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Strawberry: these are its benefits and healthy properties

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This fruit is one of the most liked by everyone. There is hardly anyone who can resist its flavor, as it is neither too sweet nor too acidic. In addition, it can be combined with other ingredients to enhance its flavor and make it even more delicious.

Strawberries also have properties and benefits for the body. So not only are they a good tasting food, but they also have nutrients that the body receives and absorbs. Surely you want to know everything that this fruit offers for you.

Benefits of phrases for health

These fruits are known for their amount of antioxidants. But they have other nutrients that make it a food with many benefits for the body. Although you also have to be careful and it is always recommended to consume them in season.

In addition, they must be thoroughly washed and disinfected before consumption. This is because one of the characteristics of strawberries is that they can harbor a high content of pesticides in their bark depending on how they have been grown.

Strawberry benefits
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1. High antioxidant content

Like all red fruits, strawberries have an important antioxidant content. This property makes this fruit an excellent ally in various processes where antioxidants provide benefits.

For example, antioxidants are allies to combat aging processes, which is why they keep the skin and hair healthy but also intervene in cell deterioration, so that the internal processes of the body are also favored.

Another benefit of the antioxidants contained in strawberries is that they keep the brain young, and help detoxify the blood. This supports good cardiovascular health and, as a consequence, helps prevent heart-related diseases.

2. They help to have a great smile

Strawberries can help you have a big smile, not just because of their taste. One of the most surprising benefits and properties of strawberries is that they help to have whiter teeth and prevent cavities.

Although this may seem strange, it is a property that has been proven. It is because strawberries have bactericidal properties. When consumed, especially directly, that is, without processing or adding other ingredients, the strawberry attacks the bacteria that exist in the mouth.

They also help with gingivitis problems and even bleeding gums. For these reasons strawberries are considered a natural toothpaste. This fruit helps prevent tartar buildup and cavities.

3. Natural anti-inflammatory

Strawberries work as a very effective natural anti-inflammatory. For this reason, consuming strawberries before the menstrual period can help reduce the discomfort caused by excessive inflammation typical of menstruation.

Also in colic or any type of inflammation, consuming strawberries relieves thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect. This property is little known, however it is a powerful effect that strawberries have on the body.

This benefit of strawberries is due to the fact that they have a significant concentration of salicylic acid. Because of this, when a person is allergic to strawberries, they are also usually allergic to aspirin - and vice versa.

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4. They help to have a good mood

One benefit of consuming strawberries is that they can help keep you in good spirits. This is not only because its good taste makes us happy. The property of strawberries to help keep a good mood is for other reasons.

Its vitamin B1 content helps reduce cortisol levels. Cortisol is generated during episodes of stress or tension and this decreases general well-being. Vitamin B1 is known as the vitamin for good spirits and its benefits include reducing cortisol.

So consuming strawberries can benefit a good mood during the day. Especially during episodes of more intense stress or depression. If it is also combined with a little chocolate, good spirits are guaranteed.

5. Weight loss assistant

Including strawberries in the diet to lose weight is very common. And it is no coincidence, it is because strawberries have a high water content and are also very low in calories. This contributes to detoxification and satiating hunger without adding too many calories.

Almost any fruit can be added to a weight loss diet. But strawberries are a highly recommended option, as their anti-inflammatory properties make them especially beneficial for this purpose.

Along with this, being a multivitamin fruit, it helps reduce the risk of nutritional imbalance or the symptoms of anemia. That is why including it in a diet to lose weight is a very good idea.

6. Ally against anemia

Strawberry is a food that works to prevent anemia problems. This fruit has iron, but also vitamin C, and this combination allows iron to bind to the body and thus alleviate anemia.

What's more, has vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6 and as already mentioned, vitamin C. This makes strawberries provide the body with nutrients, and for this reason they can be an ally to prevent or even counteract anemia.

Its high nutrient content is another reason why strawberries are recommended in weight loss diets. Foods that have low calorie levels, but great nutritional contribution should be considered for these diets so as not to cause a nutritional decompensation.

7. Prevent gout

Consuming strawberries on a regular basis helps prevent gout. They are considered great allies for this purpose, due to its salicylic acid content, which is a powerful combination to prevent this disease.

Gout causes inflammation in the joints and also produces a high concentration of uric acid in the blood. Strawberries, because they contain salicylic acid, reduce inflammation, but also reduce the accumulation of uric acid in the blood.

Some alternative therapies to combat gout include a high consumption of strawberries. While this should not replace medical treatment, these fruits can help reduce or eliminate this disorder.

Bibliographic references

  • Francesca Giampieri, et al. (2012) The strawberry: Composition, nutritional quality, and impact on human health, Nutrition, Volume 28, Issue 1, Pages 9-19, ISSN 0899-9007

  • Arpita Basu, Angel Nguyen, Nancy M. Betts & Timothy J. Lyons (2014) Strawberry As a Functional Food: An Evidence-Based Review, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.

  • Sadia Afrin et al. (2016) Promising Health Benefits of the Strawberry: A Focus on Clinical Studies, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
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