Marrying an ugly man makes you happier
How many times has he not been seen with prying eyes couple formed by an unattractive person next to a truly attractive one? It is a continuum, as if the people in our environment were only measured by physique. Well, to a large extent that is the case.
What some do not know is that there may be a more common reason than we thought, since marrying an ugly man makes you happier. Or at least, that's what science has shown through study.
Marrying an ugly man makes you happier
For those of you wondering what couples like Beyoncé and Jay Z do together, to cite one example of the many couples formed by an ugly man and an attractive womanThink of it as a perfect couple model according to science.
And it is that according to a study carried out by the University of Elsevier in Holland together with Florida State University, the keys to happiness would be in matching these two types of person.
How did you come to this conclusion?
To begin with, 113 newly married couples, with an average age of 20 years, participated, who were rated according to their physical attractiveness. Subsequently, they were asked to complete a questionnaire where their personal wishes would be reflected and to be scored on depending on how desirable they considered themselves (based on their facial features and the appearance of their own Body).
The results were illuminating, as they made it clear that those women whose partners were physically attractive They devoted much of their time to their own personal care and their main concerns revolved around avoiding gaining weight or having their appearance start to deteriorate.
The inherent consequence of these dynamics of excessive concern for the external image is the inevitable stress and mood lows from constantly striving to maintain a level of demand that is too high high. The reason for doing this is to avoid competition from other women who may be interested in her attractive husband.
Conversely, those women whose partners were less graceful They had other types of daily priorities, such as enjoying each moment more and dedicating quality time in favor of the relationship itself, not so much towards themselves. Hence, it was concluded that marrying an ugly man makes you happier.
A study with loose ends
In view of this type of couples that the study proposes, where they are more attractive than they (by far), the comment is usually typical sentencing of "if she is with him it will be for the money", which in many cases seems quite evident so be it. Which leads us to raise the veracity of the study carried out by Tania Reynolds and Andrea Meltzer, because to what extent does marrying an ugly man make you happier when other factors influence?
Among ordinary couples it may be more feasible to conjecture why she wants to be with him, but there are many and famous cases of celebrities in which other types of factors.
What if that unattractive man has a great capacity for influence that might interest his wife? Or in the case of ugly and powerful men like Donald Trump married to a woman like Melania, isn't it to wonder (and automatically answer) what she has seen in him? And knowing that the state of mind of this beautiful woman was a subject of debate and that it was related to the type of relationship that she maintains with her husband, is it not to wonder in which cases that rule of three about the happiness of marrying a ugly?
Power, fame, money, influence... or also a great magnetism and power of seduction beyond its physical appearance. This could be the reason for many of these women when opting for a less physically attractive man but with other qualities that make him stand out from others.
In that case, we could say that being unattractive is not a peace of mind for the woman who is by his side, since there will also be others interested in conquering his partner for the same reasons that her. The less calm in your day to day, the less happiness in your married life.
Perhaps the premises of the study carried out remained in an oversimplified sphere on the happy relationships between ugly men with beautiful women, where the other type of attraction that the former may have is not contemplated, making them equally desirable to other women than her own wife, and causing her a state closer to the unhappiness.
Perhaps the idea from which it was started was less diplomatic but more aimed at investigating the true factors that influence our happiness, be it for the better or for the better. for the worse, where the crudest but most accurate approach would be to generalize, seeing them as more superficial and unfaithful and us as more profound but insecure.
In any case, as long as the connection of how ugly or attractive our partner is with happiness that can provide us, we will be creating the perfect breeding ground to ignore those details that make us immensely happy and that have little or nothing to do with beauty.