Nós (Us): explanation and analysis of the film
Us (Us, not original) is a North American film of horror, suspense and science fiction, directed by Jordan Peele.
Adelaide (played by Lupita Nyong'o) is a woman who keeps a macabre secret about her childhood. Years later, when she returns to Praia de Santa Cruz with her family, she is amazed by traumatic memories.
As the night fell, the heavens turned into reality, when four figures dressed in vermelho suddenly appeared in his doorway.
Attention: from this point on, you will find spoilers!
Us: end of film explained
Here is how much more attention to the public does not last long or seu final surpreendente and, above all, the meanings that the carrega.
Or entanglement, cheio of symbols and metaphors, allows the spectator to create his own theories about the film, which he can generate various interpretations possible. At the same time, we do not propose to fully unveil the meaning of the work, but rather to present some relevant paths for your understanding.
A trade of places
Let's start summarizing the duality and conflict that exists between Red and Adelaide, the two protagonists of the narrative. In the first one, two clones lead the rebellion that lived in the city, the second was tied in the final year to protect the family from the violence of two pairs.
However, we can understand that these individuals enlouqueceram, from the experience of having been abandoned, and in pursuit of his vingança, we tend to twist Wilson's hair during the whole persecution. Assim, Adelaide easily becomes a heroine of history when Red occupies or place of villain.
Or the end of the story, not so much, see you change everything. This is how we discovered that, when we will find ourselves in the house of espelhos pela for the first time, the garotas will change from place.
Red is, then, a true Adelaide and as her difficulties of her na fala of her will arise when or clone to suffocate and Assume your identity.
From this jeito, after fine dinners, Adelaide turns into a vile tangle: same being a child, she was sharp and malicious. For this reason, she faced the moment when she found her only chance to escape and sacrificed another life to save her from it.
Adelaide lembrava what happened?
Two more interesting aspects of Us é or way as or diretor jumps with the idea of coincidence and goes backhaving incontáveis clues and hints for this final twist year long narrative.
In this sense, review or long when we know or its outcome becomes a kind of surprising and delicious game, Jordan Peele himself said that nothing is by chance.
Embora to remember only appears in our final moments, while the protagonist is directing as filho, we can believe that he is always present for her.
Isso becomes notorious, for example, hair smirk It gives menina in various lembranças, which is reproduced in the final sequence.
There are also other sinais, such as how to know exactly where to go when she was looking for or what has been kidnapped by Red or the way she affirms for filha that she would be capable of anything, if she wanted to same.
Contudo, or moment in which the cruelty of the woman becomes more evident and when the laugh yells, depois assassinating the rival, roubando um colar do seu pescoço. Jason, who was in hiding, not a local, attends dinner inside, I know she knew. Either a distrustful and apprehensive way, as or menino olha for me, leads us to question whether it is perceived to be true.
A deep reflection on the middle
Enquanto horror and suspense film, Us it is served impressão de constant ameaça, to the certainty of chegará alguma coisa that we do not know where we are. A narrative appeals to our instinct to protect what is unknown or what we do not understand.
It is about a portrait of contemporary alertness and the need to face everyone as potential equal, so that they will not take what we do. However, that is the same feeling that can trace to the surface or the surface of ourselves.
Our first minutes of the film, during or café da manhã, or little Jason has an extremely wise mistake that seems to reinforce this interpretation:
When you point one finger to someone else, you have three fingers point to you.
In this way, we can affirm that some messages that Peele wanted to convey to his public and that nem we are always the "bonzinhos" gives history. On the contrary, we can all be bons or maus, and many times it is both like that.
At the house of espelhos where the paths of the men cross seems to be a reference to different facets that we can reveal, depending on the circumstances in which we find ourselves.
It is interesting to observe how easily Adelaide and her family adapt to violence and become efficient assassins to survive.
Depois do launch of Us, or director of statements that help to understand your vision of him for the film:
We are at the moment that we fear another, seja or mysterious invader that we think will see us He will kill and take our commitments, or a facção that does not live apart from us, that you vote differently from nossa. Or our objective is to point or finger. And I wanted to suggest that maybe or monster that we really need to face has our face. Maybe or badly we are.
Olhar critic and social comment
As we confirm I do not reach the top and we are perceiving a long time of everything or entanglement, Us It is also configured as a metaphorical portrait two USAda America e his inequalities.
Isso becomes more visible, for example, when Wilson asks you the identity of two pairs and Red hardly answers: "We are Americans." In this way, many people face or film as a critic of the capitalist system or, in line with Run!, a reflection on or racism and segregation two African-Americans.
Fruits of a bizarre experience that saw or controlled the population, the duo were also human beings, but they had been condemned to a lifetime of exclusion and misery. More than vingança, they will organize to conquer what should always have been given to them directly.
Or film can, then, be read through this social vision and interpreted as a chamada de atenção for conceitos such as marginalization and o privilege. In this regard, Jordan Peele also stated:
For thermos or nosso privilégio, alguém sofre. (...) Those who soften and those who prosper only on two sides of the same day. You can never make isso. We need to fight less privileged hairs.
Film analysis Us: themes and symbologies
I deposit the absolute succession of Run! (2017), or Jordan Peele regressou com mais um longa-metragem arrepiante and full of criticism of the contemporary world.
A fairly up-to-date film, Us is full of references to pop culture two years 80 and 90, for example, to album blouse Thriller, by Michael Jackson, that Adelaide was wearing a fateful noite.
