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The 18 most romantic poems of literature

O love is two fundamental themes of poetry and inspired by magnificent verses, four songs from the world, a long time of secularism. Conheça, below, to our selection of romantic poems that two readers will conquer and deserve to be shared:

1. Carrego seu Coração Comigo, E. AND. Cummings

Carrego seu coração with me
Eu o carrego no meu coração
I'm never there
Where do you want to go?
What do you want, what do you face?
Eu faço by você
I do not fear my fate
You are my destiny, minha doçura
Eu no quero o mundo por mais belo que seja
Because you are my world, true minha.

Eis o great segredo that no one knows.
Here it is at the root of the root
O sprout do sprout e o céu do céu
From a tree chamada life
That it grows more than the soul can wait
ou a mind can hide
That is the prodigy that I keep
As you star at a distance.

Eu carrego seu coração comigo
Eu o carrego no meu coração.

Edward Estlin Cummings (1894 - 1962) was a notorious North American poet and playwright, appointed as one of the two most influential authors of the 20th century. Published in 1952, this end became one of the two most famous love poems of all times, widely reproduced in popular culture.

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It is about a declaration of timeless love, in which the eu-lyrical expressa in a masterly manner here that all of you will feel like you. When we love someone, that person seems to be present in all moments, to every little gesture we make.

Confira to the original version, in English, declared by the poet's own hair:

E.E. Cummings - I Carry Your Heart With Me (I Carry It In My Heart)

2. Sonnet of Total Love, Vinicius de Moraes

I love you so much, my love… don't sing
O human heart with more truth ...
I love you as a friend and as a lover
Numa always diverse realities

I love you, I love you, of a calm love,
E I love you além, present na saudade.
I love you, enfim, with great freedom
Inside gives eternity and every moment.

I love you like a bug, simply
Of um love sem mistério e sem virtude
As a solid and permanent wish.

I love you very much and amiúde,
What a day on earth suddenly
Hei de morrer de amor as much as I could.

Vinicius de Moraes (1913 - 1980) was a writer and musician from Bossa Nova who was fondly known as "Poetinha". Lembrado pelas suas compositions focused on sentiments, or author wrote some two love poems more beautiful from our literature.

Among them, the sonnet presented here stands out, which was published in 1951. Nele, we found um little guy completely beaten, which is delivered absolutely. Nas stanzas, he tries to fazer or impossível: to explain as various dimensions of his love.

Escute or poem in the voice of Vinicius:

Sonnet of total love - Vinicius de Moraes

Trust also nossa Complete analysis of Soneto do Amor Total.

3. Fanaticism, Florbela Espanca

Minh'alma, from sonhar-te, is lost.
Meus olhos andam blind from seeing you.
It is not dry reason of my life
Pois that you are all a minha life!

No old nothing assim mad ...
Passo no mundo, meu amor, a ler
No mist'rioso livro do teu ser
To the same story so many times it is lida ...

"Your world is fragile, your world is passa ..."
When you tell me this is all right
Duma divine mouth fala em mim!

E, olhos postos em ti, I say of traces:
"Ah! we can voar worlds, die astros,
That you are like Deus: princípio e fim... "

Florbela Espanca (1894 - 1930) was a Portuguese poet and journalist who became one of the most notable authors in her country. His poetry is made up of love verses, intimate tom and expressing feminine desire.

Published in the work Soror saudade (1923), or poem shows devoção de um eu-lrico rendered to love, who dedicated his life to him. Tudo or what does it matter, then, is a beloved person, who begins to be faced as a kind of deus.

Conheça or poem set to music by Fagner:

Fanaticism - Fagner - Florbela Espanca.wmv

4. Sonnet XI, Pablo Neruda

I have fome of your mouth, of your voice, of your hair,
e pelas ruas vou sem nurture-me, calado,
it does not sustain me or pão, aurora unbalances me,
I am looking for or som liquid of tea pés no day.

This faminto de teu riso resvalado,
of your mãos cor of furious celeiro,
tenho fome da pale pedra de tuas unhas,
I want to eat your skin like an intact amêndoa.

I want to eat or burnt root of your beauty,
or sovereign nose of the arrogant face,
I want to eat in the fleeting shadow of your eyelashes

e faminto venho e vou sniffing or twilight
looking for you, looking for your burning heart
like a puma na solidão de Quitratué.

Pablo Neruda (1904 - 1973), or Chilean poet who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971, was eternalized by the paixão that he placed in us his verses.

