent people and combined a sinal with Daenerys: a troop could not touch each other, and because she is surrendering.

A rainha flew over the city of dragão and ignored or barulho two sinuses, setting fire to everything, in fury. Jon Snow tries to stop or massacre but does not succeed in doing anything to prevent. Defeated, Cersei and Jaime Lannister are hugging each other, we rubble from the castle.


Jon Snow saw Greyworm killing all of Cersei's soldiers, Ajoelhados. Daenerys appears before her army and announces Imaculated Years that she will be "liberators" and continue or her trail of conquests. Tyrion confronts and accused of treason, being imprisoned followed.

Snow goes to visit him or to the prison and convinces him that Daenerys represents someone else for him or her. In the throne room, Rainha tempts him and takes advantage of it nearby to hold her breath. As great families two Seven Kingdoms meet to find out who will govern Tyrion, with a convincing speech, he appoints Bran as future king.

Bran passes to govern the Six Kingdoms, with Tyrion as "mão do rei" and Sansa é coroada rainha do norte, who returned to be independent. As punishment for the death of Daenerys, Jon Snow is condemned to be part of the Patrulha da Noite, a group of bandits and bastards who abandoned everything and wandered além da muralha.

Review of season 8

In the last season of the television series, I was longed for hairs for more than one year. Several theories arose and everyone wanted to know that he would end up sitting on the Throne of Ferro.

In just six episodes, David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, the writers of the series, have to finish narrative ainda em aberto free us by George R. R. Martin.

Encounters in Winterfell

Depois de separações dolorosas logo does not come in series, the final season promotes or I found the Stark family among you: fight for the first time, Jon, Sansa, Arya and Bran are back to North. All are considerably different from what they live or what they will live, especially Bran, who became Corvo de Três Olhos and does not seem more like the same person.

Reunion of Arya and Bran
Reunion with Arya and Bran.

To fight against you white walkers, reappear old inimigos like the witch Melissandre, The Hound and Jaime Lannister. Face a deadly ameaça, everyone manages to unite efforts and work side by side, abandoning at times the conflicts of the past.

Arya saves everyone

From childhood, Arya Stark repeated that she did not want to be "lady of Winterfell" and showed how much she learned to fight, like her irmãos homens. Challenging the sponsors of the time and what was expected of a girl from her life and social condition of her, Arya always knew that she would be a guerreira.

arya learns to lutar
Arya learning to lutar.

He does not start a series, Ned performs or sounds filha when he gives a small sword, "Agulha" and hires a fencing teacher for her. O mestre transmits a lição that to menina never more skece e carrega ao long of the entire narrative:

- Or what do we say to Deus da Morte?

- Hoje no!

When her father died in a separated Stark family, Arya was just a child abandoned to her own devices, using her instincts to survive. Moved hair from vingança and pela vontade to find you irmãos, a little orpha vai transforming into a courageous adolescent and boa de briga.

Long past seasons, we attended Arya's training, which is developing her abilities with the help of The Hound and Brienne of Tarth. Or time that passes between the Homens Sem Rosto de Braavos, learning with Jaqen H'ghar, or "homem sem nome", to become an efficient and meticulous assassin, capable of killing any fish.

arya kills night king
Arya surpreende e kills or Night King.

During the Battle of Winterfell, there is a moment of immense tension in which young people are imprisoned in a cheia library of white walkers and she has no weapons to defend herself. One more time, let us testify to her impressive capacity of her to be locomove sem fazer nenhum barulho and esgueirar nas situations more improvaveis.

Nessa mesma noite, Melissandre suggested to Arya that she would be destined to kill or Night King, lembrando or nickname of seu professor. When she repeats "hoje não", a guerreira sai running and we only return to see the end of the episode. Arya was able to fulfill her purpose, for which she has lived her entire life: to protect her family and to survive.

