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6 funny chronicles of Luis Fernando Veríssimo commented

Luis Fernando Veríssimo is a gaucho writer who has been recognized for his famous chronicles. Usually humor is used, his short texts trazem histories that deal with the daily life and human relationships.

On a chronica as linguagem, or own author defines:

A chronicle is an indefinite literary genre, in which it fits, from the universe to or from us, and people take advantage of this freedom. More to write something that I pay on or everyday is difficult. That story that burns or seu quintal is singing or the world is not sustained. More depends on the quintal, of course.

1. To metamorphose

A cheap one agreed one day and I saw that I had become a human being. He started mexer his legs and saw that only four, which were large and heavy and difficult to articulate. No more antennas. She wanted to emit a som of surprise and she wanted to deu um grunt. As other cheap fugiram terrified for after the mobile. She wanted to follow them, but she was not behind the mobile. Or her second thought was: "What a horror... I need to end up eating these cheap ones ..."

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To think, for the ex-cheap, it was a novelty. Formerly she followed her instincts. Agora she needed to reason. She uses a kind of cloak with a curtain that gives the room to cover her numbness. She left the house and found a wardrobe with a fourth, and nele, a baixo dress and a dress. She olhou-se did not spell and achou-se pretty. For an ex-cheap. She maquiou-se. All of them are cheap, but women need to enhance their personalities. He adotou um nome: Vandirene. Later, she found out that it was not enough. What class of relevance?… Tinha educação?…. Referrals?… She got a lot of custody as a faxineira. His inexpensive experience gives him access to poorly suspended subjects. It was a boa faxineira.

It was difficult to be a people… I needed to buy food and or dinheiro não chegava. As cheap as possible, many antennas were used, but not human beings. Conhecem-se, namoram, brigam, fazem as pazes, resolvem to marry, hesitam. Could it be that or dinheiro vai dar? Get a house, furniture, electrical appliances, bed linen, table and bathroom. Vandirene casou-se, teve filhos. She lutou muito, intercourse. Rows no National Institute of Social Security. Pouco leite. Or uninvolved husband... she Finally she hit the lottery. Quase four milhões! Among the cheap ones, there are no more than four milhões no face difference. More Vandirene mudou. She empregou or dinheiro. She changed from bairro. She bought a house. She happened to dress bem, to eat bem, to take care of her põe or pronome. She went up to class. She hired babies and entered the Pontifical Catholic University.

Vandirene agreed one day and saw that she had become cheap. Her penultimate human thought of her was: "Meu Deus!... I was dedicated to the house for two days! ...". His last human thought was for his money to render a finance and what his husband, his legal brother, or his wife would use. She dropped her hair off the bed and ran after a mobile. I didn't think more of anything. It was pure instinct. She died for five minutes, but for the most happy five minutes of her life.

Kafka does not mean anything to the cheap ones ...

Nessa works, Veríssimo would present us as an enveloping narrative, which associates humor with a philosophical and questioning character.

He is referenced to the work Metamorphose by Franz Kafka, na which um homem transforms into a cheap one.

Meanwhile, here it takes place in reverse transformation, being a cheap one that humanizes itself, becoming a woman.

You really found a way to address important questions about society and human behavior. This is because at all times there is evidence or contrast between orinstinct versus or reasoning.

He uses it cheaply as a symbol of irrational, but to or discredit the complications present in life everyday two human beings, we face to think of them as their own existence and nossos costumes são complex. This is accentuated through the humble social class to which a woman is inserted.

A cheap, depois that she turns human, goes to be chamar Vandirene and finds work as a faxineira, goes through problems Finances and typical daily lives of women in the low class, but by a stroke of the lottery, you win the lottery and get rich.

Nessa passagem, or author deixa, understood as improvavel that a poor person manages to ascend socially, placing a assume that somebody will work a lot he will get rich, pois Vandirene has struggled, but you have money when you hit the mark lottery.

Finally, a woman agrees one day and barnacle that she had newly transformed into insects, it was just an impulse, there were no more problems, and, for that matter, happiness was complete.

