Filme A Casa, da Netflix: analysis, summary and explanation of the end
To home (Home, not original) is a Spanish suspense film, written and directed pelos irmãos David and Àlex Pastor.
Launched in March 2020 on Netflix, a Spanish production has been a major international success and has been compared to a horror film Or little, available on the same platform, which immediately went viral.
Pela thematic, or longa also appears to have references quite atuais and present not us collective imaginary. An example of the film Coringa, hair seu brutal portrait of a maddened homem.
Outro é or sul-Korean Parasitic, or longa-metragem anguishing and brilliant that won or Oscar de Melhor Filme and conquered the hair of the inner world.
Sinopse e trailer do film To home
Javier Muñoz is a home who lost or undertook and was forced to move house, for no more money to pay or rent.
In the face of his financial and family life, he began to be overthrown, his obsession with new residents of the local area and his behavior became more and more perilous.
Trust or trailer here:
Attention: from this point on, you will find spoilers!
Final do film To home: explanation and meaning
The final dinners of the film seem to establish a parallel with the initiations: it is about a stereotyped and commercial portrait of family harmony. Javier lives in a new mansion with Lara and Mônica, a criança, and olha pela janela, as he lived in an old house.
Até ali, everything indicates that either the assassin got his or her happy ending, turning Tomas's life to feel fulfilled. However, the last seconds of the film fazem or viewer will question everything because of a small detail: torneira da cozinha pingando.
![Final do film: A Casa, torneira pingando.](/f/02066ccca8df054332fd7f118e0be644.jpg)
In an idyllic, perfect setting, there is something wrong, which is disturbing peace. That barulhinho, constant and repetitive, was also present in no old suburban apartment. To imagem, retaken not final, it seems to be a metaphor for or state of mind of Javier who continues to piore few years.
Tomás has been destroyed, and I have gotten everything he wanted, Javier continues to be or the same homem. Assim, we can suppose that the time and the rotina can cause new outbreaks of violence not protagonist who demonstrates psychopathy sinais.
Film analysis To home: main topics
Or the birth of um stalker perigoso
To home segue a formula já conhecida hair lovers of thrillers: o film segue a historia de um stalker. A narrative is told from Javier's point of view, someone who enlouches and I began to chase an unfamiliar.
![Frame do film A Casa.](/f/27388cd62af0c964d6fc87db43c24964.jpg)
Or começo do longa-metragem introduces us to a homem de meia idade that is entering a general crisis. I am emprego, sem dinheiro and emotionally estranged from the family, to its mental health it is visibly deteriorating.
Totally depressed, or old publicity passed two days no new suburban apartment, I sell shops on TV and listening to goteira da cozinha. Aos few, or isolation and a destructive rotina is taking homem account, which is convinced that it fears that it will happen to any price.
É from this formula of raiva, inveja and frustration that Javier goes from family pai to assassin without scruples.
Home as a status symbol
To be sure, Javier refuses to oil that his life is not even more so than that he lost the comfortable position of before. For him, the luxurious house that he lived in was a symbol of power, of status, or sign that he was a winner.
As he celebrates, he is part of his own identity, or homem does not manage to separate from the premises, depois de ter lost all. Or filho também fica settled because of the fact that he said that he revealed that his companions from the school faze with the situation of the country.
![Frame do film A Casa: Mara e Javier](/f/2d00cc91e3afd07fba7316084ce13cd4.jpg)
Mara, his wife, managed to turn around quickly, stating that there are only "four walls". Installed not a minor apartment, she saves an undertaking and tries to motivate her husband. Javier, not so, do not oil at your current condition:
It won't adapt, it will render ...
![Frame do film A Casa.](/f/9ee607579866cff6ad592593713118e4.jpg)
A desperate attempt to recover everything that he lost, or the protagonist finds a way to continue frequenting the old house. No start, the barely age as it is added non-local morasse, feeding illusion that nothing changed.
Javier and Tomás: persecution and inveja doentia
In just a few years, Javier's obsession with the house is turned over to the inhabitants, mainly the family, Tomás. In some way, he seems to represent or passed away from him, or attained an idealized vision of what he wanted to be.
Tomás is younger, extremely successful and with financial stability, working as Vice-president of a large transport company. Além de viver naquela house, the same family that seems to be very happy, something that contrasts with frieza Javier's relationships.
Spying on your computer, and motivated by the invention, I will discover the unfamiliar parts of it. Assim, I quickly managed to establish a friend with him, pretending that I was also a recovering alcoholic.
![Frame film Home.](/f/01880198a7a73a16a527c3785d5edf07.jpg)
Já Tomás, who wants to help, quickly reveals his weaknesses and vulnerabilities: he works as a sogro, or casamento já esteve em risco because of the alcohol, he has a deadly allergy to amendoins.
Isso seems to be either necessary for that or stalker ruin everything. When he meets Lara, his wife, or protagonist, he does not hide what he is feeling:
I admire his força and invejo to sorte dele!
Assim, making it clear that Javier had to destroy Tomás' life, occupy or place him, I am not at home like your family. The name isso or his "secret project" and reveals that it was enough to remove the previous state of lethargy.
