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70 famous phrases about happiness to live with more joy

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Many times we feel that life does not stop and that we are not managing to be happy. The days pass and the obligations do not stop, and we live immersed in our day to day taking care of our tasks.

If this is what you feel, nothing better than retune your way of seeing life thanks to the phrases you will find below. 70 famous phrases about happiness to learn to live life with more joy and satisfaction.

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70 phrases about happiness: learning to see life in a different way

All the phrases about happiness that you will find below belong to great historical figures. Outstanding people who have thought about happiness and who share their conclusions with us.

Sometimes we don't realize the value of this. Being able to tap into the wisdom of different prominent and historical figures is a great opportunity. They are phrases that are a legacy for humanity, and that can help us change the chip to live with more happiness and joy for each and every one of us.

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1. True happiness costs little; if she's expensive, she's not of good class

François-René de Chateaubriand warns us not to be fooled by false paths to happiness.

2. Happiness consists mainly in settling for luck; is wanting to be what one is

In order to Erasmus of Rotterdam happiness happens by being clear that we have to accept things as they come and without going against ourselves.

3. Happens with happiness as with watches, that the least complicated are the least damaged

With this phrase it is clear that Nicolas Chamfort advocates finding happiness in simple things.

4. Vice is a miscalculation in the pursuit of happiness

Jeremy bentham It warns us that he who takes vice as his path in life is wrong if he wants to be happy.

5. Expecting too great a happiness is an obstacle to happiness

Bernard Le Bouvier de Fontenelle makes us this great reflection on how one should not think about happiness.

6. Happiness is within you, not next to someone

Marilyn monroe she knew she shouldn't try to be with a man as a way to be happy.

7. Many people miss the little joys while waiting for the great happiness "

Pearl S. Buck makes us reflect that it can never fail to be timely.

8. The four conditions for happiness: the love of a woman, life in the open air, the absence of all ambition and the creation of a new beauty

Edgar Allan Poe He had these four fundamental conditions to achieve happiness. Do you share them?

9. Every now and then it's good to stop the pursuit of happiness and just be happy.

In order to Guillaume Apollinaire the pressure to achieve happiness is most absurd.

10. Happiness is a stopping station between the little and the too much

In order to Jackson Pollock Lack and excess are not places to find happiness, but rather somewhere in between.

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11. Success is getting what you want. Happiness, enjoying what you get.

Ralph Waldo Emerson distinguishes very well success from happiness, very confused throughout history.

12. Almost all people are only as happy as they make up their minds to be.

Abraham Lincoln he considered that each one ends up being the most important factor in his own happiness.

13. Feminism is a key for men to be happier

Octavio Salazar trust the feminist movement so that men can also be happier.

14. Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when shared

Share to Albert schweitzer it is essential to savor happiness.

15. The smile is a universal welcome

Max eastman reminds us that with a smile they can travel anywhere in the world.

16. Happiness appears when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony

Mahatma Gandhi I thought that it is very important to be honest with yourself to be happy.

17. Many times, happiness sneaks through a door that you did not know you left open

John barrymore thinks that sometimes happiness comes where you least expect it.

18. Today is the first day of the rest of your life

In order to Abbie hoffman Thinking about the present and future should be a source of happiness.

19. Happiness consists of having good health and a bad memory

Probably Edwige Feuillère consider that we go through many things that perhaps better to forget.

20. The term "happiness" would lose all its meaning if it were not compensated for by sadness.

Carl Jung He was a great psychologist who reminds us of the double face between happiness and sadness.

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21. There is no one happier than someone who is truly grateful

Joyce meyer think that being grateful is the best way to achieve happiness.

22. Being optimistic doesn't hurt anyone. You can always cry later

In order to Lucimar Santos from Lima there is no reason not to be positive.

23. Laughter is a poison for fear

George R. R. Martin I knew that laughing has miraculous properties when it comes to coping with fear.

24. There is only one passion: the passion for happiness

In order to Denis Diderot all ultimate purpose is that of happiness.

25. There is happiness in duty, even if it doesn't seem like it

Jose Marti concludes that there can be nothing of greater significance than happiness.

26. Astonishment awaits us at every corner

That life is unpredictable is a blessed joy to James broughton.

27. The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time

A great reflection of Marthe Troly-Curtin, which reassures us about the obsession in productivity.

28. To forgive yourself is to be happy

In order to Robert Louis Stevenson it is good to reconcile with oneself to be happy.

29. Love will never leave us alone

Bob marley believed in love as a means to happiness.

30. Happiness is not something that is postponed, but something that is designed for the present

Jim Rohn understands happiness as a way to enjoy the present and not a hypothetical future.

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31. A joyful life is a unique creation that cannot be copied from a recipe

Mihaly csikszentmihaly He is one of the greatest exponents of the fascinating field of positive psychology.

