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How to take advantage of your purchases during Black Friday

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November 24 is approaching and the countdown begins for the day most anticipated by buyers. They start to warm up engines, nimble fingers to click in time before items fly.

Now is the time to put into practice a few tips to take advantage of your purchases during Black Friday and make these your own optimized version.

Tips to make the most of your purchases during Black Friday

Whether your idea is to take advantage of the Christmas shopping during that day, or if you want to take advantage of the discounts to acquire the camera that you have been chasing for the last few months, whether in a physical store or online, follow our advice during Black Friday and get the most out of your purchases.

1. Attentive to the conditions of purchase, return and shipping

If you want some advice for Black Friday, check out the conditions of purchase of products that support your purchases. From the OCU they warn to pay close attention to this aspect, since there are not a few users who end up complaining that days after buying certain items they have encountered impediments that they did not have to change or return them.

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And it is that some ecommerce of dubious reputation take advantage of the vein of the days of massive sales to change the conditions of purchase, return and shipping in your own favor, thus preventing the return of purchases impulsive.

But the reality is that they cannot. Therefore, pay attention to these details and always keep the purchase receipt or invoice.

2. Compare prices

Price variations during Black Friday can be abysmal between some establishments and others.

If you want to make sure you make the most advantageous purchase In this sense, you can use a product price comparator such as Keepa or Monitorizo, with which you can visualize the place where you can get the highest discount for each specific product.

EYE! Not always the most advantageous purchase is the cheapest; In addition to the price, your experience as a buyer will also be conditioned by the facilities you have in terms of exchanges and returns, as well as customer service. Remember that behind any online service there are also people, and the satisfaction (or not) of the user depends on their professionalism.

3. Scammers on the loose

How is the saying? "Troubled river, fishermen's profit", and that also goes for Black Friday. During the most anticipated day to make purchases There are not a few who take advantage of the chaos to try to get a slice.

That way you find the network crowded with people wanting to take advantage of the vein and not all with the same noble intentions: For a On the one hand, the excited buyers and on the other, the opportunists who try to turn the moment into an opportunity to take advantage of whoever buys.

Be suspicious of email campaigns that ask you certain sensitive data in exchange for discounts, try not to carry out purchase operations or access your bank from public wi-fi networks, and if you want greater security guarantees, use payment gateways such as Paypal, Iupay or Google Wallet where you will not have to give information about your bank details to the website where buy.

Compare prices between the different websites and don't forget to delete the cookies.
Compare prices between the different websites and don't forget to delete the cookies. Fountain:Unsplash

4. Check the final price

Reminding you to verify the final price of the product before deciding to include it in your shopping cart is one of our tips for Black Friday, since in the same way as you can find great bargains in appearance, you can be facing big surprises (and not very positive).

It may happen that you find a theoretically very cheap product and discover that the final price has been increased too much at the end of the purchase (due to the addition of extras that you had not seen, due to shipping, etc.). Therefore, it is better to check (and with a thousand eyes) your shopping cart before finalizing your order.

5. It is not worth improvising

Suppose you have a specific budget with which to deal with all your purchases planned, do you know how easy it is to melt all the money into sweet things you don't need at the click of a button and finally run out of what you had to buy? And do you know how angry it is to find out when the initial shopping rush has passed?

To prevent this from happening to you, make a list of what you are looking for in advance and try to sort it by the order of priority that you will follow. Try not to bite into the super unexpected offers until you have finished purchasing what you had planned.

It is not about being too rigid, but about not losing control and spoiling the advantages it offers you the day with the most discounts of the whole year. Follow our advice for this Black Friday and you will get the rush when you see how well you have taken advantage of the opportunities.

6. Renew your wardrobe basics

If you do not take advantage of the day to renew those basic garments that deteriorate most frequently, you are not organizing yourself too well.

It is normal that you have more in mind that Trendy garment that you fell in love with at first sight (and that for the price you have it on stand-by on your waiting list), but the truth is that daily you resort more to wild garments that combine with those star pieces and that are damaged a lot by use continuous.

It is time to renew them as much as possible, especially those that you wear more often and that begin to lose color or appear neglected.

In some countries, Black Friday is a very turbulent day.
In some countries, Black Friday is a very turbulent day. Fountain:Unsplash

7. Clear Cookies

The websites that we are visiting collect data on our tastes, preferences and forms of habitual navigation. In this way they are able to offer us "the candy that they want to sell us with the packaging that most attracts us".

If in your search process for certain articles on the web you are seeing that appealing suggestions appear that match your tastes a lot, do the test and delete the cookies from your computer to check if the price you can access by entering that website again is the one that you they showed. Sometimes there are surprises.

8. Junction with Cyber ​​Monday

And to finish with our Black Friday tips, if you have the habit of buying more online than offline, we suggest take into account the proximity of Cyber ​​Monday, since there are many ecommerce that do not limit their offers to the regulatory 24 hours scheduled for that Friday, but that extend them throughout the weekend until reaching the official day of purchases on the internet, the Cyber Monday.

Enjoy your shopping!
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