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The 80 best famous phrases of Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a renowned 18th century classical music composer and, even today, his works continue to be heard by various interpreters of classical music, in plays or in movies and television series. Mozart was known for being a versatile musician, since his works could be classified as chamber music, opera, symphonies and piano pieces, thus becoming a prodigy.

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Great quotes from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

To remember his legacy, we have brought in this article a compilation with the most iconic phrases of Mozart, to inspire.

1. New friends, new pains.

New beginnings can be painful.

2. Neither rejoice nor mourn prematurely; because whatever happens, everything will be fine if we are healthy; because happiness exists, simply in our imagination.

If we are healthy, we can achieve everything.

3. When I am, so to speak, completely alone, totally alone and in good spirits… ideas flow better and more abundantly. Where and how they come from, I don't know, nor can I force them.

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Sometimes being alone works better.

4. How sad it is that these great gentlemen believe what someone tells them and do not choose to judge for themselves! But it is always like this.

Do not get carried away by the opinions of others.

5. Melody is the essence of music.

Musical tones brighten life.

6. The most necessary, difficult and main thing in music is time.

In all aspects of life, time is important.

7. Silence is very important. The silence between the notes is as important as the notes themselves.

Being silent helps us resolve some difficulties.

8. However, passions, whether violent or not, should never be expressed in such a way as to reach the point of disgust.

We must be cautious when expressing our feelings.

9. The wonders of the music of the future will be of greater and greater scale and will introduce many sounds that the human ear is now unable to hear. Among these new sounds will be the glorious music of angelic chorales. When men hear this, they will cease to regard angels as figments of their imagination.

It refers to what Mozart believed music could be in the future.

10. I am not thoughtless, but I am prepared for anything and as a result I can wait patiently for what the future holds and be able to bear it.

We have to prepare ourselves to live the future in a serene and calm way.

11. People are wrong to think that my art is easy for me. I assure you, dear friend, that no one has devoted so much time and thought to compositions as I have.

We think that the success of others is a matter of luck, without knowing how difficult it was.

12. In an opera, poetry must necessarily be the obedient daughter of music.

Each musical style has its charm.

13. Neither a sublime intelligence, nor a great imagination, nor the two things together make up genius; love, that's the soul of genius.

Love is the center of everything.

14. When I feel good and in a good mood, or when I am walking after a good meal, or at night when I can't sleep, thoughts crowd my mind as easily as my mind could wish for.

We always have something to think about.

15. A single man, in my opinion, enjoys only half his life.

Life as a couple is much better.

16. If the emperor wants me, let him pay me, because just the honor of being with him is not enough for me.

If someone loves us, then they have to show it.

17. Music, even in the most terrible situations, should never offend the ear, it should always be a source of pleasure.

Music has to be something sublime that we like to listen to.

18. It is a mistake to think that the practice of my art has become easy for me. I assure you, dear friend, nobody studies as much as I do.

You have to make an effort and prepare to be successful.

19. If I were to marry everyone I have joked with, I would have at least two hundred wives.

Marriage is an act of great responsibility.

20. The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between them.

Wonderful things are found in silence.

21. Speaking well and eloquently is a great art, but an equally great one is knowing the right moment to stop.

Knowing how to speak is important, but keeping quiet is even more so.

22. The best way to learn is through the powerful force of rhythm.

You have to find the best way to make learning fun and entertaining.

23. My country always has the first right over me.

Love for the country must come first.

24. I am not interested in praise or criticism, it is enough for me to follow my own feelings.

We must not get carried away by the opinions of others, it only matters what we think ourselves.

25. Music is the only way to the transcendent.

Mozart left his legacy through music.

26. If Germany, my beloved homeland, of which you know I am proud, does not accept me, then I must, in the name of God, stay in France or England and feel ashamed of Germany as nation.

Others have to accept us as we are.

27. Love protects the heart from the abyss.

The love conquers all.

28. I live in a country where music has very little success, however, excluding those who have abandoned us, we still have admirable teachers and, more particularly, composers of great solidity, knowledge and taste.

We must all recognize the talents of our musicians.

29. There is no famous teacher whose music you have not studied painstakingly many times.

Reaching success is not easy, you have to work hard.

30. Nobody can measure their own days, you have to resign yourself. It will happen as providence wishes.

Each day has its own charms and problems.

31. In Salzburg I do not know who I am, I am everything and sometimes nothing, but I do not ask so much, and at the same time I only ask that - but only something -... if I am only something somewhere else I would know.

You always have to be the same person in every part that we go.

32. If people could see my heart, I would almost feel ashamed, everything is cold, cold as ice.

There are people who feel empty inside.

33. If you have the talent, it pushes you to express yourself and it torments you; it will come out, and then one will be without question.

We must bring out the talent we have.

34. What I insist on the most is that you should show everyone that you are not afraid.

Fear is the worst enemy of success.

35. Music is my life and my life is music. Anyone who does not understand this is not worthy of God.

For a musician, his art is the most important thing in his life.

36. Creativity is the shot of my soul.

Creativity is an art and we all have a bit of it.

37. I would like to know why idleness is so popular with many young people that it is impossible to dissuade them from it, either with words or with punishment.

