3 poems by Machado de Assis commented
Machado de Assis (1838-1908), or Bruxo do Cosme Velho as he was called, is revered mainly for his serious stories and realistic romances. Meanwhile, the author also has a poetic production on a smaller scale.
His poetry can be beautiful works Chrysalis (1864), Falenas (1870), American (1875), Ocidentais (1880) e Complete poems (1901).
1. To charity
Ela tinha no rosto uma expressão tão calm
How I sound innocent and first of a soul
Where no afastou ainda or olhar de Deus;
Uma serena graça, uma graça dos céus * *,
He was or chaste, or brando, or delicate to walk,
In the handles it gives a breeze iam-lhe to wave
On or funny colo as delicate tranças.She lifts pela mão duas gentis crianças.
I walk. To one side you have magician pranto.
She stopped. E na anxiedade ainda or the same charm
She descia-lhe às feições. She tried. Na calçada
À chuva, ao ar, ao sol, dismiss, abandoned
To tearful childhood, to helpless childhood,
She asked for leito e pão, shelter, love, hideout.E tu, or Caridade, or virgem do Senhor,
Not loving seio as crianças you took,
E entre beijos - só teus - o pranto lhes secaste
Giving-lhes leito e pão, lair e amor.
O poem em questão integra or first book of poetry by Machado de Assis, entitled Chrysalis and published in 1864.
Nele, or author creates a representation of caridade from um viewpoint cristão.
Or a poem that comes down to dinner with a woman from "expressão calm" and with "graça dos céus" walk of hands given with two children, probably her filhos.
She then sees another child, abandoned and famished. A rich girl, compared to Virgem Maria, sympathizes as a soup alheio and lends help.
Here, we see a tribute to Catholic culture and, at the same time, to the denunciation of a cruelly unequal reality.
2. Vicious circle
Dancing no ar, she wailed restlessly vaga-lume:
"Quem dera me that fosse that loura estrela,
That burns not eternal blue, like an eternal candle! "
More to star, fiting to lua, com ciume:"You can copy or transparent lume,
That, gives grega coluna to gothic janela,
You contemplated, sigh, the beloved and beautiful front! "
More a lua, fitari or sun, com azedume:"Misera! tivesse eu that huge, that
Immortal clarity, that all to light sums up! "
Mas o sol, bowing to rutila cappella:
"Pesa-me this brilliant halo of nume ...
Annoying me this blue and excessive umbel ...
Why não nasci eu um simples vaga-lume? "
Initially posted em Ocidentais (1880), or poem Vicious circle later integrated to work Complete Poems (1901).
Machado criou nesse lyrical text a small story that traces or vaga-lume, a estrela, lua e sol as personifications of sentiments such as inveja e o ciúmes.
It is curious how the writer managed to portray personal dissatisfaction of the human being year to give "voice" to elements of nature that are correct, like a small insects of the celestial stars.
Or learned that physics leads us to think that it is necessary to value oneself, considering that we always have two others and superior to ourselves.
3. Lindaia
Vem, vem das Águas, miserable Moema,
Sit here. As pitiful voices
Troca pelas delightful cantigas,
Ao pe da twelve e pale Coema.
You, shadows of Iguaçu and Iracema,
Trazei nas mãos, trazei did not color the roses
What love unbuttoned and fez viçosas
Nas laudas de um poem e outro poem.
Chegai, folgai, cantai. This is it, this is it
From Lindoia, who with a soft and strong voice
Do vate celebrate, a joyous party.
Além do amavel, graceful bearing,
Vede or mime, to the tenderness that I have left.
"So much inda é bela not face to death!"
Or text was published in American (1875), a work that presents a phase in which the writer was involved as a romantic movement.
Therefore, there are many poems I do not read that I present indianist character, ou seja, em que o topic addressed é o indigenous. This is the case of the poem in question.
Here, or author insert personagem Lindoia, do livro Or Uruguay, by Basílio da Gama, as a representation of various indigenous women from literature, such as Iracema and Moema.
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