This conclusion suggests that at the end of the year all the people give life equally losing consciousness, Transmuting in pure instinct, what or what dinheiro que ganharam or not in life já not face or less sense.

2. Incident at Casa do Ferreiro

Pela janela is seen in a forest with macaques. Every um no seu galho. Dois ou três olham o rabo do vizinho, but mostly take care of him. There is also a strange mold, moved by past waters. Killed hair, apparently lost - I don't have a puppy - Maomé goes to the mountain path, to avoid an earthquake. Inside the house, or filho do enforcado and or ferreiro tomam chá.

Ferreiro - Nem só de pão vive o homem.
Filho do enforcado - Comigo é pão, pão, queijo, queijo.
Ferreiro - Um sanduíche! Você is com a faca e o queijo na mão. Careful.
Filho do enforcado - Why?
Ferreiro - É uma faca de two gumes.
(Enter or blind).
Cego - I don't want to see! I don't want to see!
Ferreiro - Tirem esse cego daqui!
(Enter or save as a liar).
Guardian (offending) - Peguei or liar, mas or coxo fugiu.
Cego - I don't want to see!
(Enter the seller of pombas as a pomba na mão e duas voando).
Filho do enforcado (interested) - How much each pomba?
Pumpkin vendor - Esta na mão é 50. As duas flying eu faço for 60 or even.
Cego (walking in the direction of the seller of pombas) - He did not show me that he did not want to see.
(Or blind is colliding as a seller of pombas, that long to pomba that tinha na mão. Agora são três pombas flying over the roof of the house).
Ferreiro - Esse cego is getting pior!
Guarda - Eu vou back do coxo. Take care of being a liar for myself. Amarrem com uma corda.
Filho do enforcado (com raiva) - Na minha casa você não diria isso!
(Or keep it confusing, but resolve not to answer. Sai pela porta e volta em followed).
Guarda (para o ferreiro) - Tem um poor aí fora que quer falar como você. Something about a very big esmola. He seems suspicious.
Ferreiro - É a history. Burning poor years, he lends to Deus, more than he exaggerated.
(Enter or poor).
Poor (for o ferreiro) - Olha here, doutor. Essa esmola que o senhor me deu. Or what is what or senhor is wanting? No sei no. Give to distrust ...
Ferreiro - It is bem. He deixa esmola and hits a bomb.
Cego - Essa eu nem I want to see ...
(Enter or merchant).
Ferreiro (for or merchant) - Foi bom você chegar. It helps me to tie or liar as a... (Olha para o filho do enforcado). To tie or liar.
Mercador (com a mão back da orelha) - Hein?
Cego - I don't want to see!
Mercador - Or what?
Poor - I got it! Peguei uma pomba!
Cego - Don't show me.
Mercador - How?
Poor - Agora is only pulling a skeleton of iron that is faço a galeto.
Mercador - Hein?
Ferreiro (losing patience) - Me dêem uma corda. (O filho do enforcado vai embora, furious).
Poor (for o Ferreiro) - Does a spit of iron rip me off?
Ferreiro - Nesta casa só tem espeto de pau.
(Uma pedra fura or telhado de vidro, obviously straightened with strained hair, and strikes a liar's bolt. O liar sai mancando pela porta enquanto as duas pombas voam buraco hair not telhado).
Liar (before sair) - Agora I want to see who keeps hitting me!
(Enter or last, from tapa-olho, pela porta from behind).
Ferreiro - How did you get in here?
Last - Arrombei a porta.
Ferreiro - You have to tear off a lock. Of pau, of course.
Last - Vim warn that já é verão. I saw no more two Andorinhas flying over there.
Mercador - Hein?
Ferreiro - Não was Andorinha, he was pomba. They are cheap.
Poor (for or last) - Ei, você aí de um olho só ...
Cego (prostrating-se ao chão for deceit in front of the merchant) - Meu rei.
Mercador - Or what?
Ferreiro - Chega! Chega! All for fora! A porta da rua é serventia da casa!

(Everyone rushed to port, less or blind, which goes from meeting to wall. More or last protest).
Last - Parem! Eu serei or first.
(All saem as last na front. Or blind goes back).
Cego - Meu rei! Meu rei!

