Posthumous Memories of Brás Cubas: complete analysis and summary of the work of Machado de Assis
Posthumous Memories of Brás Cubas é um livro by Machado de Assis, published as a folhetim entre março e dezembro de 1880 in Revista Brasileira. A work and narrated by "defunto author" Brás Cubas, who tells his memories of his life as moorings. Used and innovative, or free became a divider of waters in the literary production of the Brazilian writer.
Ja leu Posthumous Memories of Brás Cubas, a classic imperdível of national literature? Come know more!
I summarize
Brás Cubas began his memories from death on, explaining a little how he is a dead author. Before long, he gives his death to him, the theme of creating a universal plaster, as a way of solving all the problems of humanity and eternalizing or being part of him.
a sublime medicine, an anti-hypochondriac plaster, destined to alleviate our melancholic humanity (...)
Or that I was mainly influenced by the taste of seeing prints, our journals, counters, leaflets (...) these three words: Emplasto Brás Cubas
A idea of the plaster gruda na his head. When Brás Cubas was there to speed up his invention, he hit a hit and fell. At the beginning, the child does not take care of the child and, when it comes to it, the face is taken care of and the method, or that it leads to his death in the sixth-feira.
Já no leito de morte, Brás Cubas receives a visit from an old lover, Virgília, and do filho dela. During the visit, Brás Cubas began to rave. He is going to eat two secules, where he finds Natureza or Pandora. Brás Cubas has a dialogue about the whole or the course of humanity, from the beginning, passing through two of her ears.
Brás Cubas morre little depois de voltar à razão.
Da morte, or narrator passes the birth and Virgília is at his side.
Virgília was very much sinful of youth, it is not youth sem meninice, meninice supõe nascimento, and here is how we cheamos nós, sem effort, on the 20th of October 1805, when I was born.
Brás Cubas was a flower that gives his genealogical tree. Logo when he was born, his family predicts a future of success. Seu uncle João, who was a military man, via nele olhos de Bonaparte. Seu uncle Ildefonso, who was a father, or via as a cônego, a high Catholic position.
Seu pai of him said that it would be him or that Deus wanted. During the first weeks, Brás Cubas had two vizinhos with many visits, many pampering, beijos and admiration. He was beaten no longer. His godparents were Colonel Paulo Vaz Lobo César de Andrade and Sousa Rodrigues de Matos and his wife, Mr. Maria Luísa de Macedo Resende e Sousa Rodrigues de Matos. You nomes deles foram as first coisas that the narrator learns.
Brás Cubas grew free and, for five years, received some of the "menino diabo". He was um two mais malignos de seu tempo. Ele fazia seu escravo Prudêncio de cavalo, riding nele, placing freio and whipping-o, turning around the house.
O narrator tells a little about his creation. Sua mãe de him tentava fazê-lo decorate some preceitos and some prayers. She was simple women, fearing Deus and her husband. Seu pai o adorava e o mimava, giving a lot of freedom to their children.
Brás Cubas makes a jump to the school, and she tells us how she was angry, with her arduous and long lições. He said a little about his professor and about Quincas Borba, a colleague of his.
Quincas Borba. Never in my childhood, never in my whole life, achei um menino more funny, inventive and travesso. She was in bloom, in no ja da escola, senão of the whole city.
Da escola, or narrator passes to youth and first love. Deposited of many romantic literature, Brás Cubas is not on the rise of a horse of his own. Nesse state, he meets Marcela and freaks out for her.
I spent thirty days to go from Rossio Grande to the heart of Marcela, not riding or horseback riding, more or ass of patience.
The mantém or love of Marcela at the expense of many present and pampering, or that or face losing part of her dinheiro. No principle, seu pai ate or helped with expenses. Porém, when Brás Cubas begins to spend part of his herança, or if he interferes or sends a study in Coimbra.
