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Meaning of the book O Little Prince: Summary, Analysis, History and Personagens

O Little Prince is a literary work by the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, who tells the story of the friendship between a homem frustrated by no understanding of his serious deeds, like a prince who inhabits an asteroid not space.

Or original title é Le Petit PrinceThe book was published for the first time in 1943, in the United States.

This work is marked by its high philosophical and poetic theory, being considered at the beginning a literature for children.

O Little Prince It is the third most free translated from the world, accounting for approximately more than 160 languages, and two more sold all over the world. Or classic ganhou various adaptations, seja not cinema or in theater shows and music.

Resumo do Livro O Little Prince

The author of the book is the main personage of the story, who also assumes the role of narrator, telling about the fateful day that or his plane was fallen, not because of the desertion of Saara.

The main person or person lulls himself to sleep and, if he agrees, he stands like Little Prince, who is waiting for him to unravel a cordeiro numa sheet of paper.

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Or protagonist and frustrated in relation to his serious deeds, no one ever managed to interpret his arts in a correct way.

Ao longo da historia, or Little Prince will narrate his adventures for the protagonist.

Or young man would be looking for a meat to eat the trees that would be growing in excess in his terra, an asteroid made by B 612, which was barely a vermelha pink and three vulcões, being one of them inative.

Ao ouvir the adventures of the Little Prince, or the protagonist is perceiving as the people who deixam to give value to the little things he gives life as he grows.

First edition of O Little Prince published in the United States in 1943.
First edition of O little prince published in the United States, em 1943

Analysis of Frases do Livro O Little Prince

A parable of the "Little Prince" debate, among other philosophical questions, lost innocence and fantasy for two years, as people are growing and abandoning childhood.

Discover below the most important phrases that are related to the work and to the utmost depth:

"It is essential and invisible to the old, and it can only be seen as a heart."

This literary work addresses several parts or value of coisas. Through this statement by Raposa, we can conclude that the true value of something or somebody cannot be seen with a superficial view.

In order to know what is essential, it is necessary to see how heart, ou seja, take time to know, olhar sem preconceito e sem discriminate.

"Foi o tempo you dedicated to your rose that is so important to you."

This unbelievable phrase or affectionate laço existing between the Little Prince and Rosa. We can conclude with this phrase that or that makes coisas or important people or time that we invest in them. The more tempo, the more important our lives become.

"I know you come, for example, four days late, from three days onwards to being happy."

With this statement, Raposa expressa o carinho that she sent her hair, Little Prince.

Or the same thing happens between people who go to another, there is this feeling of anticipation when it is known that they will have found each other.

"As people are lonely because they build walls over or against pontes."

The two structures mentioned (walls and pontes) serve to designate attitudes not in the context of social interaction.

The walls serve to create a separation between two places, inasmuch as they are connected to the opposite function, or are built to connect two places. Assim, I burned alone, after other people, building walls in no way.

"He loves to hate all the roses because uma snapped at you."

This phrase reveals or but to the folly of generalizing, garnering and valuing a person for something that happened not in the past. Isso can also be applied to the topic of racial discrimination and preconception.

Only because someone was created by a person of a certain class, race, gender or social group, it does not mean that all the people are equal.

"You become eternally responsible for whatever you do."

Or the phenomenon of “cativating” something or something broadly addressed in this book. This phrase explains that, when a relationship is formed (whether it is loving or loving), the people are cativam e or cativar, they are responsible for it. Isso means that either love or friendship requires responsibility.

O Little Prince cativou Rosa and for that reason he became responsible for her, giving answer to her desires and whims of her.

Personagens do Livro O Little Prince

O Little Prince

O little prince

Or personagem that gives or does not give me a free e um two protagonists of history. This child sees asteroid 325 (known on Terra as B-612) and leaves her home and her beloved rose to travel through the Universe.

The various planets that he visits, have contact him for the first time as adults, frightened as an adult behavior and with their inconsistencies.

O Little Prince represents the unconscious childhood within each adult, symbolizing feelings of love, hope and innocence.

Or Pilot

Or pilot

He assumes the leading role in the story together as the Little Prince and the role of the narrator.

When I was a child, or a tinha pilot, or a dream of being an artist, I was more disengaged by adults à sua volta. In spite of this, the pilot faces various designs for the Little Prince and reveals that in his view of the world he is more similar to that of a child.

Or pilot symbolizes the attitude of chasing and fighting hairs. In his search for him, the little hair I do not desert reveals the importance of learning such things through personal exploration.

To Rosa


Element that is the object of love of Little Prince, but thanks to his contradictory behavior of him as he leaves him on the road.

Rosa has a melodramatic and proud attitude and is simultaneously convinced and enlightened. O Little Prince gives years to his whims and, as he takes care of Rosa very well, to his memory of him face as he wanted to return to the seu lar.

She symbolizes, therefore, or love that must be cultivated and cared for. It has human characteristics, both boas and more.

To Raposa

A fox

She appears in the story in a sudden and mysterious way and establishes a relationship of friend as Little Prince.

Despite asking to be tamed by her friend, she was not only a pupil, but rather her tutor, teaching her valuable lessons.

Represents wisdom They show valuable lições ao rapazinho, being the most important ones: only heart gets to see correctly; or time that the Little Prince passed on to his planet fez as he valued Rosa more; or love implies a responsibility.

Find out more about a personagem lendo or artigo Meaning of the Raposa of O Little Prince.