Or poem that was published in One hundred sonnets of love (1959) loweringa saudade e a angostia from someone who lost a person who loves.

As I know the rest of the world does not have more importance, or little subject remarks each detail and continues to seek for her, consumed by melancholy and unkempt hair.

Find the original version of the poem, in Spanish:

Sonnet XI - Pablo Neruda (Voice: Julio Hernández).

Trust us too lovely love poems by Pablo Neruda.

5. De Longe te Hei-de Amar, Cecília Meireles

From longe hei-to love you
- give a quiet distance
em what or love is saudade
e or desire, constancy.

Do divine place
onde o bem da existeência
é to be eternity
e seem absent.

What do you need to explain
o moment e a fragrância
da Rosa, who persuades
sem nenhuma arrogância?

E, I do not found the sea,
to Estrela, sem violência,
fulfill your truth,
alheia à transparency.

Cecília Meireles (1901 - 1964), Brazilian writer, artist and educator, stood out mainly in the field of poetry. Na composition published in Canções (1956), or love arises as something singelo and, simultaneously, greater than or while at a distance.

Our verses, or sentiment, are described as something so natural and pure How much a rose that hardly exists and enchants like its perfume, I need to be arrogant. It gives the same shape, this eu-lyrical loves uncomplicatedly, as a star-do-sea lives between the waves, because that is that or its place.

6. Ora direis ouvir estrelas, Olavo Bilac

“Ora (you will) ouvir stars! Certo
Perdeste or senso! " E eu you direi, not so much,
That, for ouvi-las, I woke up a lot
And I open the janelas, pale with fright ...

And we talk all at night, enquanto
To Via Láctea, like an open pale,
Cintila. E, ao vir do sol, saludoso e em pranto,
Inda that's how I try to get my hair out.

You will say agora: “Tresloucado friend!
What do you talk about eating them? What sense
Afraid what to say, when am I with you? "

E eu vos direi: “Amai to understand them!
Pois só quem ama pode ter ouvido
Able to ouvir and to understand stars. "

Olavo Bilac (1865 - 1918) was a Brazilian poet and journalist who integrated Parnassianism and wrote some of the most romantic words in our literature.

No poem popularly known as "Via Láctea", or little guy admits that he talks like stars, just as other people don't prove.

Contrary to the opinions alheias, or eu-lrico explains or segredo that it is na origin that prodígio: it is loving somebody. Esse sentiment becomes magic tudo e, just to exist, enche to his life of new possibilities.

Escute or declaimed poem:

Olavo Bilac - Ora direis ouvir estrelas

Also entrust to analysis of the poem Ora direis ouvir estrelas (Via Láctea) by Olavo Bilac.

7. Poem, Mário Cesariny

You are with me as I am estive no berço
as a tree over his crust
how or ship did not found the sea

Mário Cesariny (1923 - 2006) was a famous Portuguese poet and painter, considered one of the two greatest names in Surrealism, not his country. Translating emoções universais in an always original and creative way, em Capital punishment (1957) arises um two more beautiful love poems of her.

With just three verses, or the author gets to disbelieve you feelings of comfort and belonging that arises between two crowded. Suddenly, how do you begin to make part um do outro, your histories ficam intertwined, how do you partilhassem or past or future.

8. To Cross With You or the Desert of the World, Sophia de Mello Breyner

To cross with you or I desert the world
To face together or terror gives death
To see the truth to lose or half
On the side two teus passos caminhei

For you deixei meu kingdom meu segredo
Minha fast noite meu silêncio
Minha pérola round e seu oriente
Meu espelho minha vida minha imagem
And abandon the gardens of paradise

Ca fora à luz sem veu do hard day
Sem os espelhos I saw that he was nua
In the open year, it was chamava tempo

By isso with your gestures you dressed me
And I learned to live in full swing

Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen (1919 - 2004), the first woman to beat or Prêmio Camões, was an important Portuguese writer, mainly based on works of poetry and stories.

A dazzling composition was published in Livro Six (1962) and appears or love relationship as a great and difficult adventure.

Faced with the harshness of reality and his many problems, this little guy is forced to abandon his illusions of the past and fight to become a loved person.

To Cross With You Or Desert... | Poem of Sophia de Mello Breyner narrated by Mundo Dos Poemas

9. Night Watchmen, Mario Quintana

Those who face love are not just making love, they are giving corda to the world’s religion.

