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Moringa: what is it for and 8 benefits of this plant

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There are many plants that are becoming popular in recent years thanks to their healing properties, but few have as many nutritional properties as moringa.

This medicinal plant praised today as a superfood provides many benefits to our body. We tell you what is moringa for and what are its main properties and benefits to health.

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What is moringa for?

Moringa, moringa or moringa oleifera is a native plant of India, although it is also cultivated in other countries in Asia, Africa or South America, where it has traditionally been used as medicinal plant due to its healing properties. It is known as the "tree of life" and is popularly attributed healing powers for 300 different diseases.

And it is about one of the plants with the most vitamins and minerals known, very rich in all kinds of necessary and beneficial nutrients for the body. From moringa you can take advantage of both the leaves and the flowers, the roots, the bark and the seeds.

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Thanks to its qualities, it is beginning to become popular around the world and its consumption as a supplement is increasing. Despite everything, it is still a very unknown plant. Therefore, below we invite you to discover what are the properties and benefits of this miraculous plant for your health.

Moringa properties

The medicinal properties of moringa come from the large amount of healthy components it contains. Moringa is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, and C, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and zinc.

In addition, it contains a large amount of fiber, antioxidants, anti-inflammatories and proteins, including almost all amino acids. As if that were not enough, it is about a very low-fat food and without the presence of bad cholesterol.

Moringa benefits

All these properties of moringa make it a superfood. Here we explain the main health benefits.

1. Improve defenses

One of the benefits of moringa is that stimulates the body's natural defenses, thanks to its high vitamin content. That is why it has traditionally been used as a powerful cold remedy. In addition, it contains antibacterial properties, which makes it perfect for preventing and fighting infections.

2. Provides energy and improves mood

Its high content of all types of proteins, makes moringa into a great source of energy for the body. Not only does it activate us and help reduce physical fatigue, but it is also credited with antidepressant and mood-enhancing properties.

3. Prevents anemia

Moringa is beneficial to prevent and treat anemia, but not only because it is a plant rich in iron. This plant also helps the body absorb a greater amount of iron, thus promoting the increase in red blood cells.

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4. Helps prevent cancer

Moringa too favors the elimination of free radicals and it contains substances that help prevent cell damage and prevent the development of cancer cells.

5. Protects the cardiovascular system

Moringa's antioxidant properties help prevent heart tissue damage, helping to keep the heart healthy. It also helps control blood pressure.

6. Protects the kidney

Moringa has a detoxifying effect, as helps reduce toxin levels in the kidneys. In addition, preventive properties are attributed to it for the appearance of kidney stones or stones.

7. Improve skin and hair

The nutritional properties of this plant help prevent cellular aging and improve the appearance of both skin and hair. It has a rejuvenating capacity and contributes to delaying the appearance of wrinkles, which is why it is becoming widely used in cosmetics. Moringa seed oil is also used to maintain healthy, shiny hair.

8. Contribution of in vegetable proteins

Moringa can be a great ally for vegans and vegetarians, as this plant is very rich in vegetable proteins and it can help increase your protein intake in your day-to-day life.

Side effects

As with all these nutrient-dense foods, excessive and uncontrolled intake can have side effects, and it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting its consumption.

Some of the side effects associated with this plant are nausea, heartburn, diarrhea and lack of sleep. Although the roots of the plant can be consumed, it is recommended to avoid taking them untreated, since the root bark contains toxic substances with paralyzing effects, which can affect vital organs and even cause heart attacks.

Moringa is contraindicated during pregnancy and the lactation period, since some of the parts of the plant, such as the root, the bark and the flowers, can cause contractions and lead to abortion.

Its consumption should also be avoided if you are following treatment with some medications, such as those used to treat diabetes, high blood pressure or levothyroxine, used to treat thyroid problems.

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