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Phrase O esencial e invisível aos olhos: origin, PDF, films, about Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

The phrase "Essential and invisible years old" was withdrawn from the book O little prince, a classic of literature written by French aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

The original phrase is "L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux", for the English oração was translated as "what is essential is invisible to the eye".

Or essential and invisible years old

Meaning and context of the phrase

The phrase "Essential and invisible years old" is uttered by the fox, who prides herself on being guided by her affectionate hair and for following her sentiments. Second or teaching of the flabby animal, or instinct should be seen in the face of reason.

O little prince logo to follow repeats oração da raposa, in such a way as to fix the mind. A complete passage that includes a reflection and the following:

- Adeus, say a fox. Eis o meu segredo. It is very simple: you only see yourself as a heart. Or essential and invisible for you olhos.
- Or essential and invisible for you olhos, repetiu or principezinho, in order to be sown.

A sublinha prayer that we must leave behind superficialities and explore what really matters: what goes inside.

instagram story viewer

Or that a raposa personifies an important lição for the little prince and for all of us: a true beauty is on the inside, by isso não é possível acessa-la com os olhos.

In few linhas o leitor it is presented as a deep knowledge translated from a simple form. A philosophy of the fox is the fruit of a lot of self-knowledge, which allows the person to perceive that or that it is brought to life according to attitudes, and not by superficial appearance, merely aesthetic.

A reflection gives its own purpose a primacy of feeling and shaking on or seeing. To give priority to what we see inside ourselves, to the bottom minimizes the importance of what we can see, giving less value to physical form and more value to what goes to soul, not spirit.

Conheça or Meaning of the Raposa of O Little Prince.

O âmago ganha unimportance sem precedents, in contrast to what we are accustomed to seeing not every day (or worship to the body, to image, to appearance in super exposure to social networks).

The phrase "O essential and invisible years old" was published no free O little prince, launched on April 6, 1943, in Nova Iorque. A French publication arose three years after the American version, not in 1946.

First edition of the book.
First edition of the book The little prince.

A history of free is simple: a pilot fell in the middle of the desert of Saara and found her a little prince who induced a series of philosophical reflections.

It is interesting to note that experience seems to have emerged from a real story. The writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry had passed through a similar situation when he did not desert Saara.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was a pilot.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was a pilot.

Or free O little prince It quickly became a classic of children's literature and gradually became uncovered adult hairs, which enxergaram nele a bit of wisdom translated from a linguagem singela.

Breaking records

O little prince It is the fifth most sold book on the planet. He is just behind the Bible, from A count of duas cities (Charles Dickens), by Xinhua Zidian (dictionary of Chinese characters) e de Dom Quixote (Cervantes).

The commercially most successful French title, it is estimated that the book has sold more than 145 thousand copies.

The succession of bands was such that Exupéry's work has been translated for about 210 languages, becoming a third free more translated from history.

Find out more about or Livro O Little Prince.

Adaptações para o cinema

For some of the films of longa and short metragem created from now on, we select the three most celebrated verses of the history of cinema.

Malenkiy prints, 1966 version

The first film adaptation was made by the Lithuanian director Arünas Zebriünas.

Cartaz do first film.
Cartaz do first film.

The little prince, 1974 version

A second version for the cinema was a long musical metragem made in partnership between the United States and the United Kingdom.

Quem assinou a direção do film was Stanley Donen, who had never directed the classic Cantando na chuva, from 1952.

O Little Prince - Film (Part 2 of 9)

Le Petit Prince, version of 2015

A computerized animation of French origin inspired by Exupéry was directed by Mark Osborne and launched in August 2015. Trust or trailer:

The Little Prince Official Trailer # 1 (2015) - Marion Cotillard, Jeff Bridges Animated Movie HD

Leia o livro na integral

O little prince It is available for free download.

Tatuagens "O esencial e invisível aos olhos"

The phrase "Essential and invisible years old" has been made clear that a series of tattoos will begin to emerge in homage to the philosophy of the fox in love with the little prince.


Products with the phrase "Essential and invisible aos olhos"

A phrase also prints a series of products, two more varied types, including decorative plates, souvenirs, t-shirts, cans and lighting.

Decorative quadro
Decorative plate.
Caixa de madeira.
Illuminated wooden box.

About Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Born in Lyon, in France, not on June 29, 1900, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was a member of a house of counts and was always killed by aviation.

The Frenchman who was known to raise two major books on children's literature was also a professional pilot, even belonging to French Aeronautics. Apart from being raised fiction, he wrote autobiographical essays based on his personal experience in aviation.

Pouco is known on the death of Saint-Exupéry or on the day of July 31, 1944, when the author was barely 44 years old. Antoine pilotava no Mediterrâneo and simply disappeared. It is speculated that after his death it was a suicide, but the região fizesse as that after the death of the military priest it was equally possible.

The wrecks of the plane (including the serial number: 2734-L) were only found 54 years later, in 1998, not in the Mediterranean Sea. The body of Antoine jamais appeared.

The pilot did not see the success of his publication, which was only created in 1946, in France.

Conheça also

  • Phrases of O little prince interpreted
  • Phrase You become eternally responsible for what you do
Rebecca Fuks
Rebecca Fuks

Formed in Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2010), Master of Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2013) and doutora in Studies of Culture of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon (2018).

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