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70 Passion phrases (to dedicate to your partner or friends)

Passion is the impetus or intensity for something, someone or a situation. Although "passion" is usually immediately related to love or the intensity of intimate relationships, it is not the only valid concept for this concept.

And there are people who love, live, act with passion. For his work, for his loved ones, for his ideals. Passion drives us to action. It is what moves the world.

That is why we share these 70 passion phrases to express your intensity and reflect on this source of motivation.

The best 70 Passion phrases

You can dedicate these phrases to your partner or friends. Or you can share them on your Social Networks to inspire, motivate or express to your contacts how passionate or passionate you are with life or with the people with whom you share time.

Among these 70 passion phrases there are great thoughts of intellectuals and thinkers from different times. Of men and women who have reflected on life and who have left a legacy that can sometimes be summed up in these great famous phrases.

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  • Highly recommended: "50 short love thoughts (to dedicate to your partner)"

1. Great passions are incurable diseases. What could cure them would make them truly dangerous. (Goethe)

Passions are not always motivating or positive. They can also mean vices or negative aspects that lead us to do wrong things.

2. Giving up my passion is like tearing a living part of my heart with my nails. (Gabriele d’Annunzio)

If something motivates us, we must not forget to do it.

3. There are no more legitimate unions than those that are governed by true passion. (Stendhal)

It is the adhesive to hold the joints between people together.

4. If something burns in your soul with purpose and desire, it is your obligation to be burned to ashes. Any other form of existence will be another boring book in life's library. (Charles Bukowski)

A great phrase from Bukowski.

5. When you realize your potential is the moment when passion is born. (Zig Ziglar)

We all have talent for something, when discovering it arises this feeling.

Couple in landscape

6. Passion can quickly slide to jealousy or even hatred. (Arthur Golden)

An overflowing passion is a bad feeling.

7. Love is a passion that has friends in the garrison (George Savile)

Love is a feeling that derives from the intensity of a friendship.

8. If you feel like there's something out there that you should be doing, if you're passionate about it, then stop wishing and just do it. (Wanda Skyes)

We must follow the voice of our passion.

9. You can't fake passion. (Barbara Corcoran)

Passion cannot be hidden for too long.

10. It is the duty of the soul to be loyal to its own wishes. She must abandon herself in her greatest passion. (Rebecca West)

The soul grows when what we feel is cultivated in a positive way.

11. If you don't feel like you love what you do, you won't do it with as much conviction or passion. (Mia Hamm)

A phrase like the secret to living fully.

12. Rest in reason, move in passion. (Khalil Gibran)

Love moves us, but reason puts our feet on the ground.

13. I, like Don Quixote, invent passions to exercise myself. (Voltaire)

Motivation is what gives us the engine to take action.

14. I try not to have too much passion. Passion is letting go, becoming a passive subject. (Emilio Alarcos Llorach)

This phrase invites us to reflect on how dangerous it could be to let go of passion.

15. Do not undertake any work with the fury of passion: it is equivalent to going to sea in the middle of a storm. (Thomas Fuller)

An overflowing passion can be furious and counterproductive.

16. The desire for comfort kills the passion of the soul and walks smiling at his funeral. (Khalil Gibran)

Being in the comfort zone puts our enthusiasm on the sidelines.

17. Man is truly great only when he acts on the impulse of his passions. (Benjamin Disraeli)

A phrase about how passions can magnify the spirit.

18. If passion pushes you, let reason take the reins. (Benjamin Franklin)

You have to combine reason with enthusiasm.

19. We must act from passion before feeling it. (Jean Paul Sartre)

It is the engine to act.

20. Submit to your passion or it will submit to you. (Horacio)

A short and forceful phrase about the passion in our lives.

21. Passion makes the world go round. Love only makes it a safer place. (Ice T)

Passion is the engine of life.

22. He only uses his passion who cannot make use of his reason. (Cicero)

Passion must be combined with reason.

23. Nothing is as important as passion. No matter what you want to do with your life, be passionate. (Jon Bon Jovi)

A phrase by the famous musician about the importance of passion.

24. Passions make man live, wisdom only makes him last. (Chamfort)

Passion must be combined with intelligence and wisdom so that it produces the best fruits.

25. A man who has not passed through the hell of his passions has never overcome them. (Carl Gustav Jung)

Passions as something negative can make us feel like hell.

Young couple

26. Ideas can be stolen, but no one can steal your implementation or passion for them. (Timothy Ferriss)

This phrase talks about the genuineness of feeling passion for something.

27. Find out what you can do, and do it better than anyone else. (Jason Goldberg)

Passion is striving to do better than anyone else.

28. Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you. (Oprah Winfrey)

To feel enthusiasm is to feel alive.

29. You have to be truly passionate about your business. The goal should not be just to make money. (Tony Hsieh)

A very thoughtful phrase for entrepreneurs.

30. They were eternal lovers, seeking each other and meeting again and again was their karma. (Isabel Allende)

In a poetic way, Isabel Allende It tells us about what passion is in love relationships.

31. We cannot be sure of having something to live for if we are not willing to die for it. (Ernesto Che Guevara)

A man passionate about his ideals left us this great phrase.

32. Passion is momentary, love is lasting. (John Wooden)

Sometimes passion is only deceptive, what endures is love.

33. If there is something that you are passionate about and you work hard, I believe that you will end up being successful (Pierre Omidyar)

With this phrase we can understand the importance of passion for what we do.

