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11 enchanting love poems by Pablo Neruda

The Chilean poet Pablo Neruda (1904-1973), winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature (1971), and internationally known hairs for his stale verses. Translated from Spanish, the romantic poems will conquer the hearts of a sea of ​​lovers in the world now and more and more celebrated.

Relembre now some two more beautiful love poems from the genre of Latin American literature.

1. Cem Sonnets of Love, extract I

Matilde, nome de planta ou pedra ou vinho,
do that is born da terra e dura,
word in cujo crescimento amanhece,
In the summer, two limes are born.

Nesse nome run, ships of madeira
surrounded by enxames of blue-marinho fire,
those letters are from um rio to água de um rio
that flows into my charred heart.

Oh I am not uncovered about a trepadeira
like a portal of an unfamiliar tunnel
that communicates with the fragrance of the world!

Oh, invade me, your burning mouth,
inquire-me, you love yourself, like your nighttime olhos,
More than that, let me go and sleep.

As stanzas acima são just or initial stretch of a long love poem, two most celebrated by Neruda. Here at the premise of

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louvar to beloved It appears as a compliment to her or her name, that is the starting point to elevate her virtues.

We find a long time from the poem a series of elements that fazem reference to nature (to terra, os fruits, or river). Deeply symbolic, or exalting a or no poetic contours unimaginable.

We finished reading sighing, admired with the power of love and the talent of Neruda to transmit through words to magnitude of sentiment.

2. Sonnet LXVI

I don't love you, senão because I love you
and from loving you to not loving you I go
wait for you, when I'm not waiting for you
Passa meu heart do frio ao figo.

I love you just because I love you
I hate you sem fim e, hating you, I beg you,
I made a measure of my traveling love
I don't see you and love you like a blind man.

Will consume perhaps the light of Janeiro,
o seu raio cruel, meu coração inteiro,
roubando-me a chave do sossego.

Nesta history just in the hill
I will die of love because I love you,
because I love you, love, a sangue e fogo.

Pablo Neruda's verses go through a fairly conventional literary model, or sonnet. Condemned to a fixed form, therefore, or Chilean poet tries to translate for the reader as is the feeling of being out of whack.

Sublinha, for example, as contradictions do sentimento, or heart fate pass from cold to heat and affect rapidly oscillate between hate and love.

Here he is not so much concerned with the figure of his beloved, but rather a sensation that awakens his presence.

3. Tenho fome from your mouth

Tenho fome of your mouth, of your voice, of your hair
and through these streets you will see me food, draft,
I did not nurture me or pão, aurora alters me,
I'm looking for some liquid of tea pés neste day.

This faminto de teu riso resvalado,
of your mãos cor of furious silo,
tenho fome da pale pedra de tuas unhas,
I want to eat tea like an intact amêndoa.

I want to eat or burnt raio in your formosura,
or sovereign nose of the arrogant face,
I want to eat in the fleeting shade of tuas sobrancelhas.

E faminto venho e vou sniffing or twilight
looking for you, looking for your heart
like a puma na solidão de Quitratué.

Known as either a poet of women, or a praise for a loved one, he is a constant in Pablo Neruda's poetic work. No sonnet acima lemos to the urgency of love It is an impressive capacity that a loved one has to satisfy or desire the needs of the lover.

O poetic subject is represented as someone dependent, who needs to give part to remain as a person. Or falling in love appears as something of the order of fome e da pressa, sublinhando a record of carência e da incomplete.

Let us conclude, after reading two verses, that it is only possible to find calm and comfort when one fears a loved one by or by his side.

Poesia da Semana - Tenho fome da tua boca (Pablo Neruda)

4. Integrations

Depois de tudo I will love you
as always before
How do I know from waiting so long?
sem que te visse nem chegasses
estivesses eternally
Breathing out of my mind.

I leave myself with your habits,
colorful teu and your guitar
How are the countries together?
nas school lições
and two regions are confused
e ha um rio perto de um rio
I grew together two vulcões.

Or took two verses of Integrations são de promessa, here or a little guy goes directly to a loved one and face a commitment to the future.

This initial stretch of the extensive poem shows or effect that a loved one promotes. To try to make it clearer for you to read if you need to give her a woman, use simple, everyday examplesAs you all can identify us, as this case gives menção years of school.