Known as or "simple coisas poeta", Mario Quintana (1906 - 1994) was a Brazilian writer capable of transmitting great messages through very few words.

Um example disso é Preguiça as a Method of Work (1987), work onde or author reuniu many short and full of wisdom compositions.

In "Night Watchmen", you are seen as the engine of the world. Through a romantic perspective, or sentiment and placed in the center of action, as or sustenance of humanity, here I have confere forças.

10. The Lovers Sem Dinheiro, Eugénio de Andrade

Tinham or rosto aberto a quem passava.
Tinham lendas e mitos
e cold not heart.
Tinham jardins onde to lua passeava
from me given to water
e um anjo de pedra by irmão.
Tinham like all people
or miracle of every day
slipping hairy hairs;
e olhos de oiro
where ardiam
You are the three most evildoers.
Tinham fosters headquarters like bugs,
e silence
to two serious steps.
More to each gesture than faziam
a passaro was born with two serious fingers
and dazzled penetrava us spaces.

Eugénio de Andrade (1923 - 2005) was a Portuguese poet and translator whose verses are remembered for sensitivity and references to nature and popular culture. Na composition apresentada acima, published in a work of 1950 as the same name, we discover or daily of a house with financial conditions.

Embora seems to be relieved and going through great difficulties, such as cold and fome, they stay united and hopeful. Assim, through an idealized vision, or power of love is presented as something capable of overcoming any sophistication.

You Sem Dinheiro Lovers | Poem by Eugénio de Andrade com narração de Mundo Dos Poemas

11. Canção do Amor Sereno, Lya Luft

Vem sem receio: eu te recebo
As um dom dos deuses do deserto
That will decree minha trégua, and allow
Que o mel de teus olhos invaded me.

I want me to love you free,
Let my fingers not turn you on
Mas contornem teu rare profile
As lips touch a sacred anel.

I want it to be my love
E confort, starting port for a fundação
Do your kingdom, in that shade
Seja coat and ilha.

I want it to be light
How to dance numa praia uma menina.

Lya Luft (1938) is a Brazilian writer, academic and translator who published "Canção do Amor Sereno" in her work Secret Look (1997).

Our verses, or eu-lyrical is directed to or to be loved, as it is or invited to ficar more perto and to defuse his fears. Em meio you swear of love, declares that as intentions are as melhores: want to bring or another, to trace lightness and freedom for your life.

12. Amor e seu Tempo, Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Mature love and privilege
Stretched out in my little bed,
That becomes longer and more relvosa,
Spraying, in each pore, or céu do corpo.

É isto, love: o ganho not planned,
O subterranean and coruscante prize,
Encrypted lightning reading,
That, deciphered, nothing else exists

Worth the price of land,
Salvo or minute of ouro no relógio
Tiny, vibrating not twilight.

Love is what you learn does not limit,
You must archive all of the science
Wounded, ouvida. Love comes late.

Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902 - 1987), one of the two greatest Brazilian poets of all ages, composed very famous verses about the relationships between human beings and their emotions.

No poem posted em As Impurities do Branco (1973), or little subject presents his vision of him about what is, really, or love. Ao contrario da paixão intense that manifests itself during youth, or true love sentiment would only arise later, when we fear experience and wisdom to live it.

Drummond Amor e seu tempo

Trust us too love poems by Carlos Drummond de Andrade.

13. Um Adeus Português, Alexandre O'Neill

Our curve is so terna and lancinante
what will it be that hae or you disappeared
I say-you adeus
e like a teenager
stumble of tenderness
for you.

Alexandre O'Neill (1924 - 1986) was a Portuguese poet and publicist who was part of the surrealist movement. The verses of the author include several references to the socio-political context of the date.

Published in 1958, "Adeus Português" is two more well-known poems of him, from which we select just the final stretch. A composition was inspired by the episode of his biography of him, when he met French writer Nora Mitrani.

Dois live a fleeting love story, but the authoritarian government did not allow him to leave the country with his companion. You verses represent m uma farewell twelve and beaten Between two people who do not want to separate.

Um Adeus Português, Alexandre O'Neill

14. I don't want you, Rupi Kaur

I don't want to know you
for preencher minhas parts
I want to be full sozinha
I want to be so complete
that could illuminate the city
it's there
I want to see you
because we do together
we put out fire in all

Rupi Kaur (1992) is a contemporary feminist poet and artist, born in Panjabe, India. I am not your first free of her, Leite and Mel (2014), the author published several short poems about love relationships, reflecting on the ways of living and overcoming them.