Incident at casa do ferreiro traced a cheia history of references to popular dites Brazilians. It is by meio two provérbios that Luis Fernando Veríssimo face a marked text absurd hair and comic hair.

Logo no início let us perceive a narrator-observer who disbelieves us or cenário em that becomes history. O espaço-tempo já reveals to us an illogical and timeless environment, where past waters movem a moinho and macaques taking care of their own tail, each um no seu galho.

Os personagens principais são o “ferreiro” (referring to “in the house of ferreiro or espeto é de pau”) and or “filho do enforcado” (reference to “in the house of enforcado not fala em corda”).

Other people are emerging in few years, such as a blind, a seller, a guard, a liar, a cox, a poor, a merchant and or "last". All of them are related to popular songs and together in the same narrative create a theatrical and satirical atmosphere.

For my understanding of the text, it is hoped that the reader will have the knowledge of two cited provérbs. For this reason, chronic also becomes a kind of “internal piada” for the Brazilian povo.

To learn more about provérbios, read: Popular dites and serious meanings.

3. Cuia

Lindaura, a receptionist for the Bagé analyst - second, "more prestigious than me de noiva" - always has a chaleira with hot water ready for or mate. Or analyst wants to offer chimarrão to his patients and, as he says, "chat while passing by, what a loucura no tem microbio." One day I entered a new patient, I did not consult.

- Hello, tchê - saudou or analyst. - Fan out no more.
O moço deitou do not have a cover as a pelego and o analyst foi logo lhe reaching cuia com erva nova. O moço observed:
- Cuia mais linda.
- Very special thing. Deu meu first patient. O Colonel Macedônio, the band of Lavras.
- A trade of what? - I wanted to know or boy, sucking a bomb.
- Well, it was varying, thinking that it was metade homeme and metade cavalo. Curei or animal.
- Oigalê.
- I said that it was not imported, because poupava montaria. A family that encrencou eat dung inside the house.
- To the putcha.
O moço deu outra chupada, depois examined cuia with more care.
- Hardened barbarity. - Também. More used than oblique pronoun in conversation of professor.
- Oigatê.
E to all these or moço did not return to cuia. Or analyst perguntou:
- More or what did he draw here, indio velho?
- É this mania that eu tenho, doutor.
- Pos dump.
- Taste of roubar as coisas.
- Sim.
It was kleptomania. Or patient continued to fail, more or more analyst.
He was from olho na sua cuia.
- Passa - disse or analyst.
- Não passa, doutor. I have this mania from piá.
- Go to cuia.
- Or senhor can heal me, doutor?
- Primeiro returns to cuia.

O moço returnu. Daí para diante, only analyst tomou chimarrão. And every time the patient stretches or arms to receive a cuia de volta, he wins a cap na mão.

Or small text on the face of the book Or Bagé analyst (1981), no qual o writer appears as the protagonist of a Gaucho psychoanalyst who does not lift up to take care of people's mental health.

Isso because or personagem is quite rude and grosseiro, I expose in the form of caricature some characteristics and stereotypes associated to or homem of the country. Or that gives or took surpreendente and risível da historia é o contrast between personalities and profissão do homem, you need to be a therapist you must understand and understand, or definitely or an analyst at Bagé não tem.

No dialogue we can observe some typical words of gaucho vocabulary, such as “piá” (menino), “charlar” (converse), “oigalê” and “oigatê” (denoting fright and surprise). A "cuia", which gives or does not give me a text, or does not give a container used to drink or chá mate, very common among the gaúchos.

This is the most well-known personage of Luis Fernando Veríssimo, contributing to make his chronicles famous.

4. Or Homem Trocado

Or homem agrees to give anesthesia and olha em volta. He is still in the recovery room. There is a nurse on your side of him. The question was foi tudo bem.

- Tudo perfeito - said to nurse, sorrindo.
- I am doing this operation ...
- Because? There was no cliff nenhum.
- I eat, there is always a cliff. Minha life has been a series of deception... And she tells that you deceive us começaram com seu nascimento.

