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Summary and analysis of Romeu and Juliet, by William Shakespeare

Supposedly raised between 1593 and 1594, a classic peça Romeu and Juliet, by Shakespeare, travessou gerações e gerações e tornou-se a work-prima of western literature. In history, passed in Verona, in Italy, I had as protagonists the coupled Romeu Montecchio and Juliet Capulet.

I summarize

Verona is the stage of the historical conflict between two traditional families: the Montecchio and the Capulet. By fate's misfortune, Romeu, the only one of the Montecchio family, and Juliet, the only one of the Capulet family, met during a masked ball and lost each other.

Romeu was in love with Rosalina when he met a rival family. Enchanted pela moça, he blemishes or commitment that he has with Rosalina and fez de tudo to sign with her gemean soul. Julieta also has future plans with Páris, a raptor from nome in Verona, however, she leaves all the family's deserts to continue or her heart.

A passage more lembrada da peça is that present at dinner II of Ato II. Romeu vai tied the garden of the Capulet and fala with his beloved, who is found na taken out:

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- Yes, you have scars that have never been left... (Julieta appears na taken from a janela) Silêncio! What light is that na janela? The rising sun, the rising Juliet! Wake up, sun, and kill the ciumenta, who is pale and full of sadness, pois you see that you are more perfect than she! Deixe de servi-la, ha ha that is tão invejosa! Her cloak is green and sad like two insane robes: jogue-o fora! She is my lady, my love. It is a year or less soubesse... Is she falando ou não? Seus olhos de ella falam... I answer ou não? Sou muito ousado... I am not the one who fails. Duas Estrelas devem ter lent or shine to seu olhar of her. E se fosse or contrarário? Seus olhos of her will not ceu, and or stars will be extinguished, as or day with the light of candles. And so clearly it would be back, that you would sing, thinking that it was a common day. As the apóia seu rosto na mão! As he wanted to be a luva in his hand, to be able to touch that face!


- Ai de mim!


- Ela is faking... Fale de novo, shining anjo, glorious anjo not high this night, that face you mortais fix the olhos and twist or fish for ve-lo, when it cavalga as nuvens preguiçuos and veleja serene hair.


- Romeu! Romeu! Why você é Romeu? Deny seu pai, renounce seu nome. Ou, I don't want to, it is enough to swear to me love, and I will be a Capulet.

Together, Romeu and Julieta live a forbidden and idealized love, condemned for the family of both. They married in hiding, a celebration and carried out by Frei Lourenço, a confidant of Romeu.

By a briga that ends up becoming the death of Teobaldo (Juliet's cousin) and Mercúrio (Romeu's friend), or prince of Verona resolves to exile Romeu. Desperate with the departure of her beloved, Juliet asked for help to the Franciscan brother who made the marriage.

To the idea of ​​the frade, Juliet should take a pot that makes her look dead. Romeu, having received news of the supposed death of the woman, broke into despair and bought a substance to provoke death himself.

Ao find Juliet disengaged in the crypt of the Capulet, he cre na morte gives beloved and takes the poison that she had traced. Juliet, to remember, discovers that the loved one is dead and, as a punhal, also of the end of his own life.

A tragic love story, or the only consolation that remains for the reader to know that, after catastrophic deaths, two protagonists, the Montecchio and Capulet families decide to make a peace agreement.

Inspirações do autor

The English poet possibly was inspired by a history of ancient Greece of Pyramus and Thisbe dating from Secular III, where a thrashing goes in search of a poison to escape from a marriage.

During the rebirth, similar narratives of love proliferated and in 1530 Luigi da Porto published a story that seems to be inspired by the composition of Shakespeare.

TO History novellamente ritrovata di due nobili amanti It also has a Verona cenario, the protagonists are nobres and families in questão são or Montecchi e Cappulletti. The protagonists chamam-se, inclusive, Romeu and Giulietta. It was so successful that it was adapted for the French by Adrien Sevin in 1542.

