The 90 best phrases of The Simpsons
The Simpsons are almost like an extended part of our family. Many of us have grown up watching this animated series over the years that is already part of our culture, no matter where in the world we are. Created in 1989 by Matt Groening, it has been on the air for more than 30 years and has caused countless moments of fun and some controversial when dealing with political and social issues, as well as having a peculiar reputation for ‘predicting’ the future coming.
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Great quotes from The Simpsons
To commemorate this animated series, we have brought you the best iconic quotes from The Simpsons on various crazy topics and common life.
1. He has all the money in the world, but there is something he cannot buy... a dinosaur.
Money cannot buy everything.
2. Stupid Flanders and his eroticism!
Flanders and his effect on Homer.
3. I don't normally pray, but if you're there please save me Superman!
Homer showing the ‘religious’ side of him.
4. Please don't eat me! I have a wife and children. Eat them!
Homer begging the aliens.
5. This is where I come to cry.
How can we forget this phrase by Milhouse that even became a meme.
6. Does anyone want to think about children ?!
It is very common for children to have to handle themselves in this series.
7. I've learned that life is nothing more than one devastating defeat after another, until you simply wish Flanders would die.
Homer with his obsession with destroying Flanders.
8. The alcohol! The cause and solution of all life's problems.
A strange awareness on the part of Homer.
9. Oh look at me, Marge!!! I am making many people happy, I am the magic man from the happy country of the jelly bean house on the street of the lollipop.
Hoemr always trying to impress his wife.
10. Lisa, vampires are made up beings, like goblins, gremlins, and Eskimos.
About beings... imaginary?
11. I'm a retarded unicorn!
A very curious identity.
12. What is the reason for going? We will end up here again anyway.
Great logic, Homer.
13. You do not live only on Salat!
Homer against the vegan life.
14. Hey Otto, I have an exam today and I'm not ready! Could you crash the bus or something?
What a way to get out of trouble.
15. There goes the last lingering thread of my heterosexuality.
Fall before temptations.
16. I always doubted the existence of God. Now I know that he exists, it is me.
Big ego, huh?
17. How lucky Marge! Our children are getting smarter, if we have another, they could build a time machine to travel to the past and not have children.
Homer and the occurrences of him.
18. Three little phrases that will help you throughout your life: the first Cover me! The second Good idea Boss! And the third; It was like this when I arrived.
Great tips for life.
19. Professor Krabappel and the principal were in a closet making babies, I saw one of the babies, and one of the babies stared at me.
An explanation that needs more explanation.
20. TV! Teacher! Mother! Secret love.
Homer's secret message.
21. Without television and without beer, Homer loses his mind.
Two things Homer can't live with.
22. I thought googling meant something else.
What did Marge think this meant?
23. Nucelar, the word is nu-ce-lar.
Nuclear or Nuclear?
24. You're going to die Moe. Wiiiii!
A very happy and drunk Homer.
25. Yuhuuu! I'm a university student! I no longer need my high school diploma, how smart am I, how smart am I, how smart am I, L S T O, I say L I S T O.
Homer excited by the title of him.
26. When am I going to learn? The solution to all of life's problems is not at the bottom of a bottle. It's on TV!
Sure, the best way to fix everything is the TV.
27. Jueeego, with my peach tree.
Lisa in a very spontaneous and funny moment.
28. Well, it's 1 in the morning. I better go home and share a little with the boys.
There is no better time to share with the family than at dawn.
29. Do you remember Alf? He came back! In the form of chips!
A strange reincarnation.
30. From society I learned that it is better to put on hearing aids.
A valuable lesson from Lisa.
31. They say alcohol erases memory... I don't remember the rest.
Apparently he is right.
32. Marge, I think I hate Michael Jackson. No, no, the truth is that he sings well and is noble, good night.
A quick way to change your mind.
33. Could you tell me where the sink is? I'd like to pretend to wash my hands.
Is that what some do in the toilets?
34. Old people do not need love, they have to be isolated and studied to see what nutrients can be extracted from them for our personal benefit.
A terrible way to treat the elderly.
35. Marge, how many children do we have? Not! There is no time to count. I'll put it by eye: nine!
Homer and the perpetual state of screening him.
36. But my mom says I'm cool.
For mothers, children are the best.
37. Where is my hamburger?
If there's one thing Homer can't live with, it's a hamburger.
38. Bart, stop pestering Satan.
For Bart there are no limits.
39. I'm not interested in buying his house. But I would like to use his bathroom, browse through his magazines, rearrange his figures, and handle his food in an unsanitary way. Ha! Now you know what it feels like.
Sweet revenge.
40. My Homer is not a communist. He may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a communist, but never a porn star.
A great way to defend Homer.
41. Do you remember that postcard Grandpa sent us from Florida of an alligator biting a woman's butt? We all found it very funny. But we were wrong. That alligator was sexually harrassing that woman.
Strange ways of explaining particular situations.
42. There's something worse than being a loser, it's being one of those guys who sits in a bar, telling the story of how he became a loser and I don't want that to happen to me.
Despite all the madness, The Simpsons leave us valuable lessons.
43. Marge, where is that... that thing... What is good for tacar and to eat?
Homer, referring to the spoon.
44. I moved here from Canada and they think I'm slow.
A particular stigma.
45. It's like he's not wearing anything.
Sensations that cannot be explained.
