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Explanation of the film Interstellar by Christopher Nolan

Interstellar (not genuine Interstellar), released in 2014, is a science fiction film directed by Christopher Nolan, written in partnership with Jonathan Nolan. O longa-metragem tells the complex story of Cooper, a NASA pilot who feared a difficult task to save the human species from extinction.

Num cenário de catastrophe, or planet Terra begins to soften with serious environmental crises. A solution found by NASA and discover another planet where humans can inhabit. A missão de Cooper, alongside other astronauts, and discover which planet will be our future home and save humanity.

With a complex plot, or film Interstellar It raises a series of difficult moral and ethical dilemmas.

(Attention, esse artigo contém spoilers)

When or film is passed and why was Terra awash?

Or film in no moment situated or spectator no tempo: we do not know the exact date of the history, despite of all or figure and cenography indicate that it is not a very distant time from what we we live.

The company where Cooper lived was mostly sour and all were farmers involved in some way as a plantation.

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Interstellar Cooper's house in rural area

Or that it is clear to the plot that the rapid process of degradation of hair that Terra is going through. We see the first dinners of the film Storms of Poeira, Prague, lack of oxygen and Cooper's family trying to adapt to this nova reality placing, for example, Louça turned down on a table and walking with masks to be able to breathe na rua.

You piora e piora quickly. Além da tempestade de poeira, another factor that helps us to see the rapid degradation of the planet and the fact of the plantations will be dying.

Every time Cooper's family stops planting a type of food for the sake of pragas. When the film comes, it is only possible to plant a milho, but, second to the laboratory analysis of Professor Brand, from NASA, aé or a milho will be impossible to plant in the near future.

Or that Missão Lazarus was afraid to see how to save humanity?

Trying to investigate, there would be a habitable planet in another galaxy, NASA sends a missão with 12 astronauts, to establish themselves on each planet. Essa missão was called Lazarus.

These doze homens were true heroes, martyrs, who made a trip from Terra rumo to be unknown to collect information no space.

As a function of twelve homens, it was emitted from the base, to the planet, to where it was found, in fact, minimum conditions to shelter the human species.

Burn or ghost sending a message to Murphy?

He is Cooper himself, who lives in the future, and enters not a fourth day to transmit a message.

Interstellar Cooper vê o quarto da filha de inside do hypercubo

When Cooper approaches the Gargantua ship, it does not resist and the astronaut falls into a hypercube, a three-dimensional space built by Eles, the homens of the future. Cooper enters a gravitational anomaly when it exceeds the black hole event horizon. Through this anomaly, it is possible to communicate with the file by sending the same messages in binary code that are interpreted as GPS coordinates.

Thanks to these GPS coordinates that Cooper has passed and managed to find a secret NASA base where the experiments are taking place to save humanity.

O great Cooper's dilemma: save the planet or ficar with the family

A dúvida de Cooper é, na verdade, um two top ethical escorts that the film presents: we devemos olhar para o bem comum (even if isso means to place or not bem-be in jogo) or to try to take care of just what is nosso?

As a kind of space navigator, Cooper runs the risk of boarding the Endurance ship and never again sees you filhos. On the other hand, it does not make anything or planet can resist all the homens - including the serious filhos - will die.

Like this hard dilemma for me - to leave and save humanity (and the filhos included) or to go and continue alongside the children - Cooper finally decides to escort him first and embark on a ship.

Or what is a buraco de minhoca and why is it important for the plot?

O buraco de minhoca é um "atalho" among the galaxies. A trip that would take an enormous time - that you astronauts não tinham - ended up being pickled thanks to a buraco de minhoca.

No Nolan film, or minhoca buraco was a solution found by scientists that need a quick exit to create an alternative to planet Terra.

As Terra was getting to her fim faster and faster, the scientists have to take a quick way to find a new home for the human species.

Despite looking for other planets in the solar system, none of the conditions are necessary to shelter humanity. Scientists will then resolve to seek other galaxies.

O subject das viagens espaciais has never been explored no cinema many times and um two new elements that o Nolan's film presents it precisely or concept of intergalactic voyage feito por um buraco de minhoca no space.

In real life it is not possible to travel to other galaxies, based on point of view or rotation and internally fictional. In scientific terms or official name of the buraco de minhoca é ponte de Einstein-Rosen. Or was it given to me the phenomenon that I was uncovered by Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen in 1935. Despite the theory, it has been redressed by two scientists, or a phenomenon never came to be seen in practice.

What colocou or buraco de minhoca perto de Saturno?

A response for that simple question: They (eles). This one that miraculously appears allowing me to travel between the galaxies was clearly left by someone who knew or problem that you homens were facing.

The minhoca buracos do not arise spontaneously, they need to be left by someone. For a long time from the film we are led to believe that extraterrestrials or unknown beings place or do so, not end we are convinced that we are our own homens of the future that we will offer to help years of past.

It is Cooper himself who states:

Eles não nos trouxeram aqui de jeito nenhum. We trouxemos a nosmos.

Quem são “Eles” (“They”)?