Laziness and procrastination lead nowhere.

38. Death, to call it by her name, is the real purpose of our life. That is why for a few years now I have made a relationship with this true friend of man.

Death is a company that we always have.

39. I never go to bed at night without thinking that, young as I am, I may not live to see another day.

We must live each day to the fullest since you do not know when the end will come.

40. I also had to work hard so I didn't have to try harder.

Hard work pays off.

41. One has to be indignant with you dilettantes, because ordinarily one of these things happens to you: or not You have your own thoughts and you take the others, or you have your own thoughts and you do not know what to do with they.

There are people who envy others and do not know that they too can achieve many things.

42. Give me the best piano in Europe, but with an audience that does not want or feel what I play with me, and I will lose all taste for performance.

When we are not comfortable in a space, nothing we do will be good.

43. To win applause, one must write things so simple that even a coachman can sing them.

We must focus on making everyone feel good.

44. Patience and peace of mind contribute more to curing our disorders, as all the art of medicine.

If we are calm and patient, everything will come in due time.

45. I thank God for graciously giving me the opportunity to learn that death is the key that opens the door to our true happiness.

Death must be seen as a new opportunity for life.

46. Give my dog ​​Pimperl a portion of Spanish tobacco, a good bread, and three kisses.

Pets are a fundamental part of our lives.

47. After God is Dad.

We must have love for both the Supreme Father and the earthly Father.

48. The only thing I dislike about Salzburg, and I tell you with all my heart, is that no proper social relationship can be established with those people, and that the music does not have a better reputation and that the archbishop does not have faith in the intelligent people who have traveled.

There are things that do not match our ideas and beliefs.

49. I'm not really aiming for any originality.

We are all different in every way.

50. They probably think that because I am so small and young, nothing of greatness and class can come out of me.

Young people also have a lot to contribute.

51. When I am at peace with myself… then thoughts flow to me more easily and at their best.

When we are calm, ideas flow much better.

52. When I am traveling in a carriage, or walking after a good meal, or at night when I cannot sleep; it is on such occasions that ideas flow best and most abundantly.

It refers to the way Mozart viewed music.

53. There is only one thing worse than a flute, two flutes.

His disdain for this instrument.

54. Be silent, but when necessary, speak and speak in such a way that people will remember you.

When you speak, do it well so that everyone remembers you fondly.

55. Now there is music from which a man can learn something.

Through music we can learn a lot.

56. Too much for what it is, too little for what it could have been.

Everything in excess is harmful.

57. You know that I become totally powerless every time I am forced to write for an instrument that I cannot bear.

When there is something we must do and we do not like it, we must focus even more on doing it.

58. Believe me, I don't like laziness but work.

You have to be careful with flattery.

59. Forgive me, Your Majesty. I am a vulgar man! But I assure you, my music does not.

Music is a very beautiful art.

60. A priest is capable of anything.

Very harsh criticism against the church.

61. I am a fool. That is well known.

Mozart's thought of himself.

62. I cannot write in verse, because I am not a poet.

Each person is a professional in his work.

63. Whoever is more impertinent will have the best chance.

Being risky has its benefits.

64. Writing music is my only passion and joy.

You have to love what you do.

65. For my eyes and ears, the organ will always be the king of instruments.

There is always something that fills us with joy.

66. I thank God for graciously giving me the opportunity to learn that death is the key that opens the door to our true happiness.

Death must be seen as a friend who always accompanies us.

67. A man of ordinary talent will always be ordinary, whether he travels or not; but a man of superior talent will fall apart if he remains forever in the same place.

Moving forward allows you to see things differently.

68. I cannot organize the parts of the speech with an art that produces effects of light and shadow, because I am not a painter.

Everyone must dedicate themselves to what they do best.

69. I am never happier than when I have something to compose, that, after all, is my only delight and passion.

By doing what we love, work does not exist.

70. You know that I immerse myself in music, so to speak, that I think about it all day, that I like to experiment, study and reflect on it.

If you really love what you do, then you know true happiness.

71. Our riches, being in our brains, die with us… Unless, of course, someone cuts off our heads, in which case, we won't need them anyway.

If we do not share what we know, then it is of no use.

72. A bachelor, in my opinion, is only half alive.

Having a college degree opens more doors.

73. The taste of death is on my lips. I feel something that is not of this earth.

Mozart always felt that death was at his side.

74. Even with signs and gestures I cannot express my thoughts and feelings, because I am not a dancer. But I can do it through sounds, because I am a musician.

We must express ourselves in our own way.

75. I am not thoughtless, but I am prepared for anything and as a result I can wait patiently for what the future holds and be able to bear it.

Everything that is done with love is successful.

76. True perfection in all things is no longer known or appreciated; You must write music that is so simple that a coachman can sing it, or so unintelligible that the public likes it simply because no sane person could understand it.

True music must be understandable by anyone.

77. Just as people behave with me, I also behave with them.

We must be with others, as we want to be treated.

78. Trust me, my only purpose is to earn as much money as possible; because after good health, it's the best you can have.

Money is also important.

79. I choose the notes that are loved.

Music falls in love.

80. When I see a person treat me with contempt, I can feel as proud as any peacock.

We should be proud of who we are.

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