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How to improve circulation in the legs? 12 useful tips

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Chronic venous insufficiency causes poor blood circulation in the legs. It is a condition that affects around 30% of adults over 50 years of age. In the first instance it is not serious, but it can cause a lot of discomfort.

To improve circulation in the legs and reduce or eliminate this problem, we offer you some tips that will help you improve your quality of life. These are simple habits that you can do every day that bring relief to your legs.

12 tips to improve leg circulation

There are several factors that trigger poor circulation in the legs. Eating habits, lack of exercise, age, or genetics are some of the causes that favor the development of chronic venous insufficiency.

In addition to the aches and pains, there is the appearance of varicose veins, ranging from small "spider veins" to major varicose veins that can put health at risk. That is why it is important to carry out activities that improve circulation in the legs. We give you 12 tips to achieve it.

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1. Do not sit or stand too long

One of the most effective ways to improve circulation in your legs is to change positions periodically. Sometimes this is difficult, because the work routine or the activities of our day to day prevent us from having enough movement to avoid damaging the legs.

Nevertheless, sitting or standing for a long time without changing posture causes circulation in the legs not to flow properly, leading to pain and other discomfort. For this reason, take time to move your legs periodically throughout the day.

2. Compression socks

Compression stockings are excellent for promoting circulation in the legs. It is a type of special stockings, which are easy to get. They are placed in the same way as traditional stockings and will help improve circulation by compressing the circulatory vessels of our extremities.

They come in various types and levels of compression. We must choose the appropriate one and get used to using them regularly to improve their effects. Even at the first appearance of varicose veins, it is recommended to use them to stop its progress.

3. Lift your legs

Raising your legs several times a day will help improve circulation in your legs. Whenever possible, pause, lie on your back, and raise your legs in a comfortable position.

When we stand or sit too long, the circulation of the legs begins to be poor.. Raising them above the heart for a few minutes is enough to momentarily improve blood circulation in the legs.

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4. Massage

A leg massage at the end of the day is excellent to soothe the legs. There are special cold gels to improve circulation in the legs. They are excellent products that will also help relieve discomfort and rest better.

You have to apply the gel on the legs and distribute it with the hands making gentle pressure, it should be done from the feet to the knees, first one leg and then the other. This movement helps to reactivate the circulation cycle of the legs.

5. Get away from the heat

Although sometimes it is impossible, you have to try not to stay in hot environments. The heat makes the veins dilate more easily. This in turn worsens circulation and ends up with discomfort in the legs.

Whenever possible, stay in cool places. However it is even more important take care that the legs are away from heat sources such as campfires, stretcher tables, saunas or even restrict or eliminate the use of hot waxes.

6. Hydration

Staying hydrated is essential to improve overall circulation. Be careful to drink enough water throughout the day. It is recommended that a minimum of 1.5 liters per day, divided into short shots throughout a day and not in a single shot.

As part of hydration, it is recommended to apply a moisturizing cream on the legs. In other words, hydration must be inside and out. These creams are excellent for activating blood circulation.

7. Comfortable shoes

The shoes must be comfortable to promote circulation in the legs. In many cases, footwear can be guilty of poor circulation, so it is important to pay attention and not overlook it.

Depending on the degree of venous insufficiency, we must take care of the height of the heel. Preferably you should opt for low shoes, but if this is not possible, you have to choose a low and comfortable heel. In addition, the shoe must be wide, since improperly tightening the foot also damages the circulation of the legs.

8. Physical activity

Physical activity helps improve circulation in the legs. If the problem is not that serious, almost any type of exercise is recommended and will help better circulation. But if there is a bigger problem, the doctor will need to indicate the appropriate routine.

The most common exercises that are recommended are swimming, walking and even dancing. There are also specific exercises for venous insufficiency that notably reduce discomfort.

9. Low salt diet

A balanced diet will help reduce discomfort from poor circulation. A balanced consumption of fruits, vegetables, proteins and in general of all the food groups in their proper proportion, will help improve circulation in the legs.

Besides this, it is very important to take care that the diet is very low in sodium. In other words, you have to ensure that food does not have too much salt. This contributes to not retaining fluids and in this way there is a relief in the circulation of the legs.

10. A good bath

Nothing like a bath at the end of the day to relax your body and legs. Undoubtedly, this relaxes and reduces the discomfort due to poor circulation in the legs, after a day of sitting or standing, the water has a relaxing effect.

To enhance this effect, it is recommended that the bath be taken with lukewarm water, it is best if it is not too hot, as it must be remembered that heat impairs the good circulation of the extremities. At the end of the bath it is recommended to let out the cold water, which will help greatly to improve circulation as well as relieve stress.

11. Proper posture

Maintaining a correct posture, especially when sitting, will help circulation. Sometimes it's hard not to stay seated all day, especially if the working day requires it, but if we maintain a proper posture, this can improve.

The first thing to avoid is crossing your legs, as it worsens circulation. Whenever possible, use a footrest, or get up at least every half hour to walk a little or do light exercises to improve circulation in the legs.

12. Zero alcohol or tobacco

Alcohol in excess and tobacco definitely affect blood circulation. In itself, smoking is not at all recommended, but when these types of circulatory disorders occur, much less. The first things that we must consider leaving aside to benefit our health, is tobacco.

Alcohol can be consumed in a very moderate way, however it is necessary to consult with the doctor what drinks could be allowed and in what quantities. It is best to consider a healthy life free of drugs like these, to avoid complications of chronic venous insufficiency.

Bibliographic references

  • Chiesa, S. T., Trangmar, S. J., & González-Alonso, J. (2016). Temperature and blood flow distribution in the human leg during passive heat stress. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md.: 1985), 120 (9), 1047–1058. doi: 10.1152 / japplphysiol.00965.2015.
  • Czell, D., Schreier, R., Rupp, R., Eberhard, S., Colombo, G., & Dietz, V. (2004). Influence of passive leg movements on blood circulation on the tilt table in healthy adults. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 1 (1), 4. doi: 10.1186 / 1743-0003-1-4.

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