"They are not beings, they are us." You are mysterious Eles, in truth, you are home to the future, who will try to help you who have passed to find solutions to quickly save the planet Earth before extinction.

Many times over the years of the film, scientists have referred to "them", an unknown entity that helps human beings. Teriam been “he”, for example, who sent a message to Murph during his childhood. A message made that Cooper discovered the NASA station.

"Eles" also deixaram or minhoca buraco from Saturn, so that astronauts can hit or hit another galaxy faster.

During practically everything or film or curious spectator trying to discover what seriam eles - ETs? Divine entities?. Despite the fact that there are tracks over the course of the film, it is only after the end of the film that we know that they are, in the end, they are home to the future.

Interstellar Cooper reveals quem são eles

Qual era o plane A and o plane B do Dr. Brand

When I find your old professor, or great Dr. Brand, Cooper fica knowing that you make two plans to save the human species from extinction: either plane A and or plane B.

Not plane A, depois de achado or novo planet, NASA would find a way to raise all the inhabitants of Terra to create a new civilization. Brand promised Cooper that he would solve a difficult equação on the gravity of and guarantee that the plane A will be placed in practice, in case the astronauts find themselves or such a new planet.

As either plan could not give certain, or Dr. Brand created strategy B. Second, hypothesize the astronauts will have embryos fertilized for the space and, not the new planet, they come to a new colônia of the human species. Second, it is hypothesized that humans that ficaram on Terra will be condemned to extinction and our species would remain alive thanks to these frozen embryos.

A equação from behind plane A would help to control gravidade

With Terra becoming a hostile environment, or a teacher needs to find a way to do an evacuation in the mass of the planet. But it was impossible to make it possible with the technology of propulsion of fireplaces that the tinha em more and with the gravitas that we know, that puxa all beings in the direction of the earth.

It was possible to solve equação, or scientist would be able to manipulate gravidade, throwing a huge quantity of life from the planet (and also fuel).

Long of all your career Brand will have to solve the problem of equação and chegou tied to build a space station if it is possible to do this evacuation in mass.

Did Dr. Brand have an ethical stance on hiding that plane A was impossible?

The film presents us with an important ethical dilemma: Dr. Brand clearly lied to achieve his objectives. An academic power could have led Brand to make that decision, on the other hand he might genuinely want to save the human species from his death.

Ao choosing to lie, Dr. Brand directed you directly to Cooper's escort and destined two serious filhos. Do a moral point of view is quite questionable or what a scientist fez: ao not give all the information What do you think, or Professor Brand influenced Cooper to escolher to hypothesize that you are more aggravated or scientist.

Dr. Mann tentou justify Dr. Brand's escorts:

Dr. Mann: It is his responsibility to find another way to save Humanity from extinction. Or plane B: uma colônia

Dr. Brand: Why don't you tell people? Why build stations ...

Dr. Mann: He knew it would be difficult to raise people to collaborate to save a species instead of their own. Ou os seus filhos de ella. You would never come here with no proof that you could save them

Or love like força that move or human being does not film

O love is of fundamental importance in two key moments of Interstellar. Astronaut Brand was beaten by Edmunds, who participated in the missão Lazarus and to broadcast sinais. She wants to go to her planet to know what happened to her loved one, but at the same time she knows that the planet of Mann is more promising, because she still emits communication sinais.

Or dilemma presented is: or what should I tell more, to theoretical information (or two scientists will know that or second planet ainda emitted sinais) ou or instinto do coração, which sends Brand to land on Endurance ship not planet of Edmunds?

Apart from love between a house - Brand and Edmunds - there is also the theme of love between country and country, which all moved into narrative. Cooper or tempo all thinks not that he is melhor for the filhos and only embarks on a ship with the hope of finding a future melhor for Tom and Murph. On the other hand, on the other hand, he also shows a visceral love for him and he never loses hope of finding him again.

Why is Murph called Murph?

A filha de Cooper receive o seu nome seu homagem to lei de Murphy. Over the first dinners of the film, a menina is anguished and asks why they are choosing something ruim for her.

Cooper then explains that o nome da menina is not necessarily related to something ruim, but rather to something that will happen - seja bom ou ruim.

A dilatação do tempo na history

Two themes that face the greatest confusion in the head of the viewer and the concept of time expansion, which will be described by Albert Einstein. A temporal dilatation means, in practice, that the tempo passes differently for Cooper, who is not space, and for his filha Murphy, who is on Terra.

One of the most impressive dinners of the film takes place before Cooper's departure, when or country offers a pulse clock that marks exactly the same time as or is her clock. The astronaut's idea is that, when you return to Terra, you can compare the hours.

Interstellar Cooper offers a time for a filha before departing

As we were in different galaxies, or tempo ran differently for you: no planet where Cooper was or tempo ran much more wandering than on Terra.

A passage of time is an important element for a narrative that can be noted for example at dinner where Cooper sees or grows two films. When Tom and Murph gravam mensagens to the astronaut they envelhecem (Tom, for example, finishes school, begins to work, conhece a parceira, tem um baby). Cooper, for the time being, remains physically exactly the same.

How did Murph save a human species?