Na composição, or eu-lrico is directed to or to be loved, making it clear that It does not seek dependency ties, do not expect it to be "your goal". On the contrary, he is looking for a meeting of souls that live in fullness and empower each other.

15. O Amor é uma Companhia, Alberto Caeiro (Fernando Pessoa)

O love is a company.
Já não sei walking only hairs paths,
Because I can't walk alone.
Um visível thought face-me walk more depressa
And to see less, and the same time to spend it to go sell everything.
Even in the absence of the same thing that is with me.
I like both what I don't know and what to want.
It is not old, I imagine it is strong as tall trees.
But it is very old, I do not know that I feel like it is absent.
All eu sou qualquer força that abandons me.
All to reality olha for me as um girassol com a face of the no meio.

Alberto Caeiro was two heteronomous principals by Fernando Pessoa (1888 - 1935), or literary genre that is appointed as the greatest Portuguese author of all time. Considered or master two heteronomous others, Caeiro habitually seals his verses nas maravilhas da natureza,

O stretch presented here and a passage of the famous work O Loving Pastor. Here, or little subject is a homem who walks in a bucolic cenário, more barnacle than everything is different. Agora that turned off, the beloved seems to be present in all places.

Trust us too love poems by Fernando Pessoa.

16. Variação on a Palavra Dormir, Margaret Atwood

I would like to observe-you inquanto dormes,
something that maybe never happened.
I would like to observe you,
enquanto dormes. Gostaria
to sleep with you, to penetrate
em teu sono enquanto to his soft and dark wave
slide on minha cabeça

I will walk with you through this light
and undulating forest of blue-green leaves
like seu sun bounced and three luas
I rumo to the cave to which you must descend,
até o pior de teus medos

Gostaria to give-tea or bouquet of prata,
a small white flower, a unique
word that will protect you
da afflição do not hover
do teu sonho, da afflição
do not hover. I would like to follow you
another time pela longa
scadaria e converter-me
no boat that would bring you from volta
be careful, uma chama
in duas more arched
Até onde repousa or teu corpo
next to me, not which one you enter
so easily how much um breathe

I would like to be or to be
that inhabits you for a moment
barely. I would like to be so scared
e tão necessary.

Margaret Atwood (1939) is a Canadian-born writer, internationally famous for her serious romances. Contudo, the author also writes poems, among you quais stands out "Variação sobre a Palavra Dormir", from 1980.

Likewise, never mention the word "love", the verses somehow manifest that nourishes a paixão platônica e sonha agreed with the presence of another person. O desire of proximity is so much that the eu-lyrical chega to want to invade the dreams of the beloved person, to be or to us seus lungs.

Find the original version of the poem, in English:

Variations on the Word Sleep ~ Margaret Atwood | Powerful Life Poetry

17. Secret Ocean, Lêdo Ivo

When i love you
obedeço às estrelas.
A number presides
we found na treva.

Come on and turn
as you days are as noites
as estações e as marés
to water and to terra.

Love, breath
do nosso ocean secret.

Lêdo Ivo (1924 - 2012) was a Brazilian writer and journalist, author of works of poetry, stories, chronicles and romances. Posted em Civil Twilight (1990), this is two countless love poems that integrate his lyrics.

Verses us, or little subject declares that here I sit it or your destiny, was issued by the stars. Also, the movements of two lovers are compared to something so eternal and natural quanto as marés or as estações do anno.

18. Love like em Casa, Manuel António Pina

I return to wander ao teu
I grin as I went home. Faço de conta que
I don't eat anything. Distracted percorro
or family path gives saudade,
little things, I'll turn on
One afternoon, no coffee, a light. Ramble
I love you and at the same time depressa,
my love, and at the same time it is faço coisas that I do not devour,
I return to wander to your house,
I buy a livro, I enter not
love like at home.

Manuel António Pina (1943 - 2012) was a journalist and Portuguese poet who won the Prêmio Camões in 2011. Published in 1974, the verses narrate a quiet love, harmony of harmony and comfort.

Neles, through small details of daily life, or relationship is compared to o lar do little subject, or place where you find peace.

Take the opportunity to read also:

  • Greatest love poems of Brazilian literature
  • Greatest love poems of all times
  • Love poems by Vinicius de Moraes
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