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Analysis and explanation of the Mona Lisa painting by Leonardo da Vinci

Mona Lisa It is an oil on wood painted by Italian Renaissance hair Leonardo da Vinci between the years 1503 and 1506. Despite its small dimensions (77cm x 53cm), this work that represents a mysterious woman became, a long time ago, not the most famous portrait of the History of Ocidental Art.

Mona Lisa

To understand the title, it is important to know that Mona should be understood as a contração of "Madona", or the Italian equivalent of "Senhora" or "Madame" Lisa.

A work is also known as Gioconda, which can mean "cheerful woman" or "Giocondo's wife". Da Vinci's most iconic work is exhibited at the Louvre Museum, in Paris.

Analyze two main elements of the quadro

Um two aspects that chama more to attention to painting or balance between human and naturalExpressed, for example, the shape of the undulation of two hairs of the woman seems to echo the waters of the river behind the river. A harmony between the elements seems to be symbolized Mona Lisa.

As for the techniques used by the artist, it stands out as

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sfumato. Segundo Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574, painter, architect and biographer of various artists do Revival), this technique was bred primitive flamengos hairs, but Leonardo was burned an aperfeiçoou.

This consists in creating gradations of light and shadow that dilute the two contours of the horizon. Or its use in this work creates the illusion that the landscape is becoming more of the portrait (painted with clarity by opposition to the blurred landscape - sfumato) conferring depth to the composition.


A painting shows a seated woman, barely showing the upper part of her body; I do not found, a landscape that mixes nature (as águas, as montanhas) and a human ação (os caminhos). O corpo da model emerges numa pyramidal structure: At the base of it there is more of it, not the upper vertex or its face.

Mona Lisa


OR smirkambiguous from Mona Lisa é, sem dúvida, or element of the square that is most captured by the attention of the person who observes. She promoted various readings and theories, inspiring texts, music, films, among others.

Several foram studies carried out to identify the feeling that is behind her sorriso of her, including some who will use computer systems that recognize human emotions through Photographs.

Embora surjam other results such as mean, anguish or uncomfortable, a smoothing percentage (86%) two strokes, visíveis no wrinkles of expressão around two olhos in a curve two lips seem to indicate congratulations.



Contrasting with imprecision do seu sorriso, or olhar da mulher exibe uma expressão carregada de intensidade. The work produced an otic effect that results from the impression that the inquisitive and penetrating olhos of Mona Lisa They followed us, from all angles.


Body posture

She is sitting, like a stretched arm lying on her side, not supporting the cadeira and mão direita pousada on a skeleton. The posture of the model seems to combine some comfort with solitude and formality, making it evident that she poses for or portrait.



Not the flat of the farm is an imaginary landscape, composted by mountains with gelo, waters and paths feitos pelo Homem. Aquilo que mais stands out, is the fact of being unequal, lower on the thin side and higher on the direct side.

Quem foi Mona Lisa?

Embora or her face is two more acknowledged from the western history, to the truth than to The identity of the model that he posed for Leonardo Da Vinci continues to be two major mysteries in lathe gives work.

The topic has raised a lot of speculation and debate. Although several theories have arisen, three seem to be the way that they will acquire more relevance and credibility.

Hypothesize 1: Lisa del Giocondo

A more provável theory and supported by Giorgio Vasari and other evidências is that it is about Lisa del Giocondo, wife of Francesco del Giocondo, important figure of Florença society.

Some scholars will determine that there are documents that indicate that Leonardo was painting a picture of this, or that it seems to contribute to the veracity of the theory.

Another factor is that it is credited that the woman had been less than a short time before and had been entrusted with her husband to commemorate or moment.

Investigations that analyze the various layers of ink in a work seem to indicate that, from the first verses, Mona Lisa She would be with us hair that was used for pregnant women who had recently given birth.

Hypothesis 2: Isabel de Aragão

Outra possibility that I have been appointed to be Isabel de Aragão, Duchess of Milão, to serve as a trabalhou painter. Some studies indicate that she either took dark green and the pattern of her clothes is indicative of her belonging to Visconti-Sforza.

A comparison of the model Mona Lisa With portraits of the duchess reveals that there are evident semelhanças between the two.

Hypothesize 3: Leonardo Da Vinci

A third widely debated assumption is that the figure represented is not true, Leonardo Da Vinci wearing feminine roupas.