I have a non berçário baby truck and it was raised for ten years by a casal de orientais, who will never understand the fate of terem a clear filho as round olhos. Uncovered or wrong, the fora lived as your true country. Ou com your true mãe, pois o pai will leave the woman depois that this one cannot explain or the birth of a Chinese baby.

- E o meu nome? Another deception.
- Seu nome não é Lírio?
- It was to be Lauro. They cheated on not a letter and... They deceived you.

Na school, he lived receiving punishment hair that did not fazia. He will be physical or vestibular as a result, but he will not be able to enter a university. Or the computer will be cheated, it doesn't appear in the list.

- For years I have counted my phone number with incredible numbers. No more spent than paying more than R $ 3 thousand.
- Or senhor não faz interurban chamadas?
- Eu não tenho telefone!

He will concede his mulher for deceit. Ela or confuse as another. We are not happy.

- Because?
- Ela cheats on me.

He was imprisoned for deceit. Several times. He received intimações to pay that he did not give. Até she tivera a brief, louca alegria, when she ouvira or doctor said: -O senhor is disillusioned. But it was also a medical deception. It was not that serious as well. A simple appendicite.

- You say that the operação was bem ...
A nurse parou de sorrir.
- Appendicite? she asked hesitantly.
– É. A operation was to shoot or appendix.
- Wasn't it to barter for sex?

Nesse text, or writer introduces us or dialogue between a patient who has just performed an operation and a nurse. Or homem asks himself a surgery correu bem, ao that a woman answers that sim.

From then on the patient began to tell about a series of deceptions that occurred in his life costume, beginning with motherhood.

These are so absurd facts that lead us to find grace and feel compassion for personagem. Notice that each time we "cheated" on us like little anecdotes in the narrative.

An important word for understanding the comic character of the text and "disillusioned", Which is falada as a sense of" condemned to death ", but can also be understood as tivesse or power to" defuse you "that occurs in the life of home.

Final year, Luis Fernando Veríssimo surpreende more once or leitor, when the nurse reveals more um Deception, and again irreversible, the operation performed or the sex of the subject was exchanged without soubesse.

5. Dois mais dois

Or Rodrigo did not understand why he needed to learn mathematics, because his mini-calculator would all count for him, the rest gives life, and then the teacher resolved to tell a story.

He told the history of the Supercomputer. On this day, all the computers in the world will be unified in a single system, and the center of the system will be in some city in Japan. All the houses in the world, all the places in the world, you end up with the Supercomputer. As people use or Supercomputer for purchases, for errands, for flight reservations, for sentimental inquiries. For you. No more will require individual watches, books or portable calculators. He will need no more study. Anyone who wants to know about which thing will be in the memory of the Supercomputer, within the reach of which one. In thousandths of a second, a response to the query will be on the nearest web. And there will be bilhões of back cloths by where or homem estiver, from public lavatórios até estações espaciais. It will be enough for homem to open a button to get the information that he wants.

One day, um garoto will ask Pai:

- Pai, how much more dois dois?
- Do not ask me - he will say or pai -, ask Ele.

E o garoto will type the appropriate buttons and a thousandth of a second to reply will appear on the screen. E então o garoto will say:

- How do I know what the answer is?
- Because Ele disse que é certain - will answer or pai.
- Is He wrong?
- He never errs.
- More estiver?
- We can always count our fingers.
- Or what?
- Count our fingers, like faziam os antigos. Raise up two fingers. Agora mais dois. Viu? Um, two, three, four. Or computer is correct.
- More, daddy, e 362 times 17? Não da to count our fingers. I will not be gathering many people and using my fingers, give more than two feet. How do you know if your answer is correct? Aí o pai sigirou e disse:
- Jamais we will know ...

O Rodrigo gostou gives history, but he says that, when no more questions are mathematics and cannot be done by Prova Computer, then he is not faria It differs if the Computer is certain or not, since your response would be the only one available and, therefore, to certain, even if it is wrong, and... Aí foi a time da professora sigh.