It is also used from some images that are not present but not collective imagery, as you zumbis, which seem to be referenced not erratic and violent behavior two pairs. Neste longa-metragem sobre o medo, or diretor also seems to serve as some urban lendas e conspiracy theories have become public hair.
The first seconds of the narrative, and announced that the United States of America is crossed by abandoned tunnels, which no one knows for sure to serve. Pouco depois, Zora, at the edge of the house, is wrong about the hypothesis of the government to place something in the water to control the minds of the population.
All the questions and issues that are summoned in the story are not the focus of the atmosphere of terror: there are various scares and dinners that beiram or gore. The same, also evident or gloomy mood do director, with moments that rendem boas gargalhadas.
The doubles that live do not subside
O fio conductor gives the plot to the existence of an underground world where a double of each individual remains, which repeats the seus atos because it is not escorted. We are also dealing with two different verses of the same life.
It was once a garota and a garota tinha a shadow. So we were connected, united.
Embora also fossem human beings, the Tinham duo were born devoid of directives and were forced to flee, while others lived in the light. Assim, these individuals are victims of the injustice of a perverse system and passed away to life, prisoners who have committed crime nenhum.
As well as the racial and class readings, we can go further and provide that the film also included a reflection on the prison system North American. Isso seems to be suggesting dark macaco hairs that everyone wears, scattering prison uniforms.
They barely fed on coelhos crus, animais that live locked ali e só comem, reproduzem e morrem. This seems to be a metaphor for the existence of two pairs that, as it happens as coelhos, are being used for scientific tests and experiences.
O director declared that the symbol is repeated both because of its duality: coelhos são fofos, but they can be perigosos. Ha ha tesouras, her favorite weapons of hers, symbolize two parts that are completed, ou seja, "two bodies that divide a soul."
Red, leading two pairs
A chegada de Red symbolizou, na practice, or ponto de viragem I do not target two pairs. As they have been guided one attached to another, you fathers the garotas inverteramed and the true Adelaide was condemned to a life in the shadows.
While everyone around us was mad, and we continued with purpose, to menina had a different vision about what she was living, since she knew what it was like to be on the surface.
Lá, she has learned to dance and, when she performed for the first time in front of two pairs, they realized that there was something special about her.
TO Red dance It becomes a symbol of freedom and expressivity, being called a "miracle" for the personagem, because he showed him or his purpose. Either a bankruptcy or a climate of lethargy, making sure that everyone is alive and in power.
In this way, we are supposed to be compromising that system: it becomes a leader and begins to awaken two others to the need to organize the planejarem in Vingança.
A biblical passagem e a sua message
There is a biblical passage that is repeated several times a year throughout the film, always associated with the casa de espelhos, or portal to the "side of the film." I do not walk to or local, Adelaide saw um homem assuring a letter that said "Jeremiah 11:11".
Years later, Jason found the same inscription when he got lost in the praia. Ele fica thinking not homem that safe or letter na praia e faz um déhole. Na mesma noite, he shows me that he são "11:11" not relogio.
Apart from the numbers, they will be equal and metaphorized as doubles, a image also carries a hidden message.
The biblical verses showed Deus reaction depois to be attracted hair of Israel, who happened to worship false divinities:
By isso, assim said or Senhor: "I will tell you about a misfortune that I will not be able to escape. Still come to cry out to me, eu não os ouvirei ".
This detail traces a new layer to the film's interpretation, which goes on to contain a religious message as well. A passagem can be dealt with as the existence of a superior force that is disenfranchised as human race and its seat of power, and decides condená-la à desgraça.
A ideia and reinforced by Red's speech, which accredits that she was escorted by Deus to fulfill a missão. Isso could explain the many coincidences and the events that have been brought together, a long time in history, so that everything can happen.
Or that symbolizes or Hands Across America?
The first seconds of the film, we see an announcement on TV of a humanitarian campanha chamada Hands Across America. This is one of the last images that Red sees her childhood, before being sequestrated by her duo.
OR event existiu mesmo It happened on May 25, 1986, when 6.5 thousand North Americans left more and formed a human stream that crossed several states of the country.
The objective of the action was to raise national attention for poverty and encouragement, raising funds to help the underprivileged population.
Or plane of Red is recriar or moment, creating an infinite line of pairs that will cross or country. At the final dinners, while Adelaide leaves as filho, we see that the cities are deserted, but there is a huge human stream of figures dressed in vermelho.
As referred to by Gabriel, or Adelaide's husband, atitude seems to be a matter of protest species. He is the leader himself two pairs that he explains, making it clear that vingança is not enough and needs to make a visible declaration for the rest of the world:
Agora é o nosso tempo!
About a trilha sonora do filme
Us I also contacted a musical selection of excellence, passing two urban styles, such as rap and hip hop, tied to classical music.
In some moments, as escorts musicais provoke a direct contrast with the images that we are attending, generating a comic effect. In the end, I would say that one day you will attend a true massacre Good vibrations two Beach Boys?
Check out your nessa playlist that we prepare for you and have fun too:
Technical sheet and letter of the film
Qualification |
Us (original) Nós (Brazil) |
Year of production | 2019 |
Directed by | Jordan peele |
Launching | March 15, 2019 |
Duration | 116 minutes |
Classification | Not recommended for children under 16 years of age |
Gender | Terror Suspense |
Country of origin | United States of America |
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