Ascent and stay of Daenerys

Daenerys Targaryen entered the last season of the series ready to assume the Throne of Ferro. On the back of Jon Snow, I decided to open my title to the Northern Kingdom and swear allegiance to Mãe dos Dragões, you two paixonaram and chegaram together to Winterfell. Aí, Daenerys is received with distrust of hair from the north, who wants independence and fears for being a Targaryen.

Daenerys and Jon
Daenerys and Jon chegam ao Norte.

Defeat the Night King and have more than two dragons and part of her army, she is ready to defeat Cersei Lannister and recover what he is directly from her. TO sorte dumb suddenly, with a sequence of events that is surprising.

First of all, she fica knowing that Jon is a Targaryen, além de seu niece, é o successor da linhagem. She is realizing that it is known that her back will be ignored by her hair and a lover who keeps secrecy. Not so, when Snow told the real Stark, those who began to conspire and Daenerys was doubly brought.

When Rhaegal, or her dragon, is dead under the spears of Euron Greyhoy, and visible to her ration and sense of powerlessness of her. O cenário piora when Missandei, her loyal friend of hers, is abducted and beheaded under the command of Cersei, I know she wants to prevent.

daenerys no dragão
Daenerys, furious, on top of her dragão.

"Dracarys", which in Valerian means" fire of dragão ", was the last thing Missandei said before dying, condemning the entire city to a great fire. Na expressão facial da rainha we can see or hate, which begins to move from point to point.

Even when Porto do Rei is busy, her heroes and Cersei's soldiers surrender, Daenerys is not satisfied, she does not sit down and she flies over the city firing fire on everyone. At this dinner we are certain that a personagem changed, that her fury and desire of her power fizeram that she eschewed all the values ​​that she defended.

Either she continues to fail to build a world novo sem opressão, or her speech reveals that she ended up becoming like the tyrannical rulers that she always condemned.

Cersei Lannister overthrown

Determined to maintain this end, Cersei Lannister gradually developed more sozinha, as a narrative decoration. Embora she has promised to join her non-North troops against the Night King, she chooses to prepare them for war against Daenerys. When Jaime decides to leave for Winterfell, he will say that she is being abandoned by her eternal companion.

Cersei and Jaime reunited
Cersei and Jaime reunited.

Likewise, I have the numbers against her, rainha does not give up and continues to create alliances. To fight Daenerys' dragons, she tries to pack elephants to gather her forces, in an obvious iron arm between the women.

While Mãe dos Dragões is burning Porto do Rei, Cersei assists in the varanda do castelo. Trying to escape at the end, she is surprised or rediscover Jaime, who turned to look for her.

Newly reunited, you two morrem embraced among the rubble, together against the world, as viveram.

Tyrion Lannister, loudly

Tyrion Lannister is a curious person, ranging from sarcasm to wisdom for years to come. In some passages of history, he reveals himself to be caustic and faith, in others he is determined and willing to build a world of love.

Despite being a Lannister, he has always lived the realities of a world filled with injustice and preconceptions. Irmão mais novo de Cersei and uncle of the sadistic Joffrey, he knows from the point of view of moral corruption associated with power. Assim, when he meets Daenerys he oils accompany her and serve as her direct arm because he credits her vision of her for the future.

Tyrion sell to destruction
Tyrion sold the destruction of Porto do Rei.

When he sees that you are plotting against her, "mão da rainha" maintains loyalty, denouncing my friend, Varys, that he was burned for treason. Embora he also tivesse ressentimentos like povo de Porto do Rei, he tentsou keep peace and negotiate tréguas among the soldiers.

Or his dream of him being on the side of a rainha just and destroyed together with the city. Depois gives Daenerys blood vitória, Tyrion a rejeita and ends up being imprisoned by serious soldiers. It is also that he manages to open the eyes of Jon Snow and convinces him to kill her to free him or her.

Depois gives his death to him, and he also knows that he offers a solution for the problem of succession: the next king will be Bran Stark, as Tyrion's support as his "mão".

