You become eternally responsible for what you do: meaning, translations, envelope or book
An original phrase, written in French, "You are responsible for your touches that you are private" and withdrawn from the classical world literature Le petit prince (in Portuguese O Little Prince).
A first translation for or Portuguese (feita pelo immortal Dom Marcos Barbosa) gerou as a result of famous non-unconscious crystallized phrase: "You become eternally responsible for what you do."

Meaning and context of the phrase
A phrase in questão edita pela vixa for the Little Prince in Chapter XXI and is one of the most cited passages of the work.
O ensinamento começa some pages before, when or rapazinho asks for a fox or who wants to say "cativar".
A raposa replies that cativar means to breed laços, to pass to ter necessidade do outro, and exemplifies:
Tu não es para mi senão um garoto inteiramente equal to one thousand other garotos. I don't have any need for you. And you do not also have a need for me. I did not pass to the olhos of one fox equal to one thousand other foxes. But, if you call me, we will have no need for another. You will be for me the only one in the world. E eu will be for you the only one in the world ...
O Little Prince mentions a rose that he had already catered for. As tempo, é o rapazinho cativa a raposa.
Na time to go embora, a fox gives some teachings for the youth because she has never been affected, among them she says that "Or essential and invisible years old".
As she knew that the Little Prince Otter was deep pink skin, on the face of a lembrá-what "Foi o tempo que perdeste com tua rosa que fez tua rosa is important."
The logo to follow quotes Pérola:
You become eternally responsible for what you do. You are responsible for the pink peel ...
The author wants to say that those who are loved become responsible for the others, because of those who nurture or affect themselves. Or I suggest that we should be prudent about feelings that they love us.
A reflection serves as much for either as for or for bad: it is voiced good sentiments, and managed by what it emanates, it generates maus sentiments, it must also be blamed for isso.
A sentença affirms that when you face someone else, it will correspond to what or another viu na su pessoa. One of the fundamental maxims of the Little Prince is that we must take care of two others, while keeping our hair reciprocal.
He is sublining himself to a phrase or thermo "eternally", which seems scary at first glance. In fact, a phrase, or adverb means "constant", or that you want to say that, you conquer or feel another, you are responsible for caring, protecting and dedicating yourself, with a defined term.
A reflection provided by Exupéry opposes the individualistic notion of each um in case it encourages reciprocity, conscientiously Collective that we are responsible for other hairs, especially hairs that cross our path and we enxergam com admiration.
Despite the Brazilian translation, it is necessary to transform the French verb "apprivoisé" into "cativar", the most literal translation reality would be "tame" or "domesticate".
Dom Marcos Barbosa chose to throw a poetic license and adapt "apprivoisé" to "cativar", a verb that can be used as a synonym of enchanting, seducing, attracting, enfeitiçar, fascinate and envelop.
O verb escolhido by Dom Marcos Barbosa involves delivery, necessity um do outro, dedicação. I do not care about the release of Exupéry, or Little Prince who is caught by the rose, or who wants to say that he will become responsible for her.
Know more about or Meaning of the Raposa of O Little Prince.
Brazilian classical French edições
A publication translated for the Portuguese of Brazil was published in 1954, by Dom Marcos Barbosa monge Beneditino, based on the French edition of 1945.
In 2013, to publisher Agir, to pioneer who has launched a first publication, launched a new translation, made by the award-winning poet Ferreira Gullar. A new translation teve as a reference to the original edition of 1943.
Gullar said that the work "was a treat for the editor, I have never thought of translating this book because I have never been translated, that I was young".
Or wish, second or novo translator, it was to update the writing "so that the reader of the page feels more identified as a way of narrating the book and the falas."
A translation carried out by a poet differs, for example, from Barbosa, not that I disrespect the famous phrase em questão.
Dom Marcos Barbosa affirmed that "You become eternally responsible for what you do." Ferreira Gullar, for his time, opted for a different construction, using the past tempo of the verb: "Você é eternally responsável por aquilo que cativou".
According to Gullar,
This is a question of personal choice, each item or second. Or that melhor communicates, or that fica is more colloquial - because when people fala não fica rigorously following grammatical norms, não é isso? I'm afraid there's a conciliation there. I am not in favor of disrespecting grammatical norms, but in fact I cannot show any rigidity that permeates spontaneity.

A respeito das duas translations, separated by about sixty years apart, Gullar confessou:
Only a new translation was justified because a colloquial linguagem do livro loses atualidade. As or passar do tempo, certain expressões vão saindo of use. But try to translate directly from the French text of Saint-Exupéry.
Após 1 de janeiro 2015, when or free entered the public domain, other publishers will enter new translations. Ivone C. Benedetti assisted a translation for L&PM:

Frei Betto was responsible for the translation proposed for the Geração Editorial:

Gabriel Perissé translated for o Grupo Autêntica:

Laura Sandroni went to Escolhida pela Editora Global to translate:

A translation of the poet Mario Quintana was disclosed by Melhoramentos:

No total, no Brazil has already sold more than 2 thousand exemplary books. Até 2014, the only publisher authorized to reproduce or release was Nova Fronteira (Ediouro).
Apos ter fallen in the public domain, O Little Prince ganhou various edições das mais varied editors. We lembrace here just a few: L&PM, Geração Editorial, Grupo Autêntica, Melhoramentos e Global.
Adaptação para os quadrinhos
O book de Saint-Exupéry was adapted for you quadrinhos by Joann Sfar. Not Brazil, the translation used was Dom Marcos Barbosa.

Exhibition on O Little Prince
Held in 2016, at the exhibition "O Little Prince, a history of New York", it was a North American homage to a world classic for children's literature.
The Little Prince was launched in the United States in 1943, three years before the French edition. Few people know that the book was written in New York because the author found himself exiled to the city. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry lived for two years in America, before the Second World War.
The curator, responsible for the exposition, Christine Nelson, said that Exupéry, despite having an apartment in Central Park, was in various points of the city.

Conheça also
- Livro O Little Prince
- Phrase O is essential and invisible years old
- The classics of world literature that you can not deixar de ler