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Turmeric: the 10 medicinal benefits of this spice

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Turmeric is a plant native to southwestern India, from which the spice of the same name is extracted and which is so popular in traditional Asian cuisine.

But apart from being an essential ingredient in cooking, turmeric has very beneficial medicinal properties for health. We tell you!

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What is turmeric?

Turmeric is a spice that is extracted from the rhizomes of curcuma longa, a plant belonging to the Zingiberaceae family and native to southwestern India.

This spice is used as a food coloring and seasoning, to which it provides a very characteristic yellow color. That is why it is also known as “Indian gold”, “cimarrón saffron” or “ginger”. In fact, the name turmeric comes from "kurkum", from the classical Arabic for saffron, due to the similarity between these two spices.

Turmeric is an ingredient widely used in gastronomy, especially in South Asia, forming part in addition to mixtures of spices such as curry, so characteristic and popular in this type of kitchen.

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But its uses go beyond the kitchen and is also used in medicine as part of many natural remedies, thanks to its properties and health benefits. What is turmeric good for? Here we tell you the properties and benefits of this spice.

Benefits and properties of turmeric

Since ancient times, turmeric has been used in Southeast Asia as part of traditional medicine, being an ingredient in many natural remedies in both India and China.

Here we explain what properties and benefits are attributed to turmeric, from which you can also benefit if you include it in your dishes.

1. Favors digestion

Turmeric improves digestion and helps relieve symptoms of stomach problems such as heartburn, bloating or gas caused by heavy digestions. It is also beneficial in case of intestinal disorders such as dyspepsia or irritable bowel syndrome.

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2. Improve defenses

Turmeric improves our immune system, thanks to the presence of curcumin in this seasoning. Curcumin helps to increase an antimicrobial peptide that is basic in our immune system and that helps to effectively eliminate the presence of many bacteria and viruses.

3. Anti-inflammatory properties

Another of the properties of turmeric is its anti-inflammatory power, which can help relieve pain and discomfort associated with diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. These properties can also help prevent and reduce the symptoms of other diseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's.

4. Contributes to weight loss

Turmeric is another of these foods that we can include in a complementary way in our diet to give us a boost when it comes to losing weight, since its prevents the development of fatty tissue that makes us gain weight, as well as slows down the formation of fatty acids.

5. Prevents circulatory problems

Another benefit of turmeric is to reduce the formation of blood clots and cholesterol plaques, thus preventing circulatory problems and the appearance of cardiovascular diseases.

6. Improves skin

The use of turmeric in beauty is associated with improving the appearance of the skin, especially the face. Also its anti-inflammatory power helps fight skin inflammations, reduce wrinkles and prevents the appearance of acne. It is a good ingredient to use in exfoliating masks. In addition, it can also be used on hair to eliminate dandruff, as this problem is related to inflammation of the scalp.

7. Relieves menstrual pain

Again, the anti-inflammatory properties make the use of this spice one of the best remedies to relieve inflammations such as those that occur during menstruation, helping to combat menstrual cramps. It also helps regulate menstrual cycles and the production of hormones during this period.

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8. Helps prevent cancer

Turmeric is rich in antioxidant and anticancer elements, among which curcumin, beta-carotene or limonene stand out. These help protect and prevent cell damage, reducing the risk of developing some types of cancer. It is also used to reduce the symptoms associated with treatments such as chemotherapy or the side effects of medication to treat cancer.

9. Reduces respiratory problems

Turmeric is a vasodilator food that helps widen blood vessels. That is why it can be beneficial to combat and prevent respiratory problems such as asthma, allergies, or symptoms associated with colds.

10. Protects against liver diseases

One of the compounds in turmeric, curcumin, works as a hepatoprotective. It acts as a bile tonic, promotes liver drainage and helps protect it, also thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. It is recommended when treating gallbladder stones, cirrhosis and other liver diseases.

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