32. Flowers grow from the darkest moments

Corita Kent considers that the bad moments are necessary to savor the good ones.

33. Independence is happiness

Susan B. Anthony believes that you have to get rid of dependency relationships to be happy.

34. Happiness is not out there for us to find, and the reason for that is that it is within us.

Sonja lyubomirsky she knows that we cannot find happiness in external elements, but that it is within us.

35. I enjoy my life because things are not going as planned

That things do not go is expected to go is like a blessing for Rohit Pandita

36. Joy resides in the joy of achievement and the excitement of creative endeavor

Franklin D. Roosevelt believes that to achieve happiness you must strive for achievement and strive for things.

37. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened

The Dr seuss encourages us to be satisfied with what we live even if it ends

38. No matter how old you are, there is always something good to overcome

Lynn johnston reminds us that there are always challenges in life regardless of age.

39. The happiness of our lives depends on the quality of our thoughts

Marcus Aurelius He considered that happiness depends on the messages within our mentality.

40. Happiness is only real when shared

Christopher McCandless proposes to share happiness so that it is effective.

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41. I have committed the worst sin that one can commit: I have not been happy

The great writer Jorge Luis Borges he confessed that he had not achieved the most important thing for oneself.

42. Happiness cannot be obtained by wanting to be happy. He has to appear as an unintended consequence of pursuing a goal greater than oneself.

Viktor frankl reveals a key to happiness.

43. Happiness is something that is practiced, like the violin

John lubbock leave this reflection in which happiness is portrayed as a project to which you have to contribute every day.

44. Today I have nothing to do except smile

In order to Paul Simon Smiling was not something unimportant, it was more so than many other things.

45. The purpose of our lives is to be happy

Is there a greater purpose? Obviously not. A great reflection of the Dalai Lama.

46. Unhappiness is defined as being the difference between our talents and our expectations

Edward de Bono vindicates the importance of our expectations when it comes to achieving happiness.

47. The secret to happiness is having something to do

According John burroughs you have to have projects and aspirations to be happy.

48. Work hard, be nice, and amazing things will happen.

Conan O'Brien advocate for these qualities so that something happens that we would like to achieve.

49. With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts

Eleanor Roosevelt she is the author of this positive phrase about life.

50. It doesn't matter where you go: there you are

Confucius she conveys that the important thing is not to seek happiness outside, but within ourselves.

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51. Those who want to sing always find a song

East swedish proverb it's a great reminder that predisposition is everything.

52. What is beautiful never dies

Thomas Bailey Aldrich leaves us this optimistic phrase about beauty.

53. Every time one door to happiness closes, another immediately opens.

Hellen keller she spoke these words that are well known today. Life does not stop.

54. Happiness is not something that is already done, it emanates from our own actions

According to him Dalai Lama happiness is within our reach and is a life choice.

55. A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit, and a violin. What else does one need to be happy?

Albert Einstein he believed that great things were not necessary to achieve happiness.

56. Silence is a great source of strength

Lao Tzu vindicates the value of silence in people's lives.

57. There is only one form of happiness in life: to love and to be loved.

George Sand relates love and happiness as something inseparable.

58. The difference between mystery and happiness depends on what we do with our attention

Sharon salzberg she believes that we must know how to manage our attention to taste happiness.

59. If you do not know which port you are sailing to, no type of wind is favorable

The great Greek philosopher Seneca he was very sharp in making this reflection.

60. He remembers that the happiest people are not the ones who earn the most, but the ones who give the most

In order to H. Jackson Brown Jr. happiness is far from greed and greed.

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61. You can be happy wherever you are

This phrase from Joel osteen It tells us that happiness is not found in a specific place, but within ourselves.

62. Kind words, a warm book, and an honest smile can work miracles

It does not seem that William Hazlitt seek happiness through twisted formulas.

63. When we are most alive is when we fall in love

Feeling alive must be very close to the feeling of happiness. Phrase John updike.

64. No one can hurt me without my permission

Mahatma Gandhi he said this famous phrase in which he shows that what we feel is after all a choice.

65. Smile, it's a free therapy

Scientific studies show what he said Douglas horton. Isn't it great that it is so?

66. A friend is what the heart constantly needs

Henry van Dyke lets us know that a good friendship is one of the sources of happiness.

67. Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier

Colin Powell he is the author of this phrase. It really makes you want to apply it.

68. Happiness is meant to be shared

Pierre Corneille he does not conceive happiness without someone dear to share it with.

69. If you can imagine it, you can do it

Walt disney he left this positive phrase for posterity.

70. Happiness is the ultimate goal of human existence

What is more important than being happy? An excellent phrase from the great Greek philosopher Aristotle.

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