Some certify that it explains or reasons for what the country of the fund is higher on the direct side (associated with the female gender) than that on the side (associated with the male gender).

This hypothesis has been placed on the basis of semelhanças between the model of Mona Lisa It is the self-portraits that Da Vinci painted. It can be argued, however, that a similarity resulted from the fact that they were painted by the same artist, who used the same techniques and the same style.

History of the quadro

Having records that the painting began to be painted in 1503, we know that it was raised by Leonardo for France three years after (together with A Virgem e oMenino with Santa Ana and São João Batista). The work was transported no time when it began to work at the service of King Francisco I.

Mona Lisa I was bought monarch hair and first exhibited in Fointainebleau and depois in Versailles. For some time, the work has disappeared, having been hidden during the Empire of Napoleão, who wanted to make it as her. Depois da Revolução Française, passou to be exhibited at the Louvre Museum.

The work reached popularity with the general public in 1911, after being announced or seu roubo. The author of the crime was Vincenzo Peruggia, who Mona Lisa from volta to Italy.

Representations of Mona Lisa art and culture

Us days of leaf, Mona Lisa It became one of the most popular works of art from around the world, being easily recognized by those who do not know or appreciate painting.

Its impact on the Art History was immeasurable, greatly influencing the portraits that were painted by Leonardo.

Many artists have recriado, not seu work, or painting by Da Vinci:

Marcel Duchamp, L.H, O, O, Q (1919)
Marcel Duchamp, L.H, O, O, Q (1919)
Salvador Dali, Self-portrait as Mona Lisa (1954)
Salvador Dali, Self-portrait as Mona Lisa (1954)
Andy Warhol, Colorful Mona Lisa (1963)
Andy Warhol, Colorful Mona Lisa (1963)

Além das artes visuais, Mona Lisa it was impregnated in its own Western culture.

A image is present in literature (Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown), no cinema (Mona Lisa Sorriso), music (Nat King Cole, Jorge Vercillo), fashion, not graffiti, etc. A woman who mysteriously reached the status of iconic figure and popped.

Curiosities about the work

Segredo do sorriso de Mona Lisa

Some stories about the execution of the work say that Leonardo da Vinci teria hired musicians who ficavam playing to animate the model, fazendo as the sorrisse.

As cores do quadro mudaram

At present, the cores of work are different daquelas that Leonardo painted. Either tempo or vernish used to confer paint on the green and yellow tones that we see on the page.

Alvo of vandalism

The famous painting by Da Vinci has been spared several acts of vandalism, which are intended to be viewed as criticism of the social, political and artistic system. Assim, Mona Lisa já passou through various restaurações.

Mona Lisa she does not have any excesses

Another curious fact about the work is or the model represented not over many cells. However, in simple explanation: during the eighteenth century, it was common that women raspassem as sobrancelhas, the Catholic Church accredited that the hair of women was synonymous with luxuria.

Aliás, assim como Mona LisaThere are frequent works from the same period that portray women of scraped scraps.

And as an example we dispose of other works by Leonardo himself. É or case do Portrait of Ginevra de ’Benci, a unique two four portraits painted by artist hair that also includes Mona Lisa, to Lady with Arminho and La Belle Ferronière.

Leonardo da Vinci e o Renascimento

Born on April 15, 1452 in Florença, Leonardo de Ser Piero da Vinci was one of the two greatest genres of the western world. Or his work is spread over various areas of knowledge: painting, sculpture, architecture, mathematics, science, anatomy, music, poetry and botany.

O seu nome of him entered to a História da arte e da culture, especially due to the works that he painted, of which he stood out. TO Last Ceia (1495) e Mona Lisa (1503).

Leonardo da Vinci became one of the two greatest exponents of Renascimento, an artistic and cultural movement that promoted a rediscovery of the world and of Home, prioritizing the human to the detriment of the divine. He died on May 2, 1519, in France, forever marked as um dos maiores gênios da Humanidade.

If he wants to meet ainda melhor or genius of an Italian artist, view the important works of Leonardo da Vinci.

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  • The most famous paintings in the world
  • Renascimento: a guide on the artistic movement
  • Or what is Painting? Discover history and principal painting techniques
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  • Quadro Abaporu, by Tarsila do Amaral
  • Homem Vitruviano, by Leonardo da Vinci
  • Quadro O Nascimento de Vênus, by Sandro Botticelli
  • Sculpture Vênus de Milo
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