Nessa crônica curta, Veríssimo explores childhood innocence and sagacidade.

Here, the writer exhibits a situation in which any narrative imagined by an adult person has happened - a teacher, not case - used as a pedagogical resource to "convince" seu aluno gives importance to learn to fazer contas.

Meanwhile, in anticipation of the teacher and frustrated with the fala da criança, which comes to conclusions that were expected.

At the same time, we have a text with mild humor that leads us to think of them as children who are often unpredictable and insightful.

6. To photo

Foi numa festa de família, dessas de fim de anus. Já que o bisavô estava morre não morre, I will decide to take a photograph of the whole family reunited, perhaps for the last time.

A bisa and or bisa seated, filhos, filhas, noras, genros and netos in volta, bisanetos na front, scattered hair chão. Castelo, or give the camera, command you to pose, depois tirou or olho do visor and offer a camera to shoot a photograph. What else did I have to shoot for photography? - Strip você mesmo, ué. - Ah, huh? E eu não saio na foto?

Either Castelo was or genro mais velho. Or first genro. Or that sustained you velhos. He must be in a photograph. - Shot eu - disse or husband gives Bitinha. - Você fica aqui - I command Bitinha. There was a certain resistance to the husband of Bitinha in the family. A Bitinha, proud, insisted that her husband regress. "Não deixa eles te humilharem, Mário Cesar", she says always. O Mário Cesar was firm where he stood, on the side of the woman.

Bitinha himself fez a wicked suggestion: - Acho quem deve throw é o Dudu... Or Dudu was or filho mais novo de Andradina, uma das noras, married like Luiz Olavo. There was a suspicion, never clearly announced, that he was not filho do Luiz Olavo. Or Dudu was prompt to shoot a photograph, but Andradina assured or filho. - Só missing essa, or Dudu não sair.

E agora? - Pô, Castelo. You say that this camera was only missing falar. E não tem nem timer! Or Castelo undaunted. Tinham ciúmes dele. Because ele tinha um Santana do ano. Because he will buy from Câmara num duty free in Europe. Aliás, or name of him among the others was "Dutifri", but he did not know.

- Revezamento - suggested somebody. - Each genre beats a photo in which it does not appear, and... Ideia was buried in protests. It has to be the whole family reunited in turn. Foi when or own bisa stood up, walked decidedly tied or Castelo and started to camera da su mão. - Give here. - Mas seu Domício... - Vai pra la efica still. - Papai, o senhor tem que sair na foto. Senão no sense! - Implied Eufico - disse o velho, já com o olho no visor. And before there were more protests, he acted on the camera, shot the photo and went to sleep.

Or text “A foto” shows a typical situation of a family of class media. In a simple moment, the chronicler manages to reveal different facets of each personagem, leaving evident feelings such as insecurity, invege, pride, sarcasm and ciúmes, fazendo a criticism of falsehoods of family relationships.

The reason for the photograph in the narrative was clear: make a record with everyone in the homeless, knowing that the patriarch was ready to die. Therefore, the most important pessoa ali era o velho. In the meantime, I am selling a confusion between the relatives to know that I would write a photograph (a ficaria de fora do registry), or bisavô himself gets up and face a photo.

Either the humorous character of the story is given as, when the family discussed and dissimulated their differences, or the senhorzinho just wanted to finish with That uncomfortable moment, I am not importing from fato as a record and saying that his presence of him would be "implicit" ficaria, ou seja, hidden ficaria, but under-understood na Photo.

Quem é Luis Fernando Veríssimo?

Portrait of Luis Fernando Veríssimo exhibits a photograph of the writer in profile securing the microphone in the background

Luis Fernando Veríssimo began his career as a writer who did not end two years 60 without a day's work “Zero Hora”, from Porto Alegre. Foi when he began to write short chronicles, which as time passed to shake attention to his hair, he became humorous and marked with irony.

Filho of important romancist Érico Veríssimo, Luis Fernando became one of two more well-known Brazilian writers, acting also as a cartoonist and saxophonist.

He works for various journals and magazines, such as “Veja” and “O Estadão” and also some fictional works.

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