Depois gives apathy, the vai becoming each time more disturbed and violent, something metaphorized by the image of Javier sorrindo as a mouth cheia de sangue.
![Frame do film A Casa.](/f/6a5ea312d4a8c9c215b1e4559fd80bc7.jpg)
You must develop several plans to destroy Tomás de Lara and da filha, or criminally going to be employed, cause confusion of purpose.
When he is attacked, he knows that he is more ready to destroy or be inimigo. This irrational hatred is increasing as narrative runs, causing fear and anxiety from the non-spectator.
Killing for money and power: at Javier's profit
When the gardener Damian tries to blackmail Javier, he ends up freeing his fury assassina: or protagonist manages to sabotage or his equipment and cause a fatal "accident".
Proving that he is willing to win, he succeeds in causing a relapse in Tomás and makes Lara become his husband. He purposely buys cans of pepper spray and sabotages any of them, to provoke an unrivaled allergic crisis.
Assim, Javier quase manages to kill Tomás se sujar as own mãos, ha que é Lara who clears or liquid on top of him. Not so, realizing that the girl is alive, or the protagonist gets his cup.
Not final do ato, he declares that Tomás did not deserve it; You should kill or give home, or stalker He runs to embrace his wife and filha do outro, as if he were a hero or savior.
![Frame do film: Javier with Lara and Monica.](/f/5223f733bfb86b1e5d898ecce9a425c6.jpg)
I was not, not therefore, because it led to crime. Moments before, we can see Javier abandoning the woman or his own filho, sem qualquer explicação ou gesture de carinho. They seem to belong to uma life that despises and wants to leave behind.
Little tempo depois, we see Javier raising a criança na escola. Married to Lara, he seems to be a present country, and he got a good job thanks ao sogro.
When Marga discovers or assassinates and tries to converse with him, Javier ameaça deixar you two weeks home and food. There it becomes ainda mais notório that ele It does not matter with values such as love or family, hardly any money, appearance and power.
Film summary To home
Movie initiation dinners
Or the film will come as a child, staying at home and embracing women and children, in a perfect portrait of family harmony.
Logo or viewer perceives that this is a commercial created by Javier, an advertiser of meia idade who is showing or his portfolio during an interview with the employer.
An interview, or homem reveals that he was dismissed from the old company and is now working. In a humble way, you young entrepreneurs or rejeitam e falam that ele é velho e já is ultra-passed.
Javier Perdeu or I start home
Later, to his wife, Marga, I suggested that they move to a house with a cheap aluguel, to survive in a crise. Embora no oil does not eat, Javier is raised to comply and the family moves to a smaller apartment.
Já o filho adolescent fica every time more wandered and distant from pai, telling that he sofre bullying for the sake of her demissão. When he moves, or the protagonist gives a carona to a domestic entrepreneur and a demite; To woman fica zangada and joga as chaves da casa old at the top of it.
No suburban apartment, Marga and filho followed their lives. Or Garoto began to frequent a new school and his wife went to work as a vendor in a loja de roupa. In this situation, Javier began to sink into a deep state of depression and apathy.
Obsessão pelos novos dwellers
When he finds a chave no chão do his car, or homem decides to spy on the old house and vê, na janela, a happy family. During the day, when everyone is out, she uses a chave to enter the house and investigate everything.
As a new resident's computer, Tomás, discovered or passed away from him as a alcoólatra. Assim, he began to frequent the same support group and tell a story similar to his, to or manipulate.
After some time, they ended up making friends and Tomás aceita ajuda-lo not processed. It is here that he brings Javier to his house and meet his family, Lara and Mônica.
After dialogues, Tomás reveals a lot about his life, confessing that he works for his son, that his relationship has problems not past and that he has a deadly allergy to Amendoins.
Na saída, Javier is condemned with a gardener hair, who begins to blackmail him. To get rid of him, or adulterous protagonist or relief cutter, who ends up exploding nas mãos do homem.
Perseguição, morte e vida nova
From that moment on, the protagonist places his evil plans in action. First of all, he beats like a car and Tomás's help, who is like a roupa with a cheiro of alcohol. Nesse moment, take advantage of confusion and send um e-mail fake through the cell phone, to incriminate him.
Afterwards, Javier finds himself with Lara and fala that Tomás had a relapse, showing or e-mail what a creveu. I am not satisfied with this, the employer does not work and or causes Tomás to get out of control or aggravate, causing a scandal.
Javier also buys two cans of pepper spray and inserts oil by amendoim numa delas, which he gives to Lara, claiming that it is for her protection. So he decides to abandon his family suddenly, a kind of excuse or excuse.
Tomás had a relapse and tried to enter the house, causing a panic to his wife, who threw pepper spray on his face. Or homem faint and Lara thinks that she assassinated or husband; When Javier league, he pede or seu help.
Or criminal appears, linked to an emergency and can barter for one that was not adulterated. When she realizes that Tomás is still alive, he or she suffers like mine, I know that she saw a woman.
Not final, Javier marries Lara, helps to raise his filha, get an optimal job and the family moves to a nova mansão.
Conheça also
- Melhores horror films
- American Psychopath Film
- There are more series to attend Netflix this year
- Filme O Poço, da Netflix
- Parasita film
- During a Storm: explicação filme