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How to get your ex-partner back: 5 keys to achieve it

Sometimes a breakup may not mean the end of the romantic relationship. It is quite common to consider the possibility of returning to a relationship that has already ended, and there are ways to try. However, you have to be sure that this is really the best for both parties.

That is why it is important that before knowing how to recover your ex partner and knowing the keys to achieve it, you make a reflection. This should deal with the causes that led to the breakup. However, the most important thing is that the relationship has not experienced episodes of violence; in these cases there is no possible reconciliation.

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How to get your ex-partner back: 5 keys to achieve it

Getting back into a relationship after you've decided to end it can work. Of course, as long as you pay attention to certain aspects, especially those that led to the breakup. In addition, we must have a predisposition for our intentions to work.

To know how to get your ex-partner back, you have to know the keys to achieve it. However, you also have to have a good attitude, forgive mistakes, do not hold grudges and accept your own mistakes. They are undoubtedly things that must be done for the new stage to be successful.

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If you are willing to try it and you are sure that there are possibilities. The most important thing is that you have security and know the most important points to take into account.

1. Let some time pass to mourn

Before thinking about going back, let the grieving process take its course. A love break also has a duel, because the relationship ended. It is important to live and overcome this stage in a healthy way before attempting to resume the relationship that ended. If it can't be worse.

This grieving process has 5 stages: denial, anger, negotiation, depression, and acceptance. It is important to let each phase of grief transcend and be adequately overcome. It is not a good idea to try to go back early.

Something important to consider when asking how to get your ex-partner back is that negative emotions must be healed. This is the best thing before trying to resume the relationship. That is why it is important to be patient and let the grieving process go by.

During this process, physical distance helps a lot. Whenever possible (if there are no children involved or urgent matters), you have to stay away and without communication. If this is not possible, then limit communication and visits to what is strictly necessary and do not talk about the relationship.

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2. Be friendly conveys positivity

To get your ex back you must promote a good relationship after the breakup. This is sometimes difficult because in many cases there are grudges and discussions are remembered that prevent us from letting our nice side out.

However, if you are thinking of getting your ex back, you should not give him a bad image and speak badly to him. Expressing yourself badly or in an offensive way is going to make it impossible for her to want to get back to you.

Making positive comments is an important step in considering the possibility of reconciliation later. So you can avoid stress due to problems that might have arisen in the past.

This also encourages being able to remember the positive aspects of the past relationship. This is good so that a reconciliation could be possible and positive. It is important then to focus on the good and have a respectful and kind relationship with your ex.

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3. Analyze the causes of the breakup and work on the mistakes you have made

Before trying to get back with your ex, you have to work on the causes of the breakup. Otherwise it will not be a good idea to go out together again, because toxic behaviors will be repeated that will end up ending the relationship again.

For this reason it is important to have the ability to do self-criticism. You have to accept responsibilities and commit to changing the background of those things that caused the relationship to end. If there is a provision, it can be solved (except when there is a history of some type of violence).

This transitional stage between the breakup and a possible reconciliation can be a unique opportunity. Unique in the sense that to improve to achieve our goal, we have to work on aspects of our personality. Feeling good about ourselves makes self-improvement always make us feel better.

There are many ways to make those changes. It can be with the help of psychological therapy, with motivational readings, through friendships or with self-help groups. The important thing is to have the real commitment to work on those aspects that we can improve and that could be the reason for the breakdown.

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4. Do things that make you feel and look attractive

Attraction is a fundamental factor in which you play with an advantageIf you are wondering how to get your ex-partner back, a fundamental step is for him / her to feel attracted to you again. It is clear that in the past he has already been attracted to you, so if you promote this part you already have part of the way you have won.

At this point it is important to remember a few things. You must have noticed a willingness on the part of your ex to the possibility of returning. If her attitude is blunt and she has clearly said no, then there is no need to insist. And if you currently have a partner, it is better not to try too hard or you may react badly.

If your ex has made you feel insecure about your physique or personality in the past, then trying to get this relationship back is not a good idea either. It's really not worth unnecessarily exposing yourself to a rejection that can compromise your security. She says little about this person, and the most important thing is you.

But if you think there is an open door and this person always told you about what she liked about you, then you have good news. She tries to make him perceive you with all your security and your beauty, both internal and external. It is one of the keys to knowing how to get your ex back and regain magic and the possibility of a return.

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5. Set up a casual meeting without pressure or haste

After the prudent time has passed, it is possible to meet to talk.. For this you have to arm yourself with patience. Sometimes we think of ways to get an ex-partner back and want to do it in just a few days after we finish.

However, for things to work you have to be patient. In the end, it is more risky to try too hard after the relationship is over than to wait a while.

Walking a path that makes us evolve to resume a relationship with better foundations is the best idea. She allows us to grow rather than stagnate, and at the same time we project value.

In these cases, after a while it is best to plan a casual date where you do not feel pressure. This is with the intention of releasing some tension, speaking in a pleasant way and probing a little where your ex is.

If after this appointment the feeling that remained was satisfactory, then it is time to plan more meetings. The important thing is to show that there is still interest, love and, above all, willingness to improve what led to the end of the relationship.

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Bibliographic references

  • Garrido, G. (2019). 75 questions to get to know my favorite person better. Buenos Aires: Vida Publishers.

  • Les, D. and Parrot, L. (2016). Ensure Your Marriage Success Before You Get Married: Seven Questions To Ask Before (And After) Getting Married.

  • May, J.L. (2014). The Love Books Of Ovid. Netlancers Inc.

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