Education, study and knowledge

What are the fundamental physical quantities

In this first video of Physical we will explain what wedges are fundamental physical quantities. The fundamental physical quantities have to be quantifiable, they can be counted, quantified.

The fundamental physical quantities There are seven but in this video I will explain only four: length, mass, time, and temperature. I will explain how these fundamental quantities can be measured and what units of the international system we use to designate them.

  • the length: can be measured with the foot, the inch, the centimeter, the meter, the kilometer,... But, the unit that we will use of the international system will be the meter.
  • mass: It can be measured with the pound, the ounce, the grams, the kilograms. The one that we will use from the international system will be the kilogram.
  • time: we can measure time with seconds, minutes, hours, days, years,... but the one that we will use in the physical formulas will be the second.
  • temperature:degrees Celsius, degrees Fahrenheit, degrees Kelvin. We will measure the temperature with Kelvin degrees.
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In the video I explain each of these fundamental physical quantities in more detail. In addition, on the web I have left you some printable exercises with their solutions so that you can practice what you have learned in this lesson.

What are the fundamental physical quantities

In this first video of Physical we will explain what wedges are fundamental physical quantities. ...

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