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11 main works of Van Gogh (with explanation)

Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) was a genre of post-impressionism despite, in life, having sold a single painting.

Considered one of the two most important creators of the Western plastic arts, his classic canvases viraram give painting and faze part of the collective imagery. He knows about these works-prima and he knows more about the biography of the Dutch painter.

A starry night (1889)

A starry night

The most famous picture of the Dutch painter was raised when Van Gogh was admitted to a mental hospital in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence during the year 1889.

Vincent had asked for me to sign up again, Theo, hospitalized him for a series of psychotic attacks. It has not been confirmed properly what it was to doença that attacked or breeder, we know that he suffers from epilepsy, but as other doenças não foram bem identified (there have been suspeitas of bipolarity, brain tumor and depression deep).

A canvas above illustrates the rising of the sun seen from the room where Van Gogh slept. Or work presents some peculiar elements such as the spiral of the céu that prints a noção de

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depth of movement. In spite of the chaotic ceu, or village that appears in the painting, it is pacato e alheio ao turbilhão exterior.

Know more about o Quadro A Noite Estrelada, by Vincent van Gogh.

You turn (1889)

You turn

Considered one of the raw works of a Dutch painter, a canvas whose protagonist was a glass of sunflowers with ten verses.

In the image we see the predominance of amarela and an unconventional floral bouquet organization. In Dutch painting we read confusion, chaos, A disturbing beauty obtained as you twisted twists.

A cloth was a good saudation to a friend Paul Gauguin (1848-1903), who would go or visit in Arles, where Vincent was living. You should see the images, or the French painter ended up praising the Dutch colleague or affirming that your tours were more beautiful than Monet's vitórias-régias.

Not square to assinatura is not as we usually find it, positioned not on the edge of the cloth. Em You turn The first name of the painter is inserted inside the glass, in the middle of the square (in the lower part). In a letter to oirmão Theo we know that he chose to assassinate Vincent because as people weren't able to pronounce Van Gogh.

Sweet potato eaters (1885)

Sweet potato eaters

To cloth Sweet potato eaters It illustrates the time to do jantar, às sete da noite (marked with no landmark of ponteiro located on the wall of the square). At the same wall of the room where is or relógio also sees a religious image, or that gives us more clues about that family.

A table was composted by homens and women who work on the ground. So mãos (fortes, ossudas) and os rostos (tired, strained with effort) are the protagonists of the fabric. Van Gogh pretended to paint them as they were, fazendo a record of domestic life.

Or that it is not in the center of the table - or jantar - são batatas (damage or not give me cloth). Everything or square is painted as a picture is given to the ground and the image contrasts either light or dark (note how the light does not first light up the reference table when the background remains dark).

A painting is considered by many to be Van Gogh's first work-first and was considered when the artist is ainda morava com os pais. It is also said that the canvas would have been inspired by two works by Rembrandt, one of two major Dutch painters.

Home amarela (1888)

Home amarela

O quadro acima, raised in September 1888, portrays home where he lived or painter when he left Paris. The breeder alugou um quarto na casa amarela em maio of the same year as he painted or quadro. The building where he resides was located in a quarteirão near the Praça Lamartine, in Arles.

At home, Van Gogh morava and works with other artists in a kind of colônia, experiencing a collective experience every time or their own room.

A cidade escolhida pelo painter was 16 hours from trem de paris, ao founded da cloth, on the direct side, Note-it is present of this element that can represent your possibility of escape (um viaduto as or trem acima).

Home amarela é marked pelas single brush strokes, with fabric also made from hair contrasting between the blue of the ceu and the yellow of the houses. Imagem gives prominence not only in the room where the living painter is, as well as the quarteirão in the year of the city.

Or fourth (1888)

O quarto by Van Gogh in Arles

A painting is on the face of a record of the room that Van Gogh wrote in Arles. Na imagem we see details of the life of the painter How you move from wood and fabrics hanging on the walls.

Van Gogh showed the use of strong and contrasting colors in his work and through the work we perceive a little of the painter's daily life. It is curious or fato of haverem duas cadeiras and dois travesseiros when it is known that Vincent lived sozinho.

There is no doubt that either quadro had been unsuccessful for him, Theo, so as to comfort him so that he doubted that Van Gogh was in love with him.

Self-portrait with orelha cut (1889)

Self-portrait with orelha cut

A amputação da orelha direita foi um nebulous episode in the life of the painter who still hoje remains mysterious. We hardly know that the loss of orelha was the direct result of a violent discussion that he also had a friend as a painter Paul Gauguin in 1888. Gauguin had moved to Van Gogh's artistic residence not the same year, at the invitation of a friend.

We do not know if Van Gogh was cut off part of the orelha direita num episode of self-cultivation após teria uncontrolled as a friend or if he had been attacked as a navalha by Paul during a hot discussion that teve.

The information that is effectively known is what the painter would have saved to orelha decepada and te-la-ia shown for a prostitute called Rachel num bordel da região. After he found himself bizarre, Vincent had walked over to a quarter of him where he slept in a bloody bed.

Terraço do café à noite (1888)

Terraço do café à noite

Or the territory to which the cloth referred was found in the Place du Forum, in Arles, the city where Van Gogh moved in order to dedicate himself to painting. Second records, or painter resolves to create a coffee landscape after finishing the romance of Guy Maupassant.

