Education, study and knowledge

The 85 best phrases of Eduard Punset

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Eduard Punset was an extraordinary Spanish scientist, politician, economist and writer that, with his charisma, he knew how to captivate and satisfy the scientific curiosity of several generations of Spaniards. His work was captured in phrases that refer to happiness, love and neuroscience.

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Famous quotes from Eduard Punset

As a tribute to his achievements and his inspiration to future generations, we bring below great quotes that were said by this great character of science.

1. If life were eternal, we would not put the same intensity in it.

Life must be enjoyed to the fullest since we do not know when it will end.

2. People cannot imagine the future and tend to repeat the past when they try.

We cannot move forward as long as we do not leave mistakes in the past.

3. Owning your decisions is a basic key to happiness. And that's why I'm happy!

If you want to always live happily, don't let anyone rule your life.

4. Today you cannot be pessimistic, because, when you look back, any time in the past was worse.

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There will always be problems and solutions to face them.

5. No one will question that the best way to be happy is to make others happy.

If you make someone happy, your own happiness is complete.

6. Theoretically, we are the rational being par excellence, and yet we are the most emotional species.

We always let feelings dominate our life.

7. Happiness hides in the waiting room of happiness.

Happiness is hidden within us.

8. The human being, once he has made a decision, tends to look for factors that support that decision, and ignores everything else.

We are always looking for the approval of others.

9. The best way to be constantly unhappy is to pretend to be happy forever.

Life is not always rosy.

10. The soul is in the brain.

Knowledge feeds the soul.

11. You cannot live without love, whoever stops loving dies.

Love is the engine of life.

12. None of your neurons know who you are... or care.

A funny phrase to point out that no one knows who you really are.

13. Be kind to people when you go up; You will find them all when you come down.

You must always treat people well, you never know when we will need them.

14. Politics is the worst human invention.

Politics has a dark side.

15. In the future it will not be so much about redistributing wealth as in the past, but about redistributing working time.

Overworking is what is destroying humanity.

16. Without emotion there is no project.

Everything we do in life must be done with emotion.

17. When there is no fear, there is happiness.

Fear is man's worst enemy.

18. Love existed before the soul.

Love is born at the same time as man.

19. In life there are three crucial moments: the stage of maternal love, school and the entrance to maturity.

Each stage of life has its charm.

20. In matters of love and lack of love we are like newborns all our lives.

When it comes to love relationships, we are in diapers.

21. I have some bald friends and I tell them that throughout evolution baldness served a purpose.

Avoid lice, flea and insect infections. With this funny and humorous phrase, Punset honors bald people.

22. I have learned more from animals than from men.

Animals are faithful, kind and authentic beings.

23. We must have the ability to work collaboratively rather than competitively.

Collaborating with others is more important than competing with them.

24. I have met many men who were not half as affectionate as monkeys.

It is more difficult for the man to show affection.

25. Without love there is no life.

In all the activities we do, if we do not include love, it is useless.

26. I spent my childhood in a town of 300 inhabitants, and grew up on the streets. My compatriots were the birds, and I used to raise owls.

Simple things make us happier.

27. Sex happens like memory, if it is not used, it disappears.

Sex is important.

28. Happiness is ephemeral, it is a transitory state.

We will not always be happy, there are moments of pain and anguish.

29. For me, freedom is that the King has no more rights than I do.

Freedom depends on yourself.

30. Even bacteria work by consensus, or they don't.

We all have a role to play.

31. It is very likely that the best decisions are not the result of a reflection of the brain but the result of an emotion.

Important decisions are usually made in moments of euphoria.

32. When you are in the womb, we inherit 200 harmful mutations. How we can resist such a huge level of deleterious mutations remains a mystery.

We are born with both good and bad feelings, it is up to us to know which one will govern our life.

33. Love was the first survival instinct in the history of the species and is linked to passion.

Love is a feeling that is added from the moment we come into the world.

34. A person who has a very high degree of aggressiveness, a need for encouragement and a need for control to replace your lack of emotions, you have a better chance of becoming a murderer or even a murderer in Serie.

The great criminals originated from an unresolved need.

35. What is needed is more knowledge.

Eduard Punset refers with this phrase to the importance of education in society.

36. Passionate or romantic love has a lot to do with sex.

When two people connect on an intimate level, it is impossible that feelings do not arise between them.

37. Love existed billions of years that sexual differentiation existed.

True love has nothing to do with people's sexuality.

38. Is there still someone looking for solutions in what the bishops say?

Punset had his discrepancy with the Catholic religion.

39. Power has been abjectly exercised for thousands of years.

Mishandled power has consequences.

40. God is getting smaller and science is getting bigger.

Punset expresses in these words his belief in science.

41. Unlearning most of the things we have been taught is more important than learning.

Letting go of things is a way of learning.

42. I do not see it as impossible that in the middle of life one can spend a few years studying other universes and then postpone the date of retirement.

Older people can also learn other things and contribute to society.

43. Majority thinking? I believe that thought is always a minority.

Knowledge always has a lower rank.

44. Even if a poor man becomes rich, he will continue to suffer the same diseases that affect the poor, as a result of the oppression that he suffered in the past.

If you don't change the way you think, you will never progress.

