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How to make a successful life project (in 12 steps)

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It is very common that our head is filled with thousands of plans that we want to execute in the future, both near and distant. Study, travel, internship, have a good job, learn a new skill, undertake or find love. Everything is part of our life project, which we must treasure, care for and nurture as it is about what we need to carry out for the best personal development to ensure the success.

But we know that it is not an entirely simple task, despite having the best intentions and a lot of functional ideas running through our heads, to carry them reality is something very different and in which they give up a lot because they do not know how to face the obstacles or they do not find the lesson behind this to to get better. In addition, making a life project come true is not an instantaneous matter, it takes patience, time and perseverance.

Are you interested in doing a life project but you don't know how to start or what you need? Well stay in this article where We will give you the best tips to make your future plan bulletproof.

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What is a life project?

We can say that a project or a life plan is a functional tool with which you can project your future in the short, medium and long term.

In this way, you can evaluate your options carefully, verify what you need to achieve your goals., reinforce your strengths and improve your weaknesses. With respect not only to what you want to achieve, but to your current situation, so you can have a realistic vision of your possibilities and the way in which you can generate opportunities.

Why should we do a project for the future?

Maybe you think that it is not necessary to plan every step you take in the future and that it is better to go on the fly or that Ideas just stay on paper and are never brought to life, so why bother doing that project? Very easy, this tool helps you prioritize and organize the ideas that are really important and those that are nothing more than an aggregate or unproductive whims.

In this way you can better visualize what you need to execute them, the resources that will carry it out, the decisions you must make, the possible obstacles. In addition, it helps you build your own identity, by establishing your strengths, skills and abilities, according to what you dedicate your time to and what you most enjoy doing that you can use as a way of life in the future.

More than organizing plans and categorizing them into more or less important. The life project allows you to understand what is at your disposal and what is required to do to achieve that goal that you you propose, instead of being just dreams, putting aside ambiguities and excuses and taking the reins of the path you decide travel.

Steps to make a successful life project

Then We will show you the necessary elements for you to carry out your life plan.

1. Self-knowledge

To start planning your future it is necessary first that you know yourself, this refers to knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are. People are not good at everything, but there is always something we can excel at and that is what you need to focus on.

Of course, there will be difficulties in achieving your goal, even if you are really good at what you do, so you need to know where you need to improve. That way you can build a solid plan based on your self-confidence.

2. Watch your expectations

What do you want to achieve? This is one of the most important questions when making your life plan, since everything will be based on it. So you must be careful what you yearn for because you can fall into the line of unreality and become demotivated. We therefore recommend that you seek goals that you can achieve with your own means or that you know that you can acquire, rather than obsessing over something you know you can't get unless you have resources infinite.

3. Prioritize

Congruence is everything in life plans and to achieve this it is necessary that you begin to prioritize what you really need and want to do in your life. Do they both go hand in hand? Will i be happy if i carry it out? Do I have the ability to do it? Can it serve my future?

In the same way, make a list with your current needs and prioritize the ones that you most need to solve in a relevant period of time. This will help you focus your decision not just on the illusion but on your situation. Of course, try to reduce the options to 3 so that you can fully focus on these.

5. Don't put aside your values

Many tend to think that to get to the top it is necessary to become cynical or defeat the whole to be placed in front of us and even remove whoever is next to us out of the way, when this is not So. The selfishness It leads nowhere because the best way to be competent is to earn the respect and affection of others, so review your values ​​and always keep them in mind.


6. Create short goals

‘Divide and conquer’ this should be your motto to be able to carry out your life plan, by this we mean that you do not need focus on a big and complicated goal, instead choose to divide it into small goals that you can conquer gradually. So you can avoid frustration and motivate yourself with each triumph of those goals, yes, set deadlines so you do not fall into procrastination.

7. Create a chain of actions

Taking into account your needs, goals, strengths, abilities and values, create a chain of actions that will guide you towards the steps that you must now take to reach your goal, this will allow you to go from ideas to specific objectives. In this sense, you must ask yourself what should I do to achieve it? Carefully detail each step you need to take from now on.

8. Confidence

A big part of a successful life plan is having confidence in it, that it is solid enough to be able to go through with it and modify it if required. But it is also important that you have confidence in yourself, in your ability to adapt to changes, continue to improve and get up after each fall with a lesson learned.

9. Look for viable alternatives

The life project may not be carried out exactly as you planned or it may not be followed to the letter, so You must make an alternate list preventing this turn of events and so you can have the necessary elements to respond with success.

For this, it is necessary that you have in mind a series of extra alternatives to carry out your objectives, as a secondary path.

Another option is that you do not have a single goal for your future, but that you have two more options, where you can also apply your skills and that you enjoy executing in the future.

10. Control and evaluation

Of course your life project will not be carried out alone, it is necessary that you keep an evaluation control of your progress, as well as the difficulties that are holding you back and you need to solve. This will give you a very clear and realistic idea of ​​how close you are to your goal or if you need to make any changes to keep growing.

To do this, just as we mentioned before, it is essential that you set deadlines to meet your small goals. Even to solve those obstacles that you come across.

11. Positivity

It is really important that you maintain a positive attitude at all times, from the creation of your life plan to its execution, since this will keep you in high spirits to continue and will help you to recover from failures or mistakes with which, inevitably you will have to deal.

Why is it relevant to stay positive? If you approach your needs from despair, each goal you want to achieve will become an uphill walk, full of disappointments and dissatisfactions that will only make you unhappy, since you will be focused it is on the negative side that led you to that and not that it is a dream that you are fulfilling.

12. Relax and celebrate

An element that is also very important to successfully carry out the life project is to avoid rigidity, discipline has nothing to do with detaching yourself from your recreational activities, because if you do that, then you will feel the bitterness in your work, instead of enjoy it. So try to find moments of relaxation for yourself, where you disconnect from responsibilities, allow you to take care of your health and stay happy.

On the other hand, celebrate every little goal accomplished no matter how big or simple it is. This shows that you are doing an excellent job and that each time you will be able to gain more strength to reach the top.

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