Bran Stark, or rei de três olhos

Bran Stark's journey is different for the remaining days and surprises at the end of the year. Since he was little, Bran saw more than others and foi isso, in the last analysis, that determined his destiny. Ainda criança, he went up to a tower and attended a love dinner between the Lannister brothers.

To protect or segregate, Jaime o empurrou e Bran ficou paraplegico. Hodor, or his adjutant and companion, died to save the life of the man, showing that he was fulfilling his destiny. Bran needed to survive to become or Corvo by Três Olhos, a kind of collective memory.

Conhecedor of the past and also the future, or young man for a large part of the last season in silence, observing what happens. In some moments, however, he uses his knowledge to interfere in the course of the day. He confirms for Sam the true identity of Jon Snow and develops the plan that defeats the Night King.

Bran is chosen to be the next king.
Bran is chosen to be the next king.

Not past, he was branded Night King hair, which I perceived or his immense power from him wanted to eliminate him. Knowing that it will be or will be his alvo during the Battle of Winterfell, he rides an armadilha in the forest. During or when I confront each other, he keeps me calm and knows or follows.

Quase not final of series, when Jaime lost, Bran expresses that everything has to happen give him jeito. Assim, during or concilio between the houses, when Tyrion or appoints as next king, Bran is ready to assume or charge.

Na reality, but it has been an unexpected escort, or Tyrion's rationale seems to make sense: Bran recognizes the errors of the past and the perigos of the future and, like he cannot, he cannot leave descending. In this way, I will be able to guarantee that no harm or power it will govern who is worthy.

Sansa Stark, to rainha do Norte

Contrary to two serious signs of her, Sansa always wanted to be "lady of Winterfell" and participate in two games of power of the monarchy. Depois da morte de seu pai, she was tortured by Joffrey, humiliated by Cersei, forced to marry Tyrion and manipulated by Little Finger.

When he returns to Winterfell, he is a Ramsay Bolton refém, who is violent. With the help of Jon Snow, she manages to regain control of Winterfell. When I irmão é nomeado rei do Norte I feared to leave to find Daenerys, é Sansa who fica governs. Demonstrates leadership and negotiation skills, that keep me tied or the end of the season.

Sansa coroada rainha do Norte.
Sansa é coroada rainha do Norte.

Daenerys' opponent since she was met, Sansa wants to guarantee independence from the North. Her position does not change when Bran rules the throne and council agrees that the North remains independent and governed by Stark. Despite all the obstacles, Sansa participated in "I play two thrones" and won the final.

Jon Snow: from volta ao começo

For being a bastard, Jon Snow was always treated with contempt in Winterfell, tied himself by some family members. Giving a humble and generous heart, over the years of the narrative he revealed himself to be a born leader. Not in the beginning of the series, he escorted himself to Patrulha da Noite, where he could not have properties or love relationships, and should dedicate his life to protect the kingdom.

As well as the mural, he establishes his understanding as the Selvagens and peace between the Patrolmen. No process, he chegou to be dead, his own companions and he had to be raised by Melissandre, because it was a very essential part of the whole event.

Jon Snow na Patrulha da Noite.
Jon Snow na Patrulha da Noite.

However, he did not seek power, he became Chief of the Patrulha, was appointed to the North and ended up being the favorite for the Throne of Ferro. To find out that he is a Targaryen, he hesitates between weighing his responsibility, in need of being loyal to Daenerys and or becoming true.

Just follow or walk honesty, as usual, and revealing his identity. Devastated, when he perceives that his beloved has turned into a ruthless and cruel rain, he assumes the responsibility of withdrawing her power. One more time, he is moved to sacrifice what he loves but does not usually kill Daenerys when it comes to her or her baby.

Embora he has protected everyone, he is convicted of treason and forced to join the Patrulha da Noite again. It is about a quase symbolic punishment, since there is no more muralha nem white walkers. In a sad revival of fate, Jon Snow ends up as a sozinho and marginalized for all.