46. Lisa, you have the intelligence to go where you want. And when you arrive, I will be with you to borrow.
A very peculiar way of giving encouragement.
47. Children, you have made an effort, and for what? To make a fool of yourself. The moral is: don't push yourself.
Homer and his simple way of life.
48. Speak louder than I have a towel.
What does one thing has to do with the other?
49. What if we are wrong in religion? God would be more furious every week.
Homer's strange moments of reflection.
50. I work a lot and I love my children, why am I going to spend half of Sunday hearing that I am going to hell?
Without a doubt, a resolution without any logic.
51. Lisa, please. In this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics!
What kind of laws will they be?
52. God, God, God, God. I danced with a gay man.
Homer's regrets.
53. Moment! Is Bart's teacher last name Krabappel? I called him Nailed! Why didn't anyone tell me? I must have looked like an idiot!
One of Homer's most iconic phrases.
54. Bart, since I never received any words of encouragement, I'm not quite sure what they should sound like but here goes, I believe in you.
Even if we have not received support, that does not imply that we cannot give it.
55. Oppression and tyranny are a small fee for living in the land of freedom.
A sample of the staging of controversial issues.
56. A Gym? What is a gym? Ah, a gym!
A slow realization.
57. Unlike love, respect cannot be bought.
Respect is earned.
58. Don't say it's a bar, but what else is open at that time? It's a porn store, I was buying porn. Hehehehe, what good ideas I have.
Another way to bring up taboo topics for society
59. I want my sandwich! I want my sandwich!
How many of you get like this for a snack?
60. The most rewarding part is when you give me my money.
Without a doubt, it is.
61. What happened to you, old man? You were cool before.
Teenage Bart to Older Homer.
62. Milhouse! How is it that someone who wears glasses can be so stupid?
A strange belief that wearing glasses makes you smart.
63. Dad, you have done many important things in your life, but you are an older man, and older men are worthless.
A harsh reality that is lived in many parts.
64. I was cool, but then they changed the wave. Now the wave I bring is not wave, and the wave wave seems very bad wave to me. And it will happen to you!
Everything changes, even the fashions.
65. When I look at the smiling faces of the children, I only know that they are planning to hit me with something.
Sometimes a smile implies a bad intention.
66. I'm going for the shotgun. Bart I don't want to scare you but maybe the Coco, the Coco is in the house.
We must protect ourselves from the Coco so that it does not take us.
67. Sometime someone will call me "Sir" without adding "He's making a scene."
A dream that Homer hopes is fulfilled.
68. Don't cry for me. I'm already dead.
Another famous phrase that has become a great meme.
69. Today the end of the world is not going to come, just 100 more years of global warming and goodbye!
Global warming is part of the slow destruction of the world.
70. You know kids, a nuclear reactor is like a woman. You just have to read the manual and press the appropriate buttons.
An interesting comparison.
71. There are two types of students: the strong and the Gili. As an athlete it is my duty to make life miserable for gilis!
'Roles' to be taken at school.
72. Aw come on dad, this may be the miracle that saves Simpsons Christmas.
Even The Simpsons believe in Christmas miracles.
73. Shut up, brain. Now I have friends, I don't need you anymore.
Sometimes our thoughts can be very destructive.
74. Without the presence of a man in the house you can become effeminate in a second. Oh, this grease does not remove.
A macho belief.
75. If I can feed a family of five on twelve dollars a week, I can do it.
Marge encouraging herself.
76. Oh Marge, my queen, Lisa my little princess… And how can I forget about the rat boy.
Homer showing love to his family.
77. Los Santos was a slop, I have seen slop in my life but this slop was the most slop among the slops…. Well, I'm leaving because the geeks are listening to me!
Without a doubt, a strange phrase.
78. If TV has taught me anything, it is that miracles can happen to poor children at Christmas. It happened to little Tim, it happened to Charlie Brown, it happened to the Smurfs and it happened to us!
Tv and its great teachings.
79. I hope you understand me, I'm too tense to like it.
When we are tense we like nothing.
80. At such a time, you can only laugh.
We must learn to laugh at our misfortunes.
81. Lisa, if you don't like your job, you don't go on strike. You just go every day and you do it very reluctantly. This is how it is done in America.
Homer's peculiar advice.
82. I'm not a bad guy! I work hard and I love my children. So why do I have to spend half a Sunday listening to how I'm going to go to hell?
What sin is there in this?
83. Menopause is when the stork is shot by a drunken hunter.
Without a doubt, a distinctive explanation.
84. Ladies and gentlemen, contrary to what you have just seen, war is not glamorous or fun. There are no winners, only losers.
One of the valuable lessons that this animated series leaves us.
85. All I'll use that bed for is sleeping, eating, and maybe building a little fort.
Uses that are given to a bed.
86. Lisa, I know I'm your dad, but when I grow up I want to be like you.
A very beautiful phrase.
87. Sea, toilet of the world. The Greeks called you Poseidon, the Romans, eeeeh Aquaman.
The result of not having attended school. This type of confusion occurs.
88. If I died, I would reincarnate as a butterfly, no one would suspect a butterfly.
In what would you like to reincarnate?
89. Cows don't look like cows in movies. They use horses.
Hollywood 'special effects'.
90. There are no good wars, except for the following exceptions: the American Revolution, World War II, and the Star Wars trilogy.
Are these, indeed, good wars?