Some of the most impressive characteristics of this canvas are that, despite portraying a nighttime landscape, Van Gogh did not use any ink that had scarcely toured more drab. In a letter exchanged as an irmão, or a painter, he affirmed:

Here is a nighttime quadro sem ter used preta ink, some marvelous blues, violets and greens

On canvas, we see for the first time that Van Gogh experimented with painting or with his post-impressionist stars.

A painting has not been assimilated by the painter's hair, however, it has not been any dúvida of its authorship thanks to the style shown in Van Gogh's letters, where it referred to canvas.

Wheat field with corvos (1890)

Wheat field with corvos (1890)

Painted just before Van Gogh died (not on July 29, 1890), on canvas Wheat field with corvos I was raised on July 10, 1890.

Até bem little tempo it is blamed that this era or final painting of the artist, meanwhile researchers of the museum of the painter in Amsterdam will discover a later painting, Tree roots, more than jamais chegou to be completed.

Theoretical muitos leem na tela Wheat field with corvos or environment of depression and solidão experienced by a Dutch painter who suffered a long time from a lifetime with mental disturbances.

Amendoeira in flower (1890)

Amendoeira in flower (1890)

Van Gogh was very close to the most young man, Theo, who was recently married to Johanna. AND Amendoeira in flower It was painted in the year 1890, when or when you have a filho house. O box was a present offered by Van Gogh ao home to baby hair and it was supposed to hang hanging at the top of the berço. Johanna, not so much, I liked the picture so much that I hung out in the room.

Painted with light cores e tons pastéis, the fabric presents a curious angle, as if or as a spectator it is sold to arvore da amendoeira by lowering. The flowery trunks represent exactly that rebirth idea.

Uma curiosity: I was not given a baby, who was born on January 31, 1890, was Vincent, in homage to a painter uncle. He is the only nephew who created or created the Van Gogh Museum, in 1973, in Amsterdam, in partnership with the Dutch government.

A cadeira de Van Gogh with hookah (1888)

A cadeira de Van Gogh with Cachimbo (1888)

A cadeira de Van Gogh with hookah It was painted in an artistic residence where Van Gogh lived in Arles and presents a fairly simple cadeira, made of wood, with arms and covered with palha pousada on a chão também singelo.

A canvas is a contrast to a painting that a painter also criou chamado A cadeira de Gauguin, which is not the Van Gogh Museum. Nesse second painting has a more impressive cadeira, given that Gauguin was considered an important painter of the time. O quadro da cadeira by Van Gogh fazia par com o quadro A cadeira de Gauguin, um should be next to another (a cadeira was turned for a direct and another for a skeleton, inclusive).

A canvas on which Van Gogh painted his own cadeira and all in yellow tones and represents your simple personalities, in Gauguin, it has a more elegant atmosphere.

At his assumption of him (Vincent) there is an unusual space in the middle of the quadro (part of the background).

Or carteiro: Joseph Roulin (1888)

O carteiro: Joseph Roulin (1888)

Two melhores friends of the Van Gogh painter in Arles, where he enjoys an artistic residence, was or local poster Joseph Roulin.

Joseph trabalhava na estação dos Correios de Van Gogh a small city and many times a local to send fabrics and letters to his friend Theo. For many years we found that a friend emerged - and this was a canvas of a series of portraits that the painter made of his friend and gave his family for a long time that lived in Arles.

There are about 20 painted images of the letter, by his wife Augustine and two three filhos do casal (Armand, Camille and Marcelle).

In the letter sent to either Theo testemunhamos irmão or at the time of the breeding of the specific fabric:

I am now working with another model, a card with a blue uniform, with golden details, a big beard and no face, similar to Socrates.

A short biography of Vincent van Gogh

The painter was born on March 30, 1853 in Zundert, a small town located in the Netherlands.

Either way of him, Theodorus van Gogh, was a Calvinist pastor-Vincent would also tempt to follow or religious path of why it would be a success.

To my son, Anna Carbentus, was a housewife and had lost a filho to a baby named Vincent. As a new pregnancy, he told me that he had lost the new child that would be born. Coincidentally, Vincent was born not the same day that or irmão, not the year to follow.

Van Gogh Self Portrait
Self-portrait painted by Van Gogh in 1889

Vincent dropped out of school between the ages of 14 and 15 and started his first business in a company of his uncle, who was a dealer. Depois he was working in London teaching a Sunday school trying to be a predator.

Back in Holland, he tries to follow theology with great difficulty. He ends up becoming the pastor of a small, very poor community in Belgium. After some time he did not charge, he decided to leave the community to dedicate himself to art in an integral way.

When I feel a terrible need for religion, I leave to paint the stars.

Van Gogh was supported for a long time of his life by Theo, his name more than ever that he was a great friend and supporter. Letters exchanged between the two of you provide us with clues as to how the painter's life has been.

Or an artist, who would become a two major than post-impressionism, you have a short life. Van Gogh died 37 years old (failed to commit suicide) and produced 900 paintings - having barely sold his life.

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  • Artists Essenciais da Arte Moderna
  • The most famous paintings in the world
  • Frida Kahlo: life and main works
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