Cubas leaves for Europe as a split heart. He goes back to Bacharel in Coimbra, passes through Lisbon, sees the flowers of romance and poetry in Italy. He does not give me a trip, he tells us an episode in which he fell from a donkey and was being dragged along with him helped by a simple homem. As his reflections from him on the award that he must give to his salvador são memoráveis.
I decided to give-lhe three pieces of ouro that I trazia ate, not because such a fosse or price of my life - that was inestimable, but because it was a worthy reward for dedication that saved me.
(...) this tempo cogitei was not excessive to gratification, it was not enough time. Maybe uma. As a matter of fact, a moeda was quite (...)
(...) hesitei, meti-lhe na mão um crossed em prata (...)
I put my fingers in the bag of the colete that trazia did not body and felt some copper flecks, it was twenties that it should be given to the almocreve instead of the cross of prata.
A return to Rio de Janeiro is motivated by the letter from Seu Pai, who tells that his mother is very much present. Brás Cubas turned to find stomach cancer. She dies a little time depois e a morte de a pessoa tão next clash or narrator.
Brás Cubas will live in Tijuca, where he is isolated with a spit and some books. O tempo of mourning passed between sleeping, hunting and reading. Até que seu pai intervened again. He will be able to find his filho and make two proposals: a torn marriage and, as a consequence, an entrance into political life.
![Quadro by Johann Moritz Rugendas showing an indo merchant caravan to Tijuca](/f/dff223bea2b0b2bd9c0051ed99c37420.jpg)
O the late author hesitates a little, but promises to consider and descend for Rio de Janeiro. Porém, nesse interim, el reencontra D. Eusébia, who also lives in Tijuca. He began to go home da senhora. D. Eusébia tems a filha that, despite being very beautiful, is coxa. Or narrator começa or flerte com a garota and a conquest. Depois he desce, deixando-a sozinha na Tijuca.
Not Rio de Janeiro, and with the help of his father, Virgília knows him, the same senhora who visited him in his death.
I do not say that já lhe coubesse to primazia da beleza, among the mocinhas do tempo, because it is not a romance, in which the author surpasses the reality and date of the olhos às sardas e espinhas (...). She was pretty, fresh, she saía das mãos da natureza
Virgília é filha do Conselheiro Dutra. Or marriage as it was a form of Brás Cubas to achieve social distinction and enter into political power, even being rich, not having a noble ascendancy. Politics was a way of acquiring a position of respect and an aristocratic title.
Brás Cubas and Virgília are intimate in less than one month and the narrator begins to frequent his house. On a few occasions when he goes to jantar, Brás Cubas demolishes his religion and glass. He enters a loja to confer or meet with Marcela, his former lover, with a face of stains due to variola.
This case looks like the narrator is late to hear. Chegando, he found Virgília in a bad mood. This passagem serves for Brás Cubas to build its theory of solidarity of human hatred.
Give-move to a ball, for example, roll this, find another ball, transmit it or impulse, and you are the second ball to roll as at first rolou (...) we touch the social extremes, and a coisa is established that we can shake - solidarity of the abhorrence human
In the meantime, or plan of marriage of Brás Cubas and interfered with the chegada of Lobo Neves. A candidacy deletes tinha or support of various political influences. The narrator had to give up and, in a few weeks, Lobo Neves fica noivo de Virgília.
O pai de Brás Cubas fica indignant with the defeat of the filho. Além disso, his progress and health fails because he will spend four months later. A division of the herança gera um atrito between Brás Cubas, his firm Sabina and his brother Cotrim.
The breakthrough links and Brás Cubas have begun another cycle of imprisonment. Sem pai, sem casamento e com as relationships cut with irmã, or narrator spends an isolated period, frequenting from time to time in society and writing some articles.
Lobo Neves had never been deputed. During this period, Brás Cubas was contacted by Virgília's cousin, who was also a poet. He tells her that Virgília is back in Rio de Janeiro after her stay in São Paulo.