It is astronaut Cooper who, from within the hypercube, manages to send sinais in Morse code for Murph.

Murph, now an adult, to return home remarks that there was a mystery to her childhood when she said she saw a ghost. She manages to recover a modern old and see where she wrote STAY, a message that had been emitted by such a ghost. Year ler to message, Murph identifies that the ghost was, finally, Cooper, who had never left filha.

Through the clock that he deu for a young girl, or Cooper of the future, he manages to send a code for Murph to save the planet.

How does Estação Cooper work?

A Estação Cooper is in the orbit of Saturn. Thanks to the equação on the gravity that Murph discovered, with help of the country that he sent him or Morse code through the clock, that Estação Cooper was able to exist.

Na station to human species manages to survive because it has a favorable environment, more conducive when Terra is degraded.

When he remembered the deep sound, or the astronaut did not give me a station, it was given in his homage, but not true. The doctors quickly clarified that I was not given a tribute to filha dele, Murph, who managed to save species.

Or what happens after Cooper wakes up?

Ao remember Cooper was 124 years old, despite the same appearance of when he was young. Louco to meet Filha again, he asked for a medical team to see Murph. When Cooper asked to review the file, she was still cryogenic for about two years. A medical team decides to wake up Murph, who finds her again and also pai e descendants.

Interstellar reunion Cooper and Brand

Not briefly, he found a pai and filha conversam and said that he was the ghost of childhood. Murph confesses that she never knew she was the one and that she had no doubts that or her father would turn around.

You must find filha, the question Murph about what he has done now and receive the indication to go to or found Dra. Brand.

Cooper then embarks for a distant galaxy to meet a scientist, who is on the planet of Edmunds.

Dr. Mann é um vilão?

Dr. Mann is not properly a vilão not usual sense - ele not face bad years others by pure prazer -, more or astronaut places or seu bem-be in front and forge dice as the only intuition of being resigned.

Like dying sozinho, Dr. Mann mind because he knows that, false commands, NASA would send a team to initiate the colonization of the planet and, consequently, reimburse it. I do not despair, like being uncovered, Mann tries, happens, kill Cooper, who is saved by Dra. Brand.

O commitment of Dr. Mann is as his own bem-be in no way as a project to find a new home for humanity.

For what reason did Murph start a family farm?

A filha astronaut works at NASA and is convinced that you need to evacuate to Terra or more quickly as possible.

She tries anyway to convince him to go with his family to the secret station of NASA, plus Tom She refuses to leave the family farm because she does not accredit more than the project, depending on what happened as you pai.

Interstellar Murph places fire in plantação do irmão

Murph is obsessed with saving or irmão, or nephew and brother. She can't convince them at home. Num impulse, the scientist decides to place fire in the plantation of the family, dessa form or irmão sairia de casa to extinguish or fire when it will take advantage of to rescue each and every nephew, who are in home.

Or what or Gargantua?

Or Gargantua is a revolving black buraco. Romilly, one of Cooper's two traveling companions, suggested that the astronaut go through the path back to Terra.

Interstellar Gargantua

Second Romilly, a trip will not cost any time and it may be an opportunity, a possibility of discovering a path for those who ficaram on Terra. Being not Gargantua or astronaut can collect precious material for the nova colonization process.

Film summary

Our future is not far away, Terra is like days counted: there are storms of areia, every year There are fewer plantations and the homens require a daily nursery full of pot that makes it difficult to breathing.

As field cultures are being devastated so that barely a thousand remains, but for a short time, second scientists.

The devastating and apocalyptic scene prompts you to find us other planets inhabit where the population can be transferred. Cooper, a former astronaut, discovers a stealth mission from NASA that sends homens to space to procure new planets.

He was summoned by his former professor, or Doutor Brand, who commands the team, to participate in the expedition in search of a new home for our species.

For back, on Terra, Cooper needs to leave the seus two filhos (Murphy and Tom), aos cared for the father.

Na Endurance ship, during a missão, farão companhia an astronaut three other adventurers. The four courageous embark on a heroic journey to a planet with minimum conditions of survival of the species.

Curiosity: Interstellar contou with consultancy of scientists

Despite being a ficção, or film contou with a forte consulting of physicists and scientists known as Kip Thorne, theoretical physicist from Caltech, so that either the story will be possível.

Or own roteirista Jonathan Nolan fez a course of relativistic physics to understand melhor or subject and write a roteiro mais credível.

Several two theoretical concepts presented in relation to relativity, black years and gravitation, for example, have a scientific basis.

This excess of information, with scientific precision, is two factors that face how the film becomes more realistic than the viewer mergulhe no universe that is told.

Technical data sheet of Interstellar

Original title: Interstellar

Year 2014

Director: Christopher Nolan

Roteirista: Jonathan Nolan and Christopher Nolan

Genre: scientific fiction, drama

Duration: 2h49min

Main Actors: Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Michael Caine, Mackenzie Foy, Ellen Burstyn

Trailer of Interstellar


Be you gosta of other films by the director, experience also knowing the artigos:

  • Film A Origem, by Christopher Nolan
  • Film Amnésia (Memento)
  • Melhores scientific fiction films
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