O Carneiro e a Caixa

O carneiro e a caixa

When the Little Prince asked a Pilot to unleash a meat, he was not satisfied as a result. Assim, or Pilot unhou uma caixa, stating that inside it lived or carneiro that or Little Prince has asked to unharness.

To caixa symbolizes or power of imagination, capable of helping to outline problems that appear every day.

O Little Prince is worried that the sheep will eat his Rosa from him. For that reason, or carneiro represents duality of giving love: give prazer, but also it can be a carrier for or stir-fry.

Elephant inside Jiboia


This is a little Pilot hair that was revealed to Little Prince.

Initially, adults do not understand or understand or confuse it with a chapéu, because the baby that eats or elephant assumes its shape. To explain or unfold, or Pilot fez a second version, a raio X that reveals or elephant inside the jiboia.

This illustration aims to demonstrate that nem always here what we see is reality. Likewise, as the first development it seemed for many a chapéu, na vida many coisas não são or that it seems at first sight.

A Serpente


This is the first person that the Little Prince meets on Earth.

It is possible to create a parallelism as a serpentine from the Bible and the serpentine of the Bible, which convinces Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, or which results in expulsion from Eden. A charge of Saint-Exupéry is responsible for sending the Little Prince to his house through his poisonous bite.

The A represents the phenomenon of death And, despite failing by enigmas, it does not require as much interpretation as other people because it fails with frankness.

O Rei

or rei

Either Little Prince finds Rei not the first planet he visits. Despite thinking that it governs the whole of the Universe, or its power is empty because it can only give orders as things that will happen the same as if it were sent. Make him face so that the Little Prince may eat the, but, as he does not get, or he will not be his ambassador when he goes out.

O rei é mandão, more fearful of heart and teach a lição that "it is necessary to demand from each um or that each one can give."

O Bêbado

or drunk

Element wrapped in sadness that affirms that he drinks to make himself feel ashamed to drink.

O Little Prince is sorry for him, but at the same time he is intrigued with his attitude in life.

Or bêbado Represents ignorance and the people who try to flee from reality or to solve a certain problem through a vice.

Or Homem de Negócios

Or Homem de Negócios

Completely involved we are his calculations of him, or Homem de Negócios who does not notice the presence of the Little Prince. This personagem appropriates the stars, claiming to be richer desse jeito.

O Little Prince understands that his logic is similar to that of Bêbado and affirms that it is not worth being a gift of any kind if he does not take care of them.

O homem of business items cartoon function two adultsHow many times are you involved in our businesses that we cannot take advantage of in life. She is the only person openly criticized for Little Prince.

O Lighter of Lampiões

or lampioes lighter

Initially, Little Prince thinks that he is hardly more than a person with ridiculous behavior for his purpose. Not so, to verify his devotion and commitment not to his work, chega to admire him.

Or homem tem a task to turn up or be turned off during the day, but the planet rotates very fast and the Sun shines every minute, or what looks like his or her work is exhausting.

O Lighter of Lampiões symbolizes As people who fulfill certain tasks are critical thinking, many times fazendo coisas sem sense or sem understand why.

Or Geographer

or geographer

Um homem with a lot of geographical knowledge and that he has created several books. Notwithstanding his intelligence about other places, he does not know anything about or his own planet, stating that he does not explore his function. He is recommending Little Prince a visit to the planet Terra.

When the Geographer reveals that he does not study the flowers because they do not last forever, or the Little Prince is worried and regrets his leave.

Or Astronomer

or astronomer

The Turkish astronomer was the first human to discover the asteroid B-612, home to the Little Prince. When this personagem Fez is uncovered, no credit is given because he wore typical Turkish clothes. Not so, he was ouvived when, years later, he arrived at his appearance with roupas ocidentais.

Or Turkish astronomer represents or problem of xenophobia and racism in society, where people are in agreement with their roupa, race or local of birth.

Or Vaid

or vaid

He is the only inhabitant of his planet and he has a huge need to be acknowledged and praised by others.

He asks himself or Little Prince or admires and asks for him to say that he is more intelligent, or more beautiful and or richer on the planet, or that is strange for the protagonist, that or vaid is the only existing person for ali.

This personage says that we We cannot depend on two compliments and two others to find or ourselves value..

Leia O Little Prince

Or classic O Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, it is available in Portuguese for free download in pdf format.

O Little Prince audiobook

I might prefer ouvir to the story of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, O Little Prince It also exists in audio format:

O Little Prince - Audio Book

Adaptações para o cinema

1974 film

In the 1974 version it was directed by Stanley Donen and lasted for 1h 28min.

It is about a musical comedy starring actors (Steven Warner plays the little prince, Richard Kiley is the pilot and Bob Fosse is on the cob).

Check out the classic film adaptation trailer below:

O Little Prince (1974) - Trailer

2015 film

O longa metragem launched in 2015 is a French animation directed by Mark Osborne.

Released on August 20, 2015, or film with a duration of 1h47min.

Confira or trailer of Le Petit Prince:

The Little Prince Official Trailer # 1 (2015) - Marion Cotillard, Jeff Bridges Animated Movie HD

Conheça also

  • Phrases of O little prince interpreted
  • Phrase You become eternally responsible for what you do
  • Phrase O is essential and invisível aos olhos
  • Os melhores livros infantis da Brazilian literature
  • Children's poems for readers of all ages
  • As melhores musicas infantis
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