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Find out what are UNLESS personal PRONOUNS- SUMMARY + EXAMPLES!

What are unstressed personal pronouns

Pronouns are words that replace the name in a sentence. The use of these avoids unnecessary repetitions in a sentence because it is already known what we are referring to. Within this class of words we can find different types. In this lesson from a TEACHER we want to show you what are unstressed personal pronouns, in addition to providing you with some examples to facilitate understanding.

The first place is to define what personal pronouns are. These are used to refer to one of the three grammar people that we have in Spanish. It does not hurt at this point to remember that these are:

  • First person singular or plural
  • Second person singular or plural
  • Third person singular or plural

We can therefore point out that personal pronouns have the function of making reference or substitute for a noun or noun that has to do with the three personal forms that we have mentioned.

In other words, personal pronouns will always refer to a person and this person can be any of those mentioned above, in addition to replacing it in a sentence when necessary.

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Types of personal pronouns

These personal pronouns have different types that silver different functionalities and features. This distinction is marked according to their type of accentuation and the function they have within the sentence. Therefore, we can say that personal pronouns are divided into:

  • Unstressed personal pronouns
  • Tonic personal pronouns

In this case we are interested in unstressed personal pronouns, but it is important to propose a definition simple of what are stressed personal pronouns in order to better appreciate the difference between they. Thus, the stressed personal pronouns They are that have a prosodic accent, although in many cases they do not have an accent. This characteristic means that sometimes they do not need a verb and that they can appear alone or preceded by a preposition. To understand it better, an example: Hey you!

Now that you know what the stressed pronouns are, we should focus on what the unstressed personal pronouns are.

Unstressed personal pronouns do not have a prosodic accent, the syllables that compose it are unstressed and do not intensify in their pronunciation. Therefore, they tend to join tonic words, which in most cases is a verb. In other words, one of the most frequent ways in which we are going to see unstressed pronouns will be joined to a verb, thus forming a new word. Let's see some example:

  • Buy him
  • Listen to me
  • Sit down
What are unstressed personal pronouns - What are unstressed personal pronouns?

Image: Slideshare

Next we are going to see what types of unstressed personal pronouns we can find, these Because they refer to the three people in Spanish, we can classify them as follows shape:

  • Unstressed personal pronouns of the first person
  • Unstressed second person personal pronouns
  • Third-person unstressed personal pronouns

Unstressed personal pronouns of the first person

They can appear in the singular or plural and refer to the subject of the sentence, that is, to the person speaking. Thus, we can point out that the personal pronouns of the first person are:

  • Me (singular)
  • Nos (Plural)

In order to understand them better, we are going to see them in two sentences:

  • I love the food they prepare in that restaurant.
  • Us we went straight away from his house.

Unstressed second person personal pronouns

In this case they can also appear in the singular and in the plural always referring to the receiver of the message. At this point we find the following:

  • Te (Singular)
  • Los, les, las, os (Plural)

Let's see some examples:

  • ¿Tea would you like to come with me to the movies?
  • Me the I love a lot, but I can't be with them as long as I want.
  • You I have brought the books you need from the library.

Third-person unstressed personal pronouns

In this case they are used when a person refers to another who is not present and to which it is not spoken directly. As in the previous cases, it can appear both in the singular and in the plural. The third person unstressed personal pronouns are:

  • Lo, la, le (Singular)
  • Los, las, les (plural)
  • I know (reflexive so it applies both in the singular and in the plural)

In order to better understand these unstressed personal pronouns, we are going to see a series of examples:

  • My mother it she bought yesterday.
  • You have to bringthe ASAP if you don't want there to be problems.
  • You I said not to come so late.
  • You have to cleanthe thoroughly if we want to reusethe.
  • The I've listened carefully and I don't like them, sorry.
  • Them I took them to the park to see if they were having fun like that.

We hope this lesson on unstressed personal pronouns has been helpful to you. You can find more similar content in our Spanish Language sections.

What are unstressed personal pronouns - Types of unstressed personal pronouns according to your person

Image: LittleOcio

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