45. I think that first you have to realize that there is life before death and not be obsessed all the time to know if there is life after death.

You have to live life here and now.

46. Knowing how to use the new digital communication systems, which has not been adequately taught either.

The digital world must be prepared to be at the forefront of the modern world.

47. We live with the technological changes of the 21st century and with social institutions of the 19th century.

Institutions are outdated compared to modern technology.

48. We must rediscover where the capacity to innovate lies: in the acquisition of new skills such as management techniques digital, the ability to concentrate despite the multiplicity of media, teamwork and the vocation to solve problems.

The invention, the creation and the emergence of ideas are the main thing in a society.

49. One of the current failures is the absence of young leadership.

The youth are not assuming leadership in society.

50. It is a process of continuous change that the least it can suggest is sadness and pessimism.

We are in a moment where all change can arise both sadness and happiness.

51. We can postpone the retirement date.

People who are of retirement age should not feel abandoned or replaced.

52. We are discovering the skills it takes to have a job in industrial societies.

Knowing everything related to the industry opens many doors for us.

53. The best way to counteract a negative emotion is to have a stronger positive one.

Positive thoughts are always a tool to get ahead.

54. The willingness to solve problems should matter to all of us.

Helping the needy is an obligation that we must have.

55. An optimist is a normal being who tries to look, regardless of ideologies and his own convictions, what is happening in reality.

According to Punset, an optimistic person does not always see true friendship.

56. We have the instinct to merge with another individual, because we feel helpless in life.

We all have the need to share our life with someone.

57. We have tried with women, until we saw that they were not our property. Then the children and the animals... I hope the same does not happen to us with the Internet.

Man has always claimed to be in control of everything.

58. The problem is that these urges to fuel your growth will also create the temptation to control.

The human being has invented and created, but has also been driven to want to control everything.

59. Joy is a simple and uncomplicated emotion. It hardly needs regulation; it is controlled automatically.

Joy is so spontaneous that it is impossible not to feel it when it comes.

60. Without a doubt, society will continue to grow.

Humanity continues to expand, will it have a limit?

61. Evolutionarily, the herd always turned to the young when it had difficulties: crossing a river, climbing a mountain.

We always need the help of young people.

62. Scientific knowledge is the antithesis of dogmatism and nothing can do more to drive development.

The development of a country is in the hands of knowledge.

63. For science the reason for its existence is innovation and the need to explore.

Science and knowledge drive invention in society.

64. Man is a rational being par excellence.

We all have the ability to use our reason.

65. For dogma and dogmatists, any past time was better.

Many people think that these times we live in are chaotic compared to the past, despite technological and scientific advances.

66. The man competes to seduce, that's why we fell in love before.

Seduction is a powerful weapon in the hands of a man.

67. It is better for our brains to be told a consistent story than a true story.

We work in such a way that if someone has enough arguments, we can believe anything.

68. It takes a woman longer to measure the impact of falling in love, in light of the greater investment she is going to make.

Love is so strong that it alters our entire perception of things.

69. If you don't have bosses, you have a much better chance of being happy than if they send you.

Having your own business makes its owner happy.

70. A knowledge of who we really are, of our weaknesses helps us to be happier.

Knowing our weaknesses and virtues makes us better people.

71. Emotions are more powerful than reason.

Sometimes emotions are capable of clouding our judgment.

72. We must remember only what excites us.

Pleasant memories are the ones that have to prevail in our mind.

73. It is not enough to recognize the competencies in which we feel good. You have to know how to control them, and that can only be achieved by dedicating many hours of work and study to them.

Study and work are the weapons to get ahead.

74. Being expelled from the group is the worst thing that can happen to us.

The feeling of belonging is something fundamental for man.

75. Abandonment and humiliation is what causes us the most stress.

Feeling abandoned and ashamed causes anguish and pain in the human being.

76. The dimensions of individual happiness have to do with personal relationships in the first place.

Happiness and the quality of our relationships always go hand in hand.

77. There is less bureaucracy and less dogmatism in trying to perceive what astrophysics is than what labor reform is.

The study of astronomy is a field that attracted the attention of Eduard Punset.

78. Today people are grateful that knowledge can explain the things they do not understand.

What we do not understand, we can know more easily.

79. Don't be afraid to change your life; the keys are: teamwork, concentration, willpower and the power of interdisciplinarity.

Counting on the help of other people and the effort of each one, we can go a long way.

80. Our brain needs and takes care that our conception of the world seems reliable, so that we feel safe, otherwise stress would kill us.

Our whole world works properly thanks to the functioning of our brain. That is why you have to take care of your health.

81. Conflicts occur because we have different beliefs at the top (neocortex), while we all share basic beliefs.

Everyone has different beliefs, which can separate or unite us.

82. Men moved by ideals must be interested in politics.

Politics and some ideals that men have, go hand in hand.

83. Isolation, control, uncertainty, repetition of the message and emotional manipulation are techniques used to wash the brain.

There are things in life that make us change our minds easily.

84. Artists, when they create, exhibit weak but global brain activity.

When creating, the brain relaxes and we feel a sense of well-being.

85. Society is interested in you consuming and in thinking that consuming makes you happy.

This is a strategy to increase consumerism.

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