Criticism and controversy

From or final episode, to Internet I've been flooded with comments, reviews and memes that you have harsh criticism at the end of the series. One time George R. R. Martin has not revealed how his literary saga ends, the breeders of the series have been blamed for ravaging history with this last season.

As a matter of fact, the series did not deliver the spectators or the final that they expected. Nem Daenerys nem Jon Snow occupied the throne, which ended up belonging to Bran Stark, something that displeased much of the public.

Slavoj Zizek, famous contemporary film critic, philosopher and thinker, apontou that to dissatisfaction and justification.

Daenerys sorrindo
Daenerys with a forced smile.

Embora has commenced with several prominent female figures, last season I was embracing these women, with the exceptions of Arya and Sansa Stark. A possibility of a vitoria of Daenerys could carry a very strong symbolism: a change of paradigm, a revolution commanded by a mulher.

On the contrary, a series seems to show no harmful stereotype of the "uncontrolled" woman and fall non-determinism: Daenerys is a Targaryen and by isso fica louca, like her pai. This questão, as well as the tragic destiny of Jon Snow and several mistakes that we have been identified, will disappoint many fãs.

The cast itself has declared that I do not want to end and at the moment there is a request for almost 1 thousand assassinations that requires that the last season be released again.

Main characters and cast

Neste artigo, we are going to choose to focus only on people who have more relevance in the last season of the series.

Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke)


Filha de Aerys II Targaryen, or "Rei Louco" who was assassinated by Jaime Lannister, Daenerys is a legitimate brother to the Throne of Ferro. More than three dragões, she was finding the exércitos of supporters and opponents not walking for or power.

Jon Snow (Kit Harington)

Jon snow

Jon Snow is the bastard filho of Ned Stark, sent to Patrulha da Noite. You must fight against you white walkers On the side of the mural, she ended up dying and being raised. When he returns to Winterfell he is escorted to be King of the North and command the troops against the Night King.

Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner)


A filha mais velha do clã Stark was raised to Porto do Rei to marry with Joffrey but ended up being tortured with princely hair and forced to marry with Tyrion Lannister. Further to the front, she feared that she might marry Ramsay Bolton, or a sadist that Dominou Winterfell. Finally, on the side of Irmão Jon, she managed to return home and govern North.

Arya Stark (Maisie Williams)


Determined from childhood to be a warrior, Arya separates from the rest of the family when she is killed and executed. For years, she was wandering and elaborating her plans of vingança, at the same time that she was finding people that she taught to fight and to survive.

Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead Wright)

Bran Stark

Bran was just a child when he was a testemunhou or love affair between the Lannister irmãos and was launched from the top of a tower by Jaime. Or menino survived more ficou confined to a cadeira de rhodes. During the narrative, she travels além da muralha and ends up becoming Corvo de Três Olhos, an entity that knows or past and foresees or future.

Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey)


Married to Robert Baratheon, or the king she despises, Cersei hides a great secrecy: her incestuous relationship with her, Jaime. Depois da morte de husband, Cersei will lose all the filhos but luta tied the final year to keep power, with Jaime on his side of her.

Jaime Lannister (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau)


Jaime Lannister is a great warrior, known by the assassinated Aerys Targaryen, or king tyrant. Lover of Cersei, a irmã, or personagem vai moving to or long of the narrative but ends up keeping fidelidade à Rainha.

Tyrion Lannister (Tyrion Lannister)


Tyrion é o irmão mais novo da família Lannister, discriminated against and viewed as "cursed" for being born with nanism. Extremely intelligent and endowed with a rebellious spirit, he revolts as you irmãos and resolves to ally himself with Daenerys, who or as seu braço direito, to "mão da Rainha".

Night King (Vladimir Furdik)

Night king

Night King, or "Rei da Noite" is an entity that governs all of you white walkers, an army of zumbis coming from the north that wants to destroy the Seven Kingdoms.

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