34. There is no fire like passion: there is no evil like hatred. (Buddha)

A great quote from Buddha about what passion means in life.

35. There is no end. There is no beginning. The only thing there is is passion for life (Federico Fellini)

We cannot measure the life cycle in the beginning and end, but in the intensity with which it is lived.

36. Entrepreneurship is doing what you are passionate about in life is fundamental, so that you can get the most out of it and make it evolve (Richard Branson)

Another phrase for entrepreneurs who require inspiration.

37. We cannot avoid passions, but we can overcome them. (Seneca)

Negative passions can overcome us.

38. The courage of a great leader to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position. (John Maxwell)

Leaders must have blind enthusiasm for their goals and ideals.

39. People think I am disciplined. It is not discipline, it is devotion. There is a big difference. (Luciano Pavarotti)

When we are passionate about something, we find the discipline for it.

40. Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you feel alive. And then go out there and do it. Because the world needs people who are alive.

Passion makes us wake up to life and the world.

Couple hug

41. Renew your passions every day. (Terri Guillemets)

Every day you have to look for motivation.

42. All the people I know who have succeeded in what they do have succeeded because they are passionate about doing it. (Joe Penna)

Success is related to the way we face each challenge.

43. Dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them. (Walt Disney)

To achieve our dreams we must have the courage to make them come true.

44. Passions are the journeys of the heart.

A beautiful short phrase about passions.

45. Have the courage to follow what your heart and intuition dictate. Somehow others already know what you really want to become. Everything else is secondary. (Steve Jobs)

Following our passion requires a lot of courage.

46. Only the truly passionate can be truly cold. (José Bergamín)

When a passion moves us, we can be strategic to achieve our goals.

47. Passion is a chronic emotion. (Théodule-Armand Ribot)

Motivation for something keeps us excited on a daily basis.

48. There are passions that prudence ignites and that would not exist without the risk they provoke. (Jules B. d’Aurevilly)

It is a very beautiful phrase about what it means in our lives.

49. Passion is the source of our best moments. The joy of love, the clarity of hatred, the ecstasy of grief. Sometimes it hurts more than we can bear. (Joss Whedon)

A reflection on how emotions move our life.

50. Passions momentarily alter the character of men, but they do not destroy it. (Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos)

A negative feeling can throw a man's life off balance.

51. When a great passion takes hold of the soul, the rest of the feelings squeeze to one side. (Lucy Montgomery)

Love can and does encompass everything.

52. One person with passion is much better than forty interested only. (E.M. Forster)

Enthusiasm accomplishes more than just interest.

53. People of strong passion are capable of rising to greatness. (Count Mirabeau)

Passionate people achieve greatness.

54. If passion, if madness did not ever pass through souls... What would life be worth?

A question to reflect on the importance of passion.

55. Between man and woman there is no possible friendship. There is passion, enmity, adoration, love, but not friendship. (Oscar Wilde)

Is this phrase of the great Oscar Wilde true)

56. The root of all passions is love. Sadness, joy, happiness and despair are born from him. (Lope de Vega)

A great phrase by Lope de Vega about the root of emotions.

57. It is the passion in a kiss that gives its sweetness, it is the affection in a kiss that sanctifies it. (Christian Nevell)

A very romantic and poetic phrase about love and passion.

58. If there is no passion in your life, then have you really lived? (Alan Armstrong)

Passion as the engine of life.

59. Everyone can overcome their circumstances and achieve success if they have dedication and passion for what they do. (Nelson Mandela)

The great Nelson Mandela left us this phrase about the importance of doing things with passion.

60. Live your passion, and what does that mean? It means that when you get up in the morning to go to work, every morning, you do it driven by the fact of going to do what is most interesting to you in this world. (Gary Vaynerchuk)

How we live or should we live passion.

61. Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance. Great dancers are outstanding for their passion.

The important thing is not talent but passion for what we do.

62. Yes, in my studies, great leaders looked inward and were able to tell a good story with authenticity and passion. (Deepak Chopra)

Great leaders found their passion.

63. Passion acts like a magnet that draws us to its source. We are drawn to people who radiate passion, who live with passion, who breathe with passion. (Barbara de Angelis)

People who live with great enthusiasm attract other people.

64. Passions are like winds, which are necessary to give movement to everything, although they are often the cause of hurricanes. (Bernard LeBouvier de Fontenelle)

One way to explain the effects of passion.

65. Passion can convert the mind, body, and spirit. Align yourself with the wisdom of nature and the power of what is in your heart. (JoLynne Valerie)

This is what passion does for us.

66. Nothing distracts me, nothing amuses me. And what I'm not passionate about bores me. (Sacha Guitry)

Passionate people don't do anything that doesn't move them intensely.

67. Passion is a feeling that tells you: this is what to do, nothing can get in my way, no matter what others say. (Wayne Dyer)

This phrase explains very well the importance of feeling motivated with what we do.

68. Pursuing your passions makes you more interesting, and interesting people are nice. (Guy Kawasaki)

People who live this way are always surrounded by people who admire their momentum.

69. If we don't fight for what we stand for with our passionate words and honest actions, do we really stand for anything? (Tiffany Madison)

Only with motivation can we defend our ideals.

70. What is allowed is unpleasant, what is denied us provokes intense desire. (Jeff Wheeler)

The downside of passion is that it is sometimes inspired by the forbidden.

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