Aliás, this is a powerful characteristic of Neruda's lyrical: a simplicity, a singeleza, or dom of finding no material day-by-day to illustrate his poetry of him.

5. I love you

I love you from an inexplicable maneira,
in an inconfessável way,
in a contradictory way.
I love you, with my states of mind that are many
I continually change my mood
hair that you know
or tempo,
to life,
to death.
I love you, like the world that I don't understand
Like the people that I don't understand
com to ambivalência de minha alma
com a incoerência dos meus atos
with the fatality of destiny
com a conspiração do desejo
com a ambiguity of two fatos
ainda when I say that I don't love you, I love you
When I deceive you, I do not deceive you
I do not fund I take out a flat
to love you melhor

Our initial verses of the longo poem I love you We attend or disbelieving poet or captivating sentiment provoked by the beloved.

Despite being arduous to tarefa, he tempts narrate to complexidade gives esteem that sentence.

More than failing her, he spoke about the particularities of the feeling and was delighted with the seemingly infinite capacity to love.

Até when he says that he does not love, or poetic subject confesses that, no truth, it is a strategy to finally love more and more.

Douglas Cordare | I love you | Pablo Neruda

6. A noite na ilha

I slept with you a night inteira by the sea, na ilha.
Selvagem e twelve eras between o prazer e o sono,
between or fire and water.
Maybe bem late nossos
sonos will unite at height or not found,
em top how we are that um same vento move,
embryo as roots are vermelhas that are touched.
Maybe your sono separated from me and dark sea hair
I tried as before, when you existed,
when i'm enxergar i will sail to your side
e teus olhos seekvam o que agora - pão,
wine, love and anger - you dou, cheias as mãos,
because you are a cup that just wait
you dons give minha life.
I slept together with you to noite inteira,
enquanto a dark terra rotates as alive and as dead,
Suddenly I woke up and did not give me shade, my arm
it would surround your waist.

Nem a noite nem or sonho could separate us.
I slept with you, love, I woke up, in your mouth
Saída de teu sono me deu or flavor da terra,
of agua-marinha, of algae, of your intimate life,
e recebi teu beijo molhado pela aurora
How did I know about the sea that surrounded us.

Nesse poem, Neruda debruça over a intimidated do sono shared between you lovers.

The poet translated into a sensation of numbing on the side of the beloved and the fantasy that you give yourselves, even in an unconscious state, it is found me and disengaged, as is the own love between casais.

At the end of the year, he descreves or beijo in the morning of the beloved woman as an event related to nature, as it is or proper to favor.

7. O mount e o rio

Na minha pátria tem um mount.
Na minha pátria tem um river.
See me.
A noite SOBE ao monte.
A fome desce ao rio.
See me.
E quem são os que sofrem?
Não sei, porém são meus.
See me.
Não sei, porém me chamam
e nem dizem: "Sofremos"
See me
And he told me:
"Teu povo,
teu povo abandoned
between or mount and or river,
com dores e com fome,
I don't want to fight sozinho,
is waiting for you, friend. "
Oh you, what do I love,
little girl, great vermelho
Luta will be tough
life will be hard,
but you will eat with me.

Pablo Neruda, apart from being affected by his love poems, was also a poet quite committed to the problems of the world, declaring himself a communist.

Em O mount e o rioSpecifically, or writer manages to unite two themes in a single poem. Here, he relates his He seeks for social transformation and wishes that his beloved continue with him Hair paths of a collective renovation and the necessary condition of a “hard life”.

8. Or inseto

You give your feet years, your pés
I want to fazer uma longa viagem.
He is less than an insect.
You go through these hills
that têm a cor da aveia,
e sinais pequeninos
that I conheço submit,
centimeters burned,
pale prospects.

Here is a montanha.
Dela never hei de sair.
Or what a giant moss!
Uma cratera, pink
of fire umedecido!
For your legs desço
tecendo a spiral
ou slept na voyagem
e chego a teus joelhos
of round hardness
as hard heights
of a clear continent.

For your condolences I reserve
between as oito openings
of your sharp fingers,
slow, peninsular,
and give them an amplification
do nosso lençol branco
I fell, wanting blind,
faminto teu outline
of vasilha scalding!

