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Lenda da Iara analyzed

I will be one of the most important people of Brazilian folklore. A creature, which is a human goal and a fish goal, lives in the Amazon river and fascinates fishermen with its beauty and as its hypnotizing song that brings you home to disgrace.

A lenda, which had European origin and indigenous elements, was recounted by important authors such as José de Alencar, Olavo Bilac, Machado de Assis and Gonçalves Dias.

Lenda da Iara

Protetora of two rivers of fishing and known as "mãe das águas", sereia Iara is also very feared pelos homens that fish and sail rivers of the North of the Country and pelos that caçam in nearby regions.

It is said that Iara, a beautiful Indian, lived for many years as a tribal of the region. Or work was divided: you homens saíam to hunt and fish; e as women take care of the village, dos filhos, do plantio e da colheita.

Certain day, at the request of the pajé, Iara was chosen in a new plantation of milho, which she did not know about. In India, more velha da tribo explained or path for Iara, who came out singing pela trilha than at levaria até or local da colheita.

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Indiazinha continued to watch or sing two passers by and the colorful birds that voavam from a beautiful igarapé. Enthusiastic and very warm, the resolveu se banhar naquelas clear, calm and crystalline waters.

Iara fled for a long time inside the river, jumping like peixes and singing for you to pass. Hours later, getting completely out of work, she stopped to rest a little and fell deeply asleep. When she woke up, there was no point and she realized that she would not be able to return home.

No next day, she was singing, sitting on the clear areias of the river, shaking her beautiful hair, when two girls appeared and left for the attack. Iara ran quickly in the direction of the river.

You peixes, how burned Iara had passed or day all jumping, to warn the perigo and disseram for her to enter quickly into the water. So I will go, to escape das onças, mergulhou nas águas and never again voltou à tribo.

No one knows, I am certain, or what happened. Some people say that the virou uma pretty would be that, for detesting ficar sozinha, uses or seu song of her and his beauty to attract fishermen and other homens who approach two rivers to raise them for or found days waters.

Second uma days stories told hair inhabitants daquela tribo, certain day, number end of afternoon, um young Indio voltava for your village, apos mais a day of fishing, when you take down or paddle your canoe nas águas do River.

Very courageous, or young mergulhou naquelas águas, pegou or rowing and, when he was going up in a canoe, Iara appeared and began to sing.

Hypnotized singing hair da linda sereia, or indio can't get away. She was swimming in her direction and, impressed, she was still able to see that the birds, each other, are encouraged by her turn, they were also paralyzed as Iara's song.

For a moment, or young person, you will resist, grabbing onto the trunk of a tree that was on the edge, but not adiantou: the logo was to stop us from being beautiful. And he afundou com ela, disappearing forever nas águas do rio.

Um velho cacique that passed local hair widowed, but I did not manage to help. They say that the historical counter that I invented a ritual to free the feitiço da Iara. But the few that he managed to withdraw from the farm days ficaram ficaram hallucinated by cause two charms da sereia.

Text withdrawn and adapted from livro Lendas Brasileiras - Iara, by Mauricio de Souza (Girassol editor, 2015).

Lenda da Iara Sereia: Turma do Folclore

Análise da Lenda de Iara

A lenda da região amazônica me as main personagem uma hybrid creature, as well as many personagens da mythology. Iara and metade animal (peixe) and metade human (mulher). Physically described as being an Indian, with brunette hair, smooth hair, long and brown, at the origin of Iara, it traces back histories of origin europeia what a local colorful ganharam.

Meaning of nome Iara

It is an indigenous word that wants to say "the one that lives in water." A personagem is also known as Mãe-d’Água. Outra version for or nome of the main personagem of the history and Uiara.

Explanations about a personagem

A personagem Iara can be read, on one hand, as or ideal for unwanted and inaccessible mulher. Essa leitura face reference to two Portuguese terem left behind, on earth, as women who love us. This absence fez how you imagine a woman platonic, Iara. A moça would be a symbol of a beautiful woman, sheltered, but at the same time inatingível.