Versões da peça

Em 1597, a peça Romeu and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, was created as a reconstituted text from the beginning of two two actors that work in the first representation. There is a montage to follow, after two years, it was authorized and most complete, with about seven hundred more verses that have disappeared in the previous version.

Structure of the peça

A peça has a linguagem compatible with the lyrical tragedy because it was about fifteen per cent of the rhyming text. The first work of the English author is divided into five years:

Either I tie I have five dinners, or I tie II six dinners, or I tie III five dinners, or I tie IV five dinners and or I tie V three dinners.

Personagens principais


Or protagonist, the only herdeiro of the Montecchio family.


The protagonist, the only sister of the Capulet family.

Senhor e senhora Montecchio

Traditional family from the city of Verona, country of Romeu. Historically, the family and mortal immigrant of the Capulet house.

Senhor e senhora Capulet

Traditional family from the city of Verona, Juliet's country. Historically, a family and a mortal immigrant from Casa Montecchio.


Juliet's cousin, nephew of Senhora Capulet.


Juliet's pretender. A moça, beaten up by Romeu, or veeitaly rejeita.

Pick it up

Prince of Verona, city where history passes, not inside Italy.

Mercúrio and Benvólio

Faithful friends of Romeu.

Abraão e Baltasar

Servants of the Montecchio family.


Mãe de criação de Julieta, nourishes a deep affection of the moça.


Servant of the Capulet house, auxiliary of the Mistress.

Frei Lourenço

Friend of Romeu, or Franciscan frei celebrates or casamento do casal apaixonado.

Frei João

Religious authority of Franciscan origin.

What was William Shakespeare?

Celebrated as the greatest writer of the English language, it is speculated that William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon, a small city in England. He died exactly fifty-two years ago, at the same time. He moved to London in 1591, in search of work opportunities, and lived for many years in the English capital.

Portrait of Shakespeare.

He married Anne Hathaway, his great love, when he was 18 years old, in 1582, and together they had three children (Susanna, Hamnet and Judith).

Anne Hathaway.
Portrait of Anne Hathaway, Shakespeare's mulher.

A literary career of Shakespeare

Tinha originated relatively humble and rose socially thanks to his work with writing: he was a worker of letters, he composed approximately 38 theater pieces and 154 sonnets. As well as tinham tackles varied, some were comedies, other tragedies and still some of historical scope.

Its first peça was composted between 1590 and 1594 and was Comédia dos erros. Not until he concluded his writing, he joined the famous Theater Company of Lord Chamberlain. Later he managed to enter as a partner of the Globe Theater.

Romeu and Juliet It was the first great success for the public and critics. Harold Bloom, an important literary critic, justifies the succession of the permanence of the history of the Romeu and Juliet:

"But it was the greatest and most convincing celebration of romantic love from universal literature."

Harold bloom

Shakespeare wrote other exquisite works such as Hamlet, Sonho de uma noite de verão, Megera Domada, Macbeth, O Rei Lear and Othello. His last work for the theater was foi a peça A tempestade, written between 1610 and 1613 in his native city, Stratford-upon-Avon.

Contemporary adaptation of classical peça Romeu and Juliet

Inaugurated on March 9, 2018, at the Riachuelo do Rio do Janeiro Theater, a contemporary adaptation of Romeu and Juliet conta com o repertoire of Marisa Monte. A peça é composta por 25 musicas da cantora.

Direção é de Guilherme Leme Garcia e o cenário é assassinated by Daniela Thomas. Or cast and composed by Bárbara Sut (playing Julieta) and by Thiago Machado (not the role of Romeu).

Romeu e Julieta ao som by Marisa Monte - O Casamento

Do box for fabrics: an adaptation for long metragem

A adaptation of Shakespeare's peça for the cinema has different verses, perhaps even more fully aware of them, Baz Luhrmann, in 1996, has been a favorite filmmaker. The cast includes Leonardo DiCaprio, Claire Danes, John Leguizamo, Harold Perrineau, Paul Sorvino and Paul Rudd.

The film is available in its entirety, including dubbed.

Romeu e Julieta (Dublado PT - BR)

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