Oito dias depois, they are in a dance. In a short time, Brás Cubas began to visit Virgília and Lobo Neves' house, travades with family and becomes Virgília's lover.
Brás Cubas found a moeda no chão and contacted the police to return it. This small episode serves to illustrate a reading that the narrator discovered.
The law gives the equivalence of janelas, and it establishes that or way to compensate a janela dated and open another, so that morality is continually aware of
After leaving the house of the lover, Brás Cubas found Quincas Borba, his old friend of the schoolgirl, who was now a beggar who lives on the street. Or physical narrator scared with a friend's situation, he offers help, but he only wants dinheiro and, not final, rouba or relógio de Brás Cubas.
Or the romance of Virgília e Brás Cubas continues. Começam some mistrust that you keep a hidden case. Brás Cubas suggested that they fujam, but Virgínia recused herself.
You indiscreet olhares began to catch two lovers rotina. A solution and tear up a house to find themselves in hiding. Dona Plácida, Virgília's former seamstress, is escorted to shelter two lovers home.
Walking pela rua, Brás Cubas comes out with a free black whipping a black escravo. Or free black, who exercises a great public punishment, it was none other than Prudêncio, or an old man from Brás Cubas who was freed. On the chicotas that Ele Dava did not write, Brás Cubas told:
It was a way that Prudêncio tinha de disfazer das pancadas that he received - transmitting-as to another
You are between Virgília and Brás Cubas são ameaçados pela nomeação de Lobo Neves for the presidency of a province. A nomeação obrigaria a family move to North. Lobo Neves escorts Brás Cubas to be his secretariat. At first, that seems to be a solution to the problem, and therefore, a society begins to distrust each time more of its relationships with Virgília and the way to the North seems to be or stop for a scandal.
Lobo Neves has much political ambition and nomination for presidency and a great advance in his career. He is also superstitious and, as a nomeação was published on number 13, he decides to decline. Or house of lovers can fica calmly again.
Após os perigos de serem descobertos, Brás Cubas and Virgília have a new moment of apex in relationship. Brás Cubas reata with his signature as his brother, who has plans to marry him. Cubas receives a letter from his ex-colleague Quincas Borba that I have returned to him.
Brás Cubas begins to find Quincas Borba frequently. Após ganhar uma herança, Quincas reappears in an apresentável way and as a new philosophical system. Cubas is interested pela nova figure dele.
Virgília engraved by Brás Cubas, who is very happy with the news. Porém, she doesn't seem very happy and, little time depois, she loses child. A relação two dois swings again when Lobo Neves receives an anonymous letter denouncing the infidelity of his wife. Virgília denies ameaça and diminished.
Or found the house continues for more time with some ruins. I noted that Lobo Neves is newly nominated for president of the province and part with his family.
Virgília leaves for the province of Brás Cubas fica no Rio de Janeiro. Seu contacted him with Quincas Borba and with his philosophy of him and ainda maior. Cubas also have more contact with your applicant. When he resolves to bring or marriage to serio, Nhã-loló morre de febre amarela.
Two years after, Brás Cubas became a deputy and finally entered politics. Depois a perfect speech in the form and not method, but disastrous not contained, he loses his mandate. Encouraged by Quincas Borba, he inaugurates a journal of opposition to the governorate, which generates a district like his brother Coltrim and lasts only six months.
Lobo Neves who managed to become a minister, but died a few days before his appointment. Quincas Borba began to lose or judge. Brás Cubas enters Ordem Terceira, where he exercises some charges for three years.
In this period he met Garota Coxa in a Cortiço, he saw his ex-lover Marcela dying in a Caridade Hospital and Quincas Borba ficar louco. Not final, Brás Cubas chega on another side of life with some balance:
Não tive filhos, não transmitted to nenhuma creature or legacy gives us misery
Principais personagens
Brás Cubas
She is the narrator and the main character. I save or free his memories of him depois de morto. We are attached to the social conventions, it portrays life in Rio de Janeiro and its relationships with a unique vision.