On the other hand, Iara also woke up to the leitura of being a maternal image, especially because of many representations of her emphasize or seio nu, which alludes to breastfeeding.

Mário de Andrade, made an analysis of Iara based on psychoanalytic theory and found that at the presence of an irresistible girl, he failed to “unconsciously wish to turn to the mother's disappointment. But, since she was not unconscious or incest and taboo, she was terribly punished as to death daquele, which is left illusioned by the fatal attraction of my life! (...) É or Édipo's punishment who violated or tabooed maternal incest! ”. It would also be, at the same time, a symbol of maternity and punishment for those who want to cross the border to relate to it.

Iara was initially a male personagem

As first versões da lenda that we know hoje em dia tinham as the protagonist um male personagem chamado Ipupiara, a mythical creature with a human trunk and fish tail that devoured the fishermen and took them to the river. Ipupiara was described by a series of colonizing chroniclers between the 16th and 17th centuries.

A transformation of Ipupiara into a feminine personage, with seductive touches that saw the European narrative, only happened in the 18th century. Foi só from then on that the protagonist gives lenda passou to be a bela jovem Iara (ou Uiara).

A origin europeia da lenda

Embora does not give me an indigenous protagonist, originally from the famous lenda of national folklore and power be found not European imaginary - as, by sinal, a large part of folkloric imaginary Brazilian.

Havia, sim, uma indigenous lenda whose protagonist was Ipupiara, a human and marinha creature that devoured the fishermen. This record was found to be chronic colonizing hairs between the 16th and 17th centuries.

As we know, the author Iara, was traced for colonizing groups, tending to be mixed with a local narrative and acquired original traces.

We can trace Iara nas root you would be gregas. A story of Iara is assemelha very like that starring Ulisses. Nessa versão, a feiticeira Circe aconselhou or rapacious to tie up no more than the ship and to cover the two sailors with wax, so that they will not be delighted with the voices of sereias. Olavo Bilac confirms to origem europeia do mito:

"To I will be the same Sereia two first gregos, metade mulher, metade peixe, who or advised Ulisses one day found his pilgrimage by sea."

The ethnographer João Barbosa Rodrigues also wrote in 1881 in the Brazilian Magazine about the origin of our seriousness that he certainly saw from the continent:

“Iara was two old men with all her attributes of her, modified by nature and hair climate. She lives not found two rivers, in the shadow of virgin forests, with a dark complexion, you have dark hair, as you filhos do. equador, burned hair burning sun, while two seas north of loura, and green tempers like algae two seus rochedos. "

It is also possible to locate the origin of the myth of Iara in Portuguese culture, where it was from Lenda das enchanted mouras, that we sing and enchant the homens with their voices.

The myth was very popular especially in the regions of Minho and Alentejo in Portugal, and a part of the population was transferred to the north of Brazil during the period of colonization.

Brazilian writers and artists who will disseminate to lenda da Iara

Especially during the XIX and XX centuries the lenda da Iara was very popularized and studied.

José de Alencar, or the great name of Brazilian Romanticism, was two of the greatest responsible for the dissemination of Iara's lenda. In several productions, it includes an image that will attract the homens with her voice confirming her intention to disclose what she considers to be a "Legitimate expression of national culture".

Gonçalves Dias was also another great author who perpetuated the image of Iara through the poem A mãe d’água (including the book Primeiros cantos, 1846).

Sousândrade also shows his visibility to his main work, O Guesa (1902).

Machado de Assis, for the same time, falou on Iara no poem Sabina, present no livro Americanas (1875) as the same objective two colleagues who or preceded: resgatar e louvar a national culture.

But it was not a literature that a personagem Iara was reproduced. Also visual arts Iara was portrayed by some important artists, such as Alfredo's case. Ceschiatti, who saw missão de fazer as bronze sculptures located in front of Palácio da Alvorada:

So you would

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