Another time Neruda has a poetic and heavenly relationship between a loved one and his own environment. It creates a relationship of equivalence between form of your lover to natural landscape, translating his body as a vast and beautiful world.

Neruda runs through each corporeal fragment of his object of desire as he unravels the mysteries of love and libido.

9. Teus pés

When I cannot contemplate your face,
I contemplate your condolences.

Teus pés de osso arched,
small hard feet.
I know what sustains you
what do you have twelve weight
on them to rise.

Your waist and your eyes,
to duplicate purple
two teus mamilos,
to caixa dos teus olhos
What have I done to raise up?
a long mouth of fruit,
your rubra cabeleira,
small tower minha.

I love you more, you condolences
that's why
on a terra and on
or wind and over water,
I will find me.

Em Teus pés, or writer also seeks to create connections between the loved body and nature, permeating each part of being in a sublime and beautiful manner.

O poet concentrates on disbelieving the pés da mulher and in a certain way thanking them for being allowed to o I found between you lovers fosse possível.

10. Always

Before mim
I have no ciúmes.

Vem com um homem
to your coasts,
vem com cem homens between your hair,
see me with a thousand homens between teu peito and teus pés,
see me how um laughed
cheio of afogados
that you find or furious sea,
to eternal foam, or tempo!

Map all of them
for where eu I wait for you:
we will always be alone,
we will always be you and eu
sozinhos on a terra
to start life!

Always It is a poetic text in which the writer shows that he knows that his beloved has a past love affair and that before him there will be other homes and loves.

Dito isso, reveals no third circumstances and to be full and secure in relation to the loving connection that unites you. Assim, or poet was aware of impermanence of life and that every new love traz um recomeço.

11. O Sonho

Walking pelas areias
I decided to leave you.

Pisava um dark mud
what a trem
I get stuck and get out
I decided that you will go
of me, that you weigh me
like cutting stone,
prepare you lost
step by step:
cut your roots,
let go-you just don't come.

Ai, nesse minute,
heart meu, um sonho
com asas terríveis
I charged you.

You felt muddy hair swallowed,
you go to me, but I don't come to you,
you are imóvel,
I will defend you
I tied that you stick to your mouth da areia.

Minha decision I found your dream,
inside gives break
that departed our soul,
we emerged clean another time, naked,
loving us,
sem sonho, sem areia, complete and radiant,
selados fiery hair.

No poem in questão, Pablo Neruda tells us a dream that does not end a relationship with his beloved. This text was originally bleak, which translated various distressing feelings about separation from um casal.

O poet invites us to experience to see or be loved in complete despair, deepening in melancholy. Meanwhile, at a given moment, the lovers, formerly dilapidated with their hair, find each other anew, united by the chama do desejo.

Quem foi Pablo Neruda

Born on July 14, 1904, or Chilean Ricardo Eliécer Neftali Reyes escolheu or pseudônimo Pablo Neruda to enter the universe of literature.

Filho de um ferroviário com uma professora, or poet teve a tragic beginning of life tendo logo cedo ficado orfão de mãe. As an inegável literary vocation, when he is still in school he publishes his poems in a local journal.

Besides being a writer, Ricardo was also a diplomat and represented his country as consul-general in various consulates such as Siri Lanka, not Mexico, Spain and Singapore.

Reconciling the tasks of a public servant with a paixão pela poetry, Neruda never left to write. Your literary production is important for the poet to receive a series of awards, among them or more important foi o Nobel Prize in 1971.

Pablo Neruda
Portrait of Pablo Neruda

Communist or poet has problems to return to Chile and to be exiled from the country, having returned only after political freedoms have been restored.

Pablo Neruda died in the Chilean capital on September 2, 1973.

Conheça also:

  • Poems explained to understand Pablo Neruda
  • Books of poetry that you need to know
  • Sonnet of Total Love, by Vinicius de Moraes
  • Os melhores love poems by Vinicius de Moraes
  • Love poems by Fernando Pessoa
  • The fundamental poems of Fernando Pessoa
  • The most romantic poems of literature
  • The best love poems of all times
  • Poem O Tempo, by Mario Quintana
  • Caio Fernando Abreu e os seus 5 great poems

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