She is a youth lover of Brás Cubas. She married out of interest with Lobo Neves, but, I still have a lover, she is a dedicated wife who respects and venerates her husband. Her paixões e suas obrigações are meticulously weighed and she never fails with her family or company due to her love affair.
A first lover of Brás Cubas, his interest is more focused on or money than for love.
Wolf Neves
Virgília's husband, he has political ambitions and capacity for exercises. He becomes president of the province and that he is the minister.
He is the brother of Brás Cubas, married to his wife Sabina. He is very concerned about work, money and family. He is constantly attentive to the movements of Brás Cubas that may or may not stain my family.
Quincas Borba
Former colleague of Brás Cubas, full of everything or empire, who becomes a beggar. Após ganhar a herança, turned to society as a philosopher and a great conselheiro do narrator. He ends up losing or judging.
D. Placid
This is Virgília's ex-seamstress and the lover's house trusts home where she is in segredo. Very catholic, she said it was wrong, I did not start by giving support to an adult, more or money to help overcome the moral questões.
Work Analysis
Literary current
Posthumous Memories of Brás Cubas It is a water divider in the work of Machado de Assis and the inaugural romance of realism in Brazil.
Or realism is a literary current that happens or romanticism. Or romance before realism was focused on unbelievable situations, magical events that overstepped or everyday, in great events. A regraded narrative focus was exceção, great loves that move great actions, in bucolic landscapes or strangeries that only have a relationship as an urban everyday.
As the advent of positivism, or romance comes in another way. Second Alfredo Bosi "A realist writer will take seriously his personages and he will feel that he does not have to discover the truth, no positivist sense of dissecting the movements of his behavior."
Isso means that, for realism, as personagens pass through an essential role in narrative, no more than a situation fora do comum. The movement of two people is a consequence of the same, gives their training, their local and gives their nature.
Or romance happens to unfold in a typical situation, turns to urban centers, waves to a large variety of people and a source for narratives. A fantasy deixar de ter place not realism.
Also, it can be said that a passage of romantic romance for or realistic was a passage of atypical for or normal. Attention to the context that will add to the construction of romance.
Historic context
O century 19 was marked by various wars and revolutions. The rise of the bourgeoisie and the growth of two urban centers will provoke various structural changes in society. The liberal thought dominated the new economic elite, which was excluded from two aristocratic circles, even with more economic poses.
Technological advances and industrialization also seemed to move or think ahead. Or scientism and analysis começaram to replace tradition and religious thought. There is no liberal thought that arises or romanticism, especially, within positivism, it gives the belief that humanity advances as scientific knowledge, that realism takes shape in literature.
Foi no final do seculo 19, when Machado de Assis launched or Posthumous Memories of Brás Cubas, that Brazil saw major sociopolitical changes. In 1888 it was approved by Lei Áurea and the abolition of the escravatura; No next year, it was proclaimed a Republic.
Long year of the romance of Machado de Assis, it is possible to observe different intentions liberais. With criticism of escravagismo and monarchical politics, the description of the society of emmeds two centuries 19 is deep and sagacious.
![Rio de Janeiro Seculo XIX](/f/1aecdb9d3152b01993b1a82ddf82ece2.jpg)
O defunct author e o realism
Ao see me that first roeu the cold meats of my corpse I dedicate as happy to lembrança these posthumous memories.
The main innovation of Machado de Assis, this romance was created by a defunct author. Or free and narrated in the first person, as an important detail of the narrator being dead.
I am not myself a deceased author, but a deceased author, so that the campaign was another berço
This enables a more impartial world view. Since he does not have a link with earthly life, he can narrate his life without following the social conventions. For Alfredo Bosi, isso "foi an ideological and formal revolution: deepening or disregarding romantic idealizations and ferindo not cerne or myth of the oniscient narrator, that you see and you do Julga, deixou emerge to consciousness nua do indivíduo fraco e inconsistent. Or that he restored the memories of a homem equal to so many others, or cautious and enjoyable Brás Cubas. "
The narrator himself does not misrepresent the freedom to be dead and how this fato face is part of the construction of romance
Perhaps it frightens the reader to frankness that I have exposed and enhanced minha mediocrity, he warns that frankness is the first quality of a deceased
Direct comments that the narrator faces as a reader also is a great innovation not romance. Ora Brás Cubas uses this ferramenta to justify himself or to provoke or leitor.
To narrate the life of a person who wants to follow the social conventions, Machado / Brás Cubas to achieve romance and an analysis of the society and the psychological character of two people.
The romance of Brás Cubas with Virgília has not been seen from a romantic perspective, in which heroine / heroine loves to fight to live a prohibited love. Or Virgília's marriage with Lobo Neves has not seen how one person faces the main personage, but rather how an attitude must be taken and that the hair is interested in society.
Virgília compares águia e o pavão, e elegeu a águia, deixando o pavão as her fright, or seu despeito e three or four beijos that she left
Assim to the relationship of two dois, despite being secret, it follows in some way the social conventions of two lovers. As the duties of Virgília's wife are above her paixão by Brás Cubas. Or case of love and suppressed by the necessities of society.
Despite the regras da boa sociabilidade serem followed, or the narrator does not deixa to use irony to criticize this very society. His first romance with Marcela and measured hair that Brás Cubas spent putting on presents.
... Marcela loved me for fifteen months and eleven contos de réis, no less.
Contudo, Brás Cubas face or the same jogo of the society in which he lives. He desires a position of political prominence and wants to see or join him among the greats. Part desse desse advém de seu pai. To his family of him, in spite of being abastada, no one has a noble origin. In the presence of politics, it was a way to raise or name Cubans not high in the Rio de Janeiro court society.
This desire continues in Brás Cubas in its fixed idea of the universal plaster of Brás Cubas. More than I wish to heal the ills of humanity or narrator than to see or see him stamped, no greater number of meios is possible.
Uma das maiores critiques sociais present na work of Machado / Brás Cubas and on the escravatura. Nomeadamente, when the narrator discovers a supper of a scrambler torturing an outro scrambler. Brás Cubas justifies the violent attitude of his ex-wife as a transfer of violence that he himself sofreu.
Besides criticizing the system of writing, we also see a number of theories of positivism, which defend that it either determines or determines.
In two sections dedicated to the explanation of the work, the author Machado / Brás Cubas tells us
It is still important to say that this book is written as pachorra, with pachorra by um homem defronted from the brief life of the secular, a supremely philosophical work, by a unequal philosophy, austere agora, brincalhona logo, something that does not build nem destruction, does not inflame nem gives away, and it is still more than pastime and less than apostleship.
The artistic genius of Machado de Assis made it possible to create a work that, apart from founding the aesthetic precedent of realism in Brazil, also created a huge novelty for world romances. The author / narrator has an immense force within the romance, breaking as an oniscient narrator in the third person as the central figure.
Machado de Assis
Machado de Assis was born on June 21, 1839, not Rio de Janeiro, and died on September 29, 1908. He was a prominent person in Brazilian politics before launching Memória Posthumas of Brás Cubas.
Not starting from his public career, Machado de Assis was a radical liberal. Therefore, as two years passed, his radicalism became more effective in relation to Brazilian politics. This position can be observed in the evolution of two serious romances of him.
In the mature phase, irony has an important role as a form of observation, two points that Machado Julgava will be incongruous.
![Portrait of Machado de Assis.](/f/9a4000f3414ccba2dd48b951a299454e.jpg)
Conheça also
- The most famous works of Machado de Assis
- Conto Missa do Galo, by Machado de Assis
- Livro O Cortiço by Aluísio Azevedo
- Machado de Assis: life, work and characteristics
- Livro Dom Casmurro, by Machado de Assis
- Livro Quincas Borba, by Machado de Assis