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The 9 signs that he wants something serious with you (and is not playing games)

Has it happened to you that you already have several dates with that boy you like you still don't know if he wants something more serious or if he's just having a good time for now? Many of us have gone through that situation that fills us with uncertainty and that is why it is important that you learn to recognize the signs that he wants something serious with you.

There are certain attitudes and gestures that can show us whether or not there is a real interest on the part of the person we like, which are signs of wanting to formalize a serious relationship. We explain what they are so that you can start to determine for yourself where they are in the relationship.

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9 signs he wants something serious with you

With these signs that he wants something serious with you, you will be able to know with much more certainty if the person you are dating and how much you like him intends to establish a more formal relationship.

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In any case, you have to know that if a person wants a stable relationship with you, they will know clearly, telling you properly or through these signs that we tell you continuation. If a person is confusing you a lot, maybe it is that he is not very clear about his intentions or that he is not really looking for anything else.

1. Cares about spending time with you

If the person you're dating wants more than just hanging out, she surely she cares about spending time with you. That is, invent and make plans so that they can be seen constantly, instead of making excuses or escaping so that they are not seen as much. In fact, this person does not care, rather he likes if they see each other more than once a week, and will probably seek them to do so; This is one of the first signs that he wants something serious with you.

2. You are his priority

In line with the first sign that she wants something serious with you, he likes you so much that this person will make you his priority. Unless it is something truly circumstantial and immovable, if he has to decide between staying with you or meet with his friends, he will choose you and this is a large and quite clear sample of the interest he has for you.

3. Is always in touch

Another sign that he wants a more formal relationship with you is that he is always in touch. He writes you messages during the day or at least every day. This just means that he is thinking of you and that he cannot contain the urge to talk to you and hear from you.

And, who would want to spend their time and attention writing to someone in whom they have no real interest? So if that person tries to get in touch with you all the time, then it's probably because he wants more than just having a good time.

4. Pay attention to everything you tell him

When a person truly likes you, then he wants to know more about you and get to know you, so he gives importance to your stories, your thoughts, your anecdotes and your points of view. You will realize that as they speak, he will be truly paying attention to everything you tell him, actively listening and showing interest; This is a sign that he wants something serious with you that does not fail.

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5. He likes to be seen with you in public

Now, this is a very important and determining point to know if you want something more. Ask yourself, Every time they see each other, do they do it in private or in public? And you have to be careful when we answer it. Why?

It is possible that we have met sometimes in public and others in private, because we are already in that facet in which we have more confidence and we like to enjoy each other's company. But we can also go out in public and that this person is happy to have us by his side. On the other hand, this person may always find an excuse for us to stay home.

If your case is the first, then you can add it to the signs you need to know that this person you like is serious. If your case is the second, it may be a little different and perhaps you are not interested in having anything serious.

6. He cares about your well-being

If that person you like also shows interest in your well-being, then it's one more sign that he wants something serious with you. That is, he asks you how you are; if you've had a bad day, say or do something about it to improve your mood; or if you have become ill, have some details with you regarding your recovery.

7. He has introduced you to his friends

Another way to know that the person with whom you want to formalize something is serious with you, is when show his intention to introduce you to his group of friends. This only applies if they have different groups of friends and they are not part of the same environment. In any case, the fact that he wants you and his friends to get to know each other is a positive sign that his intentions go further.

8. He wants to know your social circle

In the same way, that worries and wants to meet your social circle it just shows that he wants to be part of your life.

Since your friends are important to you, that person also wants to start building a good relationship with them, so this is another sign that they want to formalize your relationship.

It is possible that the person you like will tell you directly to introduce them, as well as for them to say yes without hesitation when you ask them to accompany you to an event of your friends.

9. Makes plans for the future

We don't have to get excited about this point either, as we are not talking about marriage and children or moving in together. With this sign that he wants something serious with you, we mean that he makes future plans of the type, “we should go to that festival together” or “when summer comes we should go to this terrace”. They are simpler things, but what show that things go